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WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT...

11-23-2014 , 07:55 PM
Respect man!!!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-25-2014 , 02:08 AM
haha, awesome month video mate, you got the moves like jagger. Happy to see hard work finally paying off and youre winning. I think its going only upside now since you have adjusted to HU. GL mate rooting for ya!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-25-2014 , 05:27 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 41

Yes!!! Managed to get my rest period in this weekend! Was magic, took kids to a Christmas market and bought daughter some new trainers (yeah they go really fast ). Went out with wife and few mates which was good to relax and finished it all with a nice meal out. Good times.

Just fell slightly behind with commenting on hands but I usually do so many I am not worried, just need to get back on it - done 10 today and will do loads tomorrow. Think I am getting bit better with analysing scenarios but still massive work-in-progress!

Last week I was up $289 at the tables so with rakeback to come that was a good week! Quite proud of that for HU noob but small sample etc etc. Played 35 hours exactly and studied 20 to 25.

Thought process is improving rapidly but still loads of easy stuff that I am so bad at!

This last session I ran pretty bad, saw some weird hands and had terrible run outs when I flopped the nuts. I think I did well to keep loss to a minimum and ended up down $40.

  • Post hands
  • Comment on 10 hands
  • Study 10 old hands
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab
  • Play 5.5 hours
  • Table select
  • Focus

Roll Update.
Session = -$40
Roll = $1960
Overall profit/loss = +$34

Had tonnes of replies on this week's Youtube video - thanks a lot guys - all very positive (so far ). One thing keeps cropping up: some people are still defining their "goal" or "aim" as monetary wealth. I really want to try to help you realise that unless you are actually kissing the dollar bills or rolling around in notes for fun (yh its possible) that it is not the money that you are after. It will (almost) always be something else - usually a feeling or an emotion - that having money will allow you to achieve. It's recognising that feeling and focussing on that as your desire which is going to be a big step forward. In my opinion of course . Gogogogo!

Originally Posted by MrSpew
great vid mate
still waiting on your article on how sleeping less > sleeping more
Thanks Spew! Yh that will come.

Originally Posted by Aviat0r71
Hey Chris really nice vid dude it's nice to hear a bit of background it makes it even more impressive what you've achieved and what you WILL achieve.
Good luck at the tables mate
Thanks very much! It's nothing yet pokerwise but yh my life has turned around big time. Thanks for GL!! You too!

Originally Posted by GilZ89
Respect man!!!
Ty mate!

Originally Posted by wellplayed
haha, awesome month video mate, you got the moves like jagger. Happy to see hard work finally paying off and youre winning. I think its going only upside now since you have adjusted to HU. GL mate rooting for ya!
Hi mate, great to hear from you! Thanks. Hope all going good for you too amigo.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-25-2014 , 06:29 AM
You were right Chris, loved the vid
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-26-2014 , 04:59 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 42

Nice, nice, nice!!!

I must thank the almighty poker god today for not making me run like pants on my shot at NL50!! It has gone well so far and I know I could have ran (run?) a lot worse! Of course it is also great testament to the quality coaching and forum work too but I am thankful to not hit bad variance

Good session which started very slowly - I was starting to worry would not get action - then a nice stream of fishes came swimming up the river. Only one of them was running super hot - he got up around 80bb on me then his luck ran out and he swam out to sea to buy a soggy cheeseburger

Roll Update.
Session = +$128
Roll = $2091
Overall profit = +$163

  • Post hands - DONE!
  • Comment on 10 hands - DONE 9 (not my fault )!!
  • Study 10 old hands - DONE!
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab - DONE!
  • Play 5.5 hours - DONE!
  • Table select - ALMOST NOT NEEDED BUT DONE 10/10!
  • Focus - 8/10 (started studying one of Gordon's video's and got a bit addicted only 30 seconds though but still bad).

  • Post hands
  • Comment on 10 hands
  • Study 10 old hands
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab
  • Play 5.5 hours
  • Table select
  • Focus

I feel sorry for you guys that don't believe in yourselves I really do. It seems you have great hesitations and moments of self doubt. Damned society we live in, that's all it is. Please don't hit rock-bottom before you snap out of it because you're worth more than that. When I am walking along the path of life and I get the feeling that a "self-doubt" is creeping up on me do you know what I do? I just keep walking. Simples. (Sometimes I run too but that's just for the hell of it )

Originally Posted by dg4
You were right Chris, loved the vid
Great stuff!!! Really glad to hear that from someone I respect, thanks mate!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-27-2014 , 04:32 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 43

Lolling!!! Yesterday I thanked the gods of variance and 3rd hand of session they spanked my bottom! Of course nothing serious (AK < AA std) but it was one of those "should have kept your mouth shut" moments!

Session was bit swingy after that. Won some of it back from that dude then he swam out to sea. Couple of guys sat me out pretty quick and couple I sat out too. Then one guy took me for a couple of buy ins but pretty sure he ran super hot. Will look back over it later and see 1. If I played bad or 2. I f I should/could have left him. He was limping tonnes preflop but got pretty aggro after so maybe I should steer clear of him.

Caught right up on some hand analyses and making my spreadsheet which feels good.

Got to say I am pretty knackered today. I am at work right now and struggling to keep eyes open. I have cough though and kept waking myself up (and rest of the house whoops!) so sleep was bad quality. No worries though I enjoy such an easy challenge

Roll Update.
Session = -$151
Roll = $1949
Overall profit = $12

  • Post hands - DONE!
  • Comment on 10 hands - DONE 10!
  • Study 10 old hands - DONE WAY MORE!
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab - FAIL (did not choose on so did more of above)
  • Play 5.5 hours - DONE!
  • Table select - NEED TO CHECK LAST VILLAIN 5/10
  • Focus - 9/10

  • Post hands
  • Comment on 10 hands
  • Study 10 old hands
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab
  • Play 5.5 hours (if I struggle later will stop at 5 hours)
  • Table select
  • Focus

So much stuff I wanna talk about!
You do realise that who you are today is who you MOST wanted to be right? You know... when you had the choice of working or resting it was YOU that made the choice to rest, when you had the choice of the gym or TV it was YOU who made the choice. So that was what you wanted the most so please don't complain about it - embrace it (you're in control after all). Of course now would be a good time to think about who you most want to be in the future and maybe start making some different choices.
Hop on baby
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-27-2014 , 07:12 AM
Loved that video KP a keep them coming!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-27-2014 , 12:50 PM
Nice video.How did you stopped smoking?
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-28-2014 , 04:01 AM
Stopped going to the shop and buying cigarettes, I guess.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-28-2014 , 04:40 AM
Hey KP,

The first video of yours that I watched was the last one and it was awesome..

Would like to hear more about your time management and how you overcame your lack of belief in yourself.

WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-28-2014 , 04:45 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 44


Brilliant day! Had sweat session with Ilidek which was awesome - cannot wait to review it tonight! Also we had group coaching with Gordon, amazing. So lucky to be in the company of these guys.

I have to admit I am not the "sharpest tool in the box" so sometimes the information flies over my head but I always record sessions and make BIG notes when I review it. Also I made some quick notes whilst we talked too just in case of a Camtasia boo-boo (read: old man botches tech stuff ). Also there was a little gap waiting for action but of course I had a load of questions to ask all ready!! I wonder how long before coach gets fed up of all of my questions ?

Results from session were good and suffered some bad variance so could have been a lot better. Villain selection awesome. Focus good. Did mark a lot of hands which is always a sign to me I am fully into the match.

Did another hand analysis only for few guys to say I should not play the flop that way! This is fine though. 1. I will learn that flop decision so much better for making the mistake more pronounced and 2. I learned loads about what to do on run-outs like the one I encountered with a different range of hands.

In more important news my 3yr old son did a poo on the potty. Now that's an achievement eh!? Quite important for his future too imo .

Roll Update.
Session = +$84
Roll = $2033
Overall profit = +$96

  • Post hands - DONE!
  • Comment on 10 hands - DONE 13!
  • Study 10 old hands - DONE!
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab - DONE!
  • Play 5.5 hours (if I struggle later will stop at 5 hours) - DONE!
  • Table select - 10/10
  • Focus - 9/10

  • Post hands
  • Comment on 10 hands
  • Study 10 old hands
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab
  • Play 5.5 hours
  • Table select (how long before this is "natural"!?)
  • Focus

My wife phoned me up at work so son could tell me (read: shout down the phone) about his momentous poo! Made me think about something...
When a toddler is learning to walk they crash into things and fall over continuously - always getting bumps and bruises!!! And what do we do? We tell them "you can do it", "keep trying" and all that sort of encouragement. Why? Because we already know they will almost certainly do it in the end - we are conditioned to believe it will happen.
Can you imagine a world where we encouraged others AND ourselves that we can do anything with that same conviction? Its beyond imagination probably.
Ok, forget the world for now, let's just start with ourselves eh? Go on, you can do it (I know you can)!!!!!

Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
Loved that video KP a keep them coming!
Woowoo!! Great to hear that from YOU mate, really is, thank you. Always thankful of the help you have given to me amigo, thank you!!!

Originally Posted by Trife
Nice video.How did you stopped smoking?
Pretty big story (or part of one) for future. Keep in touch and will let you know.

Originally Posted by sifiasco
Stopped going to the shop and buying cigarettes, I guess.
Holy hell mate! Why didn't I think of that!?
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-28-2014 , 07:24 AM
I really enjoyed your video to define success,thank you!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-29-2014 , 04:09 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 45

Standard day today. Completed all tasks, focus not quite 100% but still good, villain selection excellent. Got a few admin tasks out of the way today too.

Action was weird as had none for 30 minutes then ipoker went bonkers and everybody wanted my money

Got plenty on this weekend. Daughter's 6th birthday party (craft yuk!), Christmas lights switch-on in our town (good fun with kids yo!) and all out for a meal (yummy). Hopefully can get all my work out of the way early then can relax and enjoy it all.

Roll Update.
Session = +$29
Roll = $2062
Overall profit = $125

  • Post hands - DONE!
  • Comment on 10 hands - DONE!
  • Study 10 old hands - DONE!
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab - DONE!
  • Play 5.5 hours - DONE!
  • Table select (how long before this is "natural"!?) - 10/10
  • Focus - 8/10

  • Post hands
  • Comment on 10 hands
  • Review 50% of coaching video
  • Make Youtube video
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab
  • Play 7.5 hours (will equal 35 for week)
  • Table select
  • Focus

You know something that is even better than achieving your goal?
Achieving your goal after failing.
Failure... I you!!!
And I'm coming back for more!

Originally Posted by LeBougon
I really enjoyed your video to define success,thank you!
Great! Thank you very much for positive feedback. Really appreciate it.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
11-29-2014 , 04:29 AM
More hands please, post some sick overbets. Doesn't matter if they're any good or not.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-01-2014 , 04:57 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 47

Hi mates! Manic weekend here! Daughter's birthday party, meals out etc etc etc. All good. Got 10 hours play in yesterday and made Youtube video so ahead for last week. Supposed to be day off too but had 2 hours to myself so played 2 hours just to get ahead a little bit.

Last week...
Played 39.5 hours
Studied ~25 hours
Profit $167 + RB

Roll Update.
Session = +$117
Roll = $1746
Overall profit/loss = +$241

Here's this week's Youtube video. Update of results (going well ). Also just what I am working on at and away from the tables.

I have posted the links on there that some of you have asked for too...

Good luck everyone - I'm off for some birthday cake!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by TheDefiniteArticle
More hands please, post some sick overbets. Doesn't matter if they're any good or not.
Hi mate! Don't hold your breath for sick over-bets in here. The only chance of that is if I miss click again
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-01-2014 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by TheDefiniteArticle
More hands please, post some sick overbets. Doesn't matter if they're any good or not.
OK, reviewing todays session I found a sick over-bet over for you (well you did say it does not matter if good or not )...

€0.25/€0.50 No Limit Holdem
2 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by

Eatyourpeas (SB) (€52.52) 105bb
BB (€51.97) 104bb

Pre-Flop: (€0.75, 2 players) Eatyourpeas is SB 9 J
Eatyourpeas calls €0.25, BB checks

Flop: 6 10 5 (€1, 2 players)
BB checks, Eatyourpeas checks

Turn: 4 (€1, 2 players)
BB bets €0.50, Eatyourpeas calls €0.50

River: K (€2, 2 players)
BB goes all-in €50.97,
Eatyourpeas calls €50.97

Final Pot: €103.94
Eatyourpeas shows Flush King high
9 J
BB shows Two pairs : Tens and 6
6 10

Eatyourpeas wins €102.44 (net +€50.47)

BB lost €51.97
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-01-2014 , 06:28 AM
Still working like a beast I see Chris. Good luck, you deserve success.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-01-2014 , 06:24 PM
Gl. I just moved over to HU.

Playing 2 tables zoom HU poker now, trying to get better, not to make money.

Will be interesting looking at hands you post. Definitely quite a few spewtards in HU 50nl.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-02-2014 , 04:44 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 48

Man it is good to get back into my daily grind !

Fantastic family weekend, wife did excellent party for our daughter (6) and all the kids seemed to love doing the craft etc. Nice meal after too (ty credit card ). Still I was thinking poker thoughts (did I email coach, did I post my hands yesterday, is 64o a profitable 3b!?) sometimes when trying to relax but of course its standard. No resting for these 12 months! Just feel good to be back alongside my "to-do list".

Session was really good. Villain's ran a little bit hot but still made good profits. Also I played two tables for a couple of hours against two passive fish. They did run hot but I think I played ok. Definitely not so good as one table of course but was good chance to try/practise it.

Roll Update.
Session = +$195
Roll = $2373
Overall profit = +$436

  • Post hands
  • Comment on 10 hands
  • Review 50% of coaching video
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab
  • Play 5.5 hours
  • Table select
  • Focus

When unpleasant things happen to you it is not a burden or your "bad luck again". It is a chance, a challenge, your time to grow! Come on you big dummy, let's grow grow grow!!! (Oh, if you don't want to grow with me you go ahead with your dying thing. Up to you.)

Originally Posted by Husker
Still working like a beast I see Chris. Good luck, you deserve success.
Hi mate!! Yh I'll die trying! It feels just a little bit closer every day. Thanks very much mate.

Originally Posted by Yoshimiii
Gl. I just moved over to HU.
Playing 2 tables zoom HU poker now, trying to get better, not to make money.
Will be interesting looking at hands you post. Definitely quite a few spewtards in HU 50nl.
TY. GL to you too sir.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-03-2014 , 05:29 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 49

Weird day.

Did not feel like I ran too good at the tables but was still break even so maybe biased.

I think I played two villains for too long when my edge was not big enough. I mean they were bad but with the rake we were just paying the poker site imo. Also sometimes had two tables and they were not BOTH weak enough for me to do this. Still I will practise this from time to time but am still learning enough things to play one table imo.

Study was good and got back on top of forum work which makes me feel good and seems to be my favoured way of learning at the moment. I definitely need to work on transforming my forum thoughts to the table. I think it is a question of speed so I just need to keep practising I think.

Roll Update.
Session = +$1
Roll = $2362
Overall profit = +$435

  • Post hands - DONE!
  • Comment on 10 hands - DONE!
  • Review 50% of coaching video - FAIL! Only did ~25%
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab - DONE!
  • Play 5.5 hours - FAIL! Played 5 hours as was shattered and have got a time slot opened up later in week to make up
  • Table select - 7.5/10.
  • Focus - 8/10.

  • Post hands
  • Comment on 10 new hands
  • Study 10 old hands
  • Review 75% of coaching video
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab
  • Play 5.5 hours
  • Table select
  • Focus

Even the world's greatest achievements started with the smallest of steps, so don't be overwhelmed. Well, you are allowed to be overwhelmed with excitement if you like. I am. Every day.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-03-2014 , 07:03 PM
Hey man, loving your videos and your attitude. You have a great work ethic and give off a lot of enthusiasm! I have one question though...

The goals you put for yourself are pretty strict. That's not necessarily a bad thing I guess, but don't you ever get an overwhelming feeling of all the work you (still) have to do? From following this thread it seems like you don't take that many breaks and considering the amount of work you put on yourself, I sometimes wonder why you don't burn out a bit by going at it at this rate.

Ofcourse, doing what you love and having a lot of motivation greatly reduces the chance of experiencing a burned out feeling, but still... Don't you ever want to take a break, away from it all? Just for a little while, as in to catch some breath and to get some peace inside of your head?

I'm asking because I myself feel like I really need those periods of rest. Otherwise, it feels like I'm constantly tiring out my body a bit more, day by day.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-04-2014 , 07:23 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 50

Manic day so could be crappy post

Had fantastic coaching last night from Ilidek. Can't wait to review as there were loads of golden pieces of information in there that I can't remember at the moment!!

Ran worst I have so far at CFP after that. Was at stop-loss when I was ready to start shutting down. Unfortunately I forget to look at cashier (always never did this) so went over by few dollars but hopefully won't get booted!?

Had a perfect fish for ages but holy-hell he ran like the sun! Was funny really but I then maybe laid down a couple of hands badly or called a couple of spots too light because "omg he cannot have hit again" - you know?

I will learn from this. It is all good. I also played a bit too fast - he seemed to want to play fast and because he was a fish I wanted to keep him happy rather than him leave. Should have kept it at my pace as I am still learning basics.

Study was good today, forum is gooooood.

Got coaching with Gordon as well later

Roll Update.
Session = -$216
Roll = $2131
Overall profit = +$285

  • Post hands - DONE 5 (run bad yo!)
  • Comment on 10 new hands - DONE!
  • Study 10 old hands - MORE THAN!
  • Review 75% of coaching video - COMPLETE!
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab - DONE!
  • Play 5.5 hours - DONE (just)!
  • Table select - 8/10
  • Focus - 6/10 (I dunno, just did not feel right)

  • Post hands
  • Comment on 10 new hands
  • Study old hands
  • Play 5.5 hours
  • Table select
  • Focus

No time for wisdom today. Time management being tested to the limits!!! Important things first remember!!!!!!

Originally Posted by F2012
Hey man, loving your videos and your attitude. You have a great work ethic and give off a lot of enthusiasm! I have one question though...
The goals you put for yourself are pretty strict. That's not necessarily a bad thing I guess, but don't you ever get an overwhelming feeling of all the work you (still) have to do? From following this thread it seems like you don't take that many breaks and considering the amount of work you put on yourself, I sometimes wonder why you don't burn out a bit by going at it at this rate.
Ofcourse, doing what you love and having a lot of motivation greatly reduces the chance of experiencing a burned out feeling, but still... Don't you ever want to take a break, away from it all? Just for a little while, as in to catch some breath and to get some peace inside of your head?
I'm asking because I myself feel like I really need those periods of rest. Otherwise, it feels like I'm constantly tiring out my body a bit more, day by day.
Hi Sir. Interesting questions.
I do feel like I am burning out sometimes, no point lying about that. Sometimes I even look back on a week and cannot remember what I even did/learned.
I have had 2 days where I really felt lost and wondered if I could do this. It lasted for around 3 hours the first time and that was probably in week 2 at 6max, the second time it lasted around 5 minutes. I kind of like that I felt that and I like the fact I have gotten rid of it for a while now (because I know what to expect when it comes again).
I was good at things like time management before, now I am awesome. In 6 months I will be super awesome!
You have good points and it is something I watch with intent. However the feelings have gone away for a while now so I am not worried at the moment. I do try to take 24 hours off each week.
If it was easy, everyone could do it. I like hard.
Also, I am still weak, I am nowhere yet, just getting stronger everyday.
Thanks for asking this mate, made me stop and evaluate at least.
Oh, I never said I love poker either. But it sure beats working for idiots
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-05-2014 , 11:12 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 51

A good day!!

Coaching with Gordon was good and realised I am too slow at thinking through hands. I struggle to keep up but fortunately I record the meeting and can watch back the bits I am unsure on. To be fair he does always ask if any questions etc but I am not even quick enough to have a question. I will keep working at the forum and trying to improve this. As I said before I am not very clever bloke and very slow to react sometimes. No worries, practice, practice, practice!

Play was good, bit quiet at the tables so will look for more sites. Maybe Skypoker is good does anybody know? I believe no HUD there though but may still be profitable.

Roll Update.
Session = +$49
Roll = $2177
Overall profit = $266

  • Post hands - DONE 4!
  • Comment on 10 new hands - DONE ALL!
  • Study old hands - DONE!
  • Play 5.5 hours - DONE 5.75!
  • Table select - 10/10!
  • Focus - 9/10!

  • Post hands
  • Comment on 10 new hands
  • Study old hands
  • Review 25% of coaching session with Ilidek
  • Play 5.5 hours
  • Table select
  • Focus

My kids are 5 and 3 and they are learning all things like talking, reading, writing, counting. That stuff must seem kinda impossible to them when I think about it. Like one minute they have no clue what we are talking about then a few years later they are writing sentences. Pretty amazing.
My goals are all so easy when you put it into perspective. I've got better teachers than my kids have got too! Easy life.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-05-2014 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by KP24
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 50

Manic day so could be crappy post

Had fantastic coaching last night from Ilidek. Can't wait to review as there were loads of golden pieces of information in there that I can't remember at the moment!!

Ran worst I have so far at CFP after that. Was at stop-loss when I was ready to start shutting down. Unfortunately I forget to look at cashier (always never did this) so went over by few dollars but hopefully won't get booted!?

Had a perfect fish for ages but holy-hell he ran like the sun! Was funny really but I then maybe laid down a couple of hands badly or called a couple of spots too light because "omg he cannot have hit again" - you know?

I will learn from this. It is all good. I also played a bit too fast - he seemed to want to play fast and because he was a fish I wanted to keep him happy rather than him leave. Should have kept it at my pace as I am still learning basics.

Study was good today, forum is gooooood.

Got coaching with Gordon as well later

Roll Update.
Session = -$216
Roll = $2131
Overall profit = +$285

  • Post hands - DONE 5 (run bad yo!)
  • Comment on 10 new hands - DONE!
  • Study 10 old hands - MORE THAN!
  • Review 75% of coaching video - COMPLETE!
  • Analyse 1 hand with Equilab - DONE!
  • Play 5.5 hours - DONE (just)!
  • Table select - 8/10
  • Focus - 6/10 (I dunno, just did not feel right)

  • Post hands
  • Comment on 10 new hands
  • Study old hands
  • Play 5.5 hours
  • Table select
  • Focus

No time for wisdom today. Time management being tested to the limits!!! Important things first remember!!!!!!

Hi Sir. Interesting questions.
I do feel like I am burning out sometimes, no point lying about that. Sometimes I even look back on a week and cannot remember what I even did/learned.
I have had 2 days where I really felt lost and wondered if I could do this. It lasted for around 3 hours the first time and that was probably in week 2 at 6max, the second time it lasted around 5 minutes. I kind of like that I felt that and I like the fact I have gotten rid of it for a while now (because I know what to expect when it comes again).
I was good at things like time management before, now I am awesome. In 6 months I will be super awesome!
You have good points and it is something I watch with intent. However the feelings have gone away for a while now so I am not worried at the moment. I do try to take 24 hours off each week.
If it was easy, everyone could do it. I like hard.
Also, I am still weak, I am nowhere yet, just getting stronger everyday.
Thanks for asking this mate, made me stop and evaluate at least.
Oh, I never said I love poker either. But it sure beats working for idiots
Thanks for answering, makes me reflect on myself as well. And indeed: if it was easy, everybody could do it, so getting burned out is going to happen sooner or later. If we limit the burn outs to a minimum we'll be just fine

GL with the grind mate!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
12-06-2014 , 04:55 AM
Coaching For Profits @ BPC
Day 52

Ugh, feel awful! Hardly any sleep due to acid reflux then felt sick as a dog all day. Got my play in but not much study etc. Yet....

Roll Update.
Session = +$113
Roll = $2299
Overall profit = +$379

C'mon man, get well rapid!!!!!!

Originally Posted by F2012
Thanks for answering, makes me reflect on myself as well. And indeed: if it was easy, everybody could do it, so getting burned out is going to happen sooner or later. If we limit the burn outs to a minimum we'll be just fine
GL with the grind mate!
GL to you too!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
