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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
397 12.73%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.62%
$28K TO $34K
506 16.22%
$34K TO $40K
530 16.99%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.55%
932 29.88%

06-24-2015 , 08:18 PM
^ I like Omaha, but haven't played it enough. It seems position and bet sizing is way more important in that game. Still trying to get better.
I just like my no limit game and I don't think it's +ev to play anything else.

$100+ up right now.

I had a hand where I felt I shd hv hero called the river, but tanked folded. Thoughts?
Here it is:
Seat 6: a recreational player that is also pretty decent poker player. $2k stack
Seat 7: a regular. great thinking player. Bluffs a lot when he's drinking Corona. Not drinking Corona at this time. Mixes it up well. $600 stack
Seat 1: me $1400 stack.

$10 Straddle in seat 3. 5 limps, 6 limps, 7 limps, I raise to $50 w 86off from the HJ.
Straddle folds, seat 5 folds, seat 6 calls, 7 calls.

3 to the flop (pot $170). Flop is K86. Seat 6 checks, seat 7 checks, I sheepishly check my bottom 2.

Turn J. seat 5 checks, seat 6 bets $100, I call.

Heads up, Pot is $370, and the river is K. Seat 7 hesistantly bets $210 (leaving him w $200ish behind). I tank fold, but not sure. His bet size was perfect for either getting me to call or fold. I just wasn't sure which. Also wish I wd hv bet the flop. Ugh
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06-24-2015 , 08:32 PM
why do you iso there over 3 limpers with 86o? Do you do that often in situations similar to this with position over few limpers?
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06-24-2015 , 08:49 PM
^ not too often, but when I see many limpers and I'm in late position I sometimes will try to iso go after that money. The plan is to get heads in position w a decent hand. It has been profitable over the years, so I continue to do so. It all depends on the players that limp, stacks, and of course my hand, my position, and player(s) behind me. It s a "all stars have to align" scenario.

Back to $10 down. Bunch of locks in the game, and most active player just left.

I can't believe I'm missing my fav show, Big Brother, for this crappy game. I got it DVR though. It looks like it will b a pretty gd season w a poker dealer, and Vanessa Rousso.
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06-24-2015 , 08:50 PM
Dude, the pool is a huge investment, but one of the greatest gifts you can give your kids is learning how to swim. While pools are dangerous, that ability could save their own life and maybe someone else's one day. But always be on guard and watchful over them. You are Lifeguard #1 in their lives. You're digging into your emergency savings... are you insured? If so, go for it. If not, consider what an injury or accident to home or health can do to you and the family. Make sure you're covered. And no, I don't sell it. Crush the tables now, and thanks again for the ride.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-24-2015 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
^ I like Omaha, but haven't played it enough. It seems position and bet sizing is way more important in that game. Still trying to get better.
I just like my no limit game and I don't think it's +ev to play anything else.

$100+ up right now.

I had a hand where I felt I shd hv hero called the river, but tanked folded. Thoughts?
Here it is:
Seat 6: a recreational player that is also pretty decent poker player. $2k stack
Seat 7: a regular. great thinking player. Bluffs a lot when he's drinking Corona. Not drinking Corona at this time. Mixes it up well. $600 stack
Seat 1: me $1400 stack.

$10 Straddle in seat 3. 5 limps, 6 limps, 7 limps, I raise to $50 w 86off from the HJ.
Straddle folds, seat 5 folds, seat 6 calls, 7 calls.

3 to the flop (pot $170). Flop is K86. Seat 6 checks, seat 7 checks, I sheepishly check my bottom 2.

Turn J. seat 5 checks, seat 6 bets $100, I call.

Heads up, Pot is $370, and the river is K. Seat 7 hesistantly bets $210 (leaving him w $200ish behind). I tank fold, but not sure. His bet size was perfect for either getting me to call or fold. I just wasn't sure which. Also wish I wd hv bet the flop. Ugh

def have to fire that flop for so many reasons, as played fold river
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06-24-2015 , 09:14 PM
Yes we have Homeowners, not Life.
Great advice @coolerJoe. I'm told the safety cover u can actually walk on. That was a big concern for me. Also the neighborhood is full of kids and they all want to migrate to our house. I guess our house is where all the action is.
Hopefully it all goes well, and I appreciate your fine advice and concerns for my family's safety. Best of luck to u.
Up $200 and the table is full of pros. Seat 9 may b the only soft spot.
I guess I'm playing for the competition today.

No spoilers on Big Brother please. I'll b watching it around midnight.

* I think i prob shd hv too @4get2pwnedo. Glad u agree on the river fold tho
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06-24-2015 , 09:16 PM
Agreed; gotta bet that flop and w/o doing so, tough to say whether a fold or hero call is best. Unfortunately put yourself in a tough river spot there.
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06-24-2015 , 09:25 PM
AcKc > QQ for a small $300 pot. Aipf

Up $505

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06-24-2015 , 10:56 PM
Took a dinner break (Binion's chili dog for those that need to know).

Table is down to 7 players and none on the list.
Up $400, and been card dead for the last 45 mins.
So just chilling and waiting.
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06-24-2015 , 11:40 PM
Vanessa Russo is going to be on Big Brother. They put 8 or 9 in the house tonight and the rest go in tomorrow. She will go in tomorrow. Wasn't too interested in the first half, but now I gotta watch.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-24-2015 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by crow27
Vanessa Russo is going to be on Big Brother. They put 8 or 9 in the house tonight and the rest go in tomorrow. She will go in tomorrow. Wasn't too interested in the first half, but now I gotta watch.
Lol he just asked that no one talk about big brother......
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-25-2015 , 12:09 AM
My money is on Rousso. I think a gd poker player is suited for this Big Brother game.

I told the fam I wd b home around midnight, so poker session is over.

I thought I played my "A" game. I may have been a tad on the conservative side, and might of lost value on one particular street in one hand. But overall, I'll take it.
I wish the sesh was more exciting to follow, but not a lot of interesting things to post. We did have a discussion at the table where we talked about the most fascinating invention of all times. One lady said satellites, older gentleman said Internet, someone else said cell phones.

+806 in 2/5/10 on 5hrs 10mins

a much needed +$1,126 today and back in the black for June. ($720)
$21,163 overall.

Gd night
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06-25-2015 , 07:48 AM
By the way, how much do you usually tip?
Does it matter which stakes you play?
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06-25-2015 , 09:35 AM
^ $1 no matter the stakes.
I used to tip more, but after hearing from 2+2ers, they recommended to cut back on my tipping.
I never was a big tipper in poker, but did tip Redbirds often on larger pots. Now it's pretty much $1 on everything.

25 ish winning hands/ a day x 4 days/wk = $100/ wk tips = $5200/yr.
This $ amount was nearly doubled in my past.

Tipping is prt of the game, but a $1 is adequate.
Dealers make gd money. Next time u r playing watch the tips of dealers each down (30mins). Usually they peel off about 18 hands/ down on average, and some players r tipping $3, some Redbirds, and the occasional $10 tip here and there.

Today's Plans: tennis match 10:30a, cut grass at apartments, stack more wood here, meet "Pool Guy" at 2p, try to fix trampoline...Mayb evening poker sesh
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06-25-2015 , 10:44 AM

If you win 1k - are you allways tipping 1 euro??
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06-25-2015 , 01:42 PM
^ in bigger pots sometimes $2 .
Back in the day it was $5 on big pots, but now usually $1 or $2...mostly $1 no matter the size.

If I was a rec player that played once every couple weeks I wd def tip more. Playing regularly it just isn't wise for me to b tipping more than $1 on winning hands. I've seen some pros not tip at all!
To each their own...
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06-25-2015 , 02:16 PM
The older big time pros will not tip at all from what I hear from people who deal at the Bellagio
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06-25-2015 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Also the neighborhood is full of kids and they all want to migrate to our house. I guess our house is where all the action is.
Wait until you are out of town and the teens have a pool party. Then you will know something about action.

That said, you have to get the pool now. Every summer without it is one that is missing some incredible memories.

Thanks for showing us a slice of your day at the tables.
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06-25-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
^ I like Omaha, but haven't played it enough. It seems position and bet sizing is way more important in that game. Still trying to get better.\
The PLO games in Cincy are the nuts as for action but the buyins for lower stakes are somewhat restrictive. HSI has the best buyin structures for all games hands down. I have played PLO at HSI a couple of times but the Cincy games are much better IMO....
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06-25-2015 , 10:47 PM
Cincy PLO is the best in the country besides Vegas.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-26-2015 , 05:15 AM
Hey Ray! Love the thread and the journey! About the pool though I would get it to make the family happy but wouldn't spend my cash to do it. Instead you could get a line of credit out against your paid off rental property or other loan, then your tenants can pay it off over time. That way you keep your 35g and not be forced into dropping down in stakes in poker which is a -EV. Just an idea. Keep up the good work and I look forward to playing against you one night soon in HSI or Cincinnati.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-26-2015 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
Cincy PLO is the best in the country besides Vegas.
Idk about this. The card room I'm playing in has people trying to play 1 card from their hand still. A recreational player won 17k in one night at a 1-2 with 5 bringin a few weeks ago.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
06-26-2015 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by absherrj
Idk about this. The card room I'm playing in has people trying to play 1 card from their hand still. A recreational player won 17k in one night at a 1-2 with 5 bringin a few weeks ago.
Where is this place you speak of? I need to help those people get rid of their money lol
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06-26-2015 , 04:11 PM
Good job on the pool idea bro. It's all about family and your family esp. the little ones are going to have a blast with it and are going to form so many good memories! You have the means to afford it and by God we all know you can "win it" back at the table. I only have 1 child and boy do i regret not having another. It's not the same as a pool but you get my drift. Don't want to regret not getting something that you could afford at the time and taking away a childhood memory. Growing up as a kid and not having a pool i always thought it was the coolest thing when i would go to a friends house who had one 24/7!

Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
I wd b lying if I said I wasn't having reservations about this pool, but it is something we have discussed for years and it's either now or never time. One thing I know, if I get it all, I rather get it now when the kids r young, than later.

The cost is ridiculous, but it is something I can afford (barely), and I don't want to grow old having this pool regret. The time has come for me where I must make my decision. The decision I choose is to go all-in on this one. #yolo
It is def -ev as far as investment, but +ev for the joys I feel it will bring.

Safety is a concern and it does make me a little nervous. My 11yr old is a gd swimmer, but 4yr old can't swim (currently in lessons) to save her life. My youngest is also an expert at sneaking off, so we will have to be better parents at keeping an eye on her. We as a family will definitely have a sit down w safety concerns w our daughters.

-Our back yard is fenced in and does have locks.
-Yes above ground could save me half the cost, but per HOA no above ground pools allowed in the neighborhood.
-I too was amazed at the cost for pools, and going in I thought $20k. To hear $35k felt like a 1 outer against me for all the marbles.
-yes my gf does have a wine taste on a beer budget. I wd like to wait until she has her half, but also rather do now than later (for reasons already mentioned). Her plan is give me $5k out of the $6500 (based on this year's return) for next 3 years on her tax returns. I feel scummy taking it, but this is all her idea and she is willing to do it. Finances is the #1 reason for fights, and I'm cool w whatever. If she pays cool, and if not cool. I feel ill b ok either way...I hope.
-@Still_Hungry pretty gnarly video. Thanks for sharing. Mayb I can bury that thing in the ground.

As a smart consumer I did shop around and this seems to be the best price. Some companies quoted $40k for the exact same set up.
The company I got the best vibe & best deal said he could for it he pool for $27K and throw in a $3k safety cover for off season. The $27k includes pool install, liner, ladder, 8' wide built in steps, hand rail, interior lighting, start up chemicals, maintenance package, safety cover, 3' of concrete skimmer, pool pump, but then I have to pay for the electrician, permits, fill the pool, added concrete, heat pump/or solar cover ($2k heater vs. $150 solar cover) and any extras etc. I'm shooting for final cost of $30k, but anticipating up to $35k worse case.
I know nothing about pools, but I could prob dig a hole . I'll just let them do it right, and save me embarrassment. Thanks for the offer @Tswpoker1 and feel free to jump in whenever. You'll prob b jumping in cool waters though because I prob won't splurge on the heat pump & will choose the solar cover instead.

We haven't even broke ground, and it's already giving me butterflies. Not sure if I'm excited, nervous, or stressed. Oh well, we have r second meeting w the "pool man" tomorrow afternoon.

Current Status:
After cutting wood all day, I'm finally walking into the poker room.
Only 4 on the 2/5/10nl list, so it shd get off the ground in an hour. W some players in Vegas the Wednesday game barely has a pulse. Hopefully it goes.
A little 1/2nl while I wait.

Live posting 2/5/10nl if it goes.
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06-26-2015 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by obiwanjacobi
Hey Ray! Love the thread and the journey! About the pool though I would get it to make the family happy but wouldn't spend my cash to do it. Instead you could get a line of credit out against your paid off rental property or other loan, then your tenants can pay it off over time. That way you keep your 35g and not be forced into dropping down in stakes in poker which is a -EV. Just an idea. Keep up the good work and I look forward to playing against you one night soon in HSI or Cincinnati.
Gd thinking, and I even considered an equity line of credit but trying to live debt free.
I dont mind moving down to 1/2nl if I have too. I'm actually earning around $40/hr at both limits so far this year. *I can post stats of limit break downs at the end of this month.
Also, I know some banks won't let u take a equity line of credit if it is a rental property and not main home. Not sure on this, but I'm planning on paying "Pool Guy" in cash. After meeting w him yesterday, he will give me a better deal if I do pay in cash.
The meeting went well yesterday, and ended up squeezing him down from $27k to $24,960 for cash option. I'm sure it can get up to $35k quickly tho w perks. Gonna have to try to stay within budget on this one.
Glad u enjoy the thread. Thanks for posting and Best of luck

@blufforbebluffed I know whatcha mean about having another kid. I desperately want another child, but my better half doesn't. Actually I want 5 kids, but it looks like 2 and done for us.

Well...they just called my name for 2/5/10nl and once again the line up looks horrible. Darn these players at HSI r too gd.
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