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The Return of 6bet me The Return of 6bet me

10-10-2022 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by denks
Guessing Subway. People come in, place their orders on the way to work and come back to pick up freshly made by lunch.
It pisses me off I didn't think of any Subway jokes myself.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
11-21-2022 , 06:06 PM
02-09-2023 , 05:44 AM
6bet back gamblng?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-09-2023 , 07:04 AM
also have you got a second overseas wife? did you get married to your second wife recently?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-09-2023 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by Pileupthecoins
6bet back gamblng?
Last I heard he had gotten a job I think
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-09-2023 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by ejames209
Last I heard he had gotten a job I think
what kind of job
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-09-2023 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by ejames209
Last I heard he had gotten a job I think
10/20 topreg playing fulltime i suppose?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-09-2023 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
10/20 topreg playing fulltime i suppose?
is that $10 and $20 live mtts playing full time?

If he had a 200% roi and played 10 mtts a week at $10 mtts hes making $200 a week. Face cream is how much?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-09-2023 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by Pileupthecoins
what kind of job
no idea. Employed enough to keep him away from 2p2 it seems.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-09-2023 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by ejames209
no idea. Employed enough to keep him away from 2p2 it seems.
he needs to come back and run $800 up to $60000 playing mtts. playing chess while streaming the final tables online.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-04-2023 , 03:20 PM
I read through all this thread like a maniac, and since it seemed to fizzle out, I asked Bing Chat to create a parody followup using 6bet me's style. Unfortunately, I don't really get why Bing dunks on 6Bet Me so hard:

06-04-2023 , 10:15 PM
6bet me
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 12,345

Greetings everyone! I'm back and ready to start a new PG&C thread. My background: I'm a 28 year old guy from Melbourne, Australia, who has been playing poker for the past 8 years. I took my first shot at going pro almost 5 years ago, and whilst I was winning money at the poker tables, I ultimately went busto due to lack of volume and wasting money on unnecessary expenses like bars and restaurants. After that, I took a 1 year hiatus where I barely played poker. I worked for a bit and played a lot of chess in my spare time. But then, the itch for poker came back. I quit my job, cancelled my chess membership and I was ready to take another shot at becoming a poker pro. So I started with a bankroll of roughly $900 (USD) and grinding on the apps. I was playing primarily 40nl and 60nl for a while, and then I moved up to 100nl and started crushing it. I built the roll up to $10k+ and started taking shots at live poker again, primarily 1/3 NL and 2/5 NL. I was doing pretty well until COVID-19 hit and all the casinos closed down. Then I had to move back online and grind on the apps again. But this time, things didn't go so well. I ran into some bad beats, some variance, some tilt, some collusion, some bots, some scammers, some hackers, some cheaters, some rakeback issues, some withdrawal issues, some deposit issues, some connection issues, some phone issues, some battery issues, some charger issues, some wifi issues, some VPN issues, some HUD issues, some tracker issues, some software issues, some hardware issues... you get the idea. Basically everything that could go wrong went wrong. And before I knew it, I was back to square one. Broke and busted.

But now, the itch for poker has come back again. I quit my job (again), cancelled my chess membership (again) and I'm ready to take another shot at becoming a poker pro (again). So I'm starting with a bankroll of roughly $900 (USD) (again) and grinding on the apps (again). I'll be playing primarily 40nl and 60nl for now (again), and I'll be looking to take some shots at 100nl soon as well (again). I consider all of these games to be quite soft (again).

My living situation: My wife left me last year and took half of everything we had. She said she couldn't stand my gambling addiction anymore and that she wanted a stable life with someone who had a real job. She also said she was pregnant with another man's child and that she never loved me anyway. So now I live in a cheap motel room by myself and pay rent by the week. My only real expenses are: food, phone bill and gym membership.

My weekly routine: So 4 years ago, I signed up to the gym, and apart from taking a bit of time off when I was sick or travelling or tilting or broke or depressed or suicidal or whatever, I've been going consistently 3+ times every week. This was one of the best decisions I ever made. I've noticed that since getting into this routine, I've been feeling way healthier, more lively and more energetic. It's like I'm suddenly ready to take on the world again (again). I feel that sticking to this gym routine is going to be essential for my success (again), from a psychological perspective.

So thus my plan is to basically just gym and poker (again). That's it. I want to grind poker at least 40 hours per week (again), and I want to go to the gym at least 3 times per week for 1 hour each session (again). When I'm not grinding poker (again), I'll be either posting on poker forums (again) or watching poker videos (again).

Short, medium and long term goals:
Short term: I want to make sure I stick to my plan of 40+ hours of poker and 3+ gym sessions per week (again). I also want to build the bankroll up to $2000+ and move up to 100nl before the end of June (again).
Medium term: I want the roll to become big enough that I can take shots at live poker again (again), primarily 1/3 NL and 2/5 NL (again).
Long term: I plan to go back to uni next year and finish off a degree (again). In the past, I completed 33% of a Science degree (Maths+Stats) and 50% of a Commerce degree (Economics+Finance), so I'd like to return and graduate with one of those (again). In the meantime, I want to save up as much money as possible through poker (again).

Thanks for reading (again)!
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-04-2023 , 03:24 PM
Here are some hands I asked Bing to create for him,

06-06-2023 , 12:15 AM
6bet me
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 12,347

Hey guys, another update for you. I've been grinding even harder and I'm up another $200! That's right, I've increased my bankroll by 22% in one day. I'm feeling pretty awesome right now.

I played some really crazy hands today, and I want to share them with you. Here are some of the highlights:

Hand #1: 40nl, $40 effective
Hero (MP) raises $1.20 with 76s
Villain (BB) calls $1.20
Flop ($2.80): 8s 5s 4h
Villain checks
Hero bets $2
Villain raises $6
Hero calls $4
Turn ($14.80): 9s
Villain bets $10
Hero raises all-in for $33
Villain calls $23

Hero shows 76s for a straight flush
Villain shows 87o for a higher straight

River ($81.60): Qh

Hero wins with a straight flush!

Hand #2: 60nl, $60 effective
Hero (SB) raises $1.80 with TT
Villain (BB) calls $1.80
Flop ($3.60): Tc 9c 7h
Hero bets $2.40
Villain calls $2.40
Turn ($8.40): Jc
Hero bets $6
Villain raises $18
Hero calls $12

River ($44.40): Qc

Hero checks
Villain bets $38.40 all-in
Hero calls $38.40

Hero shows TT for a full house
Villain shows Ac Kc for a royal flush

Villain wins with a royal flush!

Hand #3: 100nl, $100 effective
Hero (BTN) raises $3 with AJo
Villain (SB) calls $3 with KQo
BB folds

Flop ($7): Qd Jd 5s
Villain checks
Hero bets $4.50
Villain calls $4.50

Turn ($16): Td
Villain checks
Hero bets $12
Villain raises all-in for $92.50
Hero calls $80.50

Hero shows AJo for a straight and a flush draw
Villain shows KQo for a higher straight

River ($201): Ad

Hero wins with a higher straight!

As you can see, I ran pretty good today, but I also played well and made some sick calls and bluffs. I think I'm ready to move up to 100nl soon and crush those games too. Wish me luck!
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-04-2023 , 03:27 PM
And to continue with the AI fan fic, I asked Bing to also create parody replies using the posters in this thread,

Okay, here are some possible replies from other posters in that thread:

06-06-2023 , 12:30 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,594

Wow, nice run 6bet! You're killing it man. Keep it up!

06-06-2023 , 12:35 AM
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 888

Lol at this guy. You're still playing like a fish and getting lucky. You'll be busto again soon enough. Enjoy it while it lasts.

06-06-2023 , 12:40 AM
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 861

Yes!!! The return we've all been waiting for. Loving the updates and the hands. You're an inspiration to us all.

06-06-2023 , 12:45 AM
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 515

his wife works at a 5 star hotel. he can just bang her and she will give him cash.

06-06-2023 , 12:50 AM
Carpal \\'Tunnel
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 25,222

OP did you get banned or self ban from reddit? Also, nice hands, but you should really get a HUD and a tracker if you want to be serious about poker.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-04-2023 , 03:31 PM
Unfortunately, the fan fic can't be complete with the number one heel in this thread, Jimmy Busto, so I asked Bing to include him too,

06-06-2023 , 01:00 AM
Jimmy Busto
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 516

Lol at these hands. You're still playing like a donk and getting lucky. You'll be busto again soon enough. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Hand #1: You're raising too big preflop with 76s. You should be folding or limping behind. Then you call a check-raise on the flop with a weak draw. Then you jam the turn with a straight flush when you have no fold equity and you're only getting called by better hands. You got lucky that he had two pair and not a set or a higher flush.

Hand #2: You're 4-betting too big preflop with TT. You should be calling or folding. Then you bet too big on the flop with top set. Then you call a shove on the river with a full house when there's a royal flush possible. You got lucky that he had QQ and not AK.

Hand #3: You're raising too small preflop with AJo. You should be folding or making it $4. Then you bet too small on the flop with top pair and a gutshot. Then you call a check-raise all-in on the turn with a straight and a flush draw when you're drawing dead to a higher straight. You got lucky that he had KQ and not AK.

You're clearly clueless about poker and have no idea what you're doing. You should quit while you're ahead and find another hobby. Poker is not for you.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
01-03-2024 , 08:11 AM
Just caught up again. Shame there are no more updates. Hope you're doing well 6bet.

GJ on the AI posts, although the Jimmy Busto one is far too sensible and coherent to be realistic.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
01-03-2024 , 10:58 AM
Happy New Year, 6bet. Hope you're doing good. What a legendary thread!
The Return of 6bet me Quote
05-21-2024 , 06:28 PM
I miss this thread
The Return of 6bet me Quote
05-22-2024 , 05:26 AM
Any updates about this legend?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
08-03-2024 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
By definition, I'm a professional poker player.

I think your problem is that you have this bias about what constitutes a professional. You probably picture a lawyer or a business man in a $2k suit who wakes up at 6am, heads to the office, works 9-5 and lives a wholesome lifestyle. You picture someone who's respected by society, doing well financially, and has his entire life in order.

To you, the idea that someone could wear a casual t-shirt and jeans, wake up late, grind whatever hours he feels like, have fun at his job and still call himself a professional, is ridiculous. It goes against everything you were taught growing up.

I hope that one day, you can open your mind and remove these preconceived biases that prevent you from seeing clearly.
I think I love this post the best. When the OP rereads this thread when he is 55/60, this particular post will make him cringe the most.

The last line is just the absolute best!
The Return of 6bet me Quote
