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Quit My Job to Play 2/5 NL Full-time Quit My Job to Play 2/5 NL Full-time

06-16-2022 , 02:35 PM

I have been playing poker for about ten years starting out playing MTTs, and then migrated to cash. I have been primarily playing live 2/5 NL for about seven years, and I quit my job about 2 and a half months ago to pursue poker full-time. I worked in retail management for many years, and was in my last position eight years. There was zero room for advancement, and I have over 2,000 hours of playing poker the last few years making over $30 an hour, so here we are. I hope to update this regularly to keep myself accountable, and it may have some entertainment value to others. In the past, I have personally enjoyed reading other peoples journeys, trip reports, etc.

First month full-time I ran extremely well. I made almost 12K in a little over 100 hours of play. I was coolering people left, and right. My value bets were always getting called by worse hands. My bluffs were getting thru. I was unstoppable. I hired a poker coach to work with, I thought I was well on my way to being a successful pro. Then things changed... I'm not sure if I won a hand for three weeks.

Coolers, coolers, and more coolers, in my direction this time. Weeks of being card dead. Multiple full sessions of practically zero hands to play. When I did pick up any hands, and actually got action, I was oversetted, ran into huge hands, or got sucked out on like I have never seen before. I've heard a wise person once say "there will be a time when you run worse than you ever thought possible". Maybe that was this time. I'm running terrible, which is causing me to play like crap.

When running like this, some play more hands, force the action, etc. Not me, I tighten up, the nit in me comes out, and I'm finding other ways to lose. You think at some point something will hold up, but no, the poker gods don't owe you anything. How many times can you get your money in good, and lose, or lose a flip? Last week of the month actually recovered a bit, and ended the month down less than 3K, which isn't really so bad, right? So, I guess it can get much worse, and I haven't seen it yet. Just a harsh correction to my hourly.

Considered hitting up the WSOP, I did go in 2018, and 2019. I haven't played any tournaments since pre-COVID, so I am definitely rusty, and don't have the bankroll to throw money away on tournaments now that I play full-time. Looking to hit June hard, I have two months under my belt, and looking to put more hours in this month. Volume has been an issue for me averaging under 30 hours a week.

Memorial Day weekend comes, and I have a full schedule. I see one of my all-time favorite death metal bands Thursday, go to an NBA playoff game Friday, go away with my wife for a night Saturday, go to a music festival Sunday, start feeling sick on Monday, and test positive for COVID on Tuesday.

I wonder if anyone made it this far. I plan to update regularly I hope.
Quit My Job to Play 2/5 NL Full-time Quote
07-15-2022 , 06:11 PM
Thanks for sharing!

I'm a total amateur but always love hearing from people living the dream!

Best of luck!

Quit My Job to Play 2/5 NL Full-time Quote
