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The Well of Astronomy The Well of Astronomy

02-21-2011 , 05:04 PM
Now hold on. Before you go writing about dreams and poker, don't mix the 2, cuz you might turn out a guru.

2. Where are you from? Writings of a Schizophrenic Nature

3. What is new-age philosophy? fk if i know, I made it up on step 3.

Who what where when and why?

Easy questions.




But that means you'd have to be a hacker? lol no it doesn't, your computer's already hacked idiot.

You call that a firewall what you have on your computer? 'Norton antivirus'? 'AVG Virus Scan'? Oh you have SKYPE? LOL WRONG MOVE CHESSPLAYA, TRY AGAIN.

But I don't play chess, chess is gay. Now before you close this book/discussion, I want you to take a moment and reconsider because that could be the biggest lapse in thought you've ever made. Economic problems, Economic Crisis? Real? No. Yes? You lie. I'm not a liar. But that all depends whether you want me to solve your economic problems through the click of a button. I'm a High Stakes NL player properly categorized in the player category of "fish" or society aka the poker players who don't know **** about what they're talking about. But then again I am in trouble when I fight against Weierstrass functions and the pie function. Because no matter how much of that pie you eat, and no matter how much you know about it's integrated ingredients, you still don't know what organic chemical reactions will happen when that blueberry pie dissolves in your stomach acid. But you could predict it I guess. But then you'd have to know organic chemistry and how many 19 year olds know organic chemistry well enough to predict with the ingredients of a blueberry pie, the organic chemistrical LOL effects of a blueberry pie on the body. My guess is there's about 400% too much saturated fat in there for your daily intake of saturated lipids. IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE, YOU'RE GONNA NEED NEW JEANS SOON. AND FOR ALL YOU SWEATPANTS WEARERS, KEEP EATING THAT GODAM BLUEBERRY PIE, CUZ I GOT ANOTHER STRAWBERRY ONE FOR YA COMING RIGHT UP! But then I'd have to be a chef, and most 19 year olds aren't chefs. Why? Cuz chefs are gay. Not homosexual. Gay is the teen-slang way of articulating something that pisses you off. But homosexuals don't piss me off, they make me lmao, and i'm totally gay for all my male friends, andddd before you stop reading because you think I'm a gay nonhomosexual schizophrenic idiot, then read no further! Because I'm actually THOR! A NORDIC GOD I TELL YOU! bUT then I'd have to insert a picture of my biceps, and that'd be inappropriate for the purpose of this handhistory, because I wouldn't want you to get a boner b4 i'm even done with the introduction, or a preface writing for you to discover this 2faceworld that batmen like us walk around in! But Ladies! There's some for you to. You devilwomen are the only things worth living for, because at the end of a day when a man returns from his work of monetary gain, loans OR investments, we're still tired from an efficient day's work and we wanna cuddle with you in reality as much as you wanna cuddle my THOR body. But buddy, look here, I can keep writing as much about this but now you're starting to get jealous of my biceps I see, so I'll post a pic of them real quick to get them off your mind:

[Insert lol bicep picture]



and no, I DON'T TAKE LSD, so if you already think I'm a lunatic schizophrenic idiot, then think again mother****er!

Sorry, I have a tendency for bad language, but that happens when the world is so ill-conceived and preconceptive to knew ideas and would rather just go sleep in class because it's so godam boring (yes I am part of this new-ventured sleeper crew, because classes piss me off). So you say I'm not writing in full sentences and my grammar sucks? Guess what, suck my X OR Y CHROMOSOME N1GGUH. Uhhh, that was uncalled for. But I called it, sorry. Actually u know what really pisses me off? Is people who take offense to me calling them a *****. Cuz wtf is a *****? OHH WHITE PEOPLE ENSLAVED US, WTF WHO CARES, HISTORY HAPPENS AND IT REPEATS ITSELF UNLESS YOU, YES 'YOU' DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, SO STOP ****IN COMPLAINING AND BE HAPPY IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE WITHOUT SO MANY PREJUDICES AGAINST THE WORLD. I'M DANISH AND I CALLED YOU A *****. WHAT HISTORY DO WE HAVE BETWEEN 'US'? NONE. I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE OR WHY YOU CARE I CALLED YOU A *****, BECAUSE I GOT LOTSA BLACK FRIENDS TOO, ACTUALLY SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE BLACK AND GUESS WHAT, I DON'T GIVE A ****. Now what the hell does it take for a 19 year old Danish kid to have written that to make some sense of this ****ing ******ed world? (No I'm not 19 anymore, good on you if your intuition is that sharp!)

What is my religion? My religion is myself. I have my own belief systems and I can do whatever I want with them. If I want my perceptions warped through the use of LSD or other CIA-distributed Illuminati weapons, that's no problem! I'd drop some if I had a government grant for it and I knew the effects set and setting of an LSD trip, because then what's the danger? The dangerous of my own mind you say? Well LSD just cuts down my NERVOUS system's barriers to the world and it's preconcieved ideas and lets me talk about light as if it were a bubble or a dream.

Now I haven't written too much so far, but I don't think very many of you could've come to the same Gaian conclusions without my mindset, but that's pretty normal in my opinion, cuz the only measuring device I use to measure my life in weight, is kilograms (OR POUNDS (lbs) OUNCES OR OTHER THINGS - high5 americaners!) of dreams. And I have a pretty heavy heart, even though my heart is abnormally small for my body. I guess that means it's true what the doctors say about my heart soon popping just like Einstein when he was 76 and I'm gonna be in the E.R. soon anyway although I won't have as many psychedelics in my system as when Einstein died so weather I finish this book is just a matter of time. LOL JK, YOU CAN GO ONLINE IF YOU WANNA WATCH ******** MEDICAL DOCUMENTARIES, I'M NOT DYING, I'M JUST A DEAD GHOST OF AN IDEA! oh wait but that describes pretty much the problem in society. That everyone's just a dead ghost of their yesterday ideas while they construct conceptions about the future while living in the present 'now' in a magician's universe.


-Ya I am actually, I enjoy sage french fries from my Hilton Hotel room all the time. And they service them well. Thanks for sharing a ton of Hills with me Hilton! It said no-smoking on your license document but I couldn't help myself not take a quick puff of some purple haze, because I'm in love with the essence of Jimi Hendrix, and in the words of a friend of mine, "is that why Jimi never wanted to come down?" And in the words of a song I once heard "Cuz we get high cuz we never know when we gonna go", SO WHY IS MARIJUANA ILLEGAL? **** THAT. MOVIN TO CALI. I DON'T WANNA BREAK THE BOSTONIAN DECRIMINALIZED LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF ANARCHY. CUZ THEN I WOULDN'T KNOW WHAT LAW I WAS TALKING ABOUT!

Now in Denmark, we use kroner or "DKK" which only have about 1/6 the value of a USD. But what the ****. The UNITED STATES OF DENMARK, (mind you we have like 100+ islands, maybe it's 200+, I'm not a windpowered Danish historybuff), but how the hell does that make sense? How is our money about 1/6 the value of a USD? We have about 6million people in denmark so maybe that's where the 6 came from. So we're 1/6 of the US? But that doesn't make sense either, cuz Danish people ranked by survey are the #1 happiest people on earth I think, but maybe that was just a bull**** survey I'm not sure, I'm just Danish, and for your dessert this evening:


Now i'm not a lunatic, but I thought about calling my book the writings of a schizophrenic 3rd Culture Kid, what do you think of that title? Meh. I didn't really feel like that fit the title that well at the time. Cuz I've always been climbing out of a well my whole life, drinking water on the way, getting my vultimightamins, CHIA seeds, acai berried fusion punch smoothies on the way, cuz we needa eat a proper amount of fruit and veggies to stay intact with the nature shaped us, and I like 6pack abs better than i like a 4pack of beer, that's why I created myself a home-workout that suits my own needs in less than 5mins, and at the end of the workout I like to finish off with a mental checkmark called "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAA!", Because haven't you readers seen the movie 301?

Now this thread is just another submit button. But I can still call/raise/fold, pick up a phone, call Watson, IBM's super computer, say yes/no amongst other things, So if you wanna share your experience about what a nosebleed is like please look no further! Because I enjoy a laugh as much as 2, a joke as much as 3, but I don't know if I'm number 4! But I just watched that movie in a 4d iMAX theather yesterday. So maybe I am?

I was born in 1989
My birth certificate says differently
Where the fk do I sign up for some freeflow of USD
I already did
(United States of Denmark?)
02-21-2011 , 06:31 PM
lol wut?
02-21-2011 , 06:35 PM
02-21-2011 , 06:36 PM
LSD is a hell of a drug
02-21-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Cali_donk92
Amphetamine is a hell of a drug

Last edited by DonkeyFishFight; 02-21-2011 at 06:41 PM. Reason: Not really.
02-21-2011 , 06:47 PM
OP does display signs of a "tweaker"
02-21-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Cali_donk92
OP does display signs of a "tweaker"
02-21-2011 , 07:24 PM
did it wrong
02-21-2011 , 08:23 PM
02-21-2011 , 09:06 PM

02-21-2011 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Cali_donk92
LSD is a hell of a drug
Actually it is and there is absolutly nothing harmful that can come from it if you have the necessary firepower to deal with the natzi zombies and dragons in the kitchen.

Last edited by Hoopman20; 02-21-2011 at 09:43 PM.
02-21-2011 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopman20
Actually it is and there is absolutly nothing harmful that can come from it if you have the necessary firepower to deal with the natzi zombies and dragons in the kitchen.
02-21-2011 , 10:10 PM
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