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#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread #teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread

12-27-2013 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by ChAAnt JC
In. Gj on a great 2013 and here's to an even better 2014.

#BlakkFann #TeamCantClose #TeamGonnaClose #HashtagsMakeNoSenseOnForums

#TryingToBeOneOfTheCoolKids thooo

Originally Posted by TimStone
Not rly sure why u put so much work and dedication into something u r talented in and alrdy having thoughts of retiring in ur head... sad to hear but gl in reallife I guess...

Ps: whenever u have action to sell or underolled for something skype me...
i wouldnt neccessarily say that said 'talent' is poker related exclusively. I think the things that led me to be good at poker i can very well put to good use in other things that are quite possibly more +lifeEV than just making money full stop which poker kinda is all about. to me Poker is just a means to sth (actually it was a way to get me out of a depression) but i cant imgine it being my life's work and usually such things dont tend to last but help to find the deeper more important thing. as u see i m having a hard time even putting that into words so until then i ll keep doing what i am good at but i hope u see what i mean

Ps: will def do thanks bro and gl this yr!
Originally Posted by Supern4tur4L
Will follow your 2014 Thread GL with your goals ... You need some run good to win 200k in a year but GL
such is this game we re playing so fingers crossed i get some o dat
Originally Posted by Aliquantum
Yessss, was hoping there'd be a 2014 blakkman08 PG&C thread. Big things gonna happen for you I know it.

Spot on. Life is about people and relationships. Take away people and what's left? A bunch of brick, concrete and glass. Underscoring everything we do has something to do with people, connection, belonging and love. Everyone is always searching for meaning and happiness, but these aren't things you acquire and keep forever. They are transient, fleeting moments, but they seem to pop up more and more often when we're acting in service of other people, AINEC.

I'm not sure what all that means yet either. I do think you're made of the right stuff and I'm sure you'll head down many paths, both in and out of poker, that offer what it is you're looking for.

Best of luck mate.
pretty deep stuff right there but ya thats what i mean and would like to explore a lot more going forward. but being the obsessive kind of guy i see no real way for me to just dive into sth else while still playing poker full time. and being the jew that i am there s no way i wont make use of the financial opportunity poker is currently giving me. the goals i set for the next year+ are sort of me trying to balance the two. its def not set in stone tho and i ll just have to see where the net 12 months will take me best of luck to you man

Originally Posted by OMGsuperstaR
always thinking about this vid when i hear ur name

cheers and gL at the tables <3
haha hard to imagine just how many times i ve heard that vid mentioned

gl to you too mate!
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
12-28-2013 , 08:16 AM
GL blakk I wish you every success in 2013
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
12-28-2013 , 08:49 AM
2014* obvs
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
12-28-2013 , 10:20 AM
Good luck in 2014!

Looking forward to following this
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
12-28-2013 , 10:28 AM
I advocate for prescribing MTT's against depression for years now. Glad u came with some proof!
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
12-31-2013 , 01:16 AM
GL in 14
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
12-31-2013 , 02:24 AM
I remember the days when you use to 24 table 10nl FR, you've come a long way.

in once again, gl bro.
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
12-31-2013 , 04:55 AM
thx guys, have a good one tonight and start 2014 in style

Also having some big second thoughts on my goals for next year. Might do a full 180 to what I said in OP and go for SNE glanza mike style but I'm not quite sure yet. Prob will do a trial month in January and evaluate from there
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
12-31-2013 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by blakkman08

Also having some big second thoughts on my goals for next year. Might do a full 180 to what I said in OP and go for SNE glanza mike style but I'm not quite sure yet. Prob will do a trial month in January and evaluate from there
be honest you know fine you'd prob give up after the 1st month and then hate yourself what missing out a whole month basically.

just keep crushing dem MTT's imo
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
12-31-2013 , 10:56 AM
Can't know it if I don't try it tho 99% I ll go for a trial month in January
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
12-31-2013 , 11:03 AM
so what will your approach be? 6 tabling zoom?
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-01-2014 , 10:16 AM
Ya nvm was just jelly of a few of the year graphs in ssfr. MTTs it is

Happy new year peoples!

Inb4 "OP is bipolar"
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-01-2014 , 10:35 AM
MTT SNE grind? Lol.
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-01-2014 , 10:47 AM
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-01-2014 , 10:52 AM
Hahahaha na I meant that I was thinking bout going SNE in cash but that s not gonna happen so I ll stick with MTTs and do the donkament monstergrind this year. Will try and bink majors, triples, monthlies and the yearly along the way

Hope you all had a great party last night! I m hungover as he'll enjoying the second to last free day I have this winter. Going HAM from jan 3rd!!

Let's getemmmmmm this year!
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-01-2014 , 10:54 AM
BREAKING NEWS JUST IN: OP is confirmed bi-polar

Last edited by TVD; 01-01-2014 at 11:00 AM. Reason: and hungover
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-02-2014 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
Hahahaha na I meant that I was thinking bout going SNE in cash but that s not gonna happen so I ll stick with MTTs and do the donkament monstergrind this year. Will try and bink majors, triples, monthlies and the yearly along the way

Hope you all had a great party last night! I m hungover as he'll enjoying the second to last free day I have this winter. Going HAM from jan 3rd!!

Let's getemmmmmm this year!
It's your last year of poker as of now. Go out with a bang. SNE from 100% MTTs would make you the ultimate hero.

#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-02-2014 , 04:45 AM
Gl sir! Nice results in 2013!

Why wouldnt you like to keep going as a pro?
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-02-2014 , 06:09 AM
Nice thread crusher, glad to see u make the right choice (imo) GL this year!!
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-02-2014 , 08:09 AM
gl this year! I hope this is "your" year like you said
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-03-2014 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by TVD
BREAKING NEWS JUST IN: OP is confirmed bi-polar
Originally Posted by GizYaChips
It's your last year of poker as of now. Go out with a bang. SNE from 100% MTTs would make you the ultimate hero.

haha i m on it!
Originally Posted by peez88
Gl sir! Nice results in 2013!

Why wouldnt you like to keep going as a pro?
thx mate i ve mentioned a few points somewhere ITT already and tbh when the end of the year approaches i ll have a much clearer picture of what i wanna do than now so ask again in a few months
Originally Posted by Glanza_Mike
Nice thread crusher, glad to see u make the right choice (imo) GL this year!!
yayayaya legends with lots of stars ITT best of luck to u too man
Originally Posted by Solidthought
gl this year! I hope this is "your" year like you said
gl to u too mate, think i spotted u on my left at some point today


played the first sesh of the year today and ran like aids. through the first 70 games i played i had only sth like 3mincashes. collected a few runs towards the end of the day but couldnt close anything.

got 3rd in a 3r 180
and 4th in a $22 deepstack bowlament

obv will be looking to bink this one asap


#bowlcompgrinders #teamcantclose
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-03-2014 , 06:20 PM
GL this year, masterchef.
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-03-2014 , 06:56 PM
I remember sweating that wcoop final table at the house , it was painful to say the least. but u can make it this year .
gl Blakkman
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-04-2014 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by sngmastah
GL this year, masterchef.
Originally Posted by zaza
I remember sweating that wcoop final table at the house , it was painful to say the least. but u can make it this year .
gl Blakkman
thanks guys, and best of luck to u as well gents


binked a $8 180 and just now chopped the $55 10k headsup for $2.6k call it bink?


gl on sunday peeples
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
01-04-2014 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by blakkman08

binked a $8 180 and just now chopped the $55 10k headsup for $2.6k call it bink?
#teambink or die tryin - blakkman08 2k14 thread Quote
