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04-11-2013 , 08:54 AM
Hi all

This will be another fastfoldpoker thread. It will be mainly about zm now too.

Long story short. Last year played from NL10 to NL50CAP on Everleaf. cashed out started HUSNG. Then cashed out again and used moneyz to irl stuff concerning a downpayment new car for the family to fit the 3rd kid in to the backseat. Though I quit poker.

I didn't

Started again this january with $50 playing SNGs on mGaming and some fastpoker NL5 on iPoker both with awesome RB deals. That has accumulated my roll to be 10x and some more...but then decided I wanted to return to the place I like the most. Pokerstars. Due to busy life with family and work I only have few hours a day to I decided its time to get crazy on Zoom poker. Went up to NL25z in few days but then...

Bad session turned into a horror..luckily I was enough smart to drop levels to NL10 at some point but the spiral was on its way already. BOOM hit the bottom

In the end it was good. I had real bad luck during that day...but also played bad after I could not believe anything that the villains were repping. so then I was gone from $650 to $300 in one day...awesome. But really I have now been able to cope with this as it is I was still 6x the investment made since the return after 7 months hiatus. So whatever I though and actually did a smart move of hopping into NL5zOOm and during the last 3 days (I was on sickleave and wifey and kids were out most of the days I was able to grind back up quite well) So grinded NL5z from $300 to $375 then hopped into NL10z again. And so far that has been running as "expected" I don't add rakeback to the graphs because its just not a easily defined thing on stars really so I will just add any money gained from FPP tourneys and stellars etc to the graph as bonuses. Roll is now sitting at $440 and today I will achieve goldstar which will help me boost the roll even faster. I have shamelessly used those VIP $10s too during this climb back up. But with goldstar it will be super easy to get those $25s. I know its not the best way to use FPPs but I donīt have too much time for FPP sattys etc stuff. So this is the beginning of this blog and liek the title says: Through difficulties to the stars!

As it is that horrible loosing day got me into reviewing a lot of my plays and reviewing the "regs" and fish too so I have them noted when we meet on the massive pool of zOOm. And it has payed off well.

Why to keep this blog?

For me and maybe some other people who are interested in those mindless updates of graphs and some HHs and some feelings on my way to the stars...

2013. Get up steadily. Unless I get a godlikerungood days I will be just looking to be mainly goldstar VIP this year. If I make it fast enough to NL50z then goals may change.

2014: Yes my ultimate plan is to play for SN at pokerstars. Why for lulz and glory and profit obviously.

Make enough from online poker so I could drop my work schedule a nudge. I lvoe my work too so its not like I wanna quit ever. Steady paycheck which will always keep me rolled in NL10 even if I go mental and busto

And Like I said money isn't the thing really atm. Its just getting into the level where money is the thing. Then I will evaluate again. And loosing my roll ..well meh $50 is really not a big loss.

This will prolly be my last PGC thread to start thus I chose the title not pointing it to anything but the fact that it is... I will keep updating this as long as I have power in me and keep playing online poker. If the variable of games are to change they will. ATM its zOOm till I decide to do something else. But for the limited time I have for poker on daily basis zoom is the best option for me.

GLGL all!
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