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PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll

04-23-2023 , 03:55 PM
Hello everyone,

Thanks for coming to my thread. I decided to make a progress blog to keep myself accountable and monitor my results both live and online.

My poker backstory:

When I was 12-13, me and my friends used to get together and play 5 dollar SNGs. They had zero idea what they were doing and I think over one summer I was up almost 200 bucks. No idea where any of this money came from but felt like a balla at the time for sure lmao. Anyways, I would always bug my mom to let me deposit 5 dollars onto Pokerstars in my teen years, however she did not agree to this idea ever (and rightfully so, I definitely would have torched it), so I just let it be and kind of forgot about poker in my high school years.

Come 2011, I finally turn 19. The casino didn't even cross my mind until my best friend at the time turned 19 in May. He was telling me how he went with his parents and how it was easy money. Of course being a dumb ass 19 year old at the time, I wanted a piece of that ****. I still remember the first night we went, I brought 40 dollars with me. We combined each of our 40 dollars and put it on red and of course it hit. I felt like a million bucks. $40 dollars for free???? How can you say no to that? I went home that night with my new found love - roulette.

Cue to the part where I was blowing every paycheck I received at the casino. Wasn't much (at the time might have been making 200 a week) but didn't save a ****ing dime of it. I would always walk by the poker room, but was extremely intimidated as even now I agree for beginners it can be a very intimidating setting. I used to buy pre-paid Mastercards and Visas to get my fix playing online poker but I had no idea what I was doing. Over a ~5 year period, I probably donated about $2,000 through those alone.

Christmas Eve, my pal is over and we decide tonight is the night we are going to try poker at the casino. I don't recall how much I bought in for (prob min) but ended up losing it fairly quickly. I was dejected and poker again took a backseat for a bit.

A few years go by and not much changes. One night (and I have no idea why), I decide I'm going to play poker by myself at the casino. I sat down at the 1/2 table and coolered some ****ing fish for 300 bucks. I think it was quads vs boat. I felt like I was a ****ing God. I remember telling myself how much better than I was then this guy and that I had the potential to play full time ( know that smoke break talk you here from guys playing 1/3 and just nod your head? All those thoughts were going through my mind). I go home that night thinking I'm actually going to give this a shot.

With no bankroll (I think I had 1200?? Could have honestly been less), I decide to pursue my dreams of a poker professional (still held the part time job, thankfully). I still remember, over the course of 6 months from January to June, I managed to run that 1200 up to 10k. Looking back on it, I ran like ****ing God, no kidding I thought I was one. I don't think I got coolered more than once in those 6 months (playing about 20 hr/week). So at this point, I don't really remember what happened. I do remember that I had a 2 week session in July where I lost like 5k (probably cause I was playing like a ****ing monkey) and decided to take a break. There were a few ups and downs in poker over the next couple years, but nothing too memorable. I eventually decided this dream is pointless and to go back to school.

I would still have times where I would play occasionally in school, however nothing ever stuck. I had some decent success playing micro stakes online NL, however one day I encountered PLO and probably dumped about 30 buy ins. I enjoyed the fact that the game is much more degenerate in nature. Ever since that day, I have decided to play almost strictly PLO (especially online) moving forward.

I have had some success online in PLO, but unfortunatley live the only game that runs near me is a 2/5 and it is a bit too deep for my pockets at the current moment. Hoping to hop in there soon but time will tell.

Anyways, to where I'm at now. I have a good job, just bought a house, have a 3 year old and a wife. Online poker is pretty much all I have time for at the moment, so for this blog I will mainly be playing online PLO. I will structure this blog as follows:

1) Post once a week my results (Live/Online, Profit, RB, Profit + RB total). I will also include a graph for the week, and an up to date graph as well. (all starting April 24th).

That's it. I'm starting with 1k (500 on each site) and will post weekly updates and hopefully chime in occasionally if anything interesting comes up. Thanks for stopping by and let's ****ing run it up!!!!! Going to play 100k hands in 12 weeks.

-PLO King
PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll Quote
04-24-2023 , 09:30 PM
Awesome. I am transitioning to PLO, as well. What stakes are you playing? I have ~4k for PLO and am probably going to start at 50nl because that's where the rake starts to get more reasonable. I have zero experience playing, so once I get my feet under me, I plan to shot take aggressively.
PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll Quote
04-30-2023 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by MicroDonkYT
Awesome. I am transitioning to PLO, as well. What stakes are you playing? I have ~4k for PLO and am probably going to start at 50nl because that's where the rake starts to get more reasonable. I have zero experience playing, so once I get my feet under me, I plan to shot take aggressively.

Stakes are mostly 25PLO but some 50 and 100 mixed in there as well.
PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll Quote
04-30-2023 , 09:41 PM
Week 1:

Didn't really put in the volume I wanted to until the end of the week. Next week will be a bit of a write off for the first half as I am taking some vacation time.




Pre RB Profit : +$452.80
Rakeback: +$210.50
Total: +$663.30
Hands Played: 7,844

Overall I am pleased with how the week went. Had some mental blocks at first but put it together near the end. Looking forward to a long needed vacation this week, and will be back on the felt soon!
PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll Quote
05-07-2023 , 09:37 PM
Week 2:

Enjoyed my vacation. Was back on the felt and got quite a few hands in this week, however my game was absolutely terrible. A ton of tilt mixed in here, but acknowledging it is a step in the right direction.




Pre RB Profit : -132.41

Rakeback: +$351.51
Total: +$218.80
Hands Played: 9,486

A win is a win at the end of the week, but really hoping I can play much much better next week. Thanks for reading!
PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll Quote
05-17-2023 , 06:53 PM
Week 3:

Sorry for the delay in posting. I was running amazing last week, then proceeded to have a brutal heads up session that just got me down. Honestly, I haven't played since then (6 days now) and have lost the motivation to continue grinding. Going to give it another day and hope to get back on the saddle shortly. The results have been great, but mentally I have not had the best performance. Next week will be extremely low volume compared to previous weeks.




Pre RB Profit : +$526.17
Rakeback: +$559.75
Total: +$1085.96
Hands Played: 7,157
PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll Quote
06-24-2023 , 03:14 PM
So I decided I'm going to post monthly instead of weekly. Just makes it easier for me to post every 4 weeks instead of every week. Here are the results of the last 4 weeks:



Pre RB Profit : +$1927.81
Rakeback: +$1914.77
Total: +$3842.58
Hands Played: 41,281

All in all an extremely good month, will write another post about my upcoming goals either today or tomorrow.
PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll Quote
06-26-2023 , 03:51 PM
Here we go:

Lately, sports betting has been my biggest vice. At the end of the day, we are all degenerates here.

My goal for the next 3 months is to completely abstain from sports betting. It makes me play worse, and also is not good for my mental. Too many times I’ve had huge months in poker just to see profits get cut in half.

For the next 3 months, my goals are as follows:

1) no sports betting whatsoever.

Should be easily attainable but will I talk myself out of this? Probably tbh.

2) 7.5k profit in 3 months

I will update every 4 weeks (starting from today) my progress.

Thanks for stopping by.
PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll Quote
08-11-2023 , 09:59 PM
Haven't posted an update in a while. Will update shortly with current stats. I stopped tracking bankroll/pre rb profit numbers as it was a little too much to do.
PLO King's progress blog - Starting with a 1k bankroll Quote
