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1/2 NL Live Summer Grind 1/2 NL Live Summer Grind

05-31-2012 , 01:42 PM
So I have been playing poker for about 3 years now (im 19 now), started playing online at 16 and now because of black friday that is obviously no longer an option. Anyways I am home for the summer from college and will be grinding 1/2 nl and hopefully be able to take a couple shots at 2/5. My goal is just to make as much as possible, not going to put a number on it. Usually I can grind for only about 4-5 hours at night because I work during the day.

I need to make sure I dont get bored and start spewing money like i normally do live just because of how few hands one gets per hour, I usually get into pots that I have no business being in. Anyways I had my first session last night and am off to a good start.

I am hoping this pg&c thread will help me stay focused and help me to keep track of everything.

1st session:
Got into a big hand where I was on the button. Utg raised to 12 and basically the entire table called so I called with A4. Flop is 852. UTG bets 25 and somebody in late position raised it to 65. I deciced to just shove for about 190 thinking I may have some fold equity and either way, i have to go with this hand. Both call me although utg was a short stack. UTG flips over queens, and late position guy flips over k9 off suit (lol and he has me covered). Turn is a K (wow this is gross im thinking). Luckily river was a 3 and I scoop a $450 pot. End up grinding for several more hours, nothing too interesting. I played a little too loose and should have stayed tight and end up cashing out $389. So I am off to a good start.

+$189 is my current profit.

btw i will be grinding in south florida at several casinos.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
05-31-2012 , 01:59 PM
jw what is your bankroll?
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
05-31-2012 , 02:02 PM
br is a little under $1800
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
05-31-2012 , 03:26 PM
GL. Live cash games are brutal. Super soft but just too slow.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
05-31-2012 , 04:00 PM
^yes it is certainly slow. That sometimes causes me to play too loose just so I can be stimulated by some action--this of course only results in me losiong money, so I need to still play my A game even if it's slow.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
05-31-2012 , 04:41 PM
gl dude. I'm interested in relocating to south florida when the weather gets cold up north, so i'll be following along to get a look at the action.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-01-2012 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by capers8
gl dude. I'm interested in relocating to south florida when the weather gets cold up north, so i'll be following along to get a look at the action.
awesome. Im going to head down to the casino tonight after work for my seoncd session, will post results afterwards. Hopefully i have some run good!
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-01-2012 , 01:39 PM
Good luck, where are you playing?
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-01-2012 , 02:02 PM
gl dude, headphones normally help me during long sessions
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-01-2012 , 02:06 PM
Good luck on the live grind!!

Also to the hand posted above, I don't think there is any fold equity against the flop raiser. Bart Hanson talks about aggression after the flop with live players. Basically, he's saying if a player raises anytime after the flop they almost never fold.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-01-2012 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Turntup74
Good luck on the live grind!!

Also to the hand posted above, I don't think there is any fold equity against the flop raiser. Bart Hanson talks about aggression after the flop with live players. Basically, he's saying if a player raises anytime after the flop they almost never fold.
For the most part people dont fold after raising but it does happens soemtimes so there cant be no fold equity. Anyways so with that assertion, would it be better to just call here? I hate putting so much in on the flop only to have to give up on the turn if we dont hit.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-01-2012 , 04:09 PM
So happy that FL got rid of that stupid $100 max buyin they had when I last played there. Are the games still ultra soft?
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-01-2012 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by TakingIt
For the most part people dont fold after raising but it does happens soemtimes so there cant be no fold equity. Anyways so with that assertion, would it be better to just call here? I hate putting so much in on the flop only to have to give up on the turn if we dont hit.
I agree that there can't be no FE but i think there is very little. I still think the correct play is to get it in OTF for the reason you stated that it wouls suck to have to fold a blank turn
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-02-2012 , 01:44 AM
Session #2

Played for about 6 hours. Didnt get into too many crazy situations.

Was up to about $450 at one point but spewed a lot of it back (well actually I also ran bad vs a complete fish at this point).

memorable hand (1st hand vs fish):
fish has about $100 to start hand and is in mp.

He raises to $17 (has been raising like an idiot for a couple hands now). I wake up in late position with AQs. I call preflop (in retrospect I feel its best to raise here and just get it in cuz im def ahead of his range). Flop is k46. He checks flop, I check back. Turn is the 9 and he bets $25. I call and river is a blank. He ends up shoving river and I snap fold and he turns over AJos. Where do you guys think I went wrong with this hand?

Second hand vs fish:
He raises to 8 preflop in mp, once again im in late position and wake up with 1010 and raise it to $25. Of course he calls and we see a flop heads up of AkJ. Obv a gross flop but still his range is pretty wide. He bets into me with $20 and I call (maybe i shouldve just mucked here?). Turn is the 8. He goes all in for prob about $60 and I fold, he flashes A9

Anyways I cashed out for $275 after buying for $200.

+75 for the session

Overall Profit +$264

So Ive played two sessions so far and profited in both which is nice and probably its about 10 hrs total.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-02-2012 , 02:07 AM
With hand #1 i feel like your pre-flop play forces you to fold OTT. If you 3 bet and then c-bet the flop you get a better feel for his holding, but playing it this way puts you in the dark to what he has.

There's nothing wrong with just flatting here IP, but if you do you just have to fold
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-02-2012 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by the1macdaddy
gl dude, headphones normally help me during long sessions
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-02-2012 , 02:12 AM
for whatever reason Im not a huge fan of listening to music when I grind.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-02-2012 , 09:34 AM
The info on villain is not even clear, nobody can accurately tell you what to do, you just labeled him a fish, not,specifically what kind. But considering his holdings, you need to 3-bet hand 1. C-bet amd get it in.

You cant just flat a 100 stack with a 17 pre, you are just burning money. Huge leak in your game
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-02-2012 , 09:46 AM
Ok thanks, I actually know thats the right play but for whatever reason being that the button and the blinds still had to act I really was scared of one of them waking up with a hand, but obv thats not the correct mind set.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-02-2012 , 10:06 AM
Currently doing the same thing in Canada. 19 also, though I dropped out of University and am currently only playing poker. Looking to grind my BR up until I am 21 then relocate for bigger games. Been playing full time for 3 months now - the games are loleasy here (Edmonton - oil money from up north). Buy-in for the whole province is 50-500 for 1/2, which is unbelievable that you can play 250bb deep against horrible players everyday.

My hourly is $81.92 currently, (650+ hours) and I have only had one losing session since April. I know I'm in what people call the best 1/2 game in the world, combined with a massive heater, and obviously the game is not the same, but once you find your stride it's such an easy game to beat up on. My tip being the same age as you, is to establish an image. You want to have a TAG image. Find something which people can easily identify. You don't want to blend in you want people to remember you. Wear bold glasses, headphones, the same hat everytime.. whatever it is just always have something which people can identify you with so that you can manipulate your table image and they remember it. When playing with elderly I find it's beneficial to show a bluff early, and they will turn into calling stations for the rest of the night. Throw lingo around, and talk about odds, ROI - anything to show you're thinking mathematically. It's intimidating for these older players. Also people seem to call huge overbets with marginal hands. Not sure why, but live players don't know what to do with a huge overbet and pay off on rivers.

I'll add more if I think about it but good luck. For a solid player it could take a month or two for you to gain your image with the regulars but once that is in place you can crush it.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-02-2012 , 11:45 AM
Wow man $82 an hour, youre crushing it! I think my image is lag right now which is good. But yeah I can really only play for about 2.5 more months now since I will be going to back college in the fall which is not in fl so no games there so im not going to be too worried about my image in the minds of all the regs (who i dont even think are that competent anyways for me to have to be worried about image).
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-02-2012 , 10:49 PM
Session #3

Put in about 9 hrs today and I am exhausted. Ended up making most of my money in the last 3 hrs of the sesssion at a very loose and deep table. Almost everyone had a least $150 with several people over $300. I played too many hands today to post all of them but I'll post a couple of them.

Hand #1

Im on the button with 910. It raised from early postion to $10 by what I perceive to be a very nitty old guy (looked like he was a veteran but not sure thats relevant). Anyways I call and we see a flop 5 way or so. Flop is KJQ. Checked around to me, I bet $15. Old man raises to $35. I call with the ugly feeling that he could have the nuts. Turn is a 7. He checks (which really baffles me). So I bet $25, and get snapped raised to $85. Anyways I tank call. River is a 8.He checks the river and I check back (I guess I was scared since he had me covered for my whole stack which was over $300). Obv I missed out on a ton of value as he flips over QJ. His line made zero sense but and it really confused me and being that he had only shown huge hands all night and I knew he was a nit I opted to take the safe route and missed out on a lot.

Hand#2 (vs a huge fish)

I call $8 preflop in the blinds with 44 to a late raiser and the fish also called on the button. Flop is A46. I check and late position bets $11, fish also calls, I raise to $25. Fish calls and we are heads up on the turn. I bet $30 on an 8 turn. He calls, river is the 6. I ship it and he calls for about $90 (ty for the donation sir) with A10.

Ended the session up $389

Total Profit so far +$653
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-03-2012 , 10:38 AM
Will probably put in another session today although im thinking sunday may not be a great day to play in terms of da fishies
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-03-2012 , 10:50 AM
Im not happy until you work your way to 10 hour days
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
06-03-2012 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by TakingIt
Will probably put in another session today although im thinking sunday may not be a great day to play in terms of da fishies
Play practice beating weak regulars.
1/2 NL Live Summer Grind Quote
