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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
397 12.73%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.62%
$28K TO $34K
506 16.22%
$34K TO $40K
530 16.99%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.55%
932 29.88%

01-08-2015 , 09:45 PM
Good fold. I think this is definitely a spot where knowing your player made you money.

The numbers are obviously dire in a set over set situation. Sick cooler. Maybe he overshoved to make it look like a big flush draw, that certainly makes sense. Personally I don't like his bet. Villain could have 66,1010, A10s, or maybe AKs and make this move. The equity calculations are closer than I thought.

Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-09-2015 , 01:35 AM
Yeah me laying down bottom set on this flop has been getting a lot of talk around the poker room, but I not only like my lay down, I love it.
He shows a 10 after the hand, so what's his other card?
A10 is possible, but this tight guy will usually limp $10 pre w this type of hand in ep. I just don't see him opening up A10 for $35 in ep. I'm not saying that he wd never do it, but I see him more likely limp/calling pre for pot control. On the flip, I do see him raising $35 w 1010 in ep.
When he shows a 10 after the hand what other hand can he have that this tight thinking player wd raise $35 in ep w?
It's just not his style. #knowurplayer. This thinking player wd raise Ah10h in late, but I doubt in ep. Just my thoughts.

The shove otf...He also prob thought he wd get action off Player Y who raised to $200 before he shoved all in. On this draw heavy board w straight and flush draws out there, I think Villain is ready to take it down right here w a shove or make someone pay big to draw out. The pot is $400ish, so he doesn't want to lose it to a bad turn card. I think the shove is fine w top set to make it look drawy, plus V isn't deep enough to raise for value and then bet him off ott. I like his play or V cd hv min raised small to set up a big turn bet if it bricks.

I wd bet the farm he had a set of 10s!

Against a different player in a similar situation I wd prob call, but I hv had lot of history w this player. Hence my bottom set fold.
I'm drawing to 1 out or best case fading a heart. It's a bad spot as most likely I'm drawing to 1 out. I only hv $85 in the pot, and I know I can find a way better spot than this to make the monies! If I call I guarantee I lose $1100 + $85 invested.

I'm cool w Agree to disagree. No hard feelings.


Round 1: 3hrs 54mins win+$84 playing 1/2nl
Went home around 4p to meet the appliance guy to get my fridge fixed. Needed a new control damper if ya need to know. After the fix and hanging w the fam for a bit, went back for round 2.

Round 2: 59mins lose -$61 playing 1/2nl
3hrs 30mins win +$926 playing 2/5/10nl. Played so so and got a little lucky, but I'll take it. Actually won a $840 w 8 high when villains 66 got counterfeited on a splash the pot.

As of now: $3,399 on 56hrs 41mins @$59.95/hr

@3bet4life I use Poker Journal App. Very user friendly
@bunkers thanks man. Gd luck w your goals. Stay focused ALL YEAR not just the beginning. See it through my man!
@everyone else thanks for the feedback, thoughts, encouragememt, and everything else that helps me get better. This thread has elevated my game tremendously and each day I'm thankful to the ones that post. We can all learn from each other. Thank you

Been busting my ass this month w 10hr days, so apologize if this post is a little wordy. Tired

Last edited by ButterflySymmetry; 01-09-2015 at 01:44 AM.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-09-2015 , 06:13 AM
i don't know who villain is or have any live reads like you do but wow, i'd never fold a set here personally.

the snapshove on the flop is *much* more likely to be a draw than a set. i don't think you're going to run into very many players that will instantly 3b/snapjam the nuts on this flop to rep a flush draw. a fish might snapjam a set bc they're afraid of the draw, but 99% of thinking players are going to tank top set for at least a few seconds to think about the spot and consider their options when they're getting raised in a multiway pot.

the way the flop action went down is not ideal, and if it were a rainbow board you'd have some thinking to do. but the presence of the flush draw just makes it not close at all at these stack depths. you have to be way deeper than 120bb to consider folding here imo.

i'm a big proponent of live reads, so i'm not going to discredit your assertion that he's not raising ep with T8, 9T, JT, QT, or KT. are you sure though? strong players raise these hands from any position in soft live games ---seriously though!

even then i still think it would be a pretty bad fold. there are only 3 combos of TT in his range [TcTh, ThTs, TsTc], but there are *at least* 7 or 8 combos of flush draws in his range you absolutely can't rule out---KJ, KQ, AK, AQ, AJ, QJ, AT, A9. why weren't hands like these mentioned at all?

it's 2-3 times more likely he has a flush draw than a set based on the combo math alone...even if there's a 0% chance he has T8 - KT which seems like a stretch

note: he could have 66 obv and that changes things but if were excluding T8 - KT i think it's fair to discount 66 as well

Last edited by BLUEberLEEZ; 01-09-2015 at 06:34 AM.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-09-2015 , 08:53 AM
Confirmed villain had 1010. I sat the table and they were talking about it afterwards. Greatest fold in the history of mankind.

Given dynamic, he can't raise anything less than allin, and I have yet to see him show up with anything but nuts when AI

Btw: I am the guy w/ k8spades from last week. Had to lol when I saw the hand, I had previously stumbled across your thread but never connected the dots

Best of luck to you!!
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01-09-2015 , 10:06 AM
did u actually see his tens?

i probably overstated my case in my previous post. when u play live u definitely can have crazy lockdown reads that trump everything else and that very well could have been the case here

Ray---based on your history w villain how do u think he'd play AQh/AJh after the $200 raise?
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-09-2015 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by rnrrnr1234
Btw: I am the guy w/ k8spades from last week. Had to lol when I saw the hand, I had previously stumbled across your thread but never connected the dots
u must b talking about this one below
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry

My big losing hand
Villain: $1700, solid, mid 30s, thinking player, mistake free, been aggressive preflop in mid to late position.
Me: $1200

2/5/winner straddle $10. straddle in HJ

One limp before I limp in utg+1, thinking Villain from late position raises to $30, a couple calls before I limp/call $30 w my Q10

4 see the flop, pot $120 of 410K. 2 checks to Villain who bets $45, one fold before I decide to look him up w 2nd pair and backdoor straight and flush draws. A player in between also folds.

Heads up to the turn, pot is $210. 410K7. I check, Villain bets out $105, and I call w 2nd pair and flush draw.

Pot is $420 puff puff pass. And the river J.
The board is 410K7J. I lead out $300 just in case he has a big hand like 2 pair, AQ, or is feeling froggy calling w a King. Instead he raises back w a $650 bet . The pot is now $1370 and I hv to call $350. I ask him if he has AK, and get nothing. Doubt if he wd raise w AQ, so it has to b a flush. Did we both backdoor this flush? What kind of flush other the AcKc could he have that makes since w his line? Has to b KcXc. Right?????
Can I ever fold? I don't see myself beating any other flushes that he wd play this way. Doubt if he is bluffing air w 9c hi flush otf, ott...only flushes I'm beating.
I tank paid him off. He shows K8.
Oh yeah I remember that hand.
Qc10c > Kc8c. Both of us back dooring flushes. Prob shd hv folded that one too! Lol I really don't see a hand I'm beating.
Well played and nice session btw!

Originally Posted by BLUEberLEEZ
Ray---based on your history w villain how do u think he'd play AQh/AJh after the $200 raise?
@blueberbleez hypothetically w AhQh and AhJh I believe he wd raise AQhh pre the same as did w 1010, AJhh mayb as well or limp/call pre.
W both AQhh and AJhh otf I think it's possible he cd lead out w flush/over draws as did, or check/call. It's 50/50
If he leads out $50 otf as did - w the hypothetical AQhh or AJhh, I think he wd just call the $200 raise. Just my thoughts from history w player.

It was def weird I almost just snapped called w bottom set of 4s, but then i gave it some thought. The more I thought about the hand, the more 1010 seemed clear to me. Had a light bulb moment. Like I said, I haven't laid down a set otf in years!!!

Don't get it twisted, just because I lay down these monsters doesn't mean I won't call u w a K high.
It's all situational all the time. #KnowUrPlayer , know the situation, know the moment.

Now back to the grind. I'll check in this weekend if I have time.
Have a great weekend folks.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-11-2015 , 01:14 PM
Last couple of sessions..

1/2nl won +$28 on 2hrs 45mins
2/5/10nl lost -$560 4hrs 41mins

1/2nl won +$217 on 6hrs 34mins
Came in 20th out of 30 in WSOP League . Lost sm big pots w 20 players left. I 3bet QQ and got ran down by K9 when he open shoved the flop of 633. I called and ott, brick otr. Ended up losing 28 bigs on that hand. Then couldn't win a flip 77<AK against an 8 bb shove. Double that guy up too!
Went from 40 bigs to 7bigs pretty quickly, and finally got 7bb in utg w 67 and was called by button w A8o...Ace otf, I'm out in 20th.
Thought I played gd, but just not my day.
Big congrats to @fluke22 for taking down the tourney!!!!
Now I believe I sit around 19 out of 30 in League Standings.
2 WSOP league tourneys left before April's finale.

My 3yr old turns 4 today! Oh yeah, she was born on all snake eyes, 1/11/11. She is destined to hv gd luck through her life. We r partying hard here at the hizzie w a Frozen themed Bday party for her and her friends. One of the highlighted kiddo games will b pin the nose on Olaf! Check out my art skills below.
After the bday party, I plan on grinding more hours this evening in the poker room. Trying to reach one of my 2015 Poker Goals of logging 200hrs in Jan.
So far, I hv 70hrs 43mins booked and 129hrs and 17mins to go. I'm actually playing pretty gd too which of course matters more than the hrs logged. During this span, my hourly is $43.61/hr.
Determined and focused. Let's get this goal done!

My Olaf skills...
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-11-2015 , 03:18 PM
Big congrats to @fluke22 for taking down the tourney!!!

Thanks Ray. I had a smooth run. I hit 500K (out of 840k chips in play) with 5 players left. Everyone was playing for a top 3 finish and i was able to grind everyone down.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-11-2015 , 10:19 PM
The pin the nose on Olaf was a big hit.

Only logged 3hrs 29mins tonight playing 1/2nl. Had to get home to put together a Barbie Dreamhouse...thanks a lot Gramps! #sigh
Won +$516 this evening.
74hrs down 126 to go. Logging 200hrs is hard stuff!!

This looks hard...

Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-12-2015 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Only logged 3hrs 29mins tonight playing 1/2nl. Had to get home to put together a Barbie Dreamhouse...thanks a lot Gramps! #sigh
Won +$516 this evening.
74hrs down 126 to go. Logging 200hrs is hard stuff!!
Well, you're 37% of the way through the month and logged 37% of your hours, so I'd say that you're on track. But I know you already knew that. :-)

This looks hard...


With two girls, that unfortunately looks very familiar. I should sell you all of the Barbie stuff piled up in my spare bedroom. It's just been sitting there for the last few years!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-13-2015 , 10:44 PM
Almost to the halfway mark of the 200hr goal!

Lost -$340 playing 1/2 on 5hrs 19mins
Surprisingly a 2/5/10nl game got off the ground yesterday and won +$361 on 2hrs 47mins.
+$21 total on 8hrs 6mins

Won +$881 playing 1/2 on 8hrs 6mins.
The 1/2nl games were really good today! Almost all 1/2 tables had some deep stacks w great action. It was a rare occasion for a Tuesday.
I probably cd hv stayed a few more hours, but I wanted to get home to hang w my kiddos before thier bed time. The only sucky thing about trying to accomplish this 200hr mission is time away from my family. I feel a little guilty I haven't been spending a lot of time w them this month, but they know it's a busy month for me. It does feel gd that they support my work and my goals. At least it's been a productive month, I wd feel really bad if I was losing my ass.
Can't wait til this month is over, so I can b home at a decent time!

Cash Stats at the 90 hours logged mark.

110 hours to go! LFG
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-14-2015 , 08:12 PM
Lost AA < KK in 2/5/10 for lots! Aipf. Gd flop, gd turn, satan K otr!
For the next few orbits I looked like....

+$84 playing 1/2nl
-$1683 playing 2/5/10nl

The hourly got cut in half today!
No worries Wednesday, be back at it tomorrow.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-15-2015 , 07:58 AM
Gl man! I play at HSI too, so I'm sure we've played 1-2 together before. Is 2/5/10 the 5-T game or is that the way that the 2-5 plays?
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-15-2015 , 07:15 PM
Good luck this year!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-16-2015 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by FastRoll
Gl man! I play at HSI too, so I'm sure we've played 1-2 together before. Is 2/5/10 the 5-T game or is that the way that the 2-5 plays?
Those r 2 different games.
2/5 always plays w a winner straddle. Sometimes players like to also play w $5 antes. Minimum buy in $200-$1000- half the big stack.
5/10 always plays w a winner straddle as well. Minimum buyin is $500-no cap. A player can sit down w a million if he wants.
Gd luck at the tables.

Got to HSI in the morning and see a pretty deep 1/2nl that went through the night. Stacks ranged from $200-$5,000. I bought in for half, and go up and down for awhile. Ended up +$615 on 6hrs 12mins.

A record day for 2015:
Played 1/2nl and won +$1,310
Played 2/5/10 and won +$1,961
Totally $3,271 today on 7hrs of play.
Up $6,789 this month on 111hrs 27mins. Averaging $60.97/hr.

Closing in on 2 goals that I'm trying to accomplish in 2015. One is logging 200hrs in January. Second is have a $10k winning month. 15 days left in January to try to get this done. I hv been on a stone cold mission!

Today's pics

Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry

-Be up 6 stacks of high society by the end of 2015 playing 1/2nl up to 10/20nl. $60,000.
-No Losing Months.
-Log an average of 25/hrs a week.
-Come in top 3 in the WSOP League Finale. Getting top 3 will win me a Las Vegas tourney package. (WSOP Packages are: $11k, $4k, $1,500. Finale is April 11, 2015)
-Log 1,000+ hours at Horseshoe Southern Indiana's poker room. This feat will take me from platinum to diamond card. (1,000hr requirement in a year to get diamond).
-Log 200 hrs in Jan and get the $400 promotional bonus HSI is offering. (HSI rake back promotion for Jan rewards a player $2 x hrs logged. 200+hrs requirement).
-Have a $10k winning month.
-Have a $5k winning session playing 2/5nl or higher.
-Have a $2k winning session playing 1/2nl.
-Play a 24hr session.

All 2015 goals will b posted in blue at the top of every post I make in 2015. That way everyone knows these goals at all times. If I complete a goal, I will move it from blue to green. If a goal fails, I will move it from blue to red.

#FULLTRANSPARENCY. I will keep everything I earn in the form of poker chips. At the end of every month I will post pictures of my monthly stats, morth $5k).
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-16-2015 , 11:29 PM
Sick session, very nice!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-17-2015 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by pure_aggression
Sick session, very nice!

Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-18-2015 , 06:48 PM
Thank you @tswpoker and @pureagression. Locked in w a lion's heart.

Played everyday so far this month, and I will continue to finish this month out playing everyday. Straight beast'n.

120 hours and 38 minutes.

Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-19-2015 , 12:30 AM
Congrats on the big day! I had my biggest cash session a couple days ago too. The confirmed whale was in the game, which didnt hurt. Gl finishing strong.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-19-2015 , 02:56 AM
Been following for a while and I can't wait to see the bankroll picture good luck on the felt my man!!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-19-2015 , 05:18 PM
sick day!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-20-2015 , 08:55 PM
@absherrj @confections @h_ven thanks man. Last few days have been middling, but gonna try to finish strong. The $10K month is going to be very hard, but it's doable. I'm definitely a 80/20 dog right now in accomplishing this feat, but u never know. $7,056 in cash right now, and -$165 in tournaments (bricked the $165 wsop league tourney). $6,891 total.

Crazy Day:

First off, I crushed for the first hour on 1/2nl (table 12) to the tune of +$400. I sat down and just started mashing from $300 to $700 in a snap. After an hour, a couple action players switched tables, so I bumhunted and switched too . I don’t play for the pipe dream; I’m there to win money, so I follow where the money's gd. That said it doesn’t always work out for the better.
After my change to table 6, I go from +$400 back to even within an hour . I was getting some great cards, and making some great moves; but cards weren’t holding and moves weren’t working. No big deal…I move to another table for fresh start and regroup. Table number 11 didn’t start off so lucky as I was down -$100 the first hour, but then rebounded to b up +$100. After a few hours I was back in the black, and starting to settle in.

Then this hand…
Let my preface this hand by saying I was within the rules, but I don’t feel gd about it. Even though I say that, I still did what I did, so maybe I do feel gd about it. Heck, I’m not sure what to think. I guess u can judge me.

It’s not my fault that people don’t know the rules, or get impatient and call before I release a bet. I’m a poker player trying to make $, but busting people doesn’t always feel gd. Especially when it’s done in the way I did it today.

The Hand:
Not sure preflop action or how many players…I think I raised $X in late position w AQ and get 3 callers, but none of that matters.
I bet the suited flop of J84 after it was checked to me. Sb calls.
The pot is $75, HU, and the turn is a meaningless 2. Villain with a $150 stack checks, I check behind w $300 stack.
The river brings a 4 card flush on board w K. Villain again checks, and I grab about 12 red chips in my hand and reach out to place my bet. This is where it gets sticky...As I’m cutting out my bet Villain says “Call”! I haven’t finished acting on my bet, and ask the dealer what my options are.
For one, I know I have the best hand because he would b raising if he had the A, unless he’s an utter idiot. Worth noting, being an utter idiot is always a possibility at the 1/2nl level…I have definitely seen people check the nuts or (just call) otr many times before. I’m hoping this isn’t one of those times!
I never seen this recreational player before, and I don't think he knows all the rules.
Dealer calls for the floor, and the floor rules I can bet any amount since I haven’t finished my bet. Floor rules that Villain is obligated to call since verbal is binding. While this ruling is being discussed my betting hand is still extended out in front of my chips frozen like a statue . After the ruling has been finalized, I then unfreeze like a childhood game of red light/green light and say “All In” as I place the chips in my hand on the felt.
Villain gets felted, my Q is of course gd.

I get some frowns from a couple players at the table, but what’s a poker player suppose to do??? It’s not my fault Villain called prematurely, and not my fault floor ruled in this manner.

Ended up +$209 on 6hrs 13mins.

Also not included in my winnings was a black chip ($100) I found on the floor today. I can’t elaborate any further because it’s being investigated, and I don’t want to get anyone in trouble. I will say that their are a few different parties involved in this mysterious black chip, I consider all of them my friends. I don’t want to start any gossip, or ruin friendships over something so trivial. Let’s just say the poker room can be drama central sometimes, and I rather not b a part of it. I ended up leaving an hour after this happened because nothing about today felt right. I had bad vibes going through my body, and I didn’t think the poker wd end well if I stayed. First I take advantage of a floor ruling and go ALL IN against a rec player, and then I’m in the middle of a $100 black chip controversy. Wish I never wd hv found it, and “mayb” I wish I didn’t go All In.

Now 3 hours later I still feel a little bummed out. I won a couple hundred, but lost some of my well being. Perhaps I shdn’t b so cold-blooded.

Feel free to start the hate train if u feel it's what I deserve. Mayb I do.

133hrs 22 mins.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-20-2015 , 09:31 PM
How you feel about it is probably a good indication of whether you were out of line or not.

Anyway, apart from that incident i have enjoyed your thread and wish you GL.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-20-2015 , 10:56 PM
Your play is/was fine.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-20-2015 , 11:05 PM
I appreciate the candor of this thread.
Don't lose sleep over this. Show no mercy!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
