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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
397 12.73%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.62%
$28K TO $34K
506 16.22%
$34K TO $40K
530 16.99%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.55%
932 29.88%

06-08-2018 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Kids are asleep so I was wondering about this hand from earlier, and your thoughts.

I: n Bb w 85, $475ish stack, call $10 pre getting 9:1.
V: late 50s, winning player reg, otb, has me covered. *Matter of fact everyone in this hand had me covered.

$15 raise pre from +2, followed by 5 calls.

6way pot of $90...
flop of 8 5 2 ALL
I check top 2, Checks through.

King ott.
Checks to the button for a second time. V now bets $40, folds to me and I raise to $165 w $295 behind. I don’t think V ever has flushes here. He’s never checking flop w a flush 6 way otb. Never! Folds back to V and he hesitantly calls. This makes me think V has a King w a diamond redraw.

HU pot $420
Black counterfeiting K otr. I check knowing he most likely has a King, but I shd hv given it more thought. He says, “there is enough out there”, and also checks.
My issue with this is he called your checkraise on the turn. Was his K a diamond? If his K is the other black K then he is never folding the river. If he holds the K of diamonds I have to assume you may be able to push him off of it. Also if he does have just a K he is never giving you credit for a slow played Axdd otherwise he would have never called the checkraise. To me it looks like a guy that just didn't want to be bluffed so he was probably calling.

I think i'm folding to your check raise here on the turn even if I have the K I mean I would have $55 invested in the hand and not know what outs are good. Unless he knows you to be splashy, I don't like his play.
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06-08-2018 , 01:03 PM
His K was black and his 10 was

^ Since that doesn’t play too much into otr, I think the shove makes it extremely tough for him. It doesn’t feel like this solid reg V wd ever hv AK (3betting pre otb 100%), or flushes or sets (Flushes and sets are always betting flops). His hand has to be KQ,Kj, K10 w diamond redraw after hesitantly calling ch/raise ott.
When the diamon doesn’t complete, I think I shd fire. It’s so close and player dependent. Wd never do it against anyone other than a solid thinking reg in this spot. He was one, maybe it wd hv worked. Never know. It’s a really interesting spot. #nextTime
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06-08-2018 , 01:30 PM
He really has to call river imo as he now beats all 2ps he was losing to and spr
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06-08-2018 , 08:38 PM
Yeah u prob right @babaloos.
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06-08-2018 , 08:40 PM
Hey 2+2 I think we need a to .

Let’s get straight to it. As u know a small case of runbads the last 3 days. Playing what I feel is B+ game lately, but been getting it in so gd in big pots. The pots that fning matter. Those that make or break ur session. Just can’t seem to get my hands to hold.
Same today in 1/2/10 morning PLO. I get it in ott w set of 10s on a 3610K two vs gutter and flush draw. Q otr
Lose -$480 on the day

Last 3 days shd actually b all winners. But, like they say...that’s poker. So happy w my confidence and dust it off attitude this week. We didn’t continue the streak of “winning the week”, but still had this weird positive composure inside. It’s like I know a year from now, I’ll b chuckling over this struggle. We gd

After a couple bills paid, combined w the run bad, down to $1500ish life roll. Still feel good about the situation, and I know its just a matter of time before we break through this stubborn wall.

I know many all u believe I shdnt b playing in bigger games, make big variance moves, etc; but i just believe in a fault sometimes. I always like my spot, and plus #semiretired peeps like to live on the edge. Nah, u guys r correct. Maybe it’s time to start doing it better.

Part of me has been thinking about selling some of my stuff around the house. This wd allow me to both pad my roll and ease some worries.
Poker Vlogger Scooter?
$800 additional wd increase my roll 1.5x.
Road bike?
$250 wd b an additional buy-n.
$200 cd pay some bills.

One last interesting thing before i get back to Corona. Here it is....been noticing last few weeks that my poker income at any given time has been equivalent to my liferoll at that time. Which tells me everything else (RTA and Sara’s portion of payments) are taking care of the bills.

Let’s run up this roll.

My friends are people I have no clue who they are. The best kind. #2+2
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-08-2018 , 08:48 PM
Playing plo is the highest variance thing you've done so far
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-08-2018 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by GatorXP
Playing plo is the highest variance thing you've done so far
He did push in $500 pf yesterday in the 78 suites clubs hand
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-09-2018 , 09:44 AM
Got an interested buyer looking at the amp today.
Also, Sara and i set a date for a garage sale next Saturday,
June 16th. We gonna use that money to pay our home insurance. Time to take some responsible steps to keep us from getting a loan.

Poker hourly now sits at $21/hr. Decent but not where I shd be.

Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-09-2018 , 01:05 PM
Got the 3 holes in the ground.
The one that can barely b seen is by the plate compactor.

Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-09-2018 , 05:59 PM
I took $180 for amp, mic, mic stand and cables.
Paid the ATT UVersbe/cell bill and sitting right back at $1500 life roll.

We have a neighborhood garage sale planned for next weekend. If I already said that here, then excuse me. Been pooling it update and drinking today w fam and friends.

We’ll get through eventually.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-09-2018 , 08:31 PM
Mess around on robinhood anymore? Jump in some options and run up that roll again.

Sent from my SM-S903VL using Tapatalk
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-09-2018 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by etw1980
Mess around on robinhood anymore? Jump in some options and run up that roll again.

Sent from my SM-S903VL using Tapatalk
I had a small $500 in there but it wasn’t for long. sold most and still prob hv $100 in play. My daughter Mya has lost about $400 of her $1500 on SNAP. Originally, I encouraged her to wait until it goes down to $13/ but she wanted to buy that day... at $17. It ended uo going all the way down to $9 I think... now around $12. Her pans are to sell when she turns 16, so she holding for 1 more year.

don’t hv the money right now to invest. We in the raising capital phase.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-10-2018 , 08:58 PM
start a gofundme!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-11-2018 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by WitchesCastle
start a gofundme!
It’s not my style.
I hv never asked for handouts, or hv I tried to sell anything.


Today didn’t go my way. Lost $-695
Times are tough, stressful, and mostly aggravating. Down to 2 buy-ins and heading in the wrong direction. This is the phase that deeply messes w the mind. I’m doing my best to fight through and walk tall.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-11-2018 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
It’s not my style.
I hv never asked for handouts, or hv I tried to sell anything.


Today didn’t go my way. Lost $-695
Times are tough, stressful, and mostly aggravating. Down to 2 buy-ins and heading in the wrong direction. This is the phase that deeply messes w the mind. I’m doing my best to fight through and walk tall.
Running a home game once or twice a week might be another revenue stream.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-12-2018 , 07:02 AM
Not his style either I would risk saying.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-12-2018 , 03:44 PM
Don’t ever know where to start.
In a random parking lot right now, watching a guy cut grass, collecting my thoughts. It’s bad. Poker has a way of just no mercy. I cd gv the bad beat stories, but wtf cares. So I’ll just gv u real time situation.

Real time situation is...we need to start thinking quick of a back up plan. Just a week ago I posted that we made it through the hurdle of the short $200 roll and quickly got to $2500. Now, after 4 losses n a row, we back to that small roll.

Im rolling around in a squeaky truck, amazed of how bad below ev I can run. Yeah, prob not playing my very best, but shd still b a winner if the odds wd hv played out true the last 4 sessions. Like they say, poker.

No time for pity, but after losing that buy-n today I must admit I cd hv used one of those gay as poker service dog to cuddle up to.

In for $500 and out $148.

#liferoll. Hold on, let me check my wallet...ok it’s $256. I owe Sara $69 for some groceries last night, so that puts us at $187 after I pay her today.
Wow $187.
I guess we need to take tomo off from poker, and just wait to collect our $160 promo $ Thursday in Cincy.

At least all bills hv b paid, and I just filled up my squeaky truck before I came here.

Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-12-2018 , 04:34 PM
Hang in there man, things will turn around sooner or later!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-12-2018 , 04:44 PM
Long time vlog/thread lurker....

Let’s go, man! Hustle your way via part-time income to a 10K roll and don’t look back.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-12-2018 , 06:13 PM
Shouldn't have paid off the house. It's illiquid and how much better would you have felt if you had that cash in the bank and a small mortgage payment. You should be looking at a way to get that money out. Unless you have a huge surplus never pay off your mortgage. Principla and interest is only a small amount. Still have to pay insurance and taxes
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-12-2018 , 06:55 PM
Not sure why leaving $20,000 of the house unpaid and paying it off monthly while having $20,000 in your bank account wasn't a good idea.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-12-2018 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by mgmlive
Not sure why leaving $20,000 of the house unpaid and paying it off monthly while having $20,000 in your bank account wasn't a good idea.
It wasn’t my intention. Thought I was keeping a stack high society back. Honestly, I didn’t think much about that Villain, Uncle Sam. Paid him way more than I thought it was going to be. Since that time I hv been snookered behind the 8 ball and trying to get that breathing room.
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06-12-2018 , 10:36 PM
Since we down to the nitty gritty, might as well update any significant change. This $96 RTA check and $48 RTA cash tonight is significant.

We up to $187+$96+$48 = $331.
Shd get about $250 more tomo at RTA and $160 Thursday at Jack Cincy.
That shd put us around $741 before Thursday’s next poker session.

RTA students pay at 4wk intervals. may see another few hundred next week from re-ups, but then prob nothing for 4 weeks.
Glad I started that #sidehustle. It’s saving me right now!
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06-12-2018 , 11:37 PM
Dude.... Take 25k out of your house...get a comfortable car for 5K and use 20k as a bank ...The anount of stress that will come off is huge and you’ll be playing with more confidence.

25K shouldn’t be a problem since ur prior goal was 65Kfor Tesla
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-13-2018 , 02:15 AM
HELOC; Home Equity Line of Credit. Rates are still historically low so take advantage and eliminate your illiquid stress.
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