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Filthy weekend casual Filthy weekend casual

07-07-2017 , 01:33 AM
Hello 2+2!

I am giving poker another shot, this time the easy way, after work grind in local soft cash games and occasional tourney.

It has been nearly 2 years since I played, few months of full time grind resulted in small profit but once I crossed 500k hands mark, I figured that it is not going anywhere. I made a decision that it is not worth it and went back to more conventional job.

Only recently I was looking for some entertainment and went to local casino for a cheap tourney and I loved every moment of it. Proceeded to go on major heater and was up to £5k in few weeks, the more I won the looser I played – game was easy! That ended up catastrophic and then my profits disappeared and I went £1k in red.

I managed to rebuild to 4k but if I am going to spend 15-20 hours per week then I need to work on my game. First step is this topic, I want to track more than my profit/loss and force myself to better session analysis for a start,

Let’s go!

Current balance: +£3842

Filthy weekend casual Quote
