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World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ?

05-07-2014 , 11:25 AM

If u want to start to read the adventure from the beginning, I have published the translations of the 2 first articles of Brazil, one year ago :
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
05-07-2014 , 11:35 AM
Haha carzy stories, good luck man.)
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
05-27-2014 , 04:25 PM
Some news guys !!

After my last adventure in Piura desert, I decided I didn't want to risk more with my aging motorbike, and I left it in Sullana, last city before the Ecuatorian boarder.
But I was feeling really bored to travel in bus, so I really wanted to buy a new bike rapidly...

And here we are !

It's my new bike , I bought it with the money my editor gave me to write a book (double brag ahhaha)

So I'm waiting for the matriculation right now and then... To Vegas !!

Any idea about the name of my brand new chinese girlfriend?
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
06-06-2014 , 04:12 PM

World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
06-06-2014 , 05:12 PM
This is such a cool thread.

I'm also trying to book a road trip trough latin america.
Altough my intentions are quite different (just vacation).
Maybe you can update this thread more frequently?

I'm very interested in your story.
Nice to read.
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
06-07-2014 , 01:55 AM
I'm gonna try to update the thread more frequently, maybe when I'm doing some news on my facebook ( ) I'll translate it here...

Next days : I'm staying a while in Quito to get my license and arrange things for my bike, then, up to the North. Next big step, Cali, south of Colombia, and then Medellin where they told me the girls are the most beautiful on EARTH , mouahhaaha. I'm impatient to fall in love jajaj

See u guys
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
06-27-2014 , 10:26 AM
News !

Last days have been good and bad at the same time... I'm currently in the worse badrun of the whole trip. Or maybe it's just me playing bad? I don't know, i lost so much confidence that I don't even know if I'm a good player anymore.
After Bolivia, Ecuador was my 2nd negative country. I played a bit there, mostly live NL100/200 underground tables (as poker is forbidden there) and well, that was bad...

At the same time, I'm having quiet a good time away from tables. As u know I bought my bike with the money they gave me to write a book and went straight to Colombia.

First step in Cali, world capital of salsa. Danced a bit, watched some World Cup games. This country is really crazy about football, and everytime they play a match, they all wear the national shirt, take out the flags, and at every victory, they all go outside and it's like national party ! Really passionate people

Whats funny is that the day after the first victory, Santos, Colombian president was reelected, and nobody was giving a ****. They were all just resting from last day's party. Funny.

I then went to Pereira to play a tournament for the Colombia Poker Tour. Total failure... I was eliminated at day 1, and actually was surprised to find a quiet tough table.

I went the same day on a NL500 cash game. I'm not supposed to play this high, as I'm rolled for NL200, but the table was so fishy I decided to sit. That was a total disaster. Got 2 setups bottom 2 vs middle 2 and bottom full vs top full and lost 250 bb...

Really bad day...

And well, now I just arrived in Medellin. I'm planning to stay one month here to rest a bit, write, get back to my A game, play NL200 live here and well, they say that the girls here are the most beautiful in whole Colombia, let's have a look at this...

Are there any 2+2 guys playing here in Medellin? Would be glad to share some beer together ! See ya!

pd : And my adventure is getting really famous in France. Got a cover+ 4 page interview in one of the main poker French magazine !

World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
06-27-2014 , 10:42 AM
Subbed. Can't believe I haven't seen this before. I'm between Mexico and Vegas if you end up needing a rest stop. No doubt you'll get there.
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
06-27-2014 , 08:06 PM
[QUOTE=worldpokertrip;43796727]News !

Last days have been good and bad at the same time... I'm currently in the worse badrun of the whole trip. Or maybe it's just me playing bad? I don't know, i lost so much confidence that I don't even know if I'm a good player anymore.
After Bolivia, Ecuador was my 2nd negative country. I played a bit there, mostly live NL100/200 underground tables (as poker is forbidden there) and well, that was bad...[QUOTE]

There used to be a regular 7 stud game at the Swisshotel in Quito - only time I ever won a million of anything - but in this case it was in Sucres so only about $900 US. I guess they banned these kind of games in recent years?

Great thread, subbed and will follow with interest. As someone else said, if you come through Arizona on the way to Vegas let me know and I'll introduce you to the local poker scene in Tucson and Phoenix.
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
06-27-2014 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by jrr63
Great thread, subbed and will follow with interest. As someone else said, if you come through Arizona on the way to Vegas let me know and I'll introduce you to the local poker scene in Tucson and Phoenix.
Talking Stick meetup someday maybe? We'll have to talk at some point.

On another note, underground games are not a place in which to take your results TOO seriously. You can't rule out the possibility of having been worked over, especially in places where the game is explicitly banned. You should make sure you avoid that place and in situations in which it starts to go sideways, be ready to leave.
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
06-28-2014 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by Benji Hustle
Talking Stick meetup someday maybe? We'll have to talk at some point.

On another note, underground games are not a place in which to take your results TOO seriously. You can't rule out the possibility of having been worked over, especially in places where the game is explicitly banned. You should make sure you avoid that place and in situations in which it starts to go sideways, be ready to leave.
Good advice of course. And OP has probably figured this out by now.

I live in Tucson but go up to Talking Stick occasionally - usually play 3-5 or 5-10 if it's going. I'll PM you next time I'm heading up there.
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
06-28-2014 , 04:23 AM
I guess they banned these kind of games in recent years?
Yep, like some years ago when Correa was elected. They made a referendum in which they asked 7/8 totally different questions (among them gambling interdiction) and people had to give a single yes or no.

About the safety of the underground games, after having been quiet naive in the beginnings, and coined in Tucuman (Argentina) and Cochabamba (Bolivia), I 've been really more careful. First rule now is never get there when u don't know at least one safe contact. I actually had one in Quito, even if he wasn't here when I was playing. ( but I really played bad, it would be too easy to blame something else)
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
06-28-2014 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by worldpokertrip
First rule now is never get there when u don't know at least one safe contact. I actually had one in Quito, even if he wasn't here when I was playing. ( but I really played bad, it would be too easy to blame something else)
Very nice. I dig the humility and the willingness to accept blame for your own results. Too many people are too quick to blame variance or anything else that they possibly can. You know the type.
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
07-03-2014 , 10:29 AM
Here we are, I found a nice flat in Medellin with a beautiful view, 2 english roomates and I'm gonna be able to focus on grinding and writing during at least one month.

I went last day at the casino and the table is reaally soft. That's good news coz I was having quiet a bad time since Ecuador and the Colombia Poker Tour where I lost + a horrible cash session.
Before yesterday, I finally had some successes again with a beautiful +300bb session (NL 500 000 lol, which is NL250$)
It's a really beautiful table, with easy regs ( between nitty and abc) and fishes are more on the station or even spewy side which is definitely cool.

I'll try to make some regular feedbacks here

Back in the business !

World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
07-03-2014 , 10:37 AM
That table actually looks involved in the game. Rare.

Nice that you got your groove back! Good luck!

Hope you enjoy your new place.
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
07-08-2014 , 02:51 AM
Session 5 : 2 125 000
total : 4 225 000 ( = around 2100 $)

In the zone !
table is really soft here, and I'm having my 5 positive session in a row ! Got the money I lost in Colombia Poker Tour + Ecuador back ! So my bankroll is back to what I had in Peru 2 months ago, which is good news.

I got the confidence back, and start to trust my reads again. I made a Q high call tonight vs turn+river bet for a 100 bb pot and I was good !

If some of u speak spanish, or want to see what I look like, here is an interview I gave for peru all in, the peruvian 2+2 :
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
07-23-2014 , 03:02 PM
Hey guys !

If any of u speak spanish, here is the cover + interview in Revista Poker Face, one of the most important poker magasine in south america !

I published the pdf in my blog

Last edited by worldpokertrip; 07-23-2014 at 03:18 PM.
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
07-25-2014 , 05:36 PM
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
09-05-2014 , 10:22 AM
Every poker player will say u the same. In poker world, there are 2 ways to reach the top of the mountain, winning an international tournament, or get a sponsor.

Today, I'm really proud to announce that I got half way : I got the sponsor !

U all know Everest Poker, an important and historical actor of the poker industry. During the next 10 months, until my arrival in Las Vegas, World Poker Trip and Everest will be partners, which will be the occasion to give you new videos and written articles (french) and other things I will tell u in a (french) article in my blog next week.

In exchange, Everest will support my adventure, which is the insurance that even if bad runs keep coming, I'll end my trip no matter what !

If u wanna know more, follow me on from now on, I'll make translations of my news in english over there

And as I'm ending this news, it's time to go ! After 2 months in Medellin Colombian, I'm taking my bike today and going East, to Bucaramanga... See u !
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
09-07-2014 , 04:51 PM
It was about time, at last the new video is out ! A compilation in images and music of the adventure between Lima and Quito between May and June 2014.

And this time, the music was made for the world poker trip ! The whole video is an original production...
Enjoy !
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
09-23-2014 , 12:49 PM
News from Bucaramanga in the East of Colombia. I played quiet a lot of games here, in all sort of places, from the legal ones :

casino NL200 in the center where I had really bad luck (kk vs aa, monster draw vs nfd -100 bb)

to the illegal ones :

crazy place, outside in a gas station ! at midnight, I see 2 cops arriving on a bike "ahh..shiiit" But the cops just come next to us, watch and talk with us ! Funny situation.
I also lost 100 bb ( NL50) because of a JJ vs QQ on a 9 high board where i value cut myself river

and last but funniest, yesterday :

went to casino but there were not enough player, so one of them told me he knew about some other place in the center. We went together on my bike, arriving in a creepy neighborhood where there was this billard place... In a small hidden room at the back, there was the game... NL50.
Lost again, yeah. 150 bb. I was so unluncky. Or was it luck really? went all in 3 times preflop : AK vs JJ, AK vs 44 and JJ vs 66 and lost everytime. And everytime the board was like even if I had just called pre, i would have gone all in flop ( nfd+2 ov, or overpaire on safe board etc...). Well, I have no idea how they did it, but they did it good. I guess that s the risk of playing ****ty illegal games. At least, i have good stories to tell, but bankroll is going down.
But as u know, i' m got a sponsor ( Everest poker) so this will help me a bit no to get broke...

Plan for next weeks : 1000 km to the North, riding along the rio Magdalena until Cartagena, big port of the Atlantic Coast. From there I will sell my bike (if any of you know about some traveller wanting to buy a cheap 200cc in Colombia?) and keep travelling to the Caribbeans in a boat !

See u !

Bonus : An underground game i played in Argentina one year ago :
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
09-23-2014 , 07:45 PM
awesome thread.. following!
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
09-26-2014 , 03:01 AM
pics from yesterday's awesome journey from Bucaramanga to Mompox, Colombia...

 to get updated
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
10-04-2014 , 01:26 PM
Adventure is getting more and more famous... I m gonna prepare my first texts + videos in english soon to conquer USA hehehe

The new video got out, it's the first one of my collaboration with my new sponsor Everest Poker. It's mainly french, but nice landscapes to see anyway

I'm writing u from Cartagena, big harbor of the Atlantic coast in Colombia. Beautiful colonial city, beautiful women, big poker table here ( NL200 and NL1200 !) didn't shoot the big one yet, but I'd love to as I saw the players on it, it's like a gift...

I'm now collaborating with an argentinan magazine called Poker Face, 2nd biggest one in South America. After some interviews, they published my first article in spanish !

If u speak spanish, u have to read it, it's simply the best I wrote, the one which made my blog become famous in France. It's about love, adventure, drug traffic and an incredible fake underground poker table...

enjoy !
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
11-05-2014 , 04:00 PM
Amazing thread!

Have just chatted with wolrdpokertrip on facebook, the guy is totally cool and patient even with random boring people that message him =p

Anyway, looking forward to make an similar project and it was a pleasure to talk with you and read your experiences!

The best for you mate!
World Poker Trip - A second year living on the road ? Quote
