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From Reg-Fish to Winner >>> Accountability From Reg-Fish to Winner >>> Accountability

09-02-2013 , 06:41 AM
A little about me - I am a long time player that played mostly limit Hold-em in the North east and have since moved to a place without casinos and have gotten myself into a raked home game (5% uncapped). I have played no limit some before and would rate myself as probably around a break even player. When I tracked my limit hold'em play I was around an $18/ hour winner in mostly 10-20 LHE over about 1000 hours over a few years. I intend to track wins and losses in NLHE now.

Since switching to NLHE I have had some big wins and losses and my latest losing session caused me to start this challenge. I lost a big pot where I limp called a raise with 9-5s and got over flushed. I shouldn't have even lost $3 never mind the hundreds I did lose.

It is my belief that I know these hands that I play are negative ev and that I play them because I am bored (or chasing losses). I also think that if I have to share these hands that I VPIP that I will no longer play these crap hands.

So in this PG&C thread I will share all hands that I VPIP (including the SB completes that I think are a major contributer to losses). I also know that I am not an expert and some of the hands will be real bad. I welcome all comements!
From Reg-Fish to Winner >>> Accountability Quote
09-02-2013 , 07:53 AM
First Session went great! I am not sure how to do this without making threads TL;DR, so I welcome feed back on how to post these sessions.

Low $ standard hands:
(-$3) limped 66 from CO 5 ways & whiffed flop
(+$7) iso-raised 1 limper 89os to $18 from cutoff
(+$4) raised 79s in MP to $13 (tight blinds)
(+$7) iso-raised 1 limper with A9s from HJ to $18
(-$3) limped 88 in HJ after 3 loimps folded KJ3 board when button bet
(+$7) iso-raised 1 limper Q9os to $18 from MP
(-$3) limp 79os from MP after 2 limps. Goes off 7 ways and check-fold to $12from button after flop of J103 with a flush draw
(-$3) limped 62s on button after 4 limps. folded uneventful flop
(-$3) completed a5os from sb folded to $15 on AJJ flop
(-$3) limped a5s from HJ. went 7 way folded QJ6 board for $15
(+$10) raise 2 limpers to 23 w/56os on button
(-$15) call with 77 after HJ raise on button. fold to c-bet on Qj6 flop

Eventful hands
(+$73) 1 all-in for $5 I call Q9s from sb to take it off 5 way. flop K58 inmy suit. I lead $17 and get one caller. Turn Q. I lead $35 and called. River 3 and I bet $90 that is not called.

(+$81) I limp k5s in HJ after 2 limps and we take it off 5 way. Flop K89r. MP to my immediate right leads $10 and I make it $35 (he would lead any piece/draw). I am called in by him and one other spot. Turn is a Q bringing a flush draw (not for me) and it checks around (this is awful card for me). 3 on river is checked around and MHIG.

(+$120) I open raise 77 to 13 in MP and get 2 callers. Flop is KQ7 and I lead 21 and call a shove to around $120. He has KJ anb MHIG

(+$8) I call a raise to $16 OTB with 66 that is also called by the one of the blinds. Flop 235 with a club draw (both 6's are red). I call a bet of $50 from the blind. Turn was a 4 and I called an all-in and chop the pot against 46os (wow, lucky there)

(+$54) call $18 in HJ with a8s (loose raiser) after 2 other callers. flop Q94r and it checks to me and I bet $45 to take it down.

(+$55) limp a4s in MP. flop A24 with a flush draw (not mine obv) and I raise a 10 bet and call to 45. Called all-in by a3os and MHIG

(+$90) raise UTG raise of $30 to $90 UTG +1 with AKos. Flop 886 and I c-bet $120 to take it down.

(+$18) raise button straddle of $15 to $45 with 1010 from sb

(+$100) iso-raise 1 limper to $18 with KQos. Button calls and limper ships for $70. With a specific read that limper is doing this with the type of hand I dominate I make it $150 to clear out the button. my KQ holds up against Q9os

(-$76) AQ raise to $18 after 1 limper. BB & limper call. I c-bet $23 on flop of KK10 with a flush draw. BB calls. turn is a Q and I bet-fold $35 trying to get value from a 10 or flush draw.

(+$80) 67os in BB flop AA8 checked around, turn 5 checked around, river 4 no flush possibe. I bet $21 raised to $71 and I call because I am confused and might be good. They turn over 23s and MHIG.

($+27) I lrr AQos from UTG after a raise and call from MP to $12. The raiser never raises a premium hand to that amount. I don't usually limp AQos from utg but I will occasionally.

(-$167) I limp J7s from MP and we take it off 6 ways. Flop 10109 with one of my suit. I lead $21 and get 1 caller from the blinds that looked like he wanted to raise me. turn 3 bringing a flush draw for me. river K of my suit and he leads $42. Like a dummy I jam his effective stack trying to get called by a bare 10 and he rolls over 109os

(+$85) I iso-raise 3 limpers with 72s from the button to $23 and get one caller. Flop Q75 with a flush draw (not mine). I bet $25 from position and get called. turn 5 and I get donked into for $40. I think she is most likely on a flush draw and call. river 8 and I bet $40 after checked to to try and get a fold from a flush draw that may include an 8 (and I also don't want to roll over 72s). They fold.

(+$42) I iso-raise 2 limpers with q5s from the hj to $23 and get those same 2 callers. flop AQ4r and I bet $25 in position and get 2 folds.

(+$75) I limp j7s in MP and we take it off 5 way. flop J97 with a flush draw (not mine) and I lead $15 and call a button raise to $55. turn 5 and I check call $25. river 4 and it goes check-check and MHIG (him AJos)

(-$20) I call $20 with 44 from HJ after a raise from MP and 1 caller. raiser was playing $600 and caller was $850 effective with me and he was on tilt. I folded to a $40 c-bet and call on a 1095 board.

($48) I iso-raise 1 limper to $23 with AQos from MP and get 3 other callers. Flop is K93R and I check call $25 from the button. turn 8 and I check-fold to a bet of $30 from the button. I think this was the worst hand I played!

Note: if final tally seems off (i didn't do math on totals), the house does a bonus that costs $5 that I did win once tonight for +$90. I also didn't include folded blinds and may have been off on some totals due to rake and unsure of raise size on all-ins. All bet sizes are correct with the exception of those.

Final Tally +575 in 4 hours!

I appreciate all feedback and thanks for checking out this thread. I can also go into more depth on any particular hand, I was just trying to make this as short as I could while also including all I hands I VPIP!

Last edited by Submerged; 09-02-2013 at 07:57 AM. Reason: one pot size wrong
From Reg-Fish to Winner >>> Accountability Quote
