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Quest to become full-time poker pro Quest to become full-time poker pro

05-27-2024 , 08:43 AM
Week 4 Recap

Fourth week of the blog was filled with high-high and break-even lows. Started the week with biggest winning day ever +499$. Followed it up with few meh days and had work on Friday (much needed because I was getting to lazy and unproductive). Weekend was great. Also big step up for me was trying out 100nl, esp during weekend. Mostly same regs with few exceptions. Also during this week adopted kitten. For next week will have 3 work days and planning to have much lower poker volume and mostly play during weekend. Also during workday morning games have been kinda dead (probably good weather).

Cash: +913,7$
Mtt: -62$ (~15mtt )
RB: +100$
Total: +951,7$

Cash Graph:


Session Graph:


Biggest Win:

HH1: Vs Fish, OTF was not getting direct odds, but I was pretty confident I would get paid if I hit OTT, still need to do some work on implied odds and reverse implied odds. He tanked for 10 sec and called.

Biggest Loss:

HH2: Vs Unknown, need to work on my HU game, did not need to bluff this hand and could have played this as a value hand. Was playing that day like s*** and left quickly after this hand (getting snapped didn't help).

Biggest Bluff:

HH3: Vs Reg, Turn call seems dubious, but once I get there and imo having almost no SDV happy to blast.

Biggest Bluff-catch:

HH4: Vs Aggro-Reg, his story didn't make sense to me and knowing his tendencies decided to call.


HH5: Vs Reg, BB was a fish. Don't like 5B 160bb deep and I think calling is much better (as long as the flop isn't QJT) , vs this flop sizing and not having Ac will just put it in.

Calling Station:

HH6: Vs Fish, Have issue in not being able to fold vs obvious value on flush competing boards when they Donk rivers.


HH7: Vs Reg, OTF decided to try and play two street strategy. Unsure as this is not my baseline strategy.


HH8: Vs 2 Fish, happy to be in this amazing pot. Over-call by trips was extra.


HH9: Vs Unknown-Reg, Somehow had 87% OTT. really unsure about my line as this isn't the most commend spot.


HH9: Vs Reg, MP was going all-in every hand with under 20bb stack as he was tilting and everybody knew it. Imo Pure punt.

Weirdest spot ever:

HH10: Vs Whale, I was not expecting him to bluff very often,but I was expecting him to over-value Top pair. BTN being reg did not help. Deep time bank call, turn sizing is what I based my decision on as I felt in game as his betting his hand strength.

Biggest Donation:

HH11: Vs unknown, gave him a little to much respect before this hand as he did have nice stack, still weird spot. In few orbits took his nice stack.

MTT spot:

HH12: 18bb efc, busted 9/17. Late reg ended. 1st place was 1,5k€ package to live event and 2nd Place was 1,1k€ cash. 1mil was starting stack. Was gutted.

Goals for Week 4:

1. Gym 1x
Failed, did not feel well enough to go to gym.

2. Start reading MGOP

3. Study some piled up poker materials
Done, did quite a lot of studying

4. Fully recover
90% Done

5. Set a time limit before sessions

6. Bink a donkament
Almost binked the most important tournament

Goals for Week 5:
1. Have fun

Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
05-27-2024 , 09:52 AM
Hello, nice blog and have fun with the kitty

I am interested in the Gym Fail. What do you mean by "not feeling well enough"?
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
05-27-2024 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by DrJuanGonzalez
I am interested in the Gym Fail. What do you mean by "not feeling well enough"?
I was sick(common cold) from 15.05.-23.05. and didn't go to work. Goal was to go to the gym one time during last week, but as I was feeling not fully recovered, I failed that goal.
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
05-27-2024 , 11:16 AM
Nice results! Keep pushing!

Hope the cat is a lucky charm
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
05-27-2024 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Runners
Hope the cat is a lucky charm
I hope too, for now he's messing my already bad sleep.
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-02-2024 , 05:08 AM
May Review

May was great month in therms of poker performance. And not so great in study, health/lifestyle. Have figured out that confidence is one of the main driving factors in my results, so being well studied (confident in my game), will be top priority moving forward. Was skipping work and gym because of being sick. Sleep has been one of the worst ones in many years duo to sickness/ kitten. Also personal life has been very unstable: fixing health, gf losing her job, getting used to kitten, having to work in very hot weather.

Plan for the following month is to take control of my life and fix most of the problems, so I can start saving money for the time I leave my job. Have better structured study plan. Have fun.


RB: +325$ (+25$ of it Welcome bonus)
MTT/Spins: -155,76$
Total: +2270,24$

Originally Posted by DeeKayBee
- Play 20k hands
- Build strategy flop for BvB and BTN vs BB (both SRP) in gtowizard 25 subset
- Limit session time to 1h 30min max
- Try out different poker sites (IPoker, 888Poker, WPT global)

- Read Mental Game of Poker (cover to cover)
- ~15min walks in morning on off-work days
- Track my emotions and write them down during playing

- Gym 10x
- 20 Push-ups everyday

- Pre-schedule every off-work day
- Complete breakfast everyday (Been only drinking coffee in mornings)
- Track my spending's (got an app)

Achieved ~25% of set goals above, moving forward won't be setting specific goals for following months.

Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-02-2024 , 03:38 PM
nice - looks like a heater, but even so seems like you're crushing despite seemingly being fairly near the beginning of studying/practicing... How do you find the NL100SH tables on party? What are the regs like?
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-02-2024 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Keruli
How do you find the NL100SH tables on party? What are the regs like?
Played 100nl only at the best times of the day, so had 1-2 fishes per table... With half of the regs I played before at 50nl and few even at 25nl. And for the rest of the regs, too early to tell, did not see anything crazy good but small sample.
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-03-2024 , 06:12 AM
Week 5 Recap

Fifth week was worst one yet. Took Monday off and play local live 10€ which I min-cashed. Had work in very unpleasant conditions +25 C* (Thursday, Wednesday, Friday). Play like s**t on Saturday. And played pretty good imo on Sunday. During the week also played on IPoker as I got deal for 35% flat rake back and there are few leader-boards that take little effort to get in the money. But had very hard time adjusting to software, spent many hours trying to use table helpers to improve play-ability but with little success.

For the following week will be take it very slow as I have dentist on Thursday and work 3 days in a row. Hope to get in some action during weekend.

Cash: -358,84$
Mtt: 0
RB: +55$ (17,5€ Ipoker)
Total: -303,84$ (will combine $ and € for simplicity reasons)

Cash Graph:




Biggest Win:

HH1: Vs Fish, cant remember his hand... but if he cashed-out for 40$ I assume he had AQo.

Biggest Loss/Blunder:

HH2: Vs Reg, flop sizing is s**t but I like turn and river. Been struggling with 3B pot OOP and working on it atm.


HH3: Vs Aggro-Fish, wanted to fast play.

Biggest Bluff-catch:

HH4: Vs Aggro-Fish, have note that this guys does weird s**t.

Goals for Week 5:

1. Have fun
Failed Losing is not that fun and trying to adjust to Ipoker software was really tilting.

Goals for Week 6:
1. Play when feeling ready
2. Take it slow

Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-09-2024 , 04:11 PM
Hey man, great thread! I feel your pain about new software, can be quite tilting. GL!
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-11-2024 , 11:26 AM
Week 6 Recap

Sixth week of the blog was a roller coaster. Started out fine with playing small amount on Monday and Tuesday but already with some tilting problems that caused some unnecessary losses. Then had 3 work days in a row. Saturday was fine ran pretty bad but whatever, also came 3rd out of 21 in a local live mtt (70€ PKO) for extra 200€ profit. But on Sunday second session mental crashed and I went full bananas, blasting every spot possible and trying to take my anger out on everyone... after two hours of carnage was happy to be down only 30$

Made some important changes, New chair (was playing while laying at bed for the last few weeks,because my back was in pain from my old chair). Withdrew all my money from IPoker, tried it out was not a fan of software and field seemed full of boring rake-back grinders.

Cash: +26,55$
Mtt: +200€
RB: +50$
Total: +276,55$

Cash Graph:




Biggest Win/Luckiest:

HH1: Vs 2 Fish, happy to stack of so good vs full-stack fish.

Biggest Loss:

HH2: Vs Nit-Reg, played a lot vs this guy and I guess my reputation has caught on to me(will adjust).


HH3: Vs Fish, sometime they do pair the board for the good guys.

Biggest Bluff-catch:

HH4: Vs Fish, He snapped all-in OTR and imo that make his less likely to have flush.

Biggest bluff:

HH5: Vs Loose-Whale, I really hate bluffing fishes/whales. had a good feeling he gets here with super wide range, still unsure if I should ever do this against loose-fishes/whale.


HH6: Vs bluff-heavy Fish, this guy was trying to win every hand... Playing very wide range and never stop betting.


HH7: Vs solid Reg, imo great spot to blast as his calling range is really narrow.

Mega Punt

HH8: This was at the peak of my tilt vs guy that caused it. Basically decided if his playing too wide pre/post and bluffing everything I'm going to F this guy up and just go for it in this hand.

Goals review of Week 6:

1. Play when feeling ready

2. Take it slow

Goals for Week 7:
1. Work on my mental
2. Improve my preflop ranges
3. Play from table only

Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-11-2024 , 05:20 PM
The first queens guy was having none of it haha. Nut full house into a straight flush... nasty.

You went with your read and the A7dd call worked out but it seems like a play that would be torching most of the time in my opinion. As you saw with that last one even aggro fish still make hands sometimes.

I notice a lot of your bluffs don't have a whole lot of backdoor equity and are really relying on folds. This means that if you're called you don't have any outs other than blasting. Sometimes that works but sometimes it doesn't. Maybe being a bit more selective with bluffing hands will help?

Hopefully the new chair really helps out and damn that's a cute cat. Keep up the good work man!
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-11-2024 , 05:41 PM
"full bananas" always make me laugh Glad you were able to do some damage control. Work on mental is what needs to be done!

Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-12-2024 , 05:21 AM
Thanks, Captain.

Weak/Strong Mental is the difference between losing and crushing( for me), so will be paying a lot of attention and working to improve it.

Thanks, Aussie.

Originally Posted by AussiePhoenix
You went with your read and the A7dd call worked out but it seems like a play that would be torching most of the time in my opinion. As you saw with that last one even aggro fish still make hands sometimes.
Agree that this call is tourching vs 95% of the players, but vs this guy imo it's profitable as he was carelessly bluffing anything and also (if I remember correctly) had different sizing for value and bluffs. Had a really strong read in this hand and snapped him.

This hand happened 10min before hand in question...Tanked call, just because I lose to some Ax bluffs, shame we choped.
He is not 30/20, because of PartyPoker it shows stats per position not player.

Originally Posted by AussiePhoenix
I notice a lot of your bluffs don't have a whole lot of backdoor equity and are really relying on folds. This means that if you're called you don't have any outs other than blasting. Sometimes that works but sometimes it doesn't. Maybe being a bit more selective with bluffing hands will help?
You could be right, as I do enjoy making big calls/bluffs. Also the bluffs you see are the biggest ones and to be included they have to be all-in(kinda), so otr I try to choose the ones that unbluck folds(fd or straight draws etc) that might be the case why it looks like im pure blasting, idk.

That A5s hand is not something I usually do but seemed like a nice spot to do it, as imo his folding quite a lot and I have never seen him trapping pre(2 months).
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-19-2024 , 06:42 AM
Week 7 Recap

Seventh week of the blog was slow and I picked up pace during weekend. Happy with the results and happy with my performance. Did played first Live poker session on Saturday, was fun and hard as it was dealers choice and 2 people where playing nlhl, 2 people where playing crazy pineapple and 2 people where playing 3 card nlhl (can use 2 of your own cards max). Was up 250€ at peek but then we stared playing double bomb pot PLO5 (lol) every 30min. Hardest part was to stay focused as I was way pass my regular bed time. Also Im done with Ipoker for now.

Overall online was smooth sailing and live was fun. Will have 3 work days and might play some more live (but treat it more as fun game rather then source of income).

Cash: +615,2$ (-100€ live 1/1)
Mtt: -66$
RB: +50$
Total: +599,2$

Cash Graph:




Biggest Win:

HH1: Vs aggro-gii happy fish, he was 4x rfi before. also did pot bet-call vs all in KTs on JT2r 3B pre vs X/R. Not the best spot but I was aware of how gii happy he was.

Biggest Loss/Blunder:

HH2: Vs Reg, turn bet is a blunder... got punished,most likely would stack off anyways.


HH3: Vs Reg, If he take cash-out with KK... It only fair for me to hit the A. Also hands like these does not add to my Allin-EV.


HH4: Vs Fish, HU... felt like a good spot to bluff-catch.

Biggest Bluff:

HH5: Vs Reg, imo great spot, also like to get extra value ott and would have shove on almost every river.


HH6: vs Aggro-Fish, heard something about fishes being inelastic.. so wanted to test it for myself.

Weird hand:

HH7: Before the hand this guy was tagged as s***-reg, so was confused by cold-call and donk OTT. And even more confused by him donking this hand ott.

Weird hand:

HH8: Vs Fish, tanked called... Was not expecting this fish to go for it out of nowhere.

Funny hand

HH9: Vs Whale, had a good read on the guy being very-very stack off happy, so middle pair will do.

Nice Read:

HH10: vs Fish, Just wanted to be a hero... And expected for this be a straight or noting, because I thought OP, 2P and sets would bet larger..

PLO5 double bomb pot Live:

Had 3 plo5 bomb pots I played
And if I would get called on first I would be up like to 500€
Hands: 88KT4r
Board one : AK8hh 9x 3x
Board two: AA4r Qx 8x
30€ pot OTF
Vip bets 15€ and I call
OTT we are HU and he bets 50€
OTR I donk bet pot 160€ and he tank folds A

Goals review of Week 7:
1. Work on my mental
-Done, played when I was ready and did not put to much pressure on myself

2. Improve my preflop ranges
-Done, still working on it but did majority of the work

3. Play from table only
-Done, Playing from table has improved my quality of play.

Goals for Week 8:
1. Slow and steady grind
2. Life balance
3. Keep improve my preflop ranges


I keep getting to the last stage but can't get close to 1500€ package

Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
06-19-2024 , 07:02 AM
Cute kitten
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
Yesterday , 09:26 AM
Week 8 Recap

Eight week of the blog was fine. Unhappy with my Saturday blow-up. During weekend lacked energy but still pushed through, which might be part of the reason I tilted and punted during Saturday. Other than Saturday was happy with how I played. Will play close attention to my energy and emotions next week.

Next week will have 3 working days and really hot weather, which impacts me significantly bad, so will be careful about how much volume I play.

Cash: +233,2$
Mtt: 0
RB: +75$
Total: +308,2$

Cash Graph:




Biggest Win/Max Greedy:

HH1: Vs big fish, happy to get the perfect run-out and to be max greedy... Don't judge my preflop call,please.

Biggest Loss/Biggest Bluff:

HH2: Vs Reg, I like my play imo looks very strong as Its hard for me to have bluffs...Shame he had it.


HH3: Vs Fish(stronger fish), OTF I felt as I'm going the be f***, river saved me... and because I left myself with 0,29$ my all-in EV is saved.


HH4: Vs bluff heavy fish, really bad to have As but I still wanted to make the big hero..


HH5: Vs Reg, was more afraid of QhXh or QsXs, maybe shoving OTT would be better...


HH6: vs Call happy Fish, was thinking about how I would spend those 100$.

Epic Turn:

HH7: Vs Aggro-Fish, had a read that he plays aggressive when check to.

Big Bluff:

HH8: Vs Aggro-Fish, bluffing with AA is always spicy, in retrospect I could have folded Turn.


HH9: Vs Fish, Just could not let go, my bad.

Funny Hand:

HH10: vs biggest nit in the pool (JTs) and Fish in the SB.

Goals review of Week 8:

1. Slow and steady grind
Failed - Saturday I f****d up

2. Life balance
Done - Went to gym after long break...but still need to improve time spend with gf

3. Keep improve my preflop ranges
Minimal - Did study them, but nowhere close to what I wanted.

Goals for Week 8:
1. Improve mental
2. Organise my poker study
3. Focus on health

Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Quest to become full-time poker pro Quote
