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Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes.
View Poll Results: What winrate will Pete achieve?
90 76.27%
10 8.47%
25bb/100 +++
18 15.25%

02-09-2024 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by 10najkrajsi
My calculation from the last month at nl200 RNC:

Fish buffet 14% rb, GG care 2,85%
from LD : for 8k hands avg rb 7,8%

So without BBJ it is 24,65% (BBJ lets say 1bb/100 it is 12,5%)

SO together you get RB 37% !!! HOW CAN YOU GET 60%?
May i ask you whats you Winrate for getting 14% from FB?
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-11-2024 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Cepton
May i ask you whats you Winrate for getting 14% from FB?
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-23-2024 , 02:54 PM
Has he posted any results yet?
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-23-2024 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by discipulus9
Has he posted any results yet?
I've been wondering what happened here, too.
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-23-2024 , 04:36 PM
He went busto
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-23-2024 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by KHANYAY
He went busto
Are you just saying that or is that really what happened?

Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-24-2024 , 12:48 AM
Still grinding, probably at ~ 15bb/100 now

Latest update:
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-24-2024 , 06:54 AM
My guy played 600 hands 3 tabling zoom in a challenge. See you in 30 years guys
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-24-2024 , 06:57 AM
played for 45 mins and called it a day
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-24-2024 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by Unsporting
played for 45 mins and called it a day
he makes like 500$ per month from playing and 15k from scamming nl5 boys paying 320$ per coaching
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-24-2024 , 09:44 AM
"Running considerably under EV" he says, by two buy ins. 400 EV to 200 winnings. He posted a 1k hand graph
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-24-2024 , 10:53 AM
Clarke lets see a real pre RB graph of a serious number of hands.

I would say it is substantially more likely that he doesn't finish the challenge than he posts a pre RB winrate.

Then we'll hear him get argumentative about it for years.
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-24-2024 , 05:50 PM
He should include the hands he played at 200 zoom so it doesnt take as long
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-24-2024 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by charlesChickens
He should include the hands he played at 200 zoom so it doesnt take as long
So his WR is demolished by -6BB/100?
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-25-2024 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by ImePaskaa
This 100%. Getting a solver without any idea how to use it is the worst idea. Like getting a commercial hud thinking now I can exploit everyone out there. There are no shortcuts unfortunately.

Any suggestions for a solid place to learn to use a solver?
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-25-2024 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by DougInDenver
Any suggestions for a solid place to learn to use a solver?
GTO wizard has some good videos on their YouTube channel.
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-26-2024 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by 10najkrajsi
he makes like 500$ per month from playing and 15k from scamming nl5 boys paying 320$ per coaching
How a borderline **** reg has managed to forge a career as a coach constantly confuses me
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-26-2024 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by kolotoure2.0
How a borderline **** reg has managed to forge a career as a coach constantly confuses me
It shouldn't.

90% of getting students is marketing. Look at Upswing for example, most of their content is average at best and Doug makes money hand over fist.

The coach doesn't have to be good at poker, he just has to be better than his student. And the student most likely won't be able to discern between great information and average information.

This is why (recent) graphs are 100% necessary when looking for a coach.
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-26-2024 , 02:00 PM
His courses aren't bad, theory and/or exploit/mda based. If you watch his recent videos, you'll see he's quite honest and does a mea culpa on how wrong he was in the past with his almost exclusive focus on theory. Anyone who watched them and didn't like, and is already a player decent enough to be able to judge it, please post an honest review here itt??? Because honest/blunt criticism, from someone who is already good enough to actually give it, is 10x more valuable than even the best graph in the world.

I can't do it myself because A) I liked and someone who disliked and has good reasons for it will offer more value and B) I don't want to sound too arrogant implying I'm that good of a poker player
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-26-2024 , 02:08 PM
Actually I have two negative criticisms, that are not related to the content per se:

A) The way Peter talks, he is talking about something, than all of a sudden he goes on a tangent, starts gibbering, then tells some random joke out of nowhere that is not funny at all, and this ends up adding 20/30% of the time that would be well spent if he kept the focus 100% on the subject, or at least try to learn to be real funny.

B) He puts a question, then say we should pause to answer it but he either do it in half a second, or he remembers something and start talking and then all of a sudden says I hope you have paused the video. Dude, give us time, please don't keep talking 100% of the time in a course. Don't you know what a pause is?
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-26-2024 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by ViktorKaBloooom
Actually I have two negative criticisms, that are not related to the content per se:

A) The way Peter talks, he is talking about something, than all of a sudden he goes on a tangent, starts gibbering, then tells some random joke out of nowhere that is not funny at all, and this ends up adding 20/30% of the time that would be well spent if he kept the focus 100% on the subject, or at least try to learn to be real funny.

B) He puts a question, then say we should pause to answer it but he either do it in half a second, or he remembers something and start talking and then all of a sudden says I hope you have paused the video. Dude, give us time, please don't keep talking 100% of the time in a course. Don't you know what a pause is?
I think his content is really good, but it’s annoying that he keeps making up terms that already have names, like landing and finishing equity, true ev, etc
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-26-2024 , 05:32 PM
I watched a bunch of his videos to see if he deserved being shat on

I don't think he deserves all the hate, he sounds competent from the few vids I've watched, occasionally a little too radical in his thought process but overall seems alright
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-26-2024 , 05:39 PM
I watched some of the older videos after this thread was posted, since i'd never heard of him before. idk why there's so much criticism of videos that are made primarily for entertainment.
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-26-2024 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
I watched a bunch of his videos to see if he deserved being shat on

I don't think he deserves all the hate, he sounds competent from the few vids I've watched, occasionally a little too radical in his thought process but overall seems alright
His videos are fine.

The hate stems from his coaching material being extremely pricey when he hasn't proven he can beat the stakes most of his students play.
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
02-26-2024 , 05:48 PM
his students play low stakes no?

there's no way he doesn't beat low stakes
Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes. Quote
