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Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier

01-20-2017 , 01:13 AM
Review: Jan 18

General (3/4)
Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up
Do weekly goals
3x items from wedding checklist

Health (2/2)
Driving Range
Mobility 15min+

Mental (1/1)
Meditate 30min

Programming (2/2)
Program 8 hours
Study 1 hour

Poker (0/1)
Study 1hour

Total Work: 8h

Goals: Jan 19

Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Mobility 15min+

Meditate 30min

Study 30 Min

Play 6 Hours
Study 1 Hour
Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier Quote
01-20-2017 , 01:20 AM
Review: Jan 19

General (1/2)
Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Health (1/1)
Mobility 15min+

Mental (1/1)
Meditate 30min

Programming (1/1)
Study 30 Min

Poker (1/4)
Play 6 Hours
Don’t look at cashierBluff goal x3
Study 1 Hour 4

Work 2h Total
Poker 2h | Hands 1756 | Winnings 113 (245EV)

Didn’t get as much in as I wanted today. Was up late doing wedding stuff that needed to be finished by this morning and then woke up after 6h and couldn’t get back to sleep so felt pretty tired all day. Wanted to get a poker day in though so caught up on a bunch of studying that I have been meaning to do lately. Also will only be awake 12h today which cuts into my time but will set me up to play lots on the weekend and still be able to hang out with the gf/fam.

Goals: Jan 20

Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Mobility 15min+
Yoga or Gym

Meditate 30min

Study 30 Min
No Coding on weekends

Play 7 Hours
Study 30Min
Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier Quote
01-21-2017 , 02:34 PM
Review: Jan 20

General (1/2)
Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Health (2/2)
Mobility 15min+
Yoga or Gym

Mental (1/1)
Meditate 30min

Programming (2/2)
Study 30 Min
No Coding on weekends

Poker (3/3)
Play 7 Hours
Study 30Min
Bluff goal x 3
No looking at cashier

Total Work: Poker 6h
Poker: 6h | 4661 hands | $1213 ($1008 EV)

Pretty decent day for poker, hit all my goals for once except missed volume goal by 50 minutes but was dead tired by the end and was already messing up sleep schedule to some degree. Have both my brothers bday today so prob don’t have as much time as I would like but will get in as much as possible.

Goals Jan 21

Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Mobility 15min+
Yoga or Gym (Optional, if time)

Meditate 30min

Study 30 Min

Play 3 hours
No looking at cashier
Bluff goal 2x
Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier Quote
01-21-2017 , 03:32 PM
Will any hands be posted? GL
Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier Quote
01-23-2017 , 11:39 AM
Review Jan 21

General (1/1)
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Health (1/1)
Mobility 15min+
Yoga or Gym (Optional, if time)

Mental (0/1)
Meditate 30min

Programming (2/2)
Study 30 Min
No coding on weekends

Poker (3/3)
Play 3 hours
No looking at cashier
Bluff goal 2x
Studied 1h (Not goal)

Total Work: Poker 3h | 2145 hands | -$45 (-$50EV)

Goals Jan 22

Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Mobility 15min+

Study 30 Min

Play 3 Hours
Study 30Min
Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier Quote
01-23-2017 , 11:47 AM
Review Jan 22

General (2/2)
Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Health (2/2)
Mobility 15min+
Squats 3.5.250
Bench 3.5.205
Pullups 5,5,4

Programming (1/1)
Study 30 Min

Poker (2/4)
Play 3 Hours
Study 30Min
Bluff Goal 2x
Don’t look at cashier

Total Work: Poker 2h | 1584 hands | $348 ($49 EV)

Wanted to get a bit more time in today but ended up being very busy with some errands and had the wedding party over to discuss some details so had to do a bunch of stuff for that which sort of killed my playing time for the day. Gym is going pretty well, mobility work seems to be paying off so far. Still pretty far from where I would like to be but it's nice to be making some progress

Goals: Jan 23

Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Mobility 15min+
Driving range

Meditate 30min

Study 30 Min
Coding 4h
Look into MOOC course

Study 1Hour
Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier Quote
01-23-2017 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Ballerina
Will any hands be posted? GL
Thanks Unlikely for now. Not that much I find too interesting/unusual these days and when I do it's prob not something I want to expose to the public...I mentioned that this thread might be a bit boring haha. Not 100% ruling it out tho, so we'll see!
Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier Quote
01-25-2017 , 01:21 AM
Review: Jan 23

General (1/1)
Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Health (2/2)
Mobility 15min+
Driving range

Mental (0/1)
Meditate 30min

Programming (2/3)
Study 30 Min
Coding 4h
Look into MOOC course

Poker (1/1)
Study 1Hour

Goals: Jan 24

Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Mobility 15min+

Meditate 30min

Study 30 Min
Coding 6h
Look into MOOC course

Last edited by 200zoomgrinder; 01-25-2017 at 01:39 AM.
Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier Quote
01-25-2017 , 02:33 PM
Reviews: Jan 24

General (1/2)
Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up

Health (1/1)
Mobility 15min+

Mental (1/1)
Meditate 30min

Programming (3/3)
Study 30 Min
Coding 6h
Look into MOOC course

Study 1h (Non Goal)

Goals: Jan 24

Go to sleep by 11.30pm
Begin working within 1 hour of waking up
Do weekly goals
Daily goals before starting day

Mobility 15min+
Driving range if knee ok

Meditate 30min

Coursework 1h
Coding 6h

Study 1 Hours
Title: 2017: 200zoom+, 80k+, learn stuff, get healthier Quote
