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04-20-2020 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by PokerKid168
I'm not buying this unless we see evidence. No idea who dream catcher is. Could just be his mate playing along. Hopefully its true so the circus continues.
You caught me red handed mate. He's my cobber from way back. A real proper dag he is. I was just about to put some shrimp on the barbie to celebrate this ruse. There isn't much else for us to do these days with no footy and with Vinnie's being closed. Mostly i just play two up with my bitzer and my bluey.
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04-20-2020 , 04:06 AM
What's a bluey?
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04-20-2020 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Good call. Dream Crusher actually is a big troll. Still no confirmation what actually happened.
Says the guy that says buy index funds IMMEDIATELY after stocks have gone up 28% and before the shakeout has even happened while Warren Buffet sits on $128 billion in cash.
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04-20-2020 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
Still can't believe OP was sending money overseas to his wife's family all this time. He was basically funding the life of some strangers in another country and had no clue what the money was actually being used for. Who would do such a thing?
Thats the price of pussy...
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04-20-2020 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Says the guy that says buy index funds IMMEDIATELY after stocks have gone up 28% and before the shakeout has even happened while Warren Buffet sits on $128 billion in cash.
Ok. Don't buy them then.


I bought them before that happened though.


W/E, you're trolling and I plan to buy more.
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04-20-2020 , 04:09 AM
A bluey is a dog of course. Crikey!
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04-20-2020 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
A bluey is a dog of course. Crikey!
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04-20-2020 , 04:15 AM
Whoops, this thread became what is Dream Crusher doing. Sorry
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04-20-2020 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Ok. Don't buy them then.


I bought them before that happened though.


W/E, you're trolling and I plan to buy more.
You do you. I'm not here to give financial advice, but I will put my 2 cents in when I disagree with someone else's advice. Thing is if this thing gets as ugly as I suspect, people like myself, Warren Buffet, and Andy Beal are going to be buying assets at bargain basement prices. There is no rush to do so right now given that asset prices have hardly fallen.

That being said, I suppose Ray Dalio agrees with you. He thinks cash is trash. He also thinks we're heading into a depression though (ie more severe than the great recession).
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04-20-2020 , 04:20 AM
Grats op! Teaching all of us bankroll nits a lesson
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04-20-2020 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
You do you. I'm not here to give financial advice, but I will put my 2 cents in when I disagree with someone else's advice. Thing is if this thing gets as ugly as I suspect, people like myself, Warren Buffet, and Andy Beal are going to be buying assets at bargain basement prices. There is no rush to do so right now given that asset prices have hardly fallen.

That being said, I suppose Ray Dalio agrees with you. He thinks cash is trash. He also thinks we're heading into a depression though (ie more severe than the great recession).
Ok, I give; sort of. How much do you have in cash currently? And what are you eyeing to buy when it drops enough? And what price level are you eying as the enough drop?
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04-20-2020 , 04:24 AM
It will be interesting to see what he does with the money. I'd hope he would fortify his roll for 100NL. Beyond that he should probably pay down his debts (albeit I don't remember what the terms were on them).

I'm sure he'll want to play more tournaments and that's fine but he needs to understand that 100NL is still what pays the bills. One can go broke real quick as a tournament pro, especially with only $10k.
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04-20-2020 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
It will be interesting to see what he does with the money. I'd hope he would fortify his roll for 100NL. Beyond that he should probably pay down his debts (albeit I don't remember what the terms were on them).

I'm sure he'll want to play more tournaments and that's fine but he needs to understand that 100NL is still what pays the bills. One can go broke real quick as a tournament pro, especially with only $10k.

mmm ... So, in which way are you not trolling?
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04-20-2020 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Ok, I give; sort of. How much do you have in cash currently? And what are you eyeing to buy when it drops enough? And what price level are you eying as the enough drop?
I can't make a decision on what to buy until I know what earnings are. Right now I'm going to wait and see how this shakes out and then I'll make decisions on whether to purchase high quality companies.. I do like the idea of buying index funds in general, just not right at this moment when some companies are likely to go the way of the dodo.

I follow local real estate and oil too though. Even if stock market P/Es remain elevated there will be other opportunities out there because the sad reality is that a lot of people are going to be out of business and out of work. As an example, there will be foreclosures on Airbnbs across the country because the super hosts are up to their eyeballs in debt and weren't prepared for such a catastrophe.
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04-20-2020 , 04:43 AM
Well commence pointless excessive spending spree...calling it now busto by Xmas.
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04-20-2020 , 04:43 AM
Well played 6bet, congrats on the score!
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04-20-2020 , 04:45 AM
Lets see if OP can manage his money well for once and not go on a spending spree and/or donk away at higher games+++.
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04-20-2020 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I can't make a decision on what to buy until I know what earnings are. Right now I'm going to wait and see how this shakes out and then I'll make decisions on whether to purchase high quality companies.. I do like the idea of buying index funds in general, just not right at this moment when some companies are likely to go the way of the dodo.

I follow local real estate and oil too though. Even if stock market P/Es remain elevated there will be other opportunities out there because the sad reality is that a lot of people are going to be out of business and out of work. As an example, there will be foreclosures on Airbnbs across the country because the super hosts are up to their eyeballs in debt and weren't prepared for such a catastrophe.

Fair enough. Yes, I imagine there will be tons of forclosure properties in about 6-8 months. I can see why you are specifically focused on Airbnb ones, but there will be many others.
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04-20-2020 , 05:50 AM
gl on getting paid
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04-20-2020 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
wrong. cheating is defined as gaining an unfair advantage.

is the houston astros stealing signs and banging on trashcans cheating even though MLB rules didn't explicitly state that it's against the rules? yes.

do you really think buying in multiple seats to the same poker game isn't cheating??? so if these apps don't explicitly say it's against the rules anyone can just buy in half the seats to a cash game??? come on man!
Catching up but I find it fascinating that people are actually arguing against this.
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04-20-2020 , 06:18 AM
Congrats OP
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04-20-2020 , 06:20 AM
So is this 10k score actually real? Do we verify Pokerbros on pockettwos?

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04-20-2020 , 06:43 AM
time to prepare for wsop main event op? put it away for next year and you will be crowned world champion.
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04-20-2020 , 07:13 AM


Too bad there's this debt to pay off, otherwise we'd be rolled for 1ks now. Is this the student loan or what's this "high interest debt" he's talking about? How much, interest etc?

One more FT and we're done with the NL100-normie-grind, boss! Sky's the limit, homie!

Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
You caught me red handed mate. He's my cobber from way back. A real proper dag he is. I was just about to put some shrimp on the barbie to celebrate this ruse. There isn't much else for us to do these days with no footy and with Vinnie's being closed. Mostly i just play two up with my bitzer and my bluey.
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04-20-2020 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
A bluey is a dog of course. Crikey!
Haha, you ole' c***. I hope you learnt something watching that ripper of a match.
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