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The Return of 6bet me The Return of 6bet me

03-18-2022 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Elizabeth5579
blah blah blah.................... no 1 cares buddy............................................. .... w8 for 6BETME 2 cumm bakk like we doin or u go b scared uv gettin sick sumware els......................
This is my favorite post in this thread.
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03-18-2022 , 08:02 PM
prolly her best poast to date!
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03-18-2022 , 08:43 PM
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03-19-2022 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by Eisenkreuz
Ok. A lot of countries were starting to apply very strict social distancing measures, close all non-essential activities, enforce curfews and quarantine entire families that had contacts with positives.
At the same time, OP was feeling this sudden urge to train hard at the gym.

Do you find my phrasing more appropriate now?

You do realize training at the gym was the only thing in that entire list to successfully combat covid on all fronts ? (physically, mentally, spiritually)
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03-19-2022 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
The entire world most certainly did not go into a full lockdown. We had nothing close to a full lockdown in the US. Australia took far more precautions than most countries. Still not a full lockdown.
For periods (I'm talking weeks /months, not days) Melbourne and parts of Sydney had curfews and were not permitted to travel outside their local council area. People were not allowed to visit anyone outside their household. Police helicopters would buzz kids playing football in a park on a sunny day and bellow over lousdspeakers for them to return home. If that's not a full lockdown I don't know what is.
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03-19-2022 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by denks
For periods (I'm talking weeks /months, not days) Melbourne and parts of Sydney had curfews and were not permitted to travel outside their local council area. People were not allowed to visit anyone outside their household. Police helicopters would buzz kids playing football in a park on a sunny day and bellow over lousdspeakers for them to return home. If that's not a full lockdown I don't know what is.
What they did in China
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03-19-2022 , 06:13 AM
If you haven't, read OP's first big thread and probably half of this one. The second half of this one was a complete mess although there were some complete gems like 5 hours to make 7 sandwiches.
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03-19-2022 , 06:14 AM
If 6betme did in fact break human rights' violating lockdown measures in the Prison Colony of the American Globo HoeMoe Regime ... then he is instantly promoted from Grandmaster troll TO Alpha Grandmaster Troll.
Cheers Mate
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03-19-2022 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by denks
For periods (I'm talking weeks /months, not days) Melbourne and parts of Sydney had curfews and were not permitted to travel outside their local council area. People were not allowed to visit anyone outside their household. Police helicopters would buzz kids playing football in a park on a sunny day and bellow over lousdspeakers for them to return home. If that's not a full lockdown I don't know what is.
That's real. I believe that because I know what was real here in Austin Texas. It was a straight up lockdown over here.
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03-19-2022 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by LivingOffEV
If you haven't, read OP's first big thread and probably half of this one. The second half of this one was a complete mess although there were some complete gems like 5 hours to make 7 sandwiches.
And him offering his wife the opportunity to invest in his business [i.e. give him money to punt]
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03-19-2022 , 06:23 AM
But she fed off him in the first few chapters....Plus her family constantly....?
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03-19-2022 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by CJack3
That's real. I believe that because I know what was real here in Austin Texas. It was a straight up lockdown over here.
I'm not exaggerating at all. I was lucky that I lived in a low risk area so could do outrageous things like walk the dog after dark. If I had lived a km further south I would have been required to stay at home after I think it was 9pm. During the peak of covid lockdowns the main roads that usually had traffic jams were totally empty in peak hour. Could not visit anyone outside the house. Only one household member allowed to go grocery shopping at a time.
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03-19-2022 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by Duffman08
You do realize training at the gym was the only thing in that entire list to successfully combat covid on all fronts ? (physically, mentally, spiritually)
Physical activity != closing yourself inside a gym.
You can run, you can bike, you can bring a TRX and elastic bands to a park.

Avoiding inside gatherings was the only thing to prevent the spread of the virus. But yeah, it's been only two years so I see why it may still be a hard concept to grasp.

People NOT training because the gym is closed are lazy bums looking for excuses. You can train anywhere.
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03-19-2022 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by CJack3
But she fed off him in the first few chapters....Plus her family constantly....?
According to many posters here, giving money to your gf/wife is expected, it shows you care for them, it shows you're a good bf/husband. Thai families just "expect" the man to give thousands of dollars to their family in laws without knowing what it's being used for.

But suddenly when the man wants money from his wife, he's evil, he's a leech, he should earn his own money.
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03-19-2022 , 11:12 AM
If I recall, most here thought giving wads of cash to his wife was odd - did anyone at all say it was expected? It's his money so he can do whatever he wants with it, it's just an unusual thing to do. If someone expects their wife (or anyone else for that matter) to work a full time job to fund their gambling habit then yes they are a leech.
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03-19-2022 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll

This is a mistake.
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03-19-2022 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Eisenkreuz
Of course working out has always been beneficial for everyone, that's not my point.

We had very strict measures in place, almost war-like curfews I would say. Individual outside training was the one single thing that has never been forbidden. Not once. Running, biking, walking the dog, training outside with a TRX, always allowed.

Australia wasn't hit that hard at the beginning, but footage from Italy was making the news in the entire western world. Everyone knew what was coming, so if he really wanted to train when the entire scientific community was telling us to avoid any form of inside gathering, he could have done it outside.

But what pisses me off the most is his comments. Dismissing everything as "fearmongering". "Only old people die". In the initial red zone they had to use ****ing army trucks to bring the corpses elsewhere because the local obituaries were unable to handle the amount of dead people.
Zero sympathy for people like the OP.

Spoiler Alert

In the latest season, the OP ignores warning signs he has Covid and completes a playing time challenge before getting tested. It is positive. Several players from his home casino accuse him of infecting dealers who had to miss work.
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03-19-2022 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by CJack3
That's real. I believe that because I know what was real here in Austin Texas. It was a straight up lockdown over here.
WTF are you talking about? They were packing HEB and Walmart like sardines in Austin. A full lockdown for months would be everyone stocks up on groceries and doesn't leave their residence for months. Austin was nowhere close to a full lockdown.
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03-19-2022 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by venice10

Spoiler Alert

In the latest season, the OP ignores warning signs he has Covid and completes a playing time challenge before getting tested. It is positive. Several players from his home casino accuse him of infecting dealers who had to miss work.
Ok, this seals it. I'm not going to read the story of this *******.
I actually had some sympathy for him at the beginning. A lazy gambling degen, but still willing to help (sort of) other people in his own twisted way.
But no, he's a narcissistic lazy gambling degen, willing to cause harm to other people to satisfy his addictions.
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03-19-2022 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by prairiebreeze
This is a mistake.
but what if she's a woman and hot?

Originally Posted by Eisenkreuz
Ok, this seals it. I'm not going to read the story of this *******.
I actually had some sympathy for him at the beginning. A lazy gambling degen, but still willing to help (sort of) other people in his own twisted way.
But no, he's a narcissistic lazy gambling degen, willing to cause harm to other people to satisfy his addictions.
he also thinks people who work white collar office jobs are evil but playing poker and living off welfare checks is noble

i'm not exaggerating nor kidding
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03-19-2022 , 03:18 PM
Rick - you are going to cause our "new" friend Eisenkreuz to pop a gasket with this additional information
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03-19-2022 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
Rick - you are going to cause our "new" friend Eisenkreuz to pop a gasket with this additional information
thought you were arranging a meetcute between elizabeth and i

rickroll is very single
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03-20-2022 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
WTF are you talking about? They were packing HEB and Walmart like sardines in Austin. A full lockdown for months would be everyone stocks up on groceries and doesn't leave their residence for months. Austin was nowhere close to a full lockdown.
Apart from China I don't think anywhere else locked people in their apartments. In Western countries a lockdown meant that you could only leave your house for essential reasons, getting groceries being one of them. As far as I know this didn't happen in USA or if it did was not properly observed as people there seem to do whatever they want because freedom
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03-20-2022 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by Same_again
Apart from China I don't think anywhere else locked people in their apartments. In Western countries a lockdown meant that you could only leave your house for essential reasons, getting groceries being one of them. As far as I know this didn't happen in USA or if it did was not properly observed as people there seem to do whatever they want because freedom
Here in Aus we did get glimpses of that, though thankfully not blanket application. Apartment blocks locked down with police / security preventing anyone entering or leaving:
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03-20-2022 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
WTF are you talking about? They were packing HEB and Walmart like sardines in Austin. A full lockdown for months would be everyone stocks up on groceries and doesn't leave their residence for months. Austin was nowhere close to a full lockdown.
People rushed to HEB and Wal Mart at first and then they were shut down for a period of time all together. Not sure how long, but we were buying groceries through Amazon for a couple of months. Do you live in Austin? Not being smart, just wondering.
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