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Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013

10-07-2012 , 01:36 PM
haven't played in 3days playing bunch of crappy tournies today. I'll post results later I got the "hide from search" feature off if any of ya'll wanna rail. Normally when cash goes bad tournies go well for me. So going into auto pilot on 14 tables
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
10-07-2012 , 02:56 PM
alright in the money in a little hyper. bathroom break b4 the rest begin
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
10-07-2012 , 06:46 PM
made the money in like 4/14 but didn't get deep enough to actually help out the roll. Cash games went worse. So, I'm just gonna take like another week off. I got a punching bag on the way. I might start training to compete in some local boxing or mma matches within 2years. I really need to take out some aggression.

Roll down to $8,936
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
10-08-2012 , 07:13 PM
Internet's a bit choppy so I decided instead of just wasting away days I'm gonna go through a major overhaul in my game. Whenever I'm experiencing a downswing I take that opportunity to come back stronger. It's always worked out that way for me. I've always managed to have a steady winrate for that reason. What's happening now is only a small blip on the map. So no worries. Here is rough outline of the Notes I will be taking the next 3 days:

-First I'm gonna go back into heavy study of peoples preflop hand ranges e.g. how does a 24/21 differ from a 18/15? etc. (More of a refresher course)

-study what hands to 3bet, 4bet, 5bet shove given opponents and their ranges


-have a better grasp of how hard opponents are hitting certain flops given their ranges and how to adjust accordingly so that I can make these adjustments on the fly when playing 12+ tables

-learn who to bet down, pot control, and who to play big pots with w/ marginal hands on the flop in and OOP


-Who to/not to second barrel for value or bluff given certain stats and tendencies

-who to check to induce OOP


-Who to thin value bet or ch/f, and who to triple barrel

-Who to c/r bluff if I have reason to believe they are good enough to fold a thin Vbet

So, I'm gonna compile these notes because I have terrible memory and start veering off course every few months and have to re-calibrate myself. This will make it much simpler in the future. Plus, I'm in no state to play ATM because I'm pretty amped up and impatient.

Anyway, I haven't cashed my $1200 Supernova milestones or w/e but I don't wanna do it till I get back to my original 11K and new poker ability.

I just wanted to post this for those that follow and aspire to do this for a living. These are things you should definitely be taking the initiative to do in order to take your game to the next level. I haven't studied in a longtime and it's time that I do. In order to make it in this game you truly do have to have the patience, dedication, and balls. I'll probably be adding more to my notes as I go along because it's gonna be like a 20 hour sesssion. I'll c how it goes afterwards. glgl
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
10-08-2012 , 07:58 PM

Good luck in this man.
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
10-08-2012 , 09:28 PM
How many tables are you playing?
Very nice thread, gl.
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
10-08-2012 , 10:00 PM
It varies. I normally play 10-12 tables making sure there's at least one weak player in each. Sometimes, I just amp it up and play 18 tables w/o paying attention who's on my tables and ride through the variance. ATM i'm coming up with a strategy to 18 table in preparation for next year's SNE chase. So been going through some variance because of it. In the next four days I should have a solid game specifically tailored for SNE. I used to 24 table w/o a hud in the past on Cake but that was a much different time =) (2010)
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
10-14-2012 , 12:45 AM
Man, Anderson Silva is the GOAT in ANY combat sport, the dude is inhuman. Still working on the 18tabling thang. Gonna hire a coach soon when I hit 100K hands at 25NL to see if I have some major leaks. I just recently found out that I was c-betting 75% which was damn high so lowered it quite a bit. Gonna c some more numbers as I go along and adjust so I can make this game more automated.

VPP: 105,067
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
10-14-2012 , 05:56 PM
IN the money in three tournies they're small so no biggie if ya'll wanna rail
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
10-14-2012 , 10:29 PM
Man went pretty deep in the sunday storm or whatever the hell its called 18,000 entrants got like 300th place or somethin like that for $70 lol w/e I'm making sunday my tourny days now
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
10-15-2012 , 05:19 AM
subbed, GL
Surviving Black Friday: From Points to 100K+ & SNE 2013 Quote
