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Wanna get to Thailand or How get out of comfort zone Wanna get to Thailand or How get out of comfort zone

02-05-2024 , 02:51 PM
Hi everyone!
My name is Tim, I 30 years old and I from the Central Asia (maybe you hear about countries: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan etc.)
A little bit about myself: I play poker about 6 months (yes, I'm a fish) and I have'nt goal to be The Poker-Pro and get WSOOP Bracelet, but about my goals I tell later. I work in an international company in Uzbekistan in the position of head sales department & marketing. In october 2023 I was in Phuket as a tourist and after coming back from Thailand in Uzbekistan - I fell in depression.
Why? Because I understood, that now I dont full enjoying of my life. I wanna traveling on different countries and get more emotions and mentions, but if I wanna will get it I need change my lifestyle and get out of my comfort zone.


I was thinking about such options as:
- launching my own store on marketplaces (Wildberries / Ozon / Uzum)
- trading on stock exchanges
- start playing poker
- start studying IT

And I decided to start with poker, and also to study marketplaces and analyze products in parallel.
Trading and IT timely paused, because I dont know them at all and I dont have time now for this things, but I have plan in future (about 1 year) for them too.



So, getting back to my goals of this blog.
I wanna to move the Thailand and live there about 1 year, also traveled to other countries such as: Vietnam, Kambodja, Malasia, China, Bali and Phillipines.
To make it happen, I must (should / need):
- to make cash about 10.000$. My tools: job & poker (60/40)
- to free speaking on english. My tools: this forum, where I can write my thoughts, ideas and results / peoples who can speaking with me on shortly online sessions
- to communicate with people, who can help with advices about poker and about move to thai & living there.
Deadline - one year.

Let's go!
If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.

Last edited by WANNATOGETTHAILAND; 02-05-2024 at 03:01 PM.
Wanna get to Thailand or How get out of comfort zone Quote
02-05-2024 , 03:00 PM
A little about my poker result of last six months:

And results of last 6 six day at the moment from my marathon started

Wanna get to Thailand or How get out of comfort zone Quote
02-05-2024 , 03:10 PM
Plan of next 1 month:
- play tournaments about 1 - 3$
- get 2 trainings: rewiev my hand history, one live session with trainer (my play)
- make br to 600$+ and add tournaments of 5$ too

I will play on GG, cause they have good tournaments shedule & guaranties.

GL everyone!
Wanna get to Thailand or How get out of comfort zone Quote
02-05-2024 , 03:24 PM
GL thailand man
Wanna get to Thailand or How get out of comfort zone Quote
02-05-2024 , 03:29 PM
Nothing wrong with your English mate, gl
Wanna get to Thailand or How get out of comfort zone Quote
02-09-2024 , 10:32 AM
Hi everyone!
I can't boast great result now, cause GGPoker doesnt give me little luck)
A lot of badbeats on last week. Today Im going to analyze my game from marathon started time.
There are a few hours of work in HM3 / Equilab & Flopzilla.

Results from 31.01 to 09.02:

Wanna get to Thailand or How get out of comfort zone Quote
