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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
396 12.72%
$22K TO $28K
455 14.62%
$28K TO $34K
506 16.26%
$34K TO $40K
529 17.00%
$40K TO $46K
296 9.51%
930 29.88%

10-13-2023 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
Wtf, rick?
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10-14-2023 , 12:16 AM
What the heck was that AJ fold? Flops an ace vs KK in a 3 bet pot. Gets checked to the River. KK bets hero folds?

Rayz I was rooting for you dude but you have been making some real questionable decisions tonight
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10-14-2023 , 02:27 AM
@goodjunk21 thanks. Ill start paying attention to that.
The AJ hand u hv backwards. I’m bet she folded KK.
All gd. Stream had some glitches I hear, but for most part went great.
Never had anything better than a pair. It’s been the story for the last month. Just trying to barrel through it

QQ hand. I most def hv to lead flop hu after 4!
That was the mistake that allowed her bluff to get through. Robin played really. One of the best in the game tonight.

KQo hand. Shd hv sized better ott to set up the river jam. He had less than $500 otr and if I sized to $150 ott instead of $230, it wd hv been a better river bet.
I just felt he was gonna make a crying call or cd b getting trapped w sets. *He actually said he wd hv called, but not sure if I believe that.

Washed my car today. It poured on the way home.
Also where were the straddles? How does no one wanna straddle on stream?

Last edited by ButterflySymmetry; 10-14-2023 at 02:41 AM.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-14-2023 , 10:52 AM
Tuned in for a few minutes. Saw rayz (sb) flat a straddle w 99 in a family pot. Strong.
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10-14-2023 , 11:25 AM
Did anyone see a hand which was played well? I saw the QQ hand and also playing 85o and bluffing with it but couldn't stick around for the rest of it.
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10-14-2023 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by NIO_IS_THE_ONE
Tuned in for a few minutes. Saw rayz (sb) flat a straddle w 99 in a family pot. Strong.
Perhaps i shd open more than calling from sb w 99, but oop I just don’t want to balloon pot and face a 3!. Thus, throw in more calls first acting from sb. This is an easy limp call large opens. Table dynamics as well.
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10-14-2023 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
Did anyone see a hand which was played well? I saw the QQ hand and also playing 85o and bluffing with it but couldn't stick around for the rest of it.
I thought I played everything well except the 2 hands: QQ where I always need to lead that flop, and KQo where I hv to size better ott to set me up easier to pull off river jams.

One pair. That’s it. All we had. All we cd make. Go back and see if we ever get trips, 2 pair, straight, flushes, sets, full houses, etc. U won’t find any. It’s hard to come out on top when u play for 8hrs and best hand is pair of Aces.

Thanks for watching dudes. Keep up the advice. I’ll either hv a reason for ur criticisms or I’ll learn. Either way, it’s gd to know what others r thinking. We not thinking alike is ok too.
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10-14-2023 , 06:35 PM
i brought this up earlier in the thread and it got derailed when someone wanted to have a drawn out argument about how games are easier now than ever before and how it was obvious your winrate was going to be much higher than in the past (lol).

the issue is in competitive endeavors, skill isn't fixed. just because you were "good" at poker 5 or 10 years ago, the game is constantly evolving, whereas something like woodcutting or laying putting greens skill is mostly going to be fixed and you can just go back to it with minimal problems. poker as a whole has gotten harder, everyones average skill has improved, and the worst of the worst have gone broke at this point. there's a ton of information out there now, and people are mostly going to be willing to help you, but i haven't really seen you ever mention working on your game in the entirety of the thread. probably you're breakeven - small winner at 1/3, and small loser - breakeven at 2/5 without knowing anything about games you have access to. the issue is you think you're a large winner and just running bad based mostly on results from 5 or so years ago. i know you're going to push back on this but i also think its why you're not really going to make it as a pro

the good news is it's easier than it's ever been to get better at poker because of how much information is available

Last edited by submersible; 10-14-2023 at 06:41 PM.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-14-2023 , 07:40 PM
sub, I've liked a lot of your post ITT but 1/2 or 1/3 being the barrier of entry to casino based holdem means there are still sooo many droolers. rayz is assuredly winning in these games. does this mean he's actually any good? of course not. does this mean he has a good chance at covering a 2.5k monthly nut playing 20hrs a week 1/3? lol of course not. but lets not act like an average live 1/3 at pretty much any card room in the US is a 'tough' poker game.
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10-14-2023 , 08:57 PM
rake bigger issue than skill level of comp at 1/2 1/3
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10-14-2023 , 09:31 PM
Not going down easily. They gonna hv to prove it over 1000 hours. Still think this is a fluke.


Been thinking bout bringing the vlog back. Not for anything but keeping me accountable.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-15-2023 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by kevinb1983
sub, I've liked a lot of your post ITT but 1/2 or 1/3 being the barrier of entry to casino based holdem means there are still sooo many droolers. rayz is assuredly winning in these games. does this mean he's actually any good? of course not. does this mean he has a good chance at covering a 2.5k monthly nut playing 20hrs a week 1/3? lol of course not. but lets not act like an average live 1/3 at pretty much any card room in the US is a 'tough' poker game.
i didn't say the games were tough. i said i think hes probably break even or a small winner based on him winning 5 years ago and not having kept up with the game since then. poker isn't really that difficult but a guy who is unwilling to look at anything about day trading while swinging a 1mm dollar position (with a 500k networth!) and being unwilling to try trading smaller because the swings with less than a million dont interest him, is probably unlikely to consume strategy content for a 1/2 or 1/3 game.

its frustrating to watch as he could probably add a few bb / hour very easily by just looking at pre ranges for a few hours and drilling them but its also literally why the game exists (everyone over estimating edge). i say this from a handful of comments in this thread, which means there's likely infinite other leaks to plug. but instead of working on those (while claiming to be a pro / live entirely off of poker income), he's convinced he's running poorly and that's the only thing standing between him and eternal riches. is growth mindset vs fixed mindset tbh.

@simplerick, im just not going to engage with you
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10-16-2023 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll

omg you mean he folds every time he shuffles his cards anxiously?
Haven’t shuffled cards once today. Nice read.
I caught myself a few times.
Now trying to do nothing.

Quad 7777 for a little $600 bonus today.
That’s bout how much I’m up currently.
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10-16-2023 , 02:19 PM
Ray, im as "420 friendly" as you can get but i hope you're not playing these sessions smoked out on or off stream. I think things will turn around for you poker wise as you play more frequently and your game gets sharp again and i know you're a family guy which is most important but maybe try mixing in atleast a couple of Friday or Saturday night sessions a month. Congrats on the new krib and the quad bonus, GL bro!!
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10-16-2023 , 10:05 PM
@allnitsgobroke I rarely play smoking prior.
I did hv a couple shots of Crwon in the parking lot beforehand tho. A little liquid courage to loosen me up. No biggie. It’s not a habit.

+615 today. All promo money for quads.

In November we hv to make the $2500 first before pickle $.
-$189 since Poker/Pickle Challenge last month.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-16-2023 , 11:44 PM
if you're going to drink while playing you're losing out massive EV and image setting by doing it secretly in the parking lot instead of having a drink at the table

i have a very high tolerance for alcohol so used to very slowly nurse drinks at the table if it was rec heavy lineup - definitely got a lot more action that way

i also used to microdose valium, like take 1/3 of a pill before playing to shut down my essential tremor - which causes my hands to shake whenever i was in a big pot regardless of whether or not i was bluffing or held the nuts - since everyone thought it meant i had the nuts and i rarely didn't have the nuts when going all in 500bb deep it was an essential step because oftentimes that false tell was arbitrarily correct

what i'm getting at is i'm the last person to say never drink while playing poker - you 100% weren't acting impaired etc so I believe that you had it under control etc etc

but you're losing out on ton of ev not doing that drinking at the table

my god, if you sat down and ordered a few shots and slammed them back people would have called down a little lighter and been just a little more hesitant to bluff you if they hadn't played with you previously
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10-17-2023 , 02:49 AM
unless i'm misremembering, Ray, you said you were going to smoke or had just smoked before going on the show. i believe the former is correct.

for the record, i'm more "420 friendly" than mostly everyone.

if you are going to have a shot or two, do it on display, as mentioned.
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10-17-2023 , 07:35 AM
I totally get the image thing @masta and @rickroll. The last few years I hv worked on a spicey image and play the opposite.
No alcohol in poker club or wd hv taking a couple drinks inside instead of parking lot.
Herb is for after the session.

Let’s build today and keep it going in the right direction. I’m not scared. Ur scared. We got this and hourly will end up $30+ over 1000 hours easily. Done this too long
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10-17-2023 , 08:24 AM
How is the poker club? Better than the casino?
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10-17-2023 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by marknfw
How is the poker club? Better than the casino?
It’s gd. I wdnt say better, but just another option. I feel it will pick up and improve. Also feel casino will improve too because of the competition.

This guy found a rack quick after he doubled through me this morning.

I straddle $6 otb. Sb limp. Cut off limp. Both playing $200. I cover
I raise $25 w AQo. Sb 3 bets to $65. Co calls. I 4bet all-in. *Just felt sb was tired of me raising and he was playing back some here. Didn’t put him on premiums. So 4!
Sb folded. Co calls w Ad10d. 10 otf.
70/30 .

Last edited by ButterflySymmetry; 10-17-2023 at 10:40 AM.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-17-2023 , 04:29 PM
Battled back. Great moral victory. +57.

Proud that I just continued playing A game throughout. It’s quite hard to grind this 1/3 after all these 6 fig swings been taking last couple years. Although, the more I been playing the more it’s becoming less torturous.
Matter of fact, I kind of loving these low stakes. It’s chill, less stress, and feel I can still get by.
Man let’s hope.
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10-17-2023 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Battled back. Great moral victory. +57.

Proud that I just continued playing A game throughout. It’s quite hard to grind this 1/3 after all these 6 fig swings been taking last couple years. Although, the more I been playing the more it’s becoming less torturous.
Matter of fact, I kind of loving these low stakes. It’s chill, less stress, and feel I can still get by.
Man let’s hope.
no matter the stakes the competition is what is important.
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10-17-2023 , 11:56 PM
re: playing with alcohol

i was referencing playing live in soft fields in my 20s and what worked in my 20s is a bit more harmful now at 40

what I do for a living now requires a lot of quick mathematical equations, while it's fairly simple stuff in the broader scheme of math, I still notice it becomes noticeably more difficult if I've had just one or two drinks and otherwise not even remotely inebriated

that was incredibly eye-opening to me and a reminder that what was trivial enough to blow off and ignore in my 20s can suddenly become an actual obstacle at 40

again, I don't think it negatively impacted you last time you played, just speaking for myself, last few times I played poker I did not drink strictly because I'm now more cognizant of the handicap it gives me - having said that, i would still slowly nurse a drink or two at the table under the right circumstances
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10-18-2023 , 07:51 AM
Playing stream Friday and Saturday. I appreciate all those looking for leaks in my game. Keep sending the advice. I will def listen and alter it I think ur correct.
I’m trying to b the best there ever was.
Also, key #skidsteer in comment section. Let them know. We on a mission. This isn’t a game. This is my life.

Heading out shortly for morning game. It’s gonna b no tipping John in seat 1, everyone’s uncle Jimmy in seat 2, random in 3, me somewhere in middle or to the left of action, talkative Jamie w his packed lunch in the car in middle seat, loose calling Mary w a walker in 6, two computers Nate multitasker day job in 7, the drunk nurse that just got off her night shift in 8.
Headphones. Too early. I’m playing 1/3 w this crew and somehow feels depressing. Sometimes Im proud, and sometimes it’s miserable. It feels like the bottom side of bipolar today.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-18-2023 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Playing stream Friday and Saturday. I appreciate all those looking for leaks in my game. Keep sending the advice. I will def listen and alter it I think ur correct.
I’m trying to b the best there ever was.
Also, key #skidsteer in comment section. Let them know. We on a mission. This isn’t a game. This is my life.

Heading out shortly for morning game. It’s gonna b no tipping John in seat 1, everyone’s uncle Jimmy in seat 2, random in 3, me somewhere in middle or to the left of action, talkative Jamie w his packed lunch in the car in middle seat, loose calling Mary w a walker in 6, two computers Nate multitasker day job in 7, the drunk nurse that just got off her night shift in 8.
Headphones. Too early. I’m playing 1/3 w this crew and somehow feels depressing. Sometimes Im proud, and sometimes it’s miserable. It feels like the bottom side of bipolar today.
Keep grinding those streams. Having watched the last one they are definitely beatable.
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