Originally Posted by wereallgonnamakeit
hey best of luck, I played a lot on ClubGG mainly NLH and saw how great the plo5 games were. Definitely a flip fest with the antes and short stacks and such but I was thinking you could make a ton of profit there.
Btw, I would definitely recommend using asian hand converter w ClubGG. It will track player names and rake paid correctly so you can get a better understanding of winrates. glgl
Thanks! I started using asianhand converter along with DriveHud which is the best tracking software I’ve ever used. I’m not good with configuring software and h2n was always a nightmare to use. Drivehud is intuitive and user friendly the way an iPhone is.
Update: we’re gaining momentum. Right now I’m crushing 10/20 which I feel very comfortable at. There is a common viewpoint that the difference between 10/20 and 25/50+ is mostly a matter of bankroll and emotional management. This could not be further from the truth. While I feel extremely confident playing reg heavy line ups at 10/20 that confidence gets crushed when I sit down at 25/50.
The regs at 5/10 and 10/20 are quite predictable, unbalanced in spots and lack a certain killer instinct. But at 25/50 everyone is extremely aggressive and even if they make fundamental mistakes here and there they are all tough. At 10/20 I can tune into my reads and exploit quite far out of range. But at 25/50 attempting to do so backfires and the proper approach is to exploit more at the margins.
Confidence can be a dangerous thing, it can make you arrogant and this can make you vulnerable.
The proper approach now is humility: continue the process, play the pool at 10/20, carefully game select to ease into 25/50+.
There is that Warren Buffett quote in investing: investing is about waiting for the right pitch. You don’t have to swing at every ball.
I’ve found the same to be true when it comes to reads and exploits. Whenever I try to exploit my opponents to hard and make genius poker happen I just end up spewing. You have to play solid poker and wait for the openings to show themselves. Stick to your gameplan and wait for the next exploits to show up.