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Nothing New.  Tryna escape micros. Nothing New.  Tryna escape micros.

04-30-2014 , 10:03 PM
4nl graph for 5 days.
Hoping transition back to 10nl full time is smooth.
I used to play a TAG style, but I started losing, so I tried out a Weak-Tight style with some bluffs mixed in and it is working good.

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05-01-2014 , 04:01 AM

Was playing 10nl tonight and had some bumps but overall was movin up in profit.
Then I got 44 on the button and flop was 4,J,10. Turn was a 10 and two people called me. River was a Q and both people checked to me.
I knew that Q10 and J10 were all over their calling ranges yet I got blinded by greed and fired the river. One of them min raised me and I should have definitely given the hand up there with my smaller boat, but I kind of called out of frustration and the guy showed Q10.

All nights profit gone in one hand errr, but mistake on my part. Woosaaa, next time.
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05-09-2014 , 12:05 AM
Graph for tonight. Mostly 10nl with some 4nl mixed in half way thru. Lost some gross coolers in the middle.

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05-09-2014 , 12:08 AM
Graph since April 26th. Mostly 4nl, with small amounts of 10nl, 25nl, and 50nl mixed in.

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05-10-2014 , 06:35 AM
Smooth and steady today at 10nl with some 4nl. Only big loss was with AA all in preflop losing to KK.

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05-11-2014 , 03:11 PM
Played mostly regs and sharks the past day and a half. Had the longest dowswing on my graph. Gonna only focus on trying to sit with fish for now on.

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05-11-2014 , 03:34 PM
GL, nice graphs! subbed..
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05-11-2014 , 07:57 PM
During my break from cash games after stepping away to figure out why I was downswinging, I tried some sng's. I am actually better at sng's. I was $95 in the hole on my graph, but last night, finally brought it back close to even. Today tho, I went on a $14 loss in them b/c I wasn't picking my all in spots well. Hope to keep doing well in them.

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05-14-2014 , 08:38 AM
Cash graph, 5-12 to 5-14 morning. Managed to keep a pretty flat line in between my pay jumps. Only played 400 hands at cash games, mostly 4nl. Been playing mostly sng's and mtt's and doing well in those.

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05-14-2014 , 08:53 AM
Current cash graph, since 4-26. Climbed out of my downswing. Headed to the sky again.

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05-14-2014 , 09:16 AM
Get some skills instead of being a lucker dog.
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05-15-2014 , 03:18 PM
Losing sessions are bleh. QQ < AJ allin preflop against a maniac.
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05-15-2014 , 08:31 PM
Combined morning and afternoon graph. The grind is real. Mostly 4nl with a nice 10nl double up in the middle with a set of 222.

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05-16-2014 , 02:58 AM
Night session added to earlier graphs from the day. Made another $13 from 10nl and 4nl.

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05-16-2014 , 03:26 AM
Total cash winnings since 4-26:

Started with a $192 deposit. Sitting at $400 now, so won about $62 from mtt's and sng and $146 from cash.
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05-16-2014 , 08:50 PM
Heck of a grind today. One big hand with KK in the middle.

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05-17-2014 , 03:49 AM
Combined evening graph with the last graph. Doubled up with KK again at 10nl to reach my peak. I was playing 12 tables at that point and it was a reg fest. I bled back the $10 in a few hundo hands. I cut myself off when it was too late. I dropped to a couple 4nl tables after that, trying to win it back, but mostly broke even. I did play 2-3 handed towards the end and ran these people over for a couple $.

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05-17-2014 , 03:56 AM
Sitting at $163 won from cash. Didn't do so hot in sng's tonight. Bankroll at $413
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05-17-2014 , 06:09 AM
And by didn't do so hot, i meant i broke even in sng's last night. a $13 gain for so much time playing yesterday is below my expectations. i hope to get back onto the upswing.
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05-17-2014 , 11:39 PM
Tried playing overly aggressive today. Had some coolers early on at 4nl and started going on major monkey tilt. Took a deep breath and stayed on the same table, but also added a 10nl. I stacked two people at 10nl in one hand there to get into the green on the day. Then at the 4nl table, I got 2 allin suckouts in a row and went right back to tilt. I couldn't win an allin for the life of me when ahead after that. I will have to revert back to my normal, careful playing style. Still playing now, trying my best not to drop $30 today. I also bubbled two $2 sng's. One board was J,7,10, I had J7, guy had J10. I normally don't blindly shove 2 pair like that but paid the price. Other sng flop was KQ5, I had K5 an got it in and guy called with KJ and Q hit turn to counterfeit me.

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05-18-2014 , 01:22 AM
Lost even more. Then stuck to my game plan for a bit and started recovering. Then had a tricky hand with KK. Guy limps in ep, I 3x it in early mp. One guy calls, limper min raises. I see this all the time with AA, so I cautiously flatted and so did the guy behind me. flop is like J,10,2. guy behind me was 1st to act and overshoved the flop. limper insta called. it was this moment i needed to fold. i was only 5bb invested and that call looked super strong. i was crushed by AA, JJ, 10-10 there. could only beat QQ and garbage. My inner monkey pressed the all in button and shoved over the top. Of course he had AA and crushed my 150bb stack. $26 total it ended up being lost on just on 4nl table. I then went to 10nl and just did one table. Was on the right side of a cooler with KK on K,10,10,J,8 board, guy had Q9 and shoved the river. got a fish to donate with inferior hands a couple times also. Just took a break, up 32 cents on the day, lol. Still have $6.60 in tourney losses to recover also.

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05-18-2014 , 04:26 AM
Played some sng's and made a nice lil $12. 1st,1st,2nd,3rd and won double or nothing one also. Roll at $431.54.

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05-18-2014 , 05:26 AM
Doing well keep up the good work!
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05-18-2014 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Lauwers1992
Doing well keep up the good work!
Thanks. Overall well, but not yesterday, ha. At least it was still a winning day. My 4nl graph looks like a bastard child now tho.
Got the OPS mtt main events today. Will late reg the small buy ins.
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05-18-2014 , 04:36 PM
My poor 4nl graph.

My 10 cent poker graph since Apr. 26. Mostly smooth.



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