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Traveling Europe playing Online and Live Traveling Europe playing Online and Live

10-19-2023 , 09:00 AM
Hello all,

I used to have an account on here ages ago that I cant remember no more. Either way I am about to go on a journey traveling through Europe because I recently lost my job and I am unattached. I got some small side income to buy a few necessities but without some Poker success it will not be enough. I don't want to set any goals I just hope to live decent and survive especially the first crucial months of the trip. I start in France in November and think next stops will be Portugal and Spain. And then take it from there if I make it this far. All three of those countries have a lot of places to visit so I am quite sure if the money allows it I can easily spend at least the next 14 months there and never come to close to see all I would like to see. I upload some travel pictures in the future.

Now about Poker. Since Europe is regulated in almost all countries and I am a foreigner as well (would make playing on regulated sites difficult) I will play on Apps. As most of you know there is dozens of options out there and I intend to play on the more popular ones. I did not really save much to put on as a starting bankroll which could lead me to take on a job or even fly back home in shame - but no risk no fun.

Purpose of this thread is blogging about the travel experience, my results, the road to a "real" bankroll and climbing up the stakes. This is not going to be easy but that is what makes it fun to do it anyway. The games I play are Pot Limit Omaha in all its forms. I might play some of the Tournaments if I feel like it but I will mainly play cash. Whenever there is a Casino on my path and I have some money to sit down in the future, I will.

I got nothing else to do before I leave so I thought I start before the trip to France and I did on October 15th. Today I thought why not write a little blog about it. Going to share some 4, 5 and 6 Card hands maybe even high low hands. But I will be sticking to normal PLO Hi Games on Lowstakes at first.

Bankroll: 1.000$

Bankroll on 19th: 1.382$

Wish me luck

Traveling Europe playing Online and Live Quote
10-19-2023 , 10:35 AM
hello! Good luck! Where are you from? What city are you at in France atm?
Traveling Europe playing Online and Live Quote
10-20-2023 , 07:53 AM
Best of luck with your European journey and your poker adventure.
It's a unique opportunity to combine your love for the game with exploration and adventure.
Keep us updated on your progress and experiences along the way!

Safe travels and good luck at the tables.
Traveling Europe playing Online and Live Quote
10-21-2023 , 06:06 AM
Bankroll: 1.485

Going ok. Slowly moving in the right direction. Since this is without Rakeback I am satisfied with the way things are going. Games are good. So can't complain.

Had the Apps send a few HHs over but the format they send doesn't work with any hand converter really. Need to figure out how this works before posting hands.

I am not in France as of yet but the trip is going to start in Saint-Girons in November.

Thank you both
Traveling Europe playing Online and Live Quote
10-28-2023 , 07:07 AM
I need to remind myself to post more frequent. I had a great week poker wise. Dropped a bit from the 1.485 to around 1.1. Then I got my rakeback of close to 400 and from there I won another 800$. I can now track the Rakeback myself and it looks like 80-100 even on the Lowstakes I started. I will account for the Rakeback on every Sunday and start doing the Bankroll Update on a weekly basis most likely on Mondays. Next step is to post some hands.

On another note. I am running quite well but more importantly the games are very good. I am very happy about the playerpool and my setup. Really looking forward to the upcoming month.

My trip is about to start in November so I am starting to get a little nervous too but also happy that I am about to press my pot button and go "all in" soon

Bankroll: 2.310$
Traveling Europe playing Online and Live Quote
