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08-08-2022 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by Kiljusieppo
Clantys secret min3b IP everything , counter secret = call a lot and 4b a lot

Another secret , never beat mid-stakes but play a few high-stakes hands and talk pseudo gto stuff on rio to make good cfp moneyz (to play a few hands at high-stakes with)


There is no results
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
Ye strange he never shows any samples or graphs, and nobody demands it. Looks like he just slashes around at various stakes and formats with no sample on anything, and won a few $. Not hard to fool the brain dead community clearly.
Clanty transparently shared his results in his first RIO video. That also doesn't include his (crushing) results the last ~2 years. Roger, where are you getting your opinion from?

His content is without a shadow of the doubt the best content regarding cash game poker out there.

And as for credibility, I'll put my entire reputation on the line to say that neither of you have a clue what you're talking about. I've studied with Clanty for nearly 4 years and my success at high stakes has been almost entirely been down to our friendship.

You guys just see someone play a different style and jump to all sorts of wild conclusions.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
08-08-2022 , 05:37 AM
Haters gonna hate !
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08-08-2022 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat
Clanty transparently shared his results in his first RIO video. That also doesn't include his (crushing) results the last ~2 years. Roger, where are you getting your opinion from?

His content is without a shadow of the doubt the best content regarding cash game poker out there.

I only go by demonstrated results (proof) as should anyone with a brain rather than anecdotes from mates (lol). Are the ROI results just the ones he last posted in this thread a while back with a lol sample size for every stake?

What is the sample for this alleged crushing the last 2 years and why not post them publicly?
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08-08-2022 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
I only go by demonstrated results (proof) as should anyone with a brain rather than anecdotes from mates (lol). Are the ROI results just the ones he last posted in this thread a while back with a lol sample size for every stake?

What is the sample for this alleged crushing the last 2 years and why not post them publicly?
Why exactly should he share his results with you? Are you paying him anything in any form?
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08-08-2022 , 07:42 PM
According to Paisting, 2NL on 888 is the toughest game on the internet. Has Clanty shown he can beat it? I want to see some proof.
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08-08-2022 , 08:26 PM
It´s not even that Clanty is a bad coach and everyone hates him. I like Clanty's videos, but I´m just an unknown and my opinion doesn´t matter. We also have this guy:

This is all about some feud Clanty got in the past and they are coming for revenge, or some trolls like mirage who doesn´t have anything better to do, or Clanty is a bad guy irl and they want to discredit his poker related stuff bc of that (revenge also I guess).
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08-08-2022 , 09:09 PM
this needs to be settled with some hu4rollz
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08-08-2022 , 11:28 PM

Literally and I mean literally the best free content out there. I always been a bit skeptical on getting RIO subscription (for example some content creators play in my pools and I consider them weakish, and imo self-study might be higher ev-time) but I was genuinely about to sign up just to study clanty"s content, I already rewatched the free stuff a bunch of times w/ running every spot myself to dive deeper on his explanations. Think it's the opposite of someone just showing theory without going deeper and that this is a clear example of someone actually going deeper on the "why" and who clearly put in the work to teach us.

And just because he doesn't have statname graph porn doesn't mean he is not qualified to coach, I mean trying to 1-1 copy GTO in 6max isn't necessarily the most profitable approach to poker anyway (or atleast for (MOST :P) humans) but that doesn't mean the understanding of the game can be outstanding and can be taught very well.

And how the **** do you expect to make crazy bb/100h when you are battling these line ups on the regular anyway?

If he is bumhunting -70bb/100h whales on the regular it would be a different story xd

Maybe his coaching is terrible idk Clanty other than his content stuff but think the arguments being made aren't valid and judged by his content he seems like a solid coach or atleast someone with a great understanding of the game

Last edited by KidCudi147; 08-08-2022 at 11:38 PM.
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08-09-2022 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by JoseMourinho
Why exactly should he share his results with you? Are you paying him anything in any form?

Because he is selling services as a poker coach so its sort of important for customers to have proof of his results. So far there has been a lot of hot air and bleating in here but not a single graph. I know its 2022 and people are dumber than ever but this is hilarious even for 2+2. How many more Clanty mates are going to come out telling everyone he is da best?
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08-09-2022 , 04:58 AM
Hi AAnimeLLove.
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08-09-2022 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
Because he is selling services as a poker coach so its sort of important for customers to have proof of his results. So far there has been a lot of hot air and bleating in here but not a single graph. I know its 2022 and people are dumber than ever but this is hilarious even for 2+2. How many more Clanty mates are going to come out telling everyone he is da best?
Well you mam are a prime example of this.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
08-09-2022 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
Because he is selling services as a poker coach so its sort of important for customers to have proof of his results. So far there has been a lot of hot air and bleating in here but not a single graph. I know its 2022 and people are dumber than ever but this is hilarious even for 2+2. How many more Clanty mates are going to come out telling everyone he is da best?
Hi tastyyy!

Yeah, I´m dumb, otherwise wouldn´t take so long to see it was you.

Do we still have your video presentation about coaches on youtube? That one you posted on GazzyB thread if I´m not mistaken, the one you draw pretty insightful things using Paint.

ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
08-09-2022 , 02:14 PM
surely tasty can't still be on 2+2 doing this lmao
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08-09-2022 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
Because he is selling services as a poker coach so its sort of important for customers to have proof of his results. So far there has been a lot of hot air and bleating in here but not a single graph. I know its 2022 and people are dumber than ever but this is hilarious even for 2+2. How many more Clanty mates are going to come out telling everyone he is da best?
I have a run it once membership simply to watch his and psek videos, I don't need to see his results because frankly they don't matter to me.
The line ups he plays he could very well be losing in, They are some of the toughest games in the world lol.

He has clearly put a lot time off the table studying with solvers and has a good understanding of theory, Him showing a 500k hand graph at 200nl would not make me want his coaching. Plenty of coaches who do that and frankly are not as good at coaching/explaining as Clanty.

You seem to care a lot of him proving his results but frankly it is up to the ones getting coached and paying for his services.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
06-30-2024 , 10:48 AM

It's been a while. In fact, just north of two years since my last post in here, and four(!!!) years since my last proper update. Wow. I honestly hadn't realised it'd been that long.

Well, let's dust off the cobwebs and liven this up a little. My plan is simple; to share my journey. On the tables, and off, too.

Tbh, I've been eager to blog/share updates for quite some time, but as they say, the first step is always the hardest. So with a heavy hint of procrastination, I'll delay the more detailed update until next Sunday, along with a progress report of how this upcoming week goes.

See you then
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
06-30-2024 , 10:51 AM
Must be hard to maintain a poker blog playing 13 min max sessions tbh

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06-30-2024 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by AV0995
Must be hard to maintain a poker blog playing 13 min max sessions tbh

you're in a bad mood today mate haha
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06-30-2024 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
you're in a bad mood today mate haha
Not really?

Just what every reg feels towards him. Offers hu. Quits after 3 mins. Plays 15hands 3h then quits.

Not bad mood. Just some guy wanting to get extra coaching sessions now he has a child and doesn't grind much at all.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
06-30-2024 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by AV0995
Not really?

Just what every reg feels towards him.
I dunno I mean it's true he's never been a volume guy but it feels like you're being a little unnecessarily mean, unlike doodoopoker I don't think Clanty has ever displayed any sort of arrogance that warrants this I guess
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
06-30-2024 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
you're in a bad mood today mate haha
Avo waking up and choosing violence in multiple threads lmao. Other one is one thing but can we not run off the Clanty reboot?

@Clanty last of your stuff I saw was the MoP pod, looking forward to some updates at least!
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
06-30-2024 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
I dunno I mean it's true he's never been a volume guy but it feels like you're being a little unnecessarily mean, unlike doodoopoker I don't think Clanty has ever displayed any sort of arrogance that warrants this I guess
Much prefer him to just say he wants extra coaching students then ye...

Maybe Ur right fayth. Sorry for being extra mean.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
06-30-2024 , 04:25 PM
shock, AV0 insta comes out with disdain. it's been OVER 10 years mate, sort your ****ing **** out
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06-30-2024 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat
shock, AV0 insta comes out with disdain. it's been OVER 10 years mate, sort your ****ing **** out
Ok thanks, will do.

Just what the culture feeling. - some popular artist saying.

Last edited by AV0995; 06-30-2024 at 04:38 PM.
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06-30-2024 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by AV0995
Must be hard to maintain a poker blog playing 13 min max sessions tbh

Can’t figure out how a nice guy like you burned all his bridges
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
06-30-2024 , 06:35 PM
It's true... that I've not grinded as much as I should have in my career
***after some research, my last 400k hands come with 3evbb at avg. 1835NL. I'd have loved to quote better numbers, but these aren't too shabby either, given I've done virtually zero game selection throughout, with lots of reg battling (just 33% of this volume is 6-handed, and 47% is 2-4 handed)

What I'm getting at is: why does my volume bother you so much, if I'm still good enough to beat the games?

It's untrue... that I ever quit HU sessions prematurely, bar maybe 1 or 2 times

It's true... that I will promise to make sure to continue this blog poker blog, showing some sort of reasonable volume

It's untrue... that I revived this blog to gain extra students
***why wouldn't I have done this sooner / ... wait for it... post in the COACHING section instead of PGC'ing

It's true... that I have spent a lot of time filling out my IRL leaks/responsibilities over the past couple years. And it's true... that I'm finally really happy with my situation and ready to dedicate more time to the grind

It's true... that we @AV0995 should probably play some HU... I will even offer to pay our rake.

It's true... that I don't remember ever personally attacking you @AV0995, in fact I've always said how good of a player you are, yet you made it your prerogative to change your PS avatar to my face, and post just 3 minutes after a 4-year update hating on me. Honestly, why?

... anyway, if you want to virtually shake hands and move on, I'm happy to. And if you want to play some HU, I'd also love to.


Last edited by Clanty; 06-30-2024 at 06:41 PM.
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