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WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT...

08-13-2015 , 07:09 AM
Just bumped by accident into your thread and read last 10 pages or so.

You got very solid advice last few pages and you seem to ignore all of it.

Please drop the cfp thing and go crush nl 10 for at least 5bb/100 and start climbing the stakes.

Also forget about hu. Hu games are drying like crazy, they have bots that can almost beat them now.

Focus on 6m, there is still nice money to be made there. Coming with hu experience you'll own 6max.

Also most of the learning poker stuff should come from playing experience, you should know a lot after 2 years of grinding.

Gl and start listening to what people say in here.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-13-2015 , 07:14 AM
Strong 2 year progress.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-13-2015 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by Andrewd431
Strong 2 year progress.
Strong 1st post
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-13-2015 , 07:24 AM
I only stumbled on this thread recently- but maybe you still remember me from the tagpoker days? I was a cynical bastard back then too, but how did that turn out?

It's the same story played over and over again I'm afraid.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-13-2015 , 07:39 AM
Been following this thread from the very beginning KP, and the only thing left to tell you is: if you like at the criticism given here as "negativity" instead as "the poker community spending their efforts to give you a push in the right direction" then well... There is not much more need for any of us, you or the other posters to be in this thread.

90% of things posted here is solid advice and constructive criticism meant to help you advance in the game.

If you only read this as "negativity" and don't use this to turn a page, work hard and study more, than literally none of us can help you.

It would be easier for all of us to say.
Hang in there mate, an upswing is right around the corner, things will go your way soon, just keep doing what you are doing.

But that wouldn't be the kind of solid advice this place is known for, and you shouldn't forget that the reason all these people take their time to help you is, because, they RESPECT you.

I'll repeat my personal advice.
A) don't burn out!
B) take two weeks away from the game and come back September 1st.
C) take your bankroll and grind 6max 10nl for a 30k volume.
D) evaluate your 30k volume in terms of
- did you enjoy the grind?
- are you satisfied with results
- what are the key things you should improve on?
- do you think you can advance to 25nl and in what timeframe.
E) create a schedule for yourself that gives you enough time to
- grind a volume that offsets variance to a decent extent
- allows you to take 1 day off per week.
- allows you to build in regular review sessions with peers
F) take every piece of information people give you as an excuse to improve yourself. Don't take it as negativity. It's what high performes do and last of all.

Remember that everyone here WANTS YOU TO SUCCEED!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-13-2015 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by KP24
How does that work please?
Because it seems like you aren't having fun, progressing or making money. I don't see how this is good.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-13-2015 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by amapro
If you only read this as "negativity" and don't use this to turn a page, work hard and study more, than literally none of us can help you.
That's probably not the problem. He might simply just be capped at this skill range forever, not matter how much work he puts in
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-13-2015 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by Yoshimiii
That's probably not the problem. He might simply just be capped at this skill range forever, not matter how much work he puts in
I highly doubt it I just think the coaching is terrible.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-13-2015 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Eu.Era
I highly doubt it I just think the coaching is terrible.
Ye, either way it's not his his work ethic.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-14-2015 , 01:40 AM
No one here is being negative. It's so sad that you can't see that.

Reminds me of a poker player on tilt just throwing their money away 1 buyin at time. Nothing can change their mind because they are somewhat in a zombie like mode.

He has to wake up soon. Maybe then he will realize that we're not trying to bring him down. Until then, he won't listen.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-14-2015 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by KP24
Hey guys.

I won't reply to all the posts above because I simply don't have the time.

I would, however, like to express my gratitude for all the fantastic input and the time you take to look over my problems/bad play etc.

I am just going to try to put my current situation into a few sentences so I hope you will bear with me (I am confused and tired)...

I have no intention of quitting BPC or Coaching For Profits in the near future. Until I think I have done all that I can do using the resources available to me I simply will not quit. There is a side issue of a contract that I am in but that has exactly zero influence over my decision.

There has been a constant back-and-forth problem for me of risking burn-out. My life has been pretty strange over the last 10 months and is certainly not what you expect the average married father of two to consist of. However, it is probably similar to that of some very high achievers. Except for the actual "achieving" bit!

My coach for the most part has been Ilidek. Ilidek has always been very protective of me burning out and to be fair, the first time we took a "step back" from the intensive study my results improved so it always seemed like a good route to take.

However... Now I am at a point where I have to make some decisions on how I want to go about things. I mean... Can I go on like this for 2 years? Probably not. Can I go on for 1 more year. Yes for sure. I think I am kind of looking at 1 more year but I have not set an exact time frame for this.

Now.... In 1 year IF I quit I need to look at myself in the mirror and say "Chris, you really did all that you can do." and if that is the case I have absolutely no problem with that.

Can I say that if I quit today? The answer is a simple "no".

Anyone to blame for this? Hmm, not really. I think my case is a pretty specific one. I work a lot more hours than the average full time job and of course I have a family to consider (they have been VERY supportive of me (so far) by the way). So because of all this it is difficult to know how much work to put on me and how much time to give me away from poker. Also factored into this maybe is that Ilidek and I became maybe too friendly at first (for reasons maybe best kept private) and then the soft approach was possibly the "more comfortable" route than the hard approach. I really want to say here though that I think a lot of people would have taken the approach that we have taken so not sure anyone is to blame at all.

The next question is... When I did study did I study the right things? Well my first answer is of course no. I think the blame gets split all ways here and so I don't want to go into it. Needless to say Gordon and the team have improved some things in this regard but I still think its not enough (for a dunce like me). We have some fantastic resources at BPC but I think I needed more checking up on whether it was sinking in (there is a strange contradiction here though in that I believe I got some of the best marks of anyone in test conditions on our material). Overall, mistakes have been made here and I have to take 90% of the blame for this.

What's next? Simply put I am going to burn out. I did it twice in 10 months so far. First time scared me out of my wits if I am honest (maybe also contributed to taking easier options) and it was like I was hallucinating, massive anxiety, like an attack of some sort. Second time I felt it coming and although it was mentally/emotionally painful it did not affect me so much. I need to do it again. A few times. Get close. Then tell coaches and sit back for 3 days or something. I think its my preferred way forward now.

Otherwise I won't be able to look in the mirror. And frankly, that scares the hell out of me.

Faithful followers, masochists and sadists bear with me, hold on tight and let's enjoy the journey.

Thanks again everyone,

Guys chill out will you!? My comment "Too much negativity and not enough love" is somewhat tongue-in-cheek. I mean "not enough love". Come on.

I just requoted that post. Until I have kept my part of the bargain I don't quit.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-14-2015 , 04:17 AM
Mini Update.

Over the summer period I have even more workload. I have properties that I have to renovate for students as well as normal full-time job. Basically go to work 0715 and get home around 2100 (weekends too but not quite so many hours).

Not much chance of playing 5.5 hours after that so I am reducing hours for a while. Gordon has said I can do this after the summer period too and try to play more focussed and rest more.

That is also what some people advised in blogs so hopefully this will improve a few things. I am hoping it will help me learn better AND play better at the tables.

Also got holiday to look forward to 29th August and break is needed too.

Good luck all!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-14-2015 , 04:22 AM
Good luck KP, just trying to help
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-14-2015 , 05:51 AM
With a job like that, what do you need poker for?
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-14-2015 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by KP24
Mini Update.

Over the summer period I have even more workload. I have properties that I have to renovate for students as well as normal full-time job. Basically go to work 0715 and get home around 2100 (weekends too but not quite so many hours).

Not much chance of playing 5.5 hours after that so I am reducing hours for a while. Gordon has said I can do this after the summer period too and try to play more focussed and rest more.

That is also what some people advised in blogs so hopefully this will improve a few things. I am hoping it will help me learn better AND play better at the tables.

Also got holiday to look forward to 29th August and break is needed too.

Good luck all!
GL Chris.

Less hours can only be a good thing imo given how busy your schedule is.

HU is very mentally exhausting (imo) and especially when things aren't yet in the stage of "unconscious competence". Its nice that you now have some flexibility to perhaps end sessions when you get mega tired etc
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-14-2015 , 06:37 AM
Everyone just want to see you do well Chris no one is trying to put you down.

WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-17-2015 , 05:20 AM
Well that was pretty crazy week!!!

Was at work (not poker) around 80 to 85 hours this week so was lucky I am allowed to do less hours at the pokerz or I would be dead!!!

I played 3 hours every day still (rather than 5) and to be honest that was enough. On the first two days I noticed a BIG difference in my mindset at the tables, especially at the beginning. At first I felt like I was actually playing to win money/make the best play rather than some feeling of "got to make it through this session". Not sure if that makes sense!?

Later in the week it was same as before though as I was totally shattered. I was one day looking at Equilab to see the equity of some hand and I tried to count the outs (really simple task) and no matter how hard I tried I could not get my brain to focus on it. I had to leave it. On Saturday I was assembling some furniture and my eyes went so sore I could barely see!

Anyway, I managed to fit in going for few few beers with wife and family. Was tempted to not go but thought a relax like that might do me good and managed to have a small sleep-in on Sunday before going back to work.

I have hopefully only one more week of this crazy hours and then it will be one week of "normal" work hours with the reduced poker hours. I am looking forward to that and playing much more focussed. And then it is holiday week!!!!!!!

Oh, I did not talk much of financial results lately as it was very depressing for me but I can say that last week was a nice winning week! Let's hope that was more due to playing more focussed and less due to nice variance

Originally Posted by amapro
Good luck KP, just trying to help
I appreciate that my friend, thank you as always.

Originally Posted by Fishtankz
With a job like that, what do you need poker for?
It's a but complex for me to answer that satisfactorily but I have some (mental) challenges in life that I prefer to tackle than let them beat me.

Originally Posted by Danshiel350
GL Chris.
Less hours can only be a good thing imo given how busy your schedule is.
HU is very mentally exhausting (imo) and especially when things aren't yet in the stage of "unconscious competence". Its nice that you now have some flexibility to perhaps end sessions when you get mega tired etc
100% amigo!

Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
Everyone just want to see you do well Chris no one is trying to put you down.
Thank you mate.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-17-2015 , 05:42 AM
So the group that will dominate the future of online poker can't turn the hardest working guy ever into a winner vs fish HU? And wants 30k for it?


GL Chris. You deserve it more than most.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-17-2015 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by KP24

Gordon has said...

Only thing you should want to hear from him is "Yes, you can quit our scamming you for your profits now."
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-17-2015 , 09:58 AM
I wish you all the success because you deserve it with how hard you work.

You should absolutely NEVER EVER say that you were lucky that you were allowed to play less hours. NEVER. That is an absolutely toxic mindset. You're an adult and playing poker is a hobby or way to become professional. NOBODY should be able to tell you that you're allowed to play less this one week. YOU should make your own schedule and play when you're at your best, not some coach.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-19-2015 , 03:43 AM
Today at the tables was the sort of **** day I could do without.

So pumped for tomorrow!

SB: €44.70
Hero (BB): €50.00

Hero posts BB €0.50, SB posts SB €0.25

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.75) Hero has 7 T

SB raises to €1.00, Hero calls €0.50

Flop: (€2.00, 2 players) 4 7 T
Hero checks, SB bets €1.89, Hero raises to €5.67, SB calls €3.78

Turn: (€13.34, 2 players) K
Hero bets €9.45, SB calls €9.45

River: (€32.24, 2 players) J
Hero bets €29.00, SB calls €28.58

SB shows 8 9 (Straight, Jack High)
(Pre 43%, Flop 32%, Turn 18%)
Hero shows 7 T (Two Pair, Tens and Sevens)
(Pre 57%, Flop 68%, Turn 82%)
SB wins €87.90
Hero wins €0.00

================================================== ========

SB: €39.50
Hero (BB): €50.50

SB posts SB €0.25, Hero posts BB €0.50

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.75) Hero has J J

SB raises to €1.50, Hero raises to €5.00, SB raises to €17.00, Hero raises to €50.50 and is all-in, SB calls €22.50

Flop: (€79.00, 2 players) 2 7 8

Turn: (€79.00, 2 players) 6

River: (€79.00, 2 players) 6

SB shows Q Q (Two Pair, Queens and Sixes)
(Pre 82%, Flop 90%, Turn 95%)
Hero shows J J (Two Pair, Jacks and Sixes)
(Pre 18%, Flop 10%, Turn 5%)
SB wins €78.00
Hero wins €11.00

================================================== =======

SB: $25.97
Hero (BB): $47.27

SB posts SB $0.25, Hero posts BB $0.50

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.75) Hero has K K

SB calls $0.25, Hero raises to $2.00, SB raises to $25.97 and is all-in, Hero calls $23.97

Flop: ($51.94, 2 players) A 3 2

Turn: ($51.94, 2 players) 4

River: ($51.94, 2 players) 2

Hero shows K K (Two Pair, Kings and Twos)
(Pre 72%, Flop 14%, Turn 9%)
SB shows A Q (Two Pair, Aces and Twos)
(Pre 28%, Flop 86%, Turn 91%)
SB wins $50.94

================================================== ========

Hero (SB): €26.54
BB: €8.22

Hero posts SB €0.10, BB posts BB €0.25

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.35) Hero has 9 K

Hero raises to €0.50, BB calls €0.25

Flop: (€1.00, 2 players) 5 7 K
BB bets €7.72 and is all-in, Hero calls €7.72

Turn: (€16.44, 2 players) 6

River: (€16.44, 2 players) A

BB shows T K (One Pair, Kings)
(Pre 72%, Flop 82%, Turn 84%)
Hero shows 9 K (One Pair, Kings)
(Pre 28%, Flop 18%, Turn 16%)
BB wins €15.69

================================================== ====================

Hero (SB): $60.58
BB: $44.80

Hero posts SB $0.25, BB posts BB $0.50

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.75) Hero has K Q

Hero raises to $1.50, BB calls $1.00

Flop: ($3.00, 2 players) 5 J J
BB bets $1.00, Hero raises to $3.00, BB calls $2.00

Turn: ($9.00, 2 players) 9
BB checks, Hero bets $7.00, BB calls $7.00

River: ($23.00, 2 players) A
BB checks, Hero checks

BB shows A 3 (Two Pair, Aces and Jacks)
(Pre 60%, Flop 82%, Turn 82%)
Hero mucks K Q (One Pair, Jacks)
(Pre 40%, Flop 18%, Turn 18%)
BB wins $22.00

================================================== ===========

Hero (BB): $67.19
SB: $50.32

SB posts SB $0.25, Hero posts BB $0.50

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.75) Hero has 3 A

SB calls $0.25, Hero checks

Flop: ($1.00, 2 players) A 6 2
Hero bets $0.95, SB calls $0.95

Turn: ($2.90, 2 players) 3
Hero bets $2.50, SB calls $2.50

River: ($7.90, 2 players) J
Hero bets $5.66, SB calls $5.66

Hero shows 3 A (Two Pair, Aces and Threes)
(Pre 40%, Flop 4%, Turn 5%)
SB shows A 6 (Two Pair, Aces and Sixes)
(Pre 60%, Flop 96%, Turn 95%)
SB wins $18.27

================================================== ================

SB: €42.40
Hero (BB): €28.46

SB posts SB €0.25, Hero posts BB €0.50

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.75) Hero has 9 5

SB calls €0.25, Hero checks

Flop: (€1.00, 2 players) 6 5 J
Hero bets €0.50, SB calls €0.50

Turn: (€2.00, 2 players) 9
Hero bets €1.75, SB calls €1.75

River: (€5.50, 2 players) A
Hero bets €3.75, SB calls €3.75

Hero shows 9 5 (Two Pair, Nines and Fives)
(Pre 26%, Flop 54%, Turn 61%)
SB shows 9 A (Two Pair, Aces and Nines)
(Pre 74%, Flop 46%, Turn 39%)
SB wins €12.35

================================================== ===

Tomorrow is MY DAY.

I am in control of my destiny and I WILL WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-19-2015 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by ohsnapzbrah
I wish you all the success because you deserve it with how hard you work.
Thx for kind words sir.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-19-2015 , 04:17 AM
Hands look fine.
T7 is too thin OTR imo. I would consider xc.
KQ you can bet smaller OTT w/ gut-shot. Just try to make him fold his BS.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-19-2015 , 05:15 AM
KQ seems unnecessary, no idea why you bet flop with 95.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
08-19-2015 , 07:39 AM
T7 on the river- your hand is not that strong. I guess it's close between shove and check/call- he does have a lot of missed draws so I lean towards check/call.

You usually should check flop oop even in a limped pot (initiative doesn't matter). Your range is not absolutely crushing that you need to have a leading range. And yeah donking flop with 95 is really bad unless villain overfolds by a lot. Essentially you have a bluffcatcher with only 2 outs to a 3 streets value hand, and 2 outs to a 3 streets better bluffcatcher.

One more very important piece of advice- sit out when your opponent has less than 40bb. I don't think you can win much over rake shallow.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
