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09-01-2013 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by You Trippin?
I just found this dime and knew exactly where to put her for run good

Gl September!

Originally Posted by nik1908
hey just found the thread. just started playing 18men (7-15$). August was my first month. screename: nikolakos. gl at the tables
thanks man, gl you too, cya at the tables!

goals for this month btw:
2500+ games
20k+ vpp
supernova rung00d
finish some school assignments
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-07-2013 , 03:47 AM
Gl tom!!!

The only ' good' thing about the negative swing are the pictures people are posting for the run good gods...

September is win!
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-07-2013 , 07:06 AM
Gl Thomm!
Just found this thread, you've been hiding it well!
Ship that supernova rungood
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-08-2013 , 10:00 AM

September Run goooood
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-09-2013 , 12:01 PM
ty guys

had some irl stuff so still haven't played much

anyways graph below (sngs only as always):

i also played the wcoop kickoff and 215 full ring yesterday, busted the kickoff pretty fast after regging 1.5 hours late and ended somewhere around 1100th in the 215, itm but shoved K10s on the button vs an aggro cutoff opener for around 18bb eff but he woke up with QQ, flop was Q10x, turn K but the river blanked ofc

will play some other events and try to grind some sng's too

2600 vpp needed for SN

gl everyone!
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-11-2013 , 09:22 PM
weeeeeeeeeeeeee let's ship the supernova rungood

month so far btw:
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-11-2013 , 10:37 PM
Sexyy Supernovaaa

Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-12-2013 , 05:54 AM
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-15-2013 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by You Trippin?
Sexyy Supernovaaa

Originally Posted by ozziwar
ty guys!

still running pretty bad, supernova didn't help yet also didnt play much except today with 169 games, also almost having a 4k games be stretch which sucks

month so far:

rung00d threadsaver working for once plzzz

gl everyone!
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-20-2013 , 12:08 AM
small update:

will try to get 200k vpp this year for the juicy $2600 bonus

atm i'm at like 106.2k

month so far:
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-21-2013 , 05:53 AM
update man
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-21-2013 , 08:17 AM
Can you not disable the Cnet on the graphs since it doesn't work? GL getting 200k thats my target too.
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-21-2013 , 08:39 AM
Yeah, makes that $giraffe break-even looking whilst ur running at a doll / game.
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-21-2013 , 11:05 AM
yeah idea chilin, it tilts me tho even if it's not accurate i just know i get sucked out way too much

yesterday was also pretty tilting, had one great session where i won about 900, then my last session at night with uber soft games i lost it all back


[ ] $1/game

vpp count: 108.2k

gl everyone, gl chilin on getting 200k too!
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-21-2013 , 12:12 PM
Thx, think im on like 125k or so atm so head start. Are your graphs inclusive of RB (so 37% at 200k pace).
With RB I'm hoping to get $1.50 a game profit eventually.
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-21-2013 , 03:26 PM
nah graph is all pre rb, don't even know how to do that in pokertracker :P
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
09-30-2013 , 10:14 PM
month is over, kinda forgot to update but i guess there wasn't much to update

think i made all my goals by a very small margin

also didn't play a single 18 man last weekend cuz i bought GTA 5 lol, so -ev but it's fun

month graph:

still haven't recovered the downswing but i'm slowly getting there

also lost couple hundred during wcoop and also busted the 25k fpp sat to the ME

made one deep run in the bigger 22 yesterday but too bad i finished somewhere around 100th place or something

made 21.1k vpps this month, ytd now at 115.4k

october goals:
3000+ games
25+k vpps
real rungood finally plz??

gl everyone!
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
10-13-2013 , 11:12 PM
time to bring some life in this thread again :P

volume so far is really bad because i wasted quite a few hours in gta online because it's not saving or something but we'll get compensated for that
so i'll play a lot more poker this week also because of the promotions

month so far:

also lost about $400 in mtt's which aren't on the graph

hope to grind a lot this week and play 1500+ games, prolly will end up playing ~1000 but we'll see

gl everyone during the promotions!
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
10-15-2013 , 11:51 PM
first time in a long time i'm ****** tilted

litterally can't win a single hand even in the most fishiest games

only positive thing is i got 1 golden sng *cough cough*


Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
10-16-2013 , 12:20 AM
just stumbled upon this thread, congrats on SN! gl gettin that 200k mark, hopefully games arent too bad towards the end of the year
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
10-16-2013 , 02:09 AM
get em!!
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
11-01-2013 , 10:27 PM
sorry guys for not updating a couple weeks

october has been pretty bad, also didn't play 3000 games but i'll have to make up for that the next 2 months

october graph:

also lost about 1.5k i think in mtt's

gotta get 62k vpp next 2 months for 200k vpp bonus and also have school exams next week so i'll have to play a lot (was very lazy this month also cuz of runbad ofc)

goals for this month:
30k vpp+
3000-3500+ games

i gave up hoping of running good so whatever

gl everyone!
Supernova + profits $$$ Quote
