I like this forum as a log for brags and beats. I will use it as a reference to keep track of online and casino poker and a log of my physical training progress.
I am overweight with a bmi of 26.3.
Some poker stats
I play tourney poker and heads up 50nl mostly on stars nowadays.
My stars graph
Partypoker cheeseburger grinding from a while ago:
Full tilt cash:
Rake grinding FTW
I play casino poker since a year but I have no idea of my winnings, I will post them here as a way to keep sight of my gambling defect.
My major poker goal is not going broke so I have enough bankroll to pull the bluffs .
except things don’t go really well because I’m such a fish
First things first however and that’s growing the roll, I have 1440euro on stars and a couple of K euro liferoll.
Tomorrow, I hope to complete a solid fitness machine workout of :
1. 8 min rowing (2000m)
2. Strength training
3. 1 hour cycling
4. Strength training
5. 3.5 km running
6. Strength training
7. 12 min crosstrainer
8. Stretch
In a couple of months I would like to run 6km in this schedule.
What's up
I lost a couple of hundred euro live yesterday and I’m on a bit of an online downswing also, today:
What a waste of a Sunday morning :/.
Last edited by chasingthenuts; 04-15-2012 at 09:02 AM.