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Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker)

01-02-2014 , 10:46 PM
My name is Jonathan Peacock, 24, play as Peanut172 on pokerstars. 2013 i kinda let myself go in terms of gained a bunch of weight and didnt play much poker, so i thought i would do a blog here on 2p2 to try and gain enough motivation to play more and exercise more!

To help lose weight I will be doing insanity which i know will be tough but still can be done, i will post pictures of before and after, after each time i complete it

Poker wise im currently staked and will be playing mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays, some saturdays and sundays, Im currently coached by ajkhooiser every saturday so depending on what type of session it is will dictate whether or not il play. I play mid-high stakes mtts on pokerstars, ftp, party,, 888 and will hopefully be playing around the highest stakes by year end.

Il be looking a think to hopefully coach 2 or 3 low-mid stakes players and be looking into building a little stable of around 5 or 6 players, although this wont be until around 4 or 5 months into 2014.

Ok for some graphs:

The graphs show my overall sharkscope player group schedule only and sharkscope 2013 player group schedule only.

Goals for 2014 - Poker wise

1) Play 7500 games
2) Play at least 10 live events
3) Play in one EPT
4) Achieve Supernova on stars - 200k vpps (lol i know but have never done it although it should be easy)
5) $150k profit
6) Coach 2-3 players
7) Start staking
8) Be on my own role
9) top 100 in pocketfives rankings (peaked at 206 in 2013, currently 316)

Goals for 2014 - Life wise

1) Get a flat/house/apartment (currently living with mam, dad and girlfriend)
2) Play football again (broke my tibia and fibular when i was 19 and havent played properly since)
3) Lose 2-3 stone
4) 6 pack

thats what i have for now, i may add to it later

Well what i think il do is add weekly graphs every friday, seems though i wont be playing so all of the games will be shown, will look to update 2-3 times a week just on general stuff how poker is going etc how insanity is going, how healthy eating is going etc. Mainly ranting on i guess haha
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-02-2014 , 10:57 PM
Good luck with the insanity I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks doing it but word of warning to try and not do the exercises with the same vigour that the guys on the DVD do it.
I over-exerted myself during one of the sessions and had to have 2 knee operations from thinking I was as fit as they were!
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-02-2014 , 11:06 PM
i Daniel Charlton do solemnly vouch for peanut172 and his dedication to this insanity programme so feel free to invest as much or as little interest as you guys like. With that aside gl mate
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-02-2014 , 11:21 PM
kill the mackems
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-02-2014 , 11:36 PM
gl bro
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-03-2014 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by notgoingnewhere
Good luck with the insanity I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks doing it but word of warning to try and not do the exercises with the same vigour that the guys on the DVD do it.
I over-exerted myself during one of the sessions and had to have 2 knee operations from thinking I was as fit as they were!
Yeah will be tough for sure but hopefully can get myself sorted out etc done a bit of boot camp training and stuff in the past 6 months plus tried to do insanity like 3 times or something failing after about 2-3 weeks each time so hopefully can do it this time

Thanks for the kind words judgefish, will do you proud haha

cheers Ssick_one keep crushing triple crown winnarrrr!
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-17-2014 , 02:53 AM
Ok so havent updated this at all going to from now on though.....

Health + Fitness
Well I got weighed on saturday 4th, i weighed in at 14st 12lb (208lb) so that is my starting weight for the year and also got my girlfriend to take photos of me and my fat belly haha, I will do a before and after picture after everytime i complete insanity. I have been eating healthy since then having a ton of rice and tuna sounds terrible but its actually surprisingly really nice haha but have done minimal exercise so far (going to start insanity on monday)

My girlfriend, Chloe, weighed me again on Saturday just gone and i weighed in at 14st 5lb (201lb) so although i have done minimal exercise i have still lost quite a bit so happy about that but its time to stop being lazy and get crushing the insanity!!

Started off this year terrible, wasnt going deep and when i was just getting coolered a ton but whatever totally bricked both sundays too which is super brutal, although i have had little bit success past couple nights, took 2nd in the nightly 162 for little over 9k plus couple 2nds in the 109s on 888 plus won the big 50 on .fr for 2keur. I have kept to my plan of playing alot more and finding it good at the minute enjoying playing, think i have played alot better past few days too which is nice. Hopefully will be able to get some more back at the minute im like -7k for the year although sharkscope doesnt track 888 maybe its more likely 6k. ok graph time

Thats all for today but will report back maybe on monday after sunday hopefully writing about how i made 6figs will also update about weight and life a guess
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-17-2014 , 07:13 AM
best of luck mate get it crushed
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-17-2014 , 07:18 AM
Gl.. Insanity is pretty tough.. Makes p90x feel easy
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-18-2014 , 02:55 AM
Yeah i have tried to do insanity 2-3 times now and have quit after about 3rd week haha but i will complete it this time

I also want to add i want to get a triple crowns too this year, i have been close a few times even this week i came 2nd in the nightly 162, 1st in the big 50 on .fr and two 2nds in 109s on 888 so was super close at getting one this week. Last year i won the party 530 high roller on a sunday and the 300euro high roller on .fr too in same day but couldnt close out another mtt that week. If i can get one triple crown this year that would be nice, so want to add that to poker only going to put in one as its pretty tough to get one
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-22-2014 , 06:41 AM
Good luck bro!! Would be more concerned about playing on your own rather than setting up any sort of stable though!!
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-22-2014 , 06:47 AM
GL man! Will follow this
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-28-2014 , 09:27 PM
Have you started insanity yet ?
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
01-30-2014 , 11:31 AM
Hey, will have a proper update later tonight but I have started insanity last Monday, super tough but it's going well and really enjoying it at the minute so that is good...can tell somewhat that my body is starting to change a little bit...will update further after I have finished playing poker tonight
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
02-12-2014 , 04:00 PM
Dude, give us updates!?
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
02-17-2014 , 01:05 AM
3/3 ipoker major i hear, glglgl, moar updates
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
02-17-2014 , 01:20 AM
**Quick update**

yeah i got 3rd blahh, 14k eur though cant complain! also got 12th in bigger 162 ak<jj aipf flopped the ace but couldnt fade that jack on the river! shipped a bunch this week though won nightly 162 last sunday for 14k next day shipped the 10rebuy on .fr for 3.6keur so needed to close the ipoker major for triple crown but couldnt get there! will update later with graphs and stuff

I have officially got my stone badge, lost one stone and 1 pound so far so thats cool! diet is going well and have just recently signed up for a 5km color run...basically we run round and every 1km, i think, they throw a ton of color stuff at us but sounds like fun and will be doing it for charity so you know!!
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
02-17-2014 , 01:47 AM
Sunderland are too good
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
02-17-2014 , 03:16 AM
ul mate still a sick sunday, subbed and GL boss
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
02-21-2014 , 12:08 AM
Ok so thought i would update this i bit more...more to do with the fact i bought sharkscope again haha so lets do a january summary...

January - Poker:

Well poker was kinda meh really in terms of volume its kinds what im looking for maybe should be putting more volume into it i want to be around 650-750 mtts per month for the year, as you can see in the graph below i have played just over 500 games. Although i do think this will average it self out over the course of the year. Overall was just ughh and happy to see the end of January in terms of poker, didnt play too well and ran even worse, like everyone who plays the game! Did have words with my backers in terms of schedule and stuff and decided to drop some stars stuff and add more of the euro sites in, i actually made about 5-6k on 888 that the graph doesnt show but what can you do. so that was pretty much it for January ran bad played bad felt meh after it only good part of it was getting 2nd in the nightly 162!

January - Diet and fitness:

Diet overall for January was really good, stuck to it pretty much all month, apart from derby day, Newcastle v Sunderland... 0-3 yeah boom! derby day was insane! winning 3 nil at st james park you dont do that every game there...oh wait! same as last year haha! so yeah diet went out of the window that day had multiple pints of fosters as you would expect and a massive pizza although most of it came back up haha baaaaaaaaf!!! Anyway start weight for January was 14st 12lbs and i will update later what my end of january weight was as girlfriend is asleep at the moment and its recorded in the bedroom. Think i will show pictures of what my body looks like and update every month on how body is changing etc. will do that tomorrow I started insanity and did it for 3 weeks but then it was just getting hard to find time to actually do it, i would either do it around dinner time when i woke up or straight after i had finished poker anytime between 4-6am. So anyway i came to the conclusion it would be better to try and mixing running with insanity. I live with my mam and dad, brother and girlfriend. My mam has my sisters son, he is nearly 2, all day every weekend while my sister is at work so kinda hard to do insanity during the day. So that was what i was doing for exercise in January. Think i will sum up January diet and fitness with this from the derby

February on the other hand started well and so far is going good in terms of poker, not for volume but for results, although finishing 12th in the bigger 162 and 14th in the 300 high roller on losing ak<jj aipf flop the ace but he rivers the jack in 162 and kk<aa in high roller was super sucky, but i did manage to get 3rd in the titan major for 14k eur so that was good. I also won the nightly 162 the sunday before last for $14k...moorman did get me in the early 109 ft that day to knock me out in 5th for 2k with 8k ut though qq<a2 so that sucked but what can you do! Ill put in the graph of feb so far below as you can tell the volume sucks, not sure if il be playing on sunday or not as im going down to nottingham on saturday for a 550 6max but that will be fun mtt to play hopefully go deep in if not il be back home and on the felt for a sunday grind!

Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
02-21-2014 , 05:54 AM
gl with your goals, nice looking february so far
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
02-21-2014 , 06:22 AM
Nice results keep it up!
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
02-22-2014 , 05:47 AM
waheyyy gwan the pean, crushing
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
04-02-2014 , 10:33 PM
ok so i havent updated this in a longggg time!!! Mainly due to me not really playing much poker during month of march so didnt really feel there was anything worth updating. Played a live event, gukpt manchester lost kings v aces for chip lead pot with 30 left blah w.e i guess it will come! Played the wcoop challenge 700, 1k and 2k main money bubbled the 2k main a8<kq to finish like 224 with 216 paid! Nothing much else to tell really with the poker side of things, sorted out a new deal with my backers that i am super excited about basically allowed to play higher but dont want to discuss details of deal on here :P shipped the 265ko on stars for 8k on tuesday though so that recouped the loses of sunday at least!

Last post i said i was going to post the before pictures of my fat belly haha il get round to doing it! im currently at 13stone and 6lbs atm though so lost like 1 stone and 6 pounds which is cool going on holiday in 4 weeks so trying to get under 13 stone for that!

I have put graphs of all of feb and march below as i said didnt play at all really in march due to sorting out new deal sooo yeah haha

Last edited by Peanut172; 04-02-2014 at 10:39 PM.
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
10-31-2014 , 06:34 PM
Have you retired?
Peanut172 shipping pounds in 2014 (Insanity+Poker) Quote
