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WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT...

05-31-2015 , 06:34 AM
DAY 228

Holy pants!

Hit stop loss first day and went to bed pretty angry with myself! Reviewed it the next morning and it was not sooooo bad. Yh some mistakes in there that are expensive but in the grand scheme of things it was a good learning process. It's all part of improving as a pro!

Some things that really hit me were how much I stray away from A game when I am getting action at a few tables. But that will get better with practice and I will get better at selecting the higher EV villains to stay playing

Anyway on second day I smashed that stop loss and won more back than I had lost! Really happy with my play and kept really calm when I got more action than I am used to.

I was not expecting to put a positive figure in my session result below I can tell you!

Going to chill out for 20 hours or so now - I really need it.

This week I played 45 hours and I am feeling it!

Video update below, GL guys.

SESSION = +$59
ROLL = $2872

WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-02-2015 , 04:06 AM
DAY 230

Great days!

Had good rest period - took kids shopping for mummy's birthday presents! Nice family meal and did review of last coaching session (so not technically rest period but whatever).

Action was bit slow at tables but managed to make some bucks so all is good. Stuff we have been working on is paying off goooood

SESSION = +$75
ROLL = $2948

Fwiw I was + $608 for May which I am very happy with especially as at 14th May I was down - $259

Originally Posted by Boston Matrix
Happy to see yr on an upswing OP
It's interesting how quickly this change of fortune had occurred after a bunch of criticism was posted itt.
What has changed with coach / player?
Basically two AHA moments brought to me by my coach but they were things that I should have been doing from Day 1. In fact I WAS doing them at Day 1 but it seems I lost them somewhere along the way. Ilidek explained a couple of things in such a way that made it super simple for me to both understand and perform.
So yeah, basically this...
Originally Posted by ThinkItThrough
the student doing what they should have been doing some time ago!

Originally Posted by Eu.Era
To be fair it does seem quite strange but i know kp and know he wouldn't agree to anything dodgy, if it was anyone else i would think it was from the caoch playing or just straight up lying about results.
Glad to see things have turned around lets hope the results continue, keep working hard.
Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence.

Originally Posted by spacehippie
How is it even remotely strange? He has been busting his arse working on his game + he hasn't had a upswing in quite some time....
Thanks fella. Even a muppet like me can run super hot
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:24 AM
This is still going? Sick innnnnn! gogo KP
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-04-2015 , 03:43 AM
DAY 232

Tough days!!!

So tired last night I really struggled to play the last hour and only made 3/4 of it. It was almost impossible to play I could not even work my mouse properly!

However, had a great coaching with Ilidek before play and did good study so all is good!

Need to review session from last night but think I played pretty bad in that last hour or two (esp villain selection). I am getting more action lately and playing more villains so I think its just tougher for me to maintain my best/decent game for a 5.5 hour session. It will come though, just need to improve mental fitness.

2 DAYS = -$53
ROLL = $2957

Hit $3k tonight then steam on to $4k and get some NL100 in!?!?!?? COME ON!!!!

Originally Posted by Ohhesdamned
This is still going? Sick innnnnn! gogo KP
Thanks man. Still going! Perseverance 10/10, results 1.5/10 !!!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-06-2015 , 04:17 AM
DAY 234

Strange days!

Made few buy-ins but ran pretty bad! Must be cognitive bias or wtf its called! Reviewed sessions and it was just like "wtf, really!?" all of the time and no real mistakes (that I can spot of course ).

Started a juice fast 36 hours ago and have to say I felt fantastic at the tables even at the end of session last night (to put that in perspective I have 10.5 hours out at work, then I have kids for 1.5 hours [hardest part ] then play for 5.5 hours). Going to fast for 3 days just drinking juice of vegetables and fruit, see how it goes. (FWIW lost 3lbs in one day = bonus!).

SESSION = +$204
ROLL = $3195

WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-06-2015 , 04:41 AM
really respect your work ethic!
You work more hours a day (if u include the kids) than i have uni lecture hours a week.
Cant imagine working 10+ hours shifts then spending 5 hours on poker.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-06-2015 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by Zombiefan
really respect your work ethic!
You work more hours a day (if u include the kids) than i have uni lecture hours a week.
Cant imagine working 10+ hours shifts then spending 5 hours on poker.
I work 9-5 and don't really work that hard at all and I am still way too tired to play poker when I get back, mad props to KP
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-09-2015 , 04:35 AM
DAY 237

Kinda disappointing days

First session I shut down tables as thought I hit stop loss very quickly. Checked totals and was still just within my 3bi limit. Went on for another 8+ hours and ended down -2bi that session. 2nd session was break even.

Ran into few set-ups but also not sure I was playing correct to what we are working on. Going to use filters to review just those situations for a while.

Started having some doubts but tbf I am up over $800 last 30 days so I think we are moving in the right direction still. Just need to work harder and better all the time.

SESSION = -$111
ROLL = $3068

Originally Posted by Zombiefan
really respect your work ethic!
You work more hours a day (if u include the kids) than i have uni lecture hours a week.
Cant imagine working 10+ hours shifts then spending 5 hours on poker.
Originally Posted by Ohhesdamned
I work 9-5 and don't really work that hard at all and I am still way too tired to play poker when I get back, mad props to KP
Thanks for the kind words guys. I am very proud of my work ethic but not in a sense that I think it is anything special but more when I compare it to what a waste of space piece of **** I was 10 years plus ago.

I still have a lot to learn about efficiency and getting things done right. Fortunately, in Gordon, I seem to have the best mentor I could possibly have.

WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-09-2015 , 09:47 AM
Hey mate, nice to see you making some cash. Easy to forget 1 session is meaningless in the great scheme of things, but well done on all the study. Have been really lazing studying/reviewing my game latley. How's your ev looking?
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-09-2015 , 11:19 AM
Did you ever tell the story of how you changed from a "waste of space" into such a work machine?
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-09-2015 , 11:48 AM
Would like to hear that story as well.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2015 , 03:57 AM
DAY 239

Going to blog first today (usually post hands, comment hands etc etc before blogging) as I think its important to put my feelings down etc.

My results are bad for last few days and I am really down.

To put it into perspective...

I am up only $95 for last 2 weeks (90.5 hours play and
14927 hands).

For the 30 days previous to those 14 I was up $1078 (169 hours and 21430 hands [wow that was surprisingly lower hands/hour and might be interesting])

So yh. I know I was running good that $1k period but I think its time to realise that I must have been running insanely good and I am still very bad.

Something has got to change and I am not sure what it is at the moment.

I will go back to the only thing I really know right now and work my ass off. Biggest worry of course is I am working on the wrong things.

Sorry if this sounds negative but I thought it was good to show I have these bad vibes as well you know!?

Right then forum - here I come!!!!!!!

Let's go!

2 DAYS (11 HOURS) = -$26
ROLL = $3078

Jesus, I hope this does not sound like a whine post. I am not even losing for those 2 weeks and some people are running so bad its incredible.

Point is: I am where I deserve to be. It's not good enough.

Originally Posted by doodiewiz
Hey mate, nice to see you making some cash. Easy to forget 1 session is meaningless in the great scheme of things, but well done on all the study. Have been really lazing studying/reviewing my game latley. How's your ev looking?
Yh so true mate. Not sure on EV I think few BI under definitely nothing major! Gr8 to hear from you buddy!

Originally Posted by BiggerBoots
Did you ever tell the story of how you changed from a "waste of space" into such a work machine?
Originally Posted by sifiasco
Would like to hear that story as well.
It's a long one but if I were you I wouldn't read a story from someone who hasn't got any meaningful results as such. Yh I am proud of myself for going from bum to worker (and ofc stop smoking/stop being alcoholic/property portfolio/family/etc) but I am nowhere near "there" yet. Ask me again April 1st 2016...
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2015 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by KP24
It's a long one but if I were you I wouldn't read a story from someone who hasn't got any meaningful results as such. Yh I am proud of myself for going from bum to worker (and ofc stop smoking/stop being alcoholic/property portfolio/family/etc) but I am nowhere near "there" yet. Ask me again April 1st 2016...
I think you're doing yourself a bit of a disservice here. You may not be as experienced as many on here wrt poker, but you're definitely one of the most experienced in terms of life. The story of coming from where you have done to where you are now is definitely one worth telling, as I'm sure there are plenty of people like me that would benefit from reading it.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2015 , 07:02 AM
+1 give the people what they want KP!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2015 , 08:21 AM
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2015 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by sifiasco
You may not be as experienced as many on here wrt poker, but you're definitely one of the most experienced in terms of life.
Yeah give us the story old man!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-13-2015 , 05:09 AM
DAY 241

Good days!

Did great session review after tough day and sometimes you just gotta face the facts! Gave myself a dressing down and hit the tables that night feeling pumped and full of confidence! Lost 1.5 bi in first 50 hands due to variance only and came back to finish + 2bi. Another 1 bi last night completed 2 good days.

Group coaching was awesome too. I felt a lot more confident in my input this week. I struggle to speak my thoughts in these sessions because I am a dunce! No excuses!!!

SESSION = +$157
ROLL = $3199

Man I want that NL100 so bad now....

Originally Posted by sifiasco
I think you're doing yourself a bit of a disservice here. You may not be as experienced as many on here wrt poker, but you're definitely one of the most experienced in terms of life. The story of coming from where you have done to where you are now is definitely one worth telling, as I'm sure there are plenty of people like me that would benefit from reading it.
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
+1 give the people what they want KP!
Originally Posted by MLjung
Originally Posted by spacehippie
Yeah give us the story old man!
Thanks for the interest guys but I am not telling half a story

When I have made $100k at this game or I get to £10million of property then I might have something worth sharing. Let's not forget I still work for someone else in a dead end (my opinion) job still. Hopefully neither of those will take toooo long
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-13-2015 , 05:25 AM
With the same work ethic you could be halfway through a law degree my friend, or an engineering degree. No joke.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-13-2015 , 08:25 AM
^^as someone who's just finished a law degree, with his work ethic he could've done several law degrees by now.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-13-2015 , 09:11 PM
Law twice as hard as engineering?
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-13-2015 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by asriva
Law twice as hard as engineering?
Wouldn't those to jobs take a completely different skill set and personality type? I image most engineers would find it impossible to command a court room even if they had the ability to pass the college courses. Would most lawyers be able to sit and grind out equations all day? Prob not. Wouldn't think the jobs compare well.

Joe don't answer this, ill consider you a anomaly!

Last edited by spacehippie; 06-13-2015 at 10:59 PM.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-16-2015 , 03:33 AM
DAY 244

I'll let the figures talk today...




Originally Posted by amapro
With the same work ethic you could be halfway through a law degree my friend, or an engineering degree. No joke.
The thought of doing that turns my stomach! This involves reading and writing I think. No way!!! Would be stuck on day one
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-18-2015 , 03:27 AM
DAY 246

Errr. Illuminating days...

Results wise not good enough. Won 2bi day 1 then lost 2bi day 2. Ran 5h1t (2 outered x 1, KK < AA std, villain hit set with 44 in 3bp v my TP2K). Kinda fk results atm other than they prove I am still 5h1t.

Coaching with Ilidek last night was good. Ilidek found tilt. I/we will be working hard on it now as it is almost certainly the reason I am not winning more (forum answers = good, play in upswing = good, play in downswing/when losing = 5h1t).

Lots to work on finding out causes, symptoms, everything. Brief description is it is mental weakness and I will call it Pussy Tilt until I find out more about it and can describe it better.

Gordon said it would be this. Very happy Ilidek has identified it.




It's time for some changes in the brain... Just ferking do it!!!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-18-2015 , 03:45 AM
Hang in there, Big Chris!
We believe in you!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-20-2015 , 03:39 AM
DAY 248

Holy pants.

Over worked and under paid!!!

Worked hours and hours learning about tilt etc last two days. More knackered than ever.

Thing is I am finding tonnes of stuff which I think is super relevant to me and explains some of the problems I am having.

I do really well in the forums. I spend a lot of time in there and I always compare my opinion to the best players (and I do ok). Ilidek has commented few times that I make good answers and he thinks I have good foundation to play a good game.


At the tables....

Nothing like it.

Ok sometimes I play well and feel really good at the tables but not enough, nowhere near it.

And for the last two weeks (maybe more - I can't look) I feel that I cannot win a hand and definitely cannot beat any villain over a period of hands.

So last sessions I worked hard on tilt in game. Watching what I do when it comes (body/voice/plays/heart beat etc) so I can recognize it and try to overcome it.

Also its really important to see what my mistakes are when I tilt (although its way better to look at them after as evaluation during performance is bad). Seeing what my mistakes are when tilting is a perfect way to see what parts of my game (all?) are not learned to unconscious competence because when you tilt anything learned to unconscious competence DOES NOT break down (assuming you did not smash your head open!) but everything else does.

What has already happened, just from these two days research, is that the parts of my game that I was working hardest on (bluffing small pots and value betting hard) DID NOT disappear from my game under stress (this was what Ilidek noticed in coaching = I went super passive after running bad in few hands without needing to). Hopefully this is because I managed to move those things really close to unconscious competence.

Also, I have run really bad when bluffing these last two sessions, but because I am aware of the mental game issue I am not adjusting (villains won the pot making a "mistake") unless I have really good reason and I am sure that I can exploit villain by adjusting.

I mark the hands that make me tilt/get close to tilt and look at them after. It is pretty funny that I was getting tilted (adjusting/playing F game) when villain did something dumb and got lucky.

So atm...
  • I warm up better (look at last villain that tilted me/meditate/read session goals [mental + strat]).
  • I make watching my mental strategy my number one priority in game (poker strategy I just try to play my best and work on that between sessions).
  • I make an immediate evaluation of my game after each session (in a journal).
  • I keep learning about mental game (especially refining my ALM, Inchworm and Process Model).

In a nutshell - Call me Tendler.




Financial results are not even important at the moment. I cannot move on until I improve these tilt issues.

If you read that then seriously WP and thanks!

Be strong mates.

Originally Posted by MLjung
Hang in there, Big Chris!
We believe in you!
Ty mate. A small comment like this goes a really long way. Much appreciated.
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