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Omaha rollercoaster Omaha rollercoaster

06-23-2024 , 07:58 AM
Celebrating my 1 year anniversary since being official with my girlfriend this weekend.

Yesterday we went to celebrate her sister's son's 2nd birthday. Then we got a new boardgame Cascadia and played that til the end of the night. Cascadia's super chill, relaxing, quite simple and fun. She actually won 3 out of 5 games which is great, I love it when she wins since as a professional poker player I tend to have a bit of an edge here in how to think about strategy in games and pick up on different nuances of games quite quickly. I'm happy that my partner loves boardgames. I played a bunch of Risk, Monopoly, Checkers, Chess, GO, UNO and Chinese chess in my pre-teen years when I was kid, but since then most of my gaming has been limited to consoles or PC. But since I met my gf, she made it clear I should stay away from console/PC games, but instead we picked up a new hobby in boardgames. I'm really glad I got this hobby with her tbh. It fills my gaming desire without being too obsessive or addictive and it doesn't seem like any danger to be a large timesink. We've been getting around 1 new boardgame each month and tbh nowadays boardgames seem to be going through some sort of golden age with all the great new titles coming out each year. For now most of the games we got are quite simple, as we've only been doing this for a year, but in the future we'd like to move onto some more middle or heavy weight games. If you have a similar addictive personality towards gaming like me, I'd recommend finding some friends to play boardgames with, much more chill and social and fills the same need.

Today we'll be paddling on a boat and going to a rooftop bar+restaurant. So not much poker played this week.

Though tbh, after my last session where I tilted off a lot of money. I kind of realized I play best in the mornings, I tend to always be playing A-game in the mornings while the afternoons/nights are more hit or miss as I already spent a good amount of energy. I think I'll try to switch more of my volume into grinding mornings consistently (almost every morning) with A-game, less grinding for leaderboards later in the day and more study in the afternoons.
Omaha rollercoaster Quote
Today , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by Xptboy

I have some random bluffs though
i dont know anything about plo but this seems like a great bluff spot.. folding out QJ while your 3 pair is blocking all the boats?

do regs ever just see the missed FDs and paired board and call QJ here?
Omaha rollercoaster Quote
Today , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by Dizzy^
i dont know anything about plo but this seems like a great bluff spot.. folding out QJ while your 3 pair is blocking all the boats?

do regs ever just see the missed FDs and paired board and call QJ here?
Some regs do it yeah ofc. And ofc many regs will bluff in that spot, it's nothing special. I've just been calling some river donks (or seeing showdowns) and not seeing nearly enough bluffs.
Omaha rollercoaster Quote
