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WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT...

05-29-2014 , 05:41 AM
Those btn vs bb spots are played very differently by the good players.

I can see leading being good esp on Axx boards bc we cant just start to xr turns into a range that contains a lot more stronger hands than ours

I dont mind a xr either on some fd turns

I also dont mind a flop xf although i think calling is probably better esp vs weaker players
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
05-29-2014 , 06:58 PM
we can't rep anything by leading a queen turn
if he's randomly bashing stuff like 33 because this turn is better for his range then we can do something about it obviously
have so many Ax to just x/c turn with, folding this is fine
flop peel is quite standard usually although he's bet quite big for a board this dry so I could see folding this hand and it's also a possibility he's betting bigger because he has a good hand
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
05-30-2014 , 04:39 AM
Schedule and Short Term Goals Update - 30.05.2014

Schedule 30th May 2014

09.00 - 10.00 = Update schedule and short term goals.
10.00 - 11.00 = Catch up with groups and comment on hands.
11.00 - 13.00 = Post hands to group/blog/staker.
13.00 - 15.00 = Work on preflop ranges.
15.00 - 16.00 = Study EM.
17.00 - ????? = Relax (beer!).

04.45 - 06.40 = At the tables.

To Do List.

1. Put all standard preflop ranges into Flopzilla.
2. Sleep article (I apologise for delay in this guys but it is not quite top of my list obviously and time seems really tight lately. It will come though).

Short Term Goals Work

Goal 1 - Play 65 hours in May - Played 65.02 hours which is 100% of target!!!. Month is 93.5% old so 4 hour 13 mins AHEAD!! Great stuff, won't be playing tonight and maybe not in morning either, but will get lots of hands in tomorrow afternoon/evening I think. TARGET BUSTED!

Goal 2 - Post all marked hands to blog and/or Skype group - Done!

Goal 3 - Study 10 hands -Done.

Goal 4 - Study Miller - Done. Small amount but reading on changing frequencise OOP etc.

Goal 5 - Post weekly review to group - This is really bad! Will get this done tomorrow, first time I did not send in in time.


4 x
1 x

Great day, had good HH discussions.



Woowoo, some rungood!! Felt really solid but ran well overall and small sample. Was due a decent run of hands imo
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-03-2014 , 07:53 AM
Let's Reflect and Plan!!

Poker has taken a bit of a back seat for the last week or so. I am about to refinance (somehow) and buy another property to add to my portfolio so arranging that finance and searching for a suitable property has been my main priority (work-wise) for the last few days (the finance is sorted but not found a property yet).

I have still played but not done much wrt to study but I have still been thinking about poker (hands etc) and forming my June goals so I am going to try to document/schedule this all here now...

Here are the results since my last post...

All was ok / break-even(ish) until I lost two medium pots this morning just as I was shutting down my session. Some of it was tilt as my brain did not function correctly when making the decisions (I was thinking about my kids and us giving my wife her birthday presents right away!!).


My poker strategy has improved a lot over the last two months but I am going to be honest with myself and say it is still really bad. I have some mental issues with learning which make it hard for me to retain some types of information that are presented to me, but by now I should be able to overcome this and progress faster than I have. Of course, if I could play poker more than 60 hours per month it would help but I am not going to make excuses, I should be doing better than I am at present.

The Plan

I need to focus on simple things.

I have got too many things going through my mind when I am at the tables and i cannot focus. So I am going to shift my efforts back to preflop and cbetting and looking at table dynamics (I think this is different to player dynamics but I am referring to concentrating on positions and ranges).

I think my process goals have become ineffective.

I am really happy with how I make my schedule every playing day and how I record my progress on my short term goals. This is brilliant in fact and is how I will proceed. What I need to do now though is work harder on making the short term goals more effective for me.

One thing I need to do is work hard on making things automatic at the tables. My preflop RFI, CC and 3-bet ranges are all over the place (actually been working on this). My blind stealing is not consistent. The work I started doing to increase my 3 betting has stopped. I think my c-betting is ok but even that I need to make sure on. I need to focus on making the best decision I can with my current ability. I think the main problem is thinking about stuff that is ahead/more advanced of the little things that have gone a bit out of control.

So what to do?

1. Concentrate on preflop.

Ask LOTS of preflop questions. So many that they ask you to leave the group! So many that Deepz goes on Skype tilt (standard anywayz).

The work has to relate to me. If I read it or see it or just get told it it almost completely goes out of my brain. If I can experience it myself and talk about it then it has a much better chance of going in and staying in!!! So I will post tonnes of hands and make some videos and beg people to help me!!

2. Concentrate on the action.

I just need to make it constant that I think of all of the variables for the action. What position am I in? What position is the PFR? Where are the fish? Who is in the blinds? Can I steal? Etc etc etc. So some of this is just working to make these things a habit all of the time. I will also need to stick to three or four tables (something I have not done so much since being back at NL25).

So Let's Do It!!!!


Add "make training plan" into the daily schedule.
Measure focus.
Measure preflop play (relative to ablility).
Measure "be aware of action".
Make videos.
Post HH's (habit?).
Watch review videos as warm-up and make it a habit.
Make range questions to friends a habit.
In fact, make all of those above habits!!
Remove results from daily post and return to weekly post.
Make short term goals weekly instead of monthly.
Amend weekly "results" template.

Short Term Goals Week Ending 8th June 2014

1. Watch 5 minutes (approximately) of poker video as warm-up to EVERY session (unless very short session expected). Measure as running total (X/10). Aim for 100% completion.

2. Stay focussed (turn off Skype and browser and play 4 tables maximum). Measure as a mark out of ten and estimate overall for each session and include awareness of action at all tables. Keep cumulative total for week. Aim for at least 8/10 average.

3. Mark 5 hands EVERY session for a preflop question to ask. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four hands is a fail. Do not mark any other hands (unless funny!). Aim for 100% completion.

4. Ask a range question to group/staker/forum every time your trigger cue happens. Measure YES or NO and keep running total. Aim for 100% completion.

5. Post your marked HH's for preflop questions. This means 5 HH's per session. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four is a fail. Keep running total. Aim for 90% completion and make any left over HH's into a video.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-04-2014 , 06:31 AM
Schedule and Short Term Goals Update - 04.06.2014

Short Term Goals Week Commencing 2nd June 2014

1. Watch 5 minutes (approximately) of poker video as warm-up to EVERY session (unless very short session expected). Measure as running total (X/Y). Aim for 100% completion. - Watched Si's video both last night and this morning. 2/2 =

2. Stay focussed (turn off Skype and browser and play 4 tables maximum). Measure as a mark out of ten and estimate overall for each session and include awareness of action at all tables. Keep cumulative total for week. Aim for at least 8/10 average. - Definitely giving myself a 10/10 for last night and a 9/10 for this morning!! Turned off browser and Skype to play. My mond wandered once this morning and it is because I started to think about inputting these goals but it was for about 10 to 30 seconds I would guess and I refocussed really well. 19/20 =

3. Mark 5 hands EVERY session for a preflop question to ask. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four hands is a fail. Do not mark any other hands (unless funny!). Aim for 100% completion. - Marked 29 hands in two sessions!! This highlights the problem then I guess!!! Any offers for help!? 2 out of 2 =

4. Ask a range question to group/staker/forum every time your trigger cue happens. Measure YES or NO and keep running total. Aim for 100% completion. - YES = 1/1 =

5. Post your marked HH's for preflop questions. This means 5 HH's per session. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four is a fail. Keep running total. Aim for 90% completion and make any left over HH's into a video. - Only started today so no result yet.

6. Play 15 hours. - Played 4h 04mins. 13 mins behind!


4 x
1 x

Fantastic day, hope I can keep that up. Need to get some hours in as weekend could be written off due to stag do.


Schedule 4th June 2014

08.00 - 10.00 = Update schedule and short term goals.
10.00 - 11.00 = Catch up with groups and comment on hands.
11.00 - 17.00 = Post hands and do preflop range work as habit.
20.30 - 22.15 = Watch poker video then play.

04.15 - 04.45 = Train.
04.45 - 06.40 = At the tables.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-05-2014 , 04:43 AM
Schedule and Short Term Goals Update - 05.06.2014

Short Term Goals Week Commencing 2nd June 2014

1. Watch 5 minutes (approximately) of poker video as warm-up to EVERY session (unless very short session expected). Measure as running total (X/Y). Aim for 100% completion. - Did not do last night due to time issues but did this morning. Today 1/2. Week 3/4. Half a !

2. Stay focussed (turn off Skype and browser and play 4 tables maximum). Measure as a mark out of ten and estimate overall for each session and include awareness of action at all tables. Keep cumulative total for week. Aim for at least 8/10 average. - Last night was poor. I made a video for review (staker) but as I was preparing I realised my preflop ranges were not syncing to my home PC properly. Got pretty tilted about it. Then with setting software up to record I was not in good mental state. I commentated on video too which I am not used to so found it really hard to focus on my goals for the session. This morning was good though so was happy to see it was just a blip! Last night 5/10. This morning 9/10. Session 14/20. Week 33/40.

3. Mark 5 hands EVERY session for a preflop question to ask. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four hands is a fail. Do not mark any other hands (unless funny!). Aim for 100% completion. - Session 1 =4, session 2 = 21. This just shows how far off A game I was in session 1. 1/2 = half a !

4. Ask a range question to group/staker/forum every time your trigger cue happens. Measure YES or NO and keep running total. Aim for 100% completion. - YES! Did good work on this.

5. Post your marked HH's for preflop questions. This means 5 HH's per session. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four is a fail. Keep running total. Aim for 90% completion and make any left over HH's into a video. - YES! Did around 10 yesterday and rest will make into video. 1/1.

6. Play 15 hours. - Played 6 hours 27 mins. 1 minute ahead lol! Needs to be more ahead though as weekend = stag party!


5 x
1 x

Great day, just shame video making stuffed me up! Positive note is that I will have auto piloted on video so errors will be glaring!


Schedule 5th June 2014

09.00 - 09.00 = Update schedule and short term goals.
09.00 - 09.30 = Catch up with groups and comment on hands.
09.30 - 17.00 = Post hands and do range work as per habit MAKE DOCUMENT.
19.40 - 20.10 = Watch poker video.
20.40 - 22.15 = At the tables.

04.15 - 04.45 = Train.
04.45 - 06.40 = At the tables.

To Do List.

1. Put all standard preflop ranges into Flopzilla.
2. Sleep article.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-05-2014 , 07:02 AM
Wow good work I can help you with some spots if you want just send me your skype
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-05-2014 , 10:25 AM
Just stopping by to say: Hi, Chris!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-06-2014 , 03:57 AM
Schedule and Short Term Goals Update - 06.06.2014

Short Term Goals Week Commencing 2nd June 2014

1. Watch 5 minutes (approximately) of poker video as warm-up to EVERY session (unless very short session expected). Measure as running total (X/Y). Aim for 100% completion. - YES! Simon's video x 2. 2/2 = (Week 5/6)

2. Stay focussed (turn off Skype and browser and play 4 tables maximum). Measure as a mark out of ten and estimate overall for each session and include awareness of action at all tables. Keep cumulative total for week. Aim for at least 8/10 average. - Had more pc tilt last night but calmed down! Focussed well in both sessions but I played more than 4 tables which is against the goal. I kinda forgot that bit! I was speaking to another player yesterday who is doing similar to me and playing Zoom just getting tonnes of hands in but that is not my plan. So overall good focus (Skype off, browser off, concentration good) Session 1 = 6/10, session 2 = 6/10. Day =12/20. (Week 45/60)

3. Mark 5 hands EVERY session for a preflop question to ask. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four hands is a fail. Do not mark any other hands (unless funny!). Aim for 100% completion. - Session 1 = 5, session 2 = 15. = (Week = 5/6)

4. Ask a range question to group/staker/forum every time your trigger cue happens. Measure YES or NO and keep running total. Aim for 100% completion. - YES! (Week = 3/3)

5. Post your marked HH's for preflop questions. This means 5 HH's per session. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four is a fail. Keep running total. Aim for 90% completion and make any left over HH's into a video. - YES! Did around 15 yesterday and made a document, big thanks to those who helped me. (Week = 2/2)

6. Play 15 hours. - Played 9 hours 17 mins. 33 minutes ahead! Don't think I will play for two days now though as stag party so will have to perform on sunday!!


5 x
1 x

Just let myself down playing too many tables. Did good work on posting hands yesterday. Need to get Flopzilla working on both pc's (can't export ranges). It is doing my head in!!


Schedule 6th June 2014

09.00 - 09.00 = Update schedule and short term goals.
09.00 - 09.30 = Group timetable!! Catch up with groups and comment on hands.
09.30 - 16.00 = Post hands and do range work as per habit MAKE DOCUMENT.
No poker until Sunday now due to wife's birthday and stag party!

To Do List.

1. Put all standard preflop ranges into Flopzilla.
2. Sleep article.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-09-2014 , 05:15 AM
Weekly Progress Update 09.06.2014

Graph for week

Did not run too well this week.

Good work on getting ranges for preflop RFI tied down. Need to get CC and 3b sorted over the next few days.

I should be playing some NL50 again by now but its just not going well!

Results for Short Term Goals Week Commencing 2nd June 2014

1. Watch 5 minutes (approximately) of poker video as warm-up to EVERY session (unless very short session expected). Measure as running total (X/Y). Aim for 100% completion. - Overall = 7/8 = 87.5% = FAIL!! Only missed one but not good enough, no reason to fail this again!

2. Stay focussed (turn off Skype and browser and play 4 tables maximum). Measure as a mark out of ten and estimate overall for each session and include awareness of action at all tables. Keep cumulative total for week. Aim for at least 8/10 average. - Overall = 63/80. Needed 64/80 to achieve!! Was good overall but two bad sessions played a bit tilted.

3. Mark 5 hands EVERY session for a preflop question to ask. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four hands is a fail. Do not mark any other hands (unless funny!). Aim for 100% completion. - Week total = 4/5. Blaming tilted session again but another FAIL!

4. Ask a range question to group/staker/forum every time your trigger cue happens. Measure YES or NO and keep running total. Aim for 100% completion. - Week total = 4/4. SUCCESS!!

5. Post your marked HH's for preflop questions. This means 5 HH's per session. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four is a fail. Keep running total. Aim for 90% completion and make any left over HH's into a video. - Week = 3/3. Went through tonnes of hands with various people over the week. Thanks to everyone who helped me out.

6. Play 15 hours. - Played 11 hours 22 mins. Failed by 3 hours 38 mins. Stag party killed me off as it cost me two sessions I would guess.


2 x
4 x

Quite surprised at this. I know the hours goal was going to be tough but thought I would be able to achieve all of the others. The ones I did achieve were really useful so going to keep the same for this coming week.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-09-2014 , 06:13 AM
Schedule and Short Term Goals Update - 09.06.2014

Short Term Goals Week Commencing 9th June 2014

1. Watch 5 minutes (approximately) of poker video as warm-up to EVERY session (unless very short session expected). Measure as running total (X/Y). Aim for at 100% completion. -

2. Stay focussed (turn off Skype and browser and play 4 tables maximum). Measure as a mark out of ten and estimate overall for each session and include awareness of action at all tables. Keep cumulative total for week. Aim for at least 8/10 average. -

3. Mark 5 hands EVERY session for a preflop question to ask. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four hands is a fail. Do not mark any other hands (unless funny!). Aim for 100% completion. -

4. Ask a range question to group/staker/forum every time your trigger cue happens. Measure YES or NO and keep running total. Aim for 100% completion. -

5. Post your marked HH's for preflop questions. Post at least 5 per day. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four is a fail. Keep running total. Aim for 90% completion and make any left over HH's into a video or do replayer session. -

6. Play 15 hours. -


Schedule 9th June 2014

09.00 - 11.00 = Update schedule and short term goals.
11.00 - 13.00 = Group timetable!! Catch up with groups and comment on hands.
13.00 - 17.00 = Post hands and do range work as per habit MAKE DOCUMENT.

20.30 - 22.15 = Poker video then at the tables.

04.15 - 04.45 = Train
04.45 - 06.40 = At the tables.

To Do List.

1. Put all standard preflop ranges into Flopzilla.
2. Sleep article.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-09-2014 , 01:02 PM
Try thinking on a higher level i.e not only what the opponent has, but what the opponent thinks I have and what he thinks you're putting him on. Whilst you've obviously worked hard on the fundamentals, you're missing value and not thinking enough IMO. For example, when a hand you posted earlier the flop came 88A, you held AQ vs the BB. You both checked the flop and you both checked the turn (5), and then he beats around pot on a 6 river. You were considering what hands he would get there with which beat you and justifying a fold, but from his perspective, you have checked the flop and the turn, and haven't represented a hand whatsoever, and have underrepped the strength of yours as he shouldn't even expect you to have a bluff catcher here. He should expect you to have random air, KJ or something for example. Why, therefore, would he make such a big value bet on the river ? I wouldn't credit a micros player as being able to level you into making a hero call when he has an 8 in this scenario,and he wouldn't credit you for checking two streets with an 8, so it's a snap call. Watch the Phil Galfond philosophy video, talks a lot about scarecards and how non-thinking players will use them to bluff, I think it will help you a lot IMHO. Good luck
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-10-2014 , 04:12 AM
Schedule and Short Term Goals Update - 10.06.2014

Short Term Goals Week Commencing 9th June 2014

1. Watch 5 minutes (approximately) of poker video as warm-up to EVERY session (unless very short session expected). Measure as running total (X/Y). Aim for at 100% completion. - Day 2/2. Week 2/2.

2. Stay focussed (turn off Skype and browser and play 4 tables maximum). Measure as a mark out of ten and estimate overall for each session and include awareness of action at all tables. Keep cumulative total for week. Aim for at least 8/10 average. - Really good sessions for focus, no distractions. Day = 19/20. Week = 19/20.

3. Mark 5 hands EVERY session for a preflop question to ask. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four hands is a fail. Do not mark any other hands (unless funny!). Aim for 100% completion. - Marked 6 then 16 so Day = 2/2. Week = 2/2.

4. Ask a range question to group/staker/forum every time your trigger cue happens. Measure YES or NO and keep running total. Aim for 100% completion. - Every time = YES!!

5. Post your marked HH's for preflop questions. Post at least 5 per day. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four is a fail. Keep running total. Aim for 90% completion and make any left over HH's into a video or do replayer session. - Posting document today.

6. Play 15 hours. - Played 2 hours 7 mins. 1 minute behind!


4 x
1 x

Only a minute off a full house! Good day, did lots of preflop range work and going to do tonnes more today! Sessions went ok too was just a bit disappointed that monsters did not get paid off when I was convinced villains had strong ranges.


Schedule 10th June 2014

08.00 - 09.30 = Update schedule and short term goals.
09.30 - 10.30 = Group timetable!! Catch up with groups and comment on hands.
10.30 - 17.00 = Post hands and do range work as per habit MAKE DOCUMENT.

19.45 - 22.15 = Poker video then at the tables.

04.15 - 04.45 = Train
04.45 - 06.40 = At the tables.

To Do List.

1. Put all standard preflop ranges into Flopzilla.
2. Sleep article.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 04:08 AM
Schedule and Short Term Goals Update - 11.06.2014

Short Term Goals Week Commencing 9th June 2014

1. Watch 5 minutes (approximately) of poker video as warm-up to EVERY session (unless very short session expected). Measure as running total (X/Y). Aim for at 100% completion. - Day 2/2. Week 4/4.

2. Stay focussed (turn off Skype and browser and play 4 tables maximum). Measure as a mark out of ten and estimate overall for each session and include awareness of action at all tables. Keep cumulative total for week. Aim for at least 8/10 average. - Really good sessions for focus, no distractions. Lost 3 big pots in quick succession but just marked them and moved on, very happy with that. Day = 20/20. Week = 39/40.

3. Mark 5 hands EVERY session for a preflop question to ask. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four hands is a fail. Do not mark any other hands (unless funny!). Aim for 100% completion. - Marked 5 then 6 so Day = 2/2. Week = 4/4.

4. Ask a range question to group/staker/forum every time your trigger cue happens. Measure YES or NO and keep running total. Aim for 100% completion. - Every time = YES!! Week = 2/2.

5. Post your marked HH's for preflop questions. Post at least 5 per day. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four is a fail. Keep running total. Aim for 90% completion and make any left over HH's into a video or do replayer session. - Posted document and got three replies - thanks guys!

6. Play 15 hours. - Played 5 hours 35 mins. 1 hour 18 mins ahead!! Could have played more if my cheeky daughter was not such a minx going to bed last night!!


6 x
0 x

Great day for THE PROCESS. Hit a couple of coolers which I will show in next post to check I played ok but felt really on top of things at the table.


Schedule 11th June 2014

08.00 - 09.30 = Update schedule and short term goals.
09.30 - 10.30 = Group timetable!! Catch up with groups and comment on hands.
10.30 - 17.00 = Post hands and do range work as per habit MAKE DOCUMENT.

20.30 - 22.15 = Poker video then at the tables.

04.15 - 04.45 = Train
04.45 - 06.40 = At the tables.

To Do List.

1. Put all standard preflop ranges into Flopzilla.
2. Sleep article.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 04:43 AM
I don't know is it good that after almost a year you still at 50nl limit? isn't it slow? I haven't been playing cash that much but I think you should have been on 100nl or even 200nl or am I missing smth? Anyway respect for this thread! you really getting shyt done!
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by vanlakos
I don't know is it good that after almost a year you still at 50nl limit? isn't it slow? I haven't been playing cash that much but I think you should have been on 100nl or even 200nl or am I missing smth? Anyway respect for this thread! you really getting shyt done!
Lol! How can I answer that!?

Yes I think it is slow.

But then I am a bit "slow" so maybe its ok!?
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 06:38 AM
Wondering why you choose to watch 5 mins of a video? Most hands in vids seem to take 2x-3x that time. Getting through something only part way doesnt seem like a good idea to me. I do believe in the benefits of a warm up
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by throwitback
Wondering why you choose to watch 5 mins of a video? Most hands in vids seem to take 2x-3x that time. Getting through something only part way doesnt seem like a good idea to me. I do believe in the benefits of a warm up
Yh you make a good point here.

I usually watch videos of poker buddies playing and make notes. This leads to me discussing the spots with the guys at a later time.

It probably takes me ten minutes to watch five minutes.

The main purpose of having this in my schedule is to warm up and get thinking and as you can see I don't play enough hours so have to be careful not to waste valuable playing time too. (Like if I was studying a video other than in warm-up I would not only watch 5 minutes worth.)
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by vanlakos
I don't know is it good that after almost a year you still at 50nl limit? isn't it slow? I haven't been playing cash that much but I think you should have been on 100nl or even 200nl or am I missing smth? Anyway respect for this thread! you really getting shyt done!
KP doesn't have the time to put the hours/hands to move up at any reasonable pace.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
KP doesn't have the time to put the hours/hands to move up at any reasonable pace.
What is a reasonable hands/month you think? if you want to move up with a decent pace.?

60k hands?
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by KP24
Lol! How can I answer that!?

Yes I think it is slow.

But then I am a bit "slow" so maybe its ok!?
Don't get me wrong, just asking, no hurting or trolling involved just wanna know what you guys think, especially you KP
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by vanlakos
Don't get me wrong, just asking, no hurting or trolling involved just wanna know what you guys think, especially you KP
Oh yeah, no offence taken or anything (as you made positive comments too ).

You are right, I get really frustrated with myself. Just today there have been two hands in my Skype group and I am really angry for not spotting some things in them.

I kinda hope it is just because I don't play enough and so not much gets to the level of unconscious competence. I am not an intelligent person either so I can be pretty dumb often too!

This is why I have gone back to preflop for now. And I want to carry on with it for a while until it is really deep into my thick skull!! I actually did this with cbetting a while ago and am not tooooo bad at that now. Will go back to that next!!

So, I think volume could be an issue for me but also being very crap at learning (I do try to improve this though).

Appreciate the input mate.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by KP24
Oh yeah, no offence taken or anything (as you made positive comments too ).

You are right, I get really frustrated with myself. Just today there have been two hands in my Skype group and I am really angry for not spotting some things in them.
Don't get frustrated, we all learn different. Also, what's the point in a skypegrp if u dont bring different angles, ideas. KUTGW!

Sent from my GT-I9505 using 2+2 Forums
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-11-2014 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by uselinkk
What is a reasonable hands/month you think? if you want to move up with a decent pace.?

60k hands?
At least 30k+ and it has to be regular. It depends on how you run and skill set vs the player pool obv but 18k hands will make it a slow progress.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
06-12-2014 , 03:56 AM
Schedule and Short Term Goals Update - 12.06.2014

Short Term Goals Week Commencing 9th June 2014

1. Watch 5 minutes (approximately) of poker video as warm-up to EVERY session (unless very short session expected). Measure as running total (X/Y). Aim for at 100% completion. - Day 2/2. Week 6/6.

2. Stay focussed (turn off Skype and browser and play 4 tables maximum). Measure as a mark out of ten and estimate overall for each session and include awareness of action at all tables. Keep cumulative total for week. Aim for at least 8/10 average. - Only blip was played 5 tables for a few minutes but was super fish! I sat out thought to focus 100%. Day = 19/20. Week = 58/60.

3. Mark 5 hands EVERY session for a preflop question to ask. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four hands is a fail. Do not mark any other hands (unless funny!). Aim for 100% completion. - Marked 5 then 8, it is getting less and less which is due to getting better (I hope!). Day = 2/2. Week = 6/6.

4. Ask a range question to group/staker/forum every time your trigger cue happens. Measure YES or NO and keep running total. Aim for 100% completion. - Every time = YES!! Week = 3/3.

5. Post your marked HH's for preflop questions. Post at least 5 per day. Measure as YES for achieved and NO for fail. Four is a fail. Keep running total. Aim for 90% completion and make any left over HH's into a video or do replayer session. - Posted 5 to friends. Week = 3/3.

6. Play 15 hours. - Played 8 hours 22 mins. 1 hour 57 mins ahead!! Could have been more but lost a bit of time due to rolling over for 30 mins in bed this morning! Still trained and watched video and was on table by 05.22.


6 x
0 x

Another fantastic day for THE PROCESS. Won a couple of flips today which was nice variance! Still lots to do on preflop play so gotta keep at it!


Schedule 12th June 2014

08.00 - 09.00 = Update schedule and short term goals.
09.00 - 10.00 = Group timetable!! Catch up with groups and comment on hands.
10.30 - 17.00 = Post hands and do range work as per habit MAKE DOCUMENT.

20.30 - 22.15 = Poker video then at the tables.

04.15 - 04.45 = Train
04.45 - 06.40 = At the tables.

To Do List.

1. Put all standard preflop ranges into Flopzilla.
2. Sleep article.
WARNING!!! Turning pro is HARD ****ING WORK!! And you will see this ITT... Quote
