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Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly

07-04-2014 , 11:47 PM
Hey everybody,

Figured I'd make a thread tracking my attempt to play 1-2 no limit on the side for some extra cash. It should help to motivate me and hopefully it will be a great learning tool. It is very motivating to me to read about others attempting and succeeding in their goals and I hope this can do the same for me and for others.

Ok, so about me. Im 22 years old, living in south Florida. I have a full time job in retail so my schedule can be crazy so I wont have a ton of time to play each week but I hope to make the most time I can. My living expenses are actually pretty low. Im renting a room at a buddy's house for cheap. I play at The Isle. I think its a great room with some nice promotions so I think Ill stick to it. Ill be starting with a $1000 br. I know its not much but it's all I can put into it right now and Im confident I can run it up. Now enough of this terrible writing, let's talk about my goals.

Poker Goals

1. Play a minimum of 15 hours a week.
- I think this is reasonable since I have a full time job that doesnt have a set schedule. So Im closing alot of nights I would want to play. I figured I can definitely play at least 6 hours each of my two days off and try to squeeze in a few hours on a work day or two. So I should be able to at least hit 15 hours pretty easily.

2. Have min hourly win rate of $15/hr.
- From everything I've read this seem to be the "standard" good hourly win rate for 1-2nl so I thought I would make it the minimum for my goal.

3. Put in at least 4 hours of poker study every week.
- I plan on doing this by starting to read some poker books and continuing my subscription to It has been good so far. I will also try to post some of my tougher hands on here to get some input.

4. Build up a 25BI ($5000) bankroll.
- I'm starting with $1000 which I know is low but I'm hoping to run good early to build up a more decent roll.

5. Once I build up m br to 15BI's I plan on putting 50% of my winnings into paying off my tuck.
- Been working my butt off to pay it off as quickly as possible so I would like to throw alot of my winnings at it to make that process a little quicker.

6. Invest/Give
- Once I pay my truck off I want to invest a certain percentage into my IRA and also give. I strongly believe in giving back. I am a Christian (bring the hate lol) so I have alot of passion for helping people. So I would like to give and help alot of people out.

7. Move up to 2-5nl in one year with a 30BI ($15,00) br So July of 2015.

Ok those are alot of goals and milestones I want to accomplish. Let me know what you think. Attainable? Too conservative? Wishful thinking? Let me know. I'm pretty happy with them and I can't wait to get to the tables! Technically I have already started this challenge starting about a week ago so Ill put my progress in now.

Hours played: 8
Profit: $259
Hourly profit: $32/hr
Bankroll: $1259

Off to a great start. Hope to keep it going! Thanks for reading guys!
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
07-04-2014 , 11:54 PM
good luck !! will look forward to reading your updates !
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
07-04-2014 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by ZenForest
good luck !! will look forward to reading your updates !
Thanks man!
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
07-05-2014 , 01:04 AM
Make it 30 hours per week al least GL
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
07-05-2014 , 05:47 AM
There's no way I can play 30. Have a full time job and would still like to have some sort of a life outside of poker and work.
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
07-05-2014 , 07:08 AM
Its completely possible. 3 hours a day. 8+ hours on days off.
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
07-05-2014 , 07:58 AM
Like I said I still want to have some sort of a life outside of work and poker. Don't get me wrong I'll probably play more than 15 hours a week I jut wanted to set a min. for me.
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
07-05-2014 , 04:51 PM
just play whatever amount is comfortable for you, but TRACK your results so after some time you can get a feel for your hourly win rate.
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
07-07-2014 , 12:20 AM

$1000 isn't bad. Especially at 1/2. Pretty hard to lose 5 buy ins. Just make good decisions.

Sent from my XT1030 using 2+2 Forums
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
07-07-2014 , 09:06 PM
Ok so Saturday night I went to put in a session after work. Did not go very well. I started out feeling like I wasn't playing my A game but definitely not bad enough to where I thought I should stop. Ran very bad though. Couldnt make a hand. Ran a few bluffs that probably weren't thought out and then started to play way to lose preflop. I guess thats how I tilt. Anyways was not happy with my performance but I walked out realizing my mistakes and ready to get back to it another day. So here are my lack luster results of the night.

Time: 7.5 hours
Profit: -$350
Hourly win rate: -$47/hour

Pretty nasty stuff. But like I said Im ready to get back to it. Play better, hopefully catch a few hands and just have fun with it. That's the one thing I can say is that even though I lost big I still had a great time. And if you aren't having a god time while play poker then why play right?
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
07-07-2014 , 09:07 PM
Oh, sorry I forgot.

Bankroll: $909
Taking Shot At Playing 1-2nl Live Semi-Proffessionaly Quote
