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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
397 12.73%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.62%
$28K TO $34K
506 16.22%
$34K TO $40K
530 16.99%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.55%
932 29.88%

12-29-2021 , 06:48 PM
I knew I would get a lot of hate but thanks for the replys anyway. Although I disagree with what you said completely, at least you deduced some type of reasoning to explain why you did that which is somewhat of a step in the right direction. I only want to help you. Live poker pg and c threads are few and far between and usually flame out in horrible fashion. I am not a baller or whatever someone said lol.... it is very hard to beat mid stakes poker over an extended period of time (especially battling the same regs frequently). I only want to help you. Good luck buddy
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-29-2021 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Starks Pizzeria
I knew I would get a lot of hate but thanks for the replys anyway. Although I disagree with what you said completely, at least you deduced some type of reasoning to explain why you did that which is somewhat of a step in the right direction. I only want to help you. Live poker pg and c threads are few and far between and usually flame out in horrible fashion. I am not a baller or whatever someone said lol.... it is very hard to beat mid stakes poker over an extended period of time (especially battling the same regs frequently). I only want to help you. Good luck buddy
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-30-2021 , 02:27 AM
Lol thats a great one, a pizza cock. I feel dumb for trying to help someone who is trying to beat live poker when this is what I'm dealing with. I also just realized Simple Rick is the weirdo who completely inserted himself into the situation I had with timex about betting 8k on the free throws. Think I'm down to zero live poker PGC threads to follow. Guess it's time to give up the dream. They all seem to get sad and weird like the Mike Wolfe thread or that kid Dayne or whatever his name was. Good luck guys have fun. Just go for it and do whatever your heart desires.... who cares right.. it's only money... call it all off with 2nd pair... of course he's bluffing multi way. Oh wait my user name has the word pizzeria in it lol wow how silly.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-30-2021 , 02:51 AM
where do these people come from? consistently popping up out of nowhere only to be a weird nuisance. good thing is it only takes reading one of their posts to know to skip the rest.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-30-2021 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by Starks Pizzeria
Lol thats a great one, a pizza cock. I feel dumb for trying to help someone who is trying to beat live poker when this is what I'm dealing with. I also just realized Simple Rick is the weirdo who completely inserted himself into the situation I had with timex about betting 8k on the free throws. Think I'm down to zero live poker PGC threads to follow. Guess it's time to give up the dream. They all seem to get sad and weird like the Mike Wolfe thread or that kid Dayne or whatever his name was. Good luck guys have fun. Just go for it and do whatever your heart desires.... who cares right.. it's only money... call it all off with 2nd pair... of course he's bluffing multi way. Oh wait my user name has the word pizzeria in it lol wow how silly.
Sorry if my characterization of you hurt your feelings.

Originally Posted by Starks Pizzeria
Glad I smelled a rat when he was acting funny about booking my 8k. Thankful I didnt get scammed like others...
Originally Posted by rickroll
can you elaborate? he wouldn't take your bet?
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
And how did others get scammed?
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Starks Pizzeria wanted to bet against Mike. Mike doesn't know who the **** this guy is so wouldn't take his bet. Duh. Starks for some dumb reason thinks this is Mike being sketchy. Nobody got scammed, they just made bad bets and lost. Starks Pizzeria is the sketchy one who was probably trying to scam Mike.

Starks Pizzeria said someone else would vouch for him and when Mike asked that person they said they had no idea who the eff Stark Pizzeria is.
Maybe you do need to stop drinking so much.

Originally Posted by Starks Pizzeria
The PM was a post in this thread actually but....Mehh maybe i need to stop drinking so much as I guess Im gonna have to admit I was wrong here. Anyway im glad that didnt get booked obviously.... I sincerely apologize for insulting Timex.. Simple rick your still a clown though sorry bro. GL everyone

Last edited by SimpleRick; 12-30-2021 at 06:49 AM.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-30-2021 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by Bakshi
On the Meet Kevin YouTube channel he talks about SAND when he talks about the metaverse but never MANA.

Rayz what do you think about SAND?

Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-30-2021 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
don't want to delve into your relationships but this has been bugging me for a while

if this was a list of what has already happened and what you expect to happen then fine

but another way to read this is that there are implications that having a million dollars solves or overcomes whatever problems you had together

if it's the former rather than the latter then wish you all the best, if it's the latter then i'd suggest taking some more time alone to really think about what you want and what makes you happy before doing anything about trying to rekindle - make sure you're truly at a place where you're now used to, comfortable, and accepting of the fact you are single before you try to change that situation imo

glgl on the next stream, last one was not ideal but there are much worse punts out there and most of us itt have made that same mistake as well, use that lesson to sharpen your knives for the next time

Was waiting for the right time to discuss this.
Wonder if I said….
“It was all in the plan to sell the house, put monies on mana, take some time apart, make a milly, and get back before New Year.” Because as bizarre as it sounds, it kind of was.

Sara and I needed some time apart. It was apparent w our communication and actions.
The 6 or 7 months living apart has helped. During this time, we continued to work together discussing some of our issues. We hv a long history that is sacred and special to us.
So nice I married her twice! Now I’m gonna need a second line to this rhyme. “…so nice, I married her twice. Separated once, but not outdone. Got back together, for one last run.” &lt;— we will go w that for now.

I’ll be moving back in New Years. What I missed most was not spending the max time possible w the kids. I realized now I’m willing to sacrifice a little on a not-so-perfect relationship to spend more time w my kids. In addition, my oldest, Mya, 18, was taking on some brother and sister responsibilities that she shdnt hv to. I shd b there doing that.
Plus I’m a millionaire now, she wd get half. Just joking.

I truly do love Sara. She has been there since dropping acid in college lol. She isn’t the best at showing her love, but her loyalty says it all. She is worth better efforts from me as well.

Mayb im not fit for marriage and wasn’t wild bout getting remarried, but we are here now. If Sara was typing right now she wd say, “why do u hv to b so difficult?”
I wd agree. I’m not perfect.

Last edited by ButterflySymmetry; 12-30-2021 at 10:12 AM.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-30-2021 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Was waiting for the right time to discuss this.
Wonder if I said….
“It was all in the plan to sell the house, put monies on mana, take some time apart, make a milly, and get back before New Year.” Because as bizarre as it sounds, it kind of was.

Sara and I needed some time apart. It was apparent w our communication and actions.
The 6 or 7 months living apart has helped. During this time, we continued to work together discussing some of our issues. We hv a long history that is sacred and special to us.
So nice I married her twice! Now I’m gonna need a second line to this rhyme. “…so nice, I married her twice. Separated once, but not outdone. Got back together, for one last run.” &lt;— we will go w that for now.

I’ll be moving back in New Years. What I missed most was not spending the max time possible w the kids. I realized now I’m willing to sacrifice a little on a not-so-perfect relationship to spend more time w my kids. In addition, my oldest, Mya, 18, was taking on some brother and sister responsibilities that she shdnt hv to. I shd b there doing that.
Plus I’m a millionaire now, she wd get half. Just joking.

I truly do love Sara. She has been there since dropping acid in college lol. She isn’t the best at showing her love, but her loyalty says it all. She is worth better efforts from me as well.

Mayb im not fit for marriage and wasn’t wild bout getting remarried, but we are her now. If Sara was typing right now she wd say, “why do u hv to b so difficult?”
I wd agree. I’m not perfect.
Congrats! Be Good. Do Good.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-30-2021 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Was waiting for the right time to discuss this.
Wonder if I said….
“It was all in the plan to sell the house, put monies on mana, take some time apart, make a milly, and get back before New Year.” Because as bizarre as it sounds, it kind of was.

Sara and I needed some time apart. It was apparent w our communication and actions.
The 6 or 7 months living apart has helped. During this time, we continued to work together discussing some of our issues. We hv a long history that is sacred and special to us.
So nice I married her twice! Now I’m gonna need a second line to this rhyme. “…so nice, I married her twice. Separated once, but not outdone. Got back together, for one last run.” &lt;— we will go w that for now.

I’ll be moving back in New Years. What I missed most was not spending the max time possible w the kids. I realized now I’m willing to sacrifice a little on a not-so-perfect relationship to spend more time w my kids. In addition, my oldest, Mya, 18, was taking on some brother and sister responsibilities that she shdnt hv to. I shd b there doing that.
Plus I’m a millionaire now, she wd get half. Just joking.

I truly do love Sara. She has been there since dropping acid in college lol. She isn’t the best at showing her love, but her loyalty says it all. She is worth better efforts from me as well.

Mayb im not fit for marriage and wasn’t wild bout getting remarried, but we are here now. If Sara was typing right now she wd say, “why do u hv to b so difficult?”
I wd agree. I’m not perfect.
As transparent as lambo doors. Love it, hero. #fulltransparency
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-30-2021 , 04:21 PM
Great news! How cool, you took some time off and tripled up in the process. Here’s to a great 2022 for the Rayls.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-30-2021 , 04:27 PM
can we get a milly update? i'd like to know how much you owe me for providing you hate when you were in need.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-31-2021 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
can we get a milly update? i'd like to know how much you owe me for providing you hate when you were in need.

Had around 3.6m Lumens month back. Sold couple
hundred thousand Lumens 2 weeks ago around .307.
Need to start preparing for taxes, Tesla, and poker roll.

Down to 3.4m Lumens currently, and still need to sell
some more to be better prepared for 2022. Only thing is, need to sell above .29. Today we down, and Stellar @ .275

Per 2022 goal…We will keep at least 3m Lumens through 2022. Letting it ride boys! Lfg
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-31-2021 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry

Had around 3.6m Lumens month back. Sold couple
hundred thousand Lumens 2 weeks ago around .307.
Need to start preparing for taxes, Tesla, and poker roll.

Down to 3.4m Lumens currently, and still need to sell
some more to be better prepared for 2022. Only thing is, need to sell above .29. Today we down, and Stellar @ .275

Per 2022 goal…We will keep at least 3m Lumens through 2022. Letting it ride boys! Lfg
thanks for the update.

i'm not an investor nor financial advisor but deciding to keep 3m lumen regardless of what happens seems kind of dumb. please explain to me why it isn't.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-31-2021 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
thanks for the update.

i'm not an investor nor financial advisor but deciding to keep 3m lumen regardless of what happens seems kind of dumb. please explain to me why it isn't.

This guy is right. I’m not sure why we are only keeping 3 million. What we should be doing is filing an extension on the taxes and shoving more money in. Are we here for singles or home runs? Sam has enough money. He can wait a while.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
12-31-2021 , 07:07 PM
2022 Goals

Let our 1 million dollar mana profits ride on xlm the whole year (on Voyager app).
-Can only w/d money $ when XLM is above .29, and must hold 3 million xlm coins at all times. *Currently 3.4m coins, so we can sell up to 400,000 throughout 2022.
*voyager pic updates every month.

Can we beat Sports Betting?
-place 5 bets a week.
-$2k total each week ($100min-$1kmax on single bets)
-keep a running track of: overall record, total $ amounts on placed bets, and a current +/- $ amount.
-each bet will b mentioned here (or pictured) prior to game. #fulltransparency
*only place these weekly bets when xlm is over .29. Any week xlm is below, we do not bet.

Play 5 sessions of 25/50nl streams, and at least one stream of 50/100nl game.
-keep stats only on these sessions. Can we book a solid overall W?
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-02-2022 , 09:57 AM
Good luck on the goals. It should be a fun ride. The only comment I have is to sell some coins in favor of a bigger cash bankroll for sports, poker and life. Sitting at .29 right now.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-02-2022 , 10:12 AM
Good luck for 2022. I still have to repeat myself by saying if you're going to HODL something you should be holding something which can be staked so your holdings will grow over time in addition to the (hopefully) capital appreciation.

You could be clearing about $2.5k /week from staking DOT at current prices and earn more with other legit projects as well.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-02-2022 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
thanks for the update.

i'm not an investor nor financial advisor but deciding to keep 3m lumen regardless of what happens seems kind of dumb. please explain to me why it isn't.

Because I can’t time the market or future, but believe long term. Want as much as I can afford on the xlm.
I feel we can make another million this year.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-02-2022 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
Good luck for 2022. I still have to repeat myself by saying if you're going to HODL something you should be holding something which can be staked so your holdings will grow over time in addition to the (hopefully) capital appreciation.

You could be clearing about $2.5k /week from staking DOT at current prices and earn more with other legit projects as well.

I feel I can make more holding xlm than staking or getting 9% apr on usdc.
I feel I can make another million this year holding 3+million xlm.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-02-2022 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by ForBroke
Good luck on the goals. It should be a fun ride. The only comment I have is to sell some coins in favor of a bigger cash bankroll for sports, poker and life. Sitting at .29 right now.

Ty @forbroke.
Desperately need to, but not quite .29 just yet. Believe I look as soon as I get up and 30 more times a day. Lol. Getting closer. Hv an order to sell some once it gets over that # for us.
We are broke right now. Everything invested and living off nothing. We cd use some money, but not selling at losses. Only above .29

Maybe it does and we place bets this week. To be continued.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-02-2022 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Because I can’t time the market or future, but believe long term. Want as much as I can afford on the xlm.
I feel we can make another million this year.
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
I feel I can make more holding xlm than staking or getting 9% apr on usdc.
I feel I can make another million this year holding 3+million xlm.
without trying to sound condescending... is this just a gut feeling or what are you basing this projection on?
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-02-2022 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
without trying to sound condescending... is this just a gut feeling or what are you basing this projection on?

Tons of research
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-02-2022 , 12:14 PM
Maybe i missed a post about this, but did you buy any NFT's yet? If your happy gambling on XLM for the year might be a fun sweat to drop half of your 3m into some NFTs
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-02-2022 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Ty @forbroke.
Desperately need to, but not quite .29 just yet. Believe I look as soon as I get up and 30 more times a day. Lol. Getting closer. Hv an order to sell some once it gets over that # for us.
We are broke right now. Everything invested and living off nothing. We cd use some money, but not selling at losses. Only above .29

Maybe it does and we place bets this week. To be continued.
My Coinbase is showing .29 for XLM. Am I missing something or just waiting for .30+?
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
01-02-2022 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by ForBroke
My Coinbase is showing .29 for XLM. Am I missing something or just waiting for .30+?

Voyager confirms.
We there and back in black.

This means we start our $2k worth of bets for this week. 5 bets total ($100min-$1,000max).
All pics posted before games.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
