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Grinding Past the Fries Grinding Past the Fries

02-13-2017 , 12:20 PM
Dat divergence at 18k doe
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-13-2017 , 03:33 PM
You've played 40k hands on the 13th. Absolute madness.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-14-2017 , 03:33 AM
Dat redline doe
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-14-2017 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Avaritia
Dat divergence at 18k doe

Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
You've played 40k hands on the 13th. Absolute madness.
Tell tale sign that I have tilted a lot so far. It's a myth I play 100k+ hands a month these days. I do slightly miss the old days tho

Anyone need a room in Vegas for the summer? We got a house sorted for 1st - 30th June. It's $1850 per person, 4 miles west of RIO, absolutely beautiful, 3 confirmed so far, need one more guy. No weirdos please.

My Vegas updates were pretty sweet last year iirc, gonna go back and read them just now.

#wsop #stillmourningthelossof50k #omgstill5kisalotyoushouldbehappy
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-14-2017 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
No weirdos please.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-14-2017 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
^ that update was literally just after the KK vs KT hand. After I busted the Colossus I grinded (ground?) cash for a whopping 15 hours. I was -$1800 at my peak, and just sooooo card dead. Thankfully I turned it around and booked for $1200. The beginning of the unstucking was pretty cool. Awful reg BTN straddles, I tilt raise SB w A9hh to 35, super aggro super autistic Asian kid calls, reg calls. Flop is 345hh, I bet 70, rainman calls, BTN pops it to 200 (she's super aggro post fwiw), I jam for like 650, rainman re-pops (and i'm just like o **** heart plsplsplspls) she mutters something about 'pair and a draw' and folds, rainman triumphantly flips over 78hh lolol, board bricks and I scoop.

I was just about even at about 3am (it's 5am now) and I got moved to an awesome table. 4 regs, 2 who were drunk as **** and genuinely amazingly cool guys were flipping. I was like "flip? fk yeah I'm in." so 5 out of the 8 of us put $100 in twice, one card up one card down. I bricked the first one, but the second time we did it, flop is AA9dd, drunk guy flips over Ax and starts celebrating, I flip over Qd, turn is 6d, river is 4d. Another guy flips over 54dd and Ax guy finally flips over 3x and I scoooooop. Then, it happened... GOAT hh... so drunk guy is btn straddling and says "what's the most you can straddle to on the button?" and I say "uhh I think it's like $50" and the dealer goes "yeah I think it is!" and he yolo straddles to 50, dealer deals the cards, I have AA. Sensational. Folded to me in MP and I make it 150, CO jams for like $1300 eff lololol. BTN has QJo and after the hand claimed to be within an inch of re-popping, I obv snap, turn over, and the other guy gets up and leaves after the board bricks. Fast forward 5 mins and new dealer and drunk guy tries to straddle to $50 again, dealer says he can only do $10, floor gets called and they confirm its $10 max! Poor ****ing guy earlier.

Anyway, hell of a day. Bought my Uber driver a McDonalds on the way home. It's nice to be nice!

Also met Xant777 and Isplashcrans IRL and am staying with them in June. Absolute legends these guys! Gonna be a great summer
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
That's only showing people who use the app to update, which I don't. I think as we get deeper they'll start to track everyone's stack! I just checked, and all the stacks are now up, I'm 72nd!

Haha I think young Neil and I have sparred once or twice back in the glory days!

What a great day, was a bit rollercoastery for the first few levels, but overall I really enjoyed it. I can't remember much from the earlier part of the day, but when we came back from the last break there was about 70 left to itm and it flew by. The bubble bursting took almost a fkn hour, it was painful. After it burst, with blinds at 5/1k/100 I had AKhh in sb, what I thought was a reg opened from EP to 2200, I 3bet to 6500, he called, flop was JT5dd. I bet 9k, he called, turn was a brick and I classic-Gazzy-style-rippidy ripped for another 27k-ish. He eventually folded, and turned out he was a massive fish, so phew! Can't remember any other noticeable hands, all just standard stuff. Will post a pic in a second from my phone, checking the updates they clearly ignored this request...

Going into tomorrow with 60k, bring it!

Also, A Russian guy sat to my right 30 mins before bubble, and I was like "dude I recognise you from somewhere" and he was just like "ok"...

It was Vladimir Geshkenbein, I recognised him from TV

Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Thanks for actionblocking me!


Well I won $2.9k so obviously it's A+ mindset

It's actually only 1.5, gotta aim HIGHER

I thought it would've been ok given there was a 5k and a 10k 6m but given the tumbleweed.gif itt when I tried to sell action it was obviously gonna be a tough field. Glad I skipped!

Had an interesting day yesterday. I was obviously super pumped for my day 2 (despite not sleeping well due to dreams of being all in and suddenly realising I'm naked in the Amazon room but that's another story for another day), and to go out like that I was super gutted. I ordered an XL Papa Johns (lord I cannot ****ing wait for a dominos in a few weeks) and KOd on the sofa for 4 hours. Remco woke me up at about 4pm and by about 5pm we were off to Bellagio. Waiting list was 30 strong so off to Venetian where we insta got a seat. My first time in Venetian, very smart room. First table was suuuuuper meh, some Asian reg was trying to call the shots until Remco owned his soul and floated him twice/jammed river with 89o on like QTxxA missed fd. Apparently he has an OCD where if you shout "show the bluff" he physically can't not show it, pretty awesome. We ground and ground and a few fish donated and eventually the table broke, I was up about $900. We got moved to a new table and the heat was unreal for me. I set over setted Remco for a $2k pot (honestly felt so awful, he took it v well tho), made the nuts on my straddle ott w T9o vs an aggro reg, flatted his raise and jammed river vs his bet. Also called a 3bet, turned a flush, x'd it back and raised river etc etc etc. All in all I ran really well and played well. At about midnight it was legit just me, Remco, 1 regfish, 1 whale and the rest fish. I got a bit spewy at the +$3.5k mark, left +$2.9k for what is my biggest ever non tournament winning cash day, woo! Props to my man Remco, -$1900 at his worst, turned it around and won $1k overall. Just an awesome session.

Back at it today, no ****ing about. Will look at WSOP schedule in detail and sell in here for anything. I like the look of the $2000 freezeout tomorrow morning (18 hours from now).

Edit - chip porn

Originally Posted by GazzyB123
That's a good shout! I think Bena recommended it to me before as being very good, must check it out if it is.

Haha we were drinking at the table the other night and I got a video of Remco videoing his surroundings, "zaerr is ze dealurrr...", top stuff.

Went shopping yesterday, the mall here is huge. We then went to the Aria at around 7pm to get my phone back from the bird that got it, and decided to stop off at the buffet. 3 plates of mac and cheese with a side of pizza and a chicken curry with mash potato on top all on the same plate later and I could barely move, and it was off to Venetian. Got off to a great start, up 2k in the first hour or so, but then bled it down to $1500. Bluffed a decent pot on my last hand to walk away with a cool $1800. Only one HH, I sat down at a funky table with a French guy to my left wearing gold rimmed specs and a black silk hoody thing covered in pink flowers, he was straddling and some Asian 30 something year old guy opened to 30 and he was like "wtf why are you raising my straddle", the Asian guy was totally dumfounded, they obviously hadn't spoken to each other until that point. The French guy called and then folded to a c-bet and was still shouting at this poor Asian man for raising. First hand I get is QQ and as I'm about to act I hear the French guy say "I am so tilted, I am raising zis hand blind", so I obv limp. He looks at me and goes "I am raising blind" and makes it 30. I look at him all suprised and go "you raise blind? errrr.... I guess I re-raise then", he gets rly mad, looks at his cards and calls the $110. Flop is K26fd (I have no bdfd), and I check. He thinks about it and checks back. Turn is 5x, I x and he bets 120, I call, river is 5x, I check and he smashes $200 worth of $5 chips into the middle, I snap and he tries to see my cards before mucking but I just sit there which tilts him even more before he eventually shows 73s and I show QQ for the win.

Going to EDC today, it's going to be interesting to say the least...
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
EDC has been amazing so far. Despite not being a big fan of EDM I've had a great time, and suprised at my ability to go the distance each night! Last night we met a girl in the drinks line who had just got married the day before to her new wife but insisted they were "conscious heterosexuals who had made a life commitment to each other". She was lucky I was drunk coz sober Gazzy would of had absolutely no time for such pish.

Couple of pics below. Also GOAT story, me and Remco were getting an Uber home last night and managed to hitch a ride with two Bolivian lassies (one of whom has a 4 handicap and her dad grinds 10ks at the Rio, hngggngngnggg). So Remco is sitting in the front seat falling asleep while I make small talk with these two lassies, and he blurts out "linda" which means cute or beautiful in Spanish, they let out a wee giggle and say "gracias" to which Remco, eyes still closed, tries to say "no problem" in Spanish but instead says...




Me and Remco

Me and the conscious hetero wives

Won a $3500 pot, biggest one of my life!

After it was stacked...

Originally Posted by GazzyB123

Thanks bud will let you know, think it'll be snapped up tho yeah it's gonna suck, especially with me doing the Party promo between when I get home and 20th Aug, 250k hands, works out at 6k/day, gonna be boooooring!

Got to the Rio, ground for 40 mins, made $5 profit, and off to P&T. Was an awesome show and a lot funnier than I thought it'd be, really enjoyed it. Got my pic taken with Teller too!

Went to Venetian to grind after and made $1550. I picked off a bluff from my favourite Dutch buddy, and then played a great hand. Biiiiig fish in the game, he was in town for the Dominos Pizza convention (ironic I stacked him I know), we chopped blinds once and then about 20 mins later it's folded to him in SB and he completes and says "I got two sevens" (he had told me his hand 3 or 4 times before and showed that so I knew he definitely had 77), I have ATcc and make it 20 to go, he calls, and flop is J8xcc. I bet 35 and he calls, turn is Tx and I check back (we are chatting all the way through the hand). River is the ****ing 7 of ****ing clubs and he is like "i told ya i got sevens!" and leads 200 (pretty sure the sound of my boner thumping the table was a tell), I just shovel it in and he says "all in" lololol and flips em over and I show the nuts and he's like "who wins?" superb stuff!

I then got a bit cally/spewy. 6 handed, meh game, I open 66, btn (new reg to the game) calls and bb calls too. Flop is Q62dd. I bet 40 into 60, btn calls, turn is 5x, I bet 105, he calls, river 7d. I thought loooooong and hard and decided to check, he bet 250 and I bleh called. He had 86dd, racked up and left after that.

Feeling a weeeee bit burnt out, might be home on 30th June, but might man up and stay for another 2 weeks after that. We'll see what happens!
I was quite excited about an hour ago. But now, **** me I'm hangin from the ceiling.

Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-14-2017 , 02:57 PM

Hahaha, no prizes for guessing which way Gazzy voted in Scottish indyref.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-14-2017 , 04:27 PM
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-14-2017 , 05:06 PM
Read the lot, epic posts, cant wait for this summer as well. Lucky booze is free at the tables...Grinding Past the Fries

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Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-15-2017 , 06:49 AM
Such an epic ****ing time it was last year, bro! Can't wait to see the updates from you this summer you beast!
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-15-2017 , 07:09 AM
now i can't stand the fact I won't have enough $$$ to vamooo there this year either, gr8 nice going m6

maybe if I close a timbey for 50k
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-15-2017 , 08:08 AM
i cannot wait for another batch of gazzy vegas posts!
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-15-2017 , 10:20 AM
Same, cant wait GL!!!
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-15-2017 , 11:28 AM
Dat chip p0rn O_O
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
02-15-2017 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by ShellysAshes
Hahaha, no prizes for guessing which way Gazzy voted in Scottish indyref.
Shoulda seen this thread Aug/Sept 2014, ridiculous iirc. We'll get it next time.

Originally Posted by acidhauss
Read the lot, epic posts, cant wait for this summer as well. Lucky booze is free at the tables...Grinding Past the Fries

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Cheers boss! How you doing in LA?

Originally Posted by Xant777
Such an epic ****ing time it was last year, bro! Can't wait to see the updates from you this summer you beast!
Man up and come you flaming ****. Who's gonna cook the rice ffs?!

Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
now i can't stand the fact I won't have enough $$$ to vamooo there this year either, gr8 nice going m6

maybe if I close a timbey for 50k
The sickest of needles but ty

Originally Posted by deathorglory0
Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat
i cannot wait for another batch of gazzy vegas posts!
Originally Posted by Diaz209
Same, cant wait GL!!!
Originally Posted by Avizura
Dat chip p0rn O_O
Ty gents, should be a great time. Need a bigger roll and a smaller waistline, the hard work starts now! Or maybe Monday. We'll see.

House booked and paid for. I had to pay 3 outta the 4 rooms so I am GazzyBustoooo for a couple of weeks

Fun session today, got winners tilt hard...

One hand that sums up the year so far. In game I genuinely thought this was the best way to get paid...

    Party, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    Hero (SB): $139.37 (139.4 bb)
    BB: $100 (100 bb)
    UTG: $159.80 (159.8 bb)
    MP: $102.75 (102.8 bb)
    CO: $137.02 (137 bb)
    BTN: $112.41 (112.4 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with K J
    2 folds, CO raises to $3, BTN folds, Hero raises to $12, BB folds, CO raises to $26, Hero calls $14

    Flop: ($53) K J Q (2 players)
    Hero bets $113.37 and is all-in, CO calls $111.02

    Turn: ($275.04) 2 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    River: ($275.04) K (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: $275.04 pot ($3.00 rake)
    Final Board: K J Q 2 K
    Hero showed K J and won $272.04 ($135.02 net)
    CO mucked A T and lost (-$137.02 net)

    Think I'm done for the day. Super ****ing excited about the summer, really hope the next post itt is Blakk saying he'll take the last room in the house
    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
    02-15-2017 , 12:29 PM
    when till when?
    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
    02-15-2017 , 12:34 PM
    We booked for 1st - 30 Jun but I'll defo be staying for main if I can. Just don't let me lose 4.5k playing 5/10 and fly home 4 hours later

    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
    02-15-2017 , 12:36 PM
    meh just read that the states changed their tax laws so prob not even a realistic option for me to go. cbf dealing with all that nonsense if i cahs anything
    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
    02-15-2017 , 01:39 PM
    Also in for Vegas updates! gl man
    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
    02-15-2017 , 01:54 PM
    Originally Posted by blakkman08
    meh just read that the states changed their tax laws so prob not even a realistic option for me to go. cbf dealing with all that nonsense if i cahs anything
    Can you elaborate?
    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
    02-15-2017 , 02:06 PM
    Originally Posted by meale
    Can you elaborate?

    Something to do with ITINS I believe.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
    02-15-2017 , 02:15 PM
    Originally Posted by Parsons Grinder
    Something to do with ITINS I believe.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    No idea what that means. Does it affect much if you're from outside the US?
    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
    02-15-2017 , 03:48 PM
    yea sounds like casinos will auto keep 30% of any cashes until u can get proper paperwork done which can take till year after
    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
    02-15-2017 , 05:48 PM
    1/9 in The Weigh in with 4.3k up top
    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
    02-15-2017 , 06:26 PM
    Originally Posted by GazzyB123
    1/9 in The Weigh in with 4.3k up top
    So that is you on party! i wasnt sure haha seen you around, ill pm u add me on skype
    Grinding Past the Fries Quote
