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07-24-2018 , 06:35 AM
In! Any particular reason to splitting focus between HU and 6-max rather than continuing to focus solely on 6-max? Glgl
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by psek1
In! Any particular reason to splitting focus between HU and 6-max rather than continuing to focus solely on 6-max? Glgl
I simply enjoy HU a lot more than 6max. Also, HU can do wonders for your 6max game, too.



Quick update for July:

(I'll try to make this as quick as possible, without sounding too depressed, haha)

July has been extremely tough for me mentally. In hind sight, I believe had foolishly resonated with the (false) belief that I had it "all sussed" (just Poker). I couldn't have been more wrong, lol; all it took was 5k hands of pure destruction for me to have no motivation to play, and that was with me playing really well, too. Each time I sat down to play, I'd lose a stack or 2 (not meaning for this to sound so moany andor your typical bad beat story, despite the fact that is essentially is), and quit the session soon after. I don't spew stacks away when I'm tilted - I'm past that, what I do do, though, is not play. I'm one of the few that will play longer when winning and cut it short when losing. And after around 15 losing sessions (this is a total guess, I haven't checked and don't want to), I decided that I was done for the month, and have only came back for the small session here and there. That was around the 19th of the month, I think. And given that I was MIA for the first few days of the month helping my gran, I've only played for around 14 days of the month.

So yea, not a great month at all on the Poker front. However, the time away has given me a lot of hunger and motivation to crush. My plan for August is to isolate myself and go into a lockdown grind mode, and of course, to continue playing when losing, so long as I continue to play well. Actions speak louder than words, though.

Sorry if this was only depressing from start to finish. I debated posting, but didn't like the idea of not doing so.

Cheers, and gooooood luck (Y).



By Stake:
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-30-2018 , 09:49 AM
Had the same problem as you this month, mental game is so tough.
Have you tried not looking at the results? Its way better to not play than to tilt buy ins away, its really wise to quit your sessions early, gj with that!

Gl, man!

ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-30-2018 , 03:42 PM
Respect to you for posting during rough patches, it's something not many do here.

I think poker is just an incredible thing in regards to how periods of variance can lead to insane amounts of cognitive bias, when things are going well (yep it's finally clicked all my strats are working perfectly) and when it's not going well it's easy to feel clueless and doubt even the somewhat simple things (and as you said consider yourself an idiot for thinking you had it solved). I'm sure all of us have been there countless times.

Saw a reg streaming yday and he was at 5nl 3/4 months ago and he basically aggro shotted and has got to 200nl. Like for this to happen one needs a mad rush of positive variance (even OTB got stuck at 100nl for ages). However his demeanour was all like "ah I'm only a 5bb winner at 200z (on ig) on my sample but we had a 50k downer so it should be higher", "I'll be a 500z reg soon", "I wonder if I beat 500z on stars, it's tough but I'd probs do okay".

Just insane statements to be making considering the time period he's been playing for, confidence might not be a bad thing but it really reminded me of how much variance is in this game. I'm sure if he took out a variance simulator and looked at some of the possible outcomes of his bb/100 over his sample even in the bottom 30% he might have a completely different view.

I've played a lot of lolive poker and legit the most important quality (I think) is being able to grind through rough patches. For me when this happened (4/6 week period at the start of the year) I had to really pull myself together and be resiliant, I didn't really see sitting at home as on option because it wasn't really going to solve the problem, just push it under the carpet.

There's no doubt you're a great player who has studied the game to a very high level. I think from a psychological aspect it might be easy to cacoon yourself into studying lots and not playing because it's comfortable, there's not really any negitive things that can go wrong in the lab (which aren't super enlightening).

At least in my eye's the top regs in poker aren't the ones with the biggest win rates, the tops regs are the ones who make the most ev money. Whatever happens you seem like a sound guy and I'm sure you could make a good living from coaching and not having to do that much volume but I'm still rooting for you to crank out some 90/100k months

Sorry for the ramble
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-30-2018 , 04:19 PM
+1 to Labax, crazy how little boosts in positive variance can completely change your vision and eventual path. Very hard to be aware of it fully, let alone coping with poor variance over long stretches.

I can only speak from my own experiences, the fall from thinking you have poker 'sussed' to realising there is a lot more to learn is very tough yet the most exciting, promising moments in the psychological cycle involved in being a poker player. For me it is always very difficult to look for positives in these situations, yet there are loads because we have found lots of areas to improve our game with that we were previously blind to due to arrogance, at least in my case. I also found that I would severely underestimate my own game due the savage drop from thinking I am owning to perceiving myself getting 'owned'.

When I've occasionally popped into your streams, I can always tell you're a great player by the way you talk about strategy and observations that you make and I aspire to that. Ik we are different cases and at different levels but for me taking a short break, eventually accepting my current position and powering through with the areas I need to improve helped me a lot. You've been in the game far longer than I have been so you may know this already, or you may just need reminding you're a great player and there are positives in arrogance(?) being blown up, got lots of respect for you and I wish you the best.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-30-2018 , 05:29 PM
Looks like you should stay away from 500z shots.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:53 PM
There's no doubt you're a great player who has studied the game to a very high level.
this, from my experience at 200z OP is in the top 3 best regs of 200z:

Clanty, hakkazilla and quasselinho loool vaaaamo!

Obv clanty, alltoonew and seta-beni

ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:09 PM
Btw, one tip that may help you, from what Ive seen, youre paying 7bb/100 in rake in 30k hands at 200z, Im paying 5.6 at 200z, and I think the average reg pays around that, maybe you should take the rake into consideration when making your preflop strategy. There are some plays you make that increase the rake you pay by a lot, maybe people make mistakes vs that to make it +ev, but its good to take a look at that.

Im usually very concerned about rake, its a killer for the winrate, and youre paying the same rake as an average 50z reg while playing in a tougher game.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:12 PM
You know times are tough when Rapidfish is giving you advice.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-30-2018 , 08:56 PM
so little volume clanty, you gotta embrace the variance and put in the hours mate, sometimes you get ****ed hard and sometimes it's great but only way to combat rough stretches is to put volume in (as long as you feel like you're playing your A game and it beats the game you're in)
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-30-2018 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by mirage01
You know times are tough when Rapidfish is giving you advice.
lol, I really enjoy your posts
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
07-31-2018 , 12:03 AM
Keep at it Clanty. I can understand the mindset you're talking about when you get fked over at the start of each session and nothing seems to break for you. There's times the variance is so brutal bingo feels like a fairer game.

Hoping to see a big August from you, put in the volume and you'll come put on the right side.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
01-10-2019 , 11:51 AM
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 06:27 AM
No more updates for ur fans?
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by mirage01
No more updates for ur fans?

Update on 100nl shots?
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 08:27 AM
lul probably higher than clantys playing now. Updated your thread yet?
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by mirage01
lul probably higher than clantys playing now. Updated your thread yet?
As I mentioned, I will if you agree to HU.

I think this is my favourite actually:
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 09:20 AM
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by MR McDonald
Mirage doesn't have balls to do it

It's insane to see a bad player like mirage try to troll a world class player like clanty.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 09:26 AM
world class player who vanished without trace 6 months ago. unlike myself who is still grinding like a champ. I notice clanty vanished after you gave him some advice rapid.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 09:40 AM
omg that thread from mirage is hilarious, it does seem like he was serious too, guess its no surprise he could never get past micros
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 11:26 AM
No evidence you have gotten past the micros Xeno. talking on forums does not count as evidence.

Clanty to prove I'm not such a bad guy, for a limited time, Im offering you free coaching to help you out a little. Let me know before I change my mind.
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 11:56 AM
yeah i mean playing everyday doesn't constitute evidence lolol
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 01:33 PM
Xeno, something about you is really confusing to me.

I think you're a confirmed crusher in poker but why do you spend your time on 2+2 responding to trolls when you're crushing life? Is it an ego thing or something?

You're wasting your time and adding negativity to your life which is why clanty stop posting here (think he mentioned it a couple of pages back or something)
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
02-12-2019 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by mahsjdi
Xeno, something about you is really confusing to me.

I think you're a confirmed crusher in poker but why do you spend your time on 2+2 responding to trolls when you're crushing life? Is it an ego thing or something?

You're wasting your time and adding negativity to your life which is why clanty stop posting here (think he mentioned it a couple of pages back or something)
well I mean I'm just killing time... I don't play poker 24/7, sometimes I play games, sometimes I read books and sometimes I read and post on 2+2, you're right it's probably not the best use of my time, maybe I should quit
ZOOOOOM v3 Quote
