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[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy [Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy

05-23-2024 , 03:29 PM
[Session results: A deep run with a tiny cash]

In this session, I wagered $32.25, and played 11 games, ranging from $1.10 to $7.50. I had a net loss of $26.75.

I managed to go very deep in the $1.10 Bounty builder, but the cash was disappointingly small. It was all a matter of winning the races late in the game, and luck was not on my side. Nevertheless, this was my best performance in the last few days, so I am a bit content.

Last edited by tilted9042; 05-23-2024 at 03:36 PM.
[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
05-24-2024 , 08:09 PM
[Session results: Finally some profit]

In this session, I wagered $28.50, and played 10 games, ranging from $1.10 to $7.50. I had a net profit of $41.54.

I made deep run in two tours, the $3.30 BB and the $5.50 SCOOP Big knockouts. All in all, a good session.

[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
05-28-2024 , 03:24 PM
[Session results: Finally some profit]

In this session, I wagered $22.88, and played 7 games, ranging from $1.10 to $11. I had a net loss of $21.01.

I played the $11 Road to the Sunday Million, as it had a good payout ($10K guaranteed), and was low in players (a bit over 500). However, I was card dead all the way (a forced 16% VPIP) and so I didn't manage to make any chips at all. Eventually, I was left with 10xBB, and busted in a flop all-in with 76s vs AJs with bottom pair 6, when opponent hit a J on the river.
[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
05-30-2024 , 11:21 AM
[News update: 2 poker courses coming my way!!]

I just bought 2 poker courses:
  • Run It Once Knockout Tournament Mastery by Alex Theologis
  • PokerNerve Bounty Hunter: A Progressive Knockout Tournament Course

I am so excited!!! I am still downloading them, so I will check them out as soon as I have them (It should be within the next few hours today).

Last edited by tilted9042; 05-30-2024 at 11:41 AM.
[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
05-30-2024 , 04:42 PM
[Session results: Almost breakeven]

In this session, I wagered $17.05, and played 4 games, ranging from $1.10 to $11. I had a net loss of $4.92.

I played the $4.40 and the $0.55 Bounty builders and min cashed in both. I also played the $11 Mini Thursday Thrill ($35k Gtd), made moves, but didn't manage to build a big stack at any point in the game. Eventually I was down to 12xBB, and went all-in with 99 to lose from a 56s in position 1082/4041!
[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
05-31-2024 , 01:11 PM
[Session results: A short one]

This session lasted only about 2 hours. In this session, I wagered $21.45, and played 6 games, ranging from $1.10 to $11. I had a net loss of $24.48.

I played the $11 Bounty builder. I tried to make moves to make a big stack early but they didn't work (I just bled chips), until I over-called an all-in with AK (opponents had 44 and QQ), and didn't win. Also, I lost very quickly in the $4.40 and in the $0.55 Bounty builders chasing a flush draw, but I didn't feel like rebuying.

All in all, a bad session - I wasn't very much into playing, and I am mostly interested in watching my new poker courses.
[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
05-31-2024 , 01:13 PM
[Study update: First impressions from my poker courses]

I had a look at the RIO Tournament Mastery course, and also started watching the Pokernerve Bounty Hunter course. What's common in both is, they utilize GTO play. I don't understand why they are trying to play GTO. I want to learn exploitative poker, not GTO.

Also, they are basically showing how to use solvers, like Holdem Resources Calculator and PIO Solver, which, also, I don't own. I don't understand why I should look at the solver GTO solution!?!

All in all, I am pissed with these videos. They are exactly what I didn't want to get!! I am hoping that at least the Hand History reviews they contain will be useful for me.

[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
06-02-2024 , 02:45 PM
[Session results: A total loss]

In this session, I wagered $42.38, and played 19 games, ranging from $0.01 to $11. I had a net loss of $40.47.

All in all, a very bad session. I played very spewily, and didn't do well in a single tour!

- I played the $11 Bounty builder like a donk. I had my KK busted by QQ in a QJT flop all-in, where opponent obviously had me beat but I still called.
- In the SCOOP Afterparty 03 I got crippled calling an all-in in a multiway with QQ vs AJ and AK, when 2 Jacks came on the board, and finally lost with AQ vs 33 in a preflop all-in.
- In the Sunday Storm $0.11+R I lost as the final table bubble boy, one before getting the ticket, 6th out of 143! That was my last hope at winning something good, and so annoying!!
[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
06-02-2024 , 05:16 PM
isn't charlie carol all about exploitative play? And maybe doug polk? Might be worth taking a look at their youtube vids.
[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
06-02-2024 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by amatola
isn't charlie carol all about exploitative play? And maybe doug polk? Might be worth taking a look at their youtube vids.
Hey amatola You are right, both play exploitatively. I will have a look, and also whether I can get any of their courses. Thanks for pointing that out.
[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
06-03-2024 , 04:16 PM
[Session results: A bit of study, and a small loss]

- Study notes:

Before the gaming session, I studied for 1 hour the RIO Knockout Mastery, and specifically the Hand History review from the early stages of a Mid stakes tournament win by OneH1tWonder. There's a lot of new points for me which I am going to try in my game.

- Session notes:

In this session, I wagered $11.61, and played 3 games, ranging from $0.55 to $7.50. I had a net loss of $8.15.

In the $5.50 SCOOP Afterparty 09-L, I got wrecked early on by a preflop all in where I was holding AQs vs A4s, when opponent hit a 4 on the flop. I got busted by the same player when I went all in from SB with 66 vs AJo, where opponent hit a flop straight. I rebought for 50xBB. I ended up running low on chips and called an all in KJo vs TT, where opponent made a set.

I played the $7.50 Bounty builder. I got a big stack early on. I made a call in an all-in from a tiny stack along with an all-in from a mid stack with A9s vs AQo and almost got crippled. However, I managed to survive and bust a lot of players from there on, and make some cash. I lost in a stupid way, when an opponent check-raised a QQT flop and I went all-in with ATo. I thought that he wouldn't raise trips there. It was his misplay that made me go all-in, to find out he had AQo and bust out.

Live to fight another day.

[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
06-04-2024 , 03:53 PM
[Session results]

In this session, I wagered $21.78, and played 8 games, ranging from $2.20 to $5.50. I had a net loss of $7.35.

All in all, a usual session.

[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
06-11-2024 , 10:59 AM
[Session results: A final table]

In this session, I wagered $51.70, and played 15 games, ranging from $0.55 to $11. I had a net loss of $9.75.

I managed to final table the $0.55. I was first for a while while down to the last few tables, but I got a huge cooler when opponent made a full house vs my trips, and I almost busted out. Hopefully I survived and busted out in 8th position.

[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
09-13-2024 , 02:49 PM
[Session results]

Wow, it has been a while since I last played. Lots have happened since. This session I wagered $21.36 and played 10 games between $0.33 and $7.50. I actually won a ticket to the Bounty builder $7.50 from a $1.10 satellite. I am coming back with a small bang. I finished 9th in the Bounty builder $7.50, cashing $118.95. Last hand I played like a fool, when I went all-in on the flop with 99 against a pair of Aces. I am so happy I won that I delete this from my mind! I'm happy I still got it! All in all, a great day.

[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
09-20-2024 , 06:22 PM
[Session results: A deep run]

This session I wagered $21.94, and played 9 games, ranging from $0.33 to $3.30. I had a net win of $56.65. I cashed most of that by making a deep run in the $5.50 Micro Bounty builder HR, where I finished 57th out of 6038 players. In the last hand I had QsTs, and went all in on the turn on a 4-flush and 4-straight board, but none of them hit, while villain was holding AA. All in all, a good run today.

[Study blog] Towards a more advanced poker strategy Quote
