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Not Afraid of the Nosebleeds!!! Adventures of a shot taking LLSNL Grinder Not Afraid of the Nosebleeds!!! Adventures of a shot taking LLSNL Grinder

09-30-2013 , 12:57 AM
GL Dgi. Time to bink one!
09-30-2013 , 01:36 AM
No update in 2 hours. I hope that means he's in the top 3.
09-30-2013 , 02:56 AM
Super quick update, just got home and will do a trip report later.

We ended up doing a 4-way chip chop. Blinds were HORRIBLE, even the chip leader was at 17bb, I was the short stack at 7bb. ICM chip chop gave me $12.5k and 3rd place money was $9k so I was happy with it and agreed to the chop. 4th place was $7k
09-30-2013 , 03:03 AM
Congrats, nice score!
09-30-2013 , 03:03 AM
Sweet payday, I suspect some more 10/25 m8trix shots in the near future. Congrats!
09-30-2013 , 03:36 AM
Congrats on the binks and GL with the product development.
09-30-2013 , 03:46 AM
Hey guys, I'm completely wiped out so I apologize this won't be my usually breakdown of hands.

Here is the tourney pay out

I more or less played fairly TAG-ABC poker with the occasional steal. My big hand of the day I outlined above vs the aggro thinking player. He is a decent tournament player but his ego is huge and he thinks he can "outplay" pretty much anyone. Like I said above I did a blind defense with QTo and 3-bet him pre then owned him post flop and induced him to shove with air...

Final table was very ho-hum, blinds were so high the game devolved into ubber basic push-fold shove bot poker.

The only decent play I was able to make was vs an ABC rec player who was fond of limping in LP. I limp from the BTN with K7 and SB and BB call. 4-way action. eff stacks 28bb

Flop(4bb) 3 2 9
SB and BB chk, V bets 3bb, I call, SB and BB fold

Turn(10bb) J
V bets 5bb, I raise to 12bb, V tank folds.

I know that hand doesn't seem earth shattering but it was big. Blinds and antes were ridiculous and it is vital to take down a hand per orbit in order to keep yourself in the running to win the tourney.

My next big hand happened when 5-handed, eff stacks 28bb V covers. I was dealt 99 in the BB, UTG raises 4bb, I 3-bet to 11bb, he shoves, I fold and he says, "Damn, thought you had a big hand" and he flashes me AA.

V respected my game a lot and had been folding to me all day. So when he shoved over the top I was sure I was crushed. Normally this is a crying call but based on live reads and hhs it was a tough fold. Unfortunately, it hurt me a little bit later after we lost the 5th player.

I ended up doing a steal from UTG with Q5, folds around to the BB who had AQo

Board runs out 9 8 7 5 K

after that, I doubled up and had enough chips to hurt if I doubled up again. Then I said, "if we do a chop now, I will do a chop, but if we don't do a chop, then if I double up I will not chop and I will play it down to 1st place."

All of the remaining players knew me and decided to do the chop rather than take the risk. To be fair, blinds were insanely high and we were at the point where it just comes down to getting the cards and shoving preflop. And the next blind level would have dropped the avg chip stack below 10bb and even the chip leaders would have been under 17bb

So we did the chop and I took a fat brick home with me

The HPT is going to Fresno CA next week and I'm thinking about maybe giving it another shot.

I'll probably take another shot at the big game this week and win or lose i'll post the session.

so tune in next week,

same bat time,

same bat channel

EDIT (sorry report sucks, brain is mush )

Last edited by dgiharris; 09-30-2013 at 03:56 AM.
09-30-2013 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
Super quick update, just got home and will do a trip report later.

We ended up doing a 4-way chip chop. Blinds were HORRIBLE, even the chip leader was at 17bb, I was the short stack at 7bb. ICM chip chop gave me $12.5k and 3rd place money was $9k so I was happy with it and agreed to the chop. 4th place was $7k
Fantastic chop result. Congrats dgi
09-30-2013 , 07:26 AM
Are you going to change your ratio of cash to tourney with your recent success?
If not, how much time do you have to play cash games in order to play the HPT in Fresno and still keep your 90/10 split?
09-30-2013 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by dom80e
Are you going to change your ratio of cash to tourney with your recent success?
If not, how much time do you have to play cash games in order to play the HPT in Fresno and still keep your 90/10 split?
I might up my ratio to 80/20, 80% cash / 20% tourneys. But that would be the MOST I would push it and then once the heater runs out of rungood juice drop back down to 90/10.

I plan on playing cash 2 - 3 sessions this week and if I can run good then I will probably take that road trip to Fresno.
09-30-2013 , 10:17 PM
Congrats Dgi, very nice! Sweet work threatening them with the "play for first if they don't chop now." Lot of players just don't want to take that risk and it's obvious they knew you meant it. .
10-01-2013 , 01:04 PM
10-03-2013 , 03:17 PM
10/25nl Session: -$3.5k

The above picture perfectly captures my 10/25nl session. There is nothing worse than running bad at a super juicy table.

This was my first time at a "soft" 10/25nl table. We had several aggros but two, count 'em TWO Whale Donks. It was like Mana from heaven. They were stacking off to 3-bet river shoves with baby flushes and non-nut straights on a 4-to-a-straight board or non-nut flushes on a 4-to-a-flush board and running transparent bluffs.

But they came later. Initially, the table started off short and normal, 6-handed and 5-handed play for the first couple of hours.

My first gin hand came 20 minutes into the session. I was dealt QQ UTG, and I raised $100, folded to BB who called.

Flop($200) 5 J 5
BB chks, I bet $125, BB calls

Turn($450) Q
BB chks, I bet $200, BB folds damn

I figured there were plenty of draws/hands in V's range that could call the turn bet since c-betting and even double barreling are standard short handed. I also think he calls down if he had a Jack or pockets.

Next interesting hand at the table involved a really good player who was tilting from losing the previous pot when his QQ lost to a river Ace.

I'm in CO with 86cc. Limps to Mr. Tilt who raises $100 UTG, LP calls, I call, SB calls, then BB goes all-in for $1700 :eek. Mr. Tilt calls, we all fold.

Board($3800-ish) Q T 5 4 2
BB has 99
Mr. Tilt has Q6ss

So yeah, I'm at a great table

Few hands later I get QQ in the HJ. I raise to $75, CO 3-bets to $225, BB calls, I flat, 3-way action. I decide to flat to keep CO's range wide. CO is a competent TAG capable of making moves and showing aggression if he senses weakness.
Eff stacks $3k V covers.

Flop($625) J 7 J
chks around

Turn(625) 9
chks to me, I bet $225, CO calls, BB folds

River(1075) 9
I chk, V bets $375, I call
V shows AKo
I win with QQ,

I felt pretty good about this hand. The flop is a decent flop for my hand and once it checks through and the turn chks to me I know my QQ is likely good. I also let the flop check through so I could pot control. There are too many combo of hands/air that could c/r the flop and force a turn/river jam and I don't want to play for stacks on this board with QQ and basically turn QQ into a bluff catcher. Also, I know if I show weakness by letting the flop check through and then a 1/3pot turn bet that V will float and if I check river he will fire off with pretty much 100% of his range which is what he did.

I was cruising right along and then I ran into some turbulence. We were down to 5-handed play, I was dealt JT UTG and limp, BTN raises to $125, I call, BB calls, 3-way. eff stacks $3.5k, V covers. BTN was semi-aggro thinking player that didn't get out of line too much. He'd often fire once and then if missed would surrender.

Flop(375) Q T 7
BB chks, I chk, BTN chks

Turn(375) 5
BB chks, I bet $125, BTN raises to $450, BB folds, I call

River(1275) 2
I chk, BTN chks
BTN wins w KQo
I muck JTcc

I felt pretty good with the above hand. 5-handed his raising range on the BTN is going to be wide as the grand canyon and when he checks a flush wet flop there is a good chance I'm ahead. Then with 2 flush draws on the turn he could semi-bluff a really wide range of hands I beat.

next hand involved a blind defense against Mr. Tilt who had been raising my blinds every orbit. I'm in the BB with 93, eff stacks $4k, he covers. By this point Mr. Tilt has calmed down and is a decent TAG, probably best player at the table. He raises $75 pre which was his standard BTN raise and I decide to call.

flop($150) 3 2 8r
I chk, be bets $125, I c/r to 350, he calls.

Turn(850) J
I chk, he chks

River(850) 9
I chk, he bets $250, I raise to $700, he makes a crying call
I show 93hh, he mucks

I had planned to c/r him on 100% of all boards since he should miss the flop 70% of the time. When he calls, I realize he has a value hand (something) and that I need to hit turn/river or else I'm done. When Jack hits on the turn and he checks back I think he has TT or 77 or 8x that is scared of the Jack and/or is scratching his head wondering what the hell I have since a c/r by me is very fishy/confusing since my play up to this point has been very ABC/TAG-ish. When I showed up with 93hh it made him laugh since that is/was way out of character with my perceived image.

Not everything was roses though. My biggest mistake of the day was the following hand. V in this case was a semi-OMC-TAG. Not making a lot of moves and his range was fairly transparent, that is, he's never playing atypical hands. We were 6-handed and I had 88 in the BB. UTG raises to $75, V raises to $225 on the BTN, I decide to set-mine from the BB and call, UTG folds, heads up. Eff stacks $2.5k, I cover

flop(525) T 4 2
I check, V bets $300, I call

turn(1125) 3
I bet $500, V tank calls

River(2125) 4
I chk, V chks
V shows 99
I muck

Uggg, I feel I butchered this hand. My preflop plan was to set mine and then I deviated from it hoping/reading V had two overs like KQ, AQ, AK. However, the thing is that OMC-TAGs in this game tend to lean more towards 3-betting value hands like 99+ vs 3-betting AK/AQ though I think he still would 3-bet AK/AQ 6-handed.

A part of me felt that AK could still float me on the turn hoping to hit or spazz/float me on the turn. Then another part of me was responding to V as he didn't seem super strong to me. I held off shoving river because I felt with a busted flush draw out there if V did have a value hand like 99/JJ he is never folding and I didn't think V had 77/66. The "way" he called my turn bet told me I was looking at a value hand like 99/JJ and that I made a mistake deviating from my set-mining plan preflop.

But not to worry, a few orbits later I got my money back. 6-handed. I'm UTG+1 with 66 during a straddle. BTN is super aggro donk with tons of air in his range. He loves to bluff and barrel and just finished stacking off on a 4-to-a-flush board without the A betting 1/2 his stack on the river and then calling off the other half when V tank-shoved him saying "if you got it you got it".

limps to BTN who raises $150, 3 callers, I call, eff stacks $2k I cover

flop(600) J 5 3 r
chks to BTN who bets 275, everyone folds, I call, heads up.

turn(950) 6
I chk, BTN chks

river(950) 7
I bet $200, V raises to 800, I snap call
I show 66, V mucks

I was fully prepared to call V down w 66 since he was prone to triple barreling with air and I didn't want to blow him off his air. When I hit the set on the turn I was surprised he checked back which means he put me on a Jack that wasn't going to fold. When the river hit I knew I could induce him to try to blow me off my Jack since the board got super scary, so I bet a fairly weak 200 and he raised me to 800 and I snap called without a doubt I was good. I would have called him with any pair (yes that is how much air he had in his range)

Next is my almost gin hand vs the Whale Donk. I couldn't get any real traction going in this session, I took several hits but managed to get up to about $5k when this hand happened. Whale Donk (WD) has me covered (he bought in for $15k).

I'm in the BB with A8, WD limps UTG, MP raises to $100, TAG from LP calls, I call, 4-way action

Flop(400) 6 5 6
I lead out $200, WD calls, MP folds, TAG calls

Turn(1000) 3
I bet $500, WD calls, TAG calls

River(2500) 7
I lead out $500, WD raises to 1,000, TAG 3-bets to $3500, I fold, WD sighs and says, "Well, I have to call"

TAG shows 33
WD mucks but I see a 4 as he pitches his cards FML

Damn it damn it damn it. When the TAG called me on the turn I hated that call and was praying he just had trip sixes or a flush. He was the reason I couldn't jam river and instead had to just fire $500 on the river. I was 100% prepared to jam all-in vs the WD and was praying the TAG just either called or folded to the WD's raise. Obviously, when the TAG shoves OTT my hand is dog shtt and no good Yuck, why couldn't the turn be 2

I end up doing a table change as I got moved to the main table and I get sucked into the following hand.

I'm in MP with A6 and I limp
5-way limp fest until it gets to BB who raises to $125, I call and everyone else does. Eff stacks $4k, V covers. V is a winning Nit-TAG, very "solid" player

flop(625) 7 5 4
BB bets $250, I call, everyone else folds, heads up

turn(1125) 3
BB chks, I bet $800, BB calls

River(1725) 7
BB shoves all-in for $4k
I tank fold

You should have seen the smug look on his face, it was ridiculous. I've played with this V several times and he is a well know semi-nit. He never, and I mean never, is bluffing here. He has something ridiculous like quads. So any thoughts of him turning his JJ/TT into a bluff is just wishful thinking as he has never shoved $3k+ into the pot without the stone cold nuts.

So I take that hit and then a few hands later I trap myself into a big pot.

I'm in the BB with KQ, eff stacks $3k V covers
A fairly decent TAG raises $125 from MP, BTN calls, I 3-bet to $450, MP calls, BTN calls, 3-way action

flop(1350) K 9 2
I bet $700, MP calls, BTN folds

turn(2750) 8
I shove all-in for $2100-ish, MP calls

River(6.5k+) 2
V shows AKo
I muck

Yuck. This hand makes me sick since its basically the bottom of my range in this spot. I decided to 3-bet pre simply because opening ranges in this game are pretty damn wide. Villains open with Axs, 86s+, 87s+, broadways, and 88+. So 3-betting with KQs against such a wide opening range is fine. Also, your 3-betting range needs to be wider than JJ+, AK in this game and this was my first 3-bet at the table so I was sure it would get lots of respect. My plan was to be aggressive post flop more or less no matter what to continue to rep a strong hand and it just so happened I hit a pretty good flop for my hand. I felt V's range should have a lot of Axs and pockets but I doubt V is opening with 22 so I only have to worry about V having 99, so only one set combo on flop to worry about.

But with all of the above being said, I think I made the mistake of just overplaying my hand. I think V's 3-bet calling range in this spot isn't as wide as "other" TAGs in this game since V is a OMC-TAG hybrid that is really good. He's probably in the top 3 of players in the game in this area. On the flip side though, giving the pot size and SPR on turn and my equity I'm just committed. It just sucks that this is essentially the bottom of my stack off range and I ran into the top of V's range here, AK/99.

Overall, I'm pleased with how I played, I had several spots where I could have doubled up to $8k+ if things had just gone my way. I did make mistakes but I feel the mistakes I made were "necessary" mistakes as I continue to feel out the game and get it dialed in.

I've decided not to do the HPT coming up this week. Instead, I jotted down some of the bigger tournaments coming up in Vegas, LA, Reno, and the Bay Area. There is another $500 buy-in tourney at Bay 101 next Saturday and I'll do that one and hopefully bink it again. I'm also thinking about selling action for the WPT in December at the Bellagio.

Last edited by dgiharris; 10-03-2013 at 03:28 PM.
10-03-2013 , 03:29 PM
Is now a good time to say "looks like you dropped a buyin"? Keep at it and good luck.
10-03-2013 , 03:47 PM
<<<<<< would buy action.
10-12-2013 , 05:22 AM
10/25 NL Session, 11 Oct 2013

My last couple of 10/25nl sessions didn't go so well. So this session I told myself I was going to play a more value-hand centric game and not over commit when I make moves.

I arrived and the table started off pretty tough. I sat down in Seat 9 and upon first glance there was no easy money at the table. Seat #1 and #2 were unknowns to me. Seat #3 was a solid TAG. Seat #4 was a solid TAG and probably the most winning 10/25nl player in the area, he always buys in for $20k. Seat #5 was unknown but seemed like an OMC nitty type player, #6 was a solid TAG, #7 was solid LAG, and #8 was ABC player.

So bad news is no soft money at the table, but the good news is I feel comfortable. I've beat all the players I knew in decent sized pots and know that I have some respect.

I buy-in to the game for $3k which is towards the bottom end of the spectrum on the table. Four villains are at $5k - $8k, two are at $15k+, and two (including myself) are at $3k and one is at $2k.

My first hand I'm dealt Q5 from the small blind. LP TAG makes it $75, CO calls, I call, 3-way action.

Flop(225) Q 8 2 r
I check, LP bets $150, CO calls in position, I call.

Turn(675) 4r
I check, LP chks, CO chks

River(675) 4
I bet $150, LP folds, CO puts on his sheriff's hat and calls.
I show Q5cc, he mucks.

this is a typical hand ho-hum hand, preflop raises in this game have a super wide range of 54s+, 64s+, 22+, all broadways. So with this range, PFRer (preflop raiser) will c-bet pretty much 100% of all flops. I like to call typical $75 raises from the BB in multiway pots with hands I consider playable: Axs, Kxs, Qxs, SCs, S1Gs, and broadways and of course set mining pockets. the BB gives me the chance to give the "appearance" of a higher VPIP than I normally have and when I raise from the blinds my hand isn't face up as a big hand.

Few hands later I got into it with the player I initially thought was an OMC-TAG hybrid. He was older, in his late 50s, had shades and a hat and had a decent table presence. When he bet he would take his hands, grab his jacket by the collar, and then place his palms against his cheeks so that he hid 80% of his face. Very Helmuth like poses/presence though he was a pleasant player.

Anyways, I had AQ in MP and I raise $75, ends up being 5-way pot and OMC is in the CO. Eff stacks $4k, Villain covers

flop(375) A 5 4
I chk, LP bets $75, CO calls, BB calls, I c/r to $325, LP folds, CO calls, BB folds

Turn(1050-ish) Q
I bet $400, CO raises to $800, I call

river(2650-ish) 2
I chk, CO tank shoves all-in, I muck.

The turn card was interesting, and I decided to bet it since my flop c/r could have been representative of a FD semi-bluff. I also felt if I check it allows V to take a FD line and I would be hard pressed to call a river shove if V turns his hand into a bluff on river. Lastly, my turn bet is a bit of a blocking bet and should freeze V from making a move on me. Unfortunately, as I was about to discover later in the session, this V makes a TON of moves. At this point, I thought V was fairly nutted especially on the river and so I had no choice but to fold

As I stated earlier, table was opening super wide preflop so I decided to widen by 3-betting range.

I was in UTG+1 with AJ, and limped. MP makes it $75, 4 callers, I l/rr to $375, MP Aggro player calls, everyone else folds. Eff stacks $2.4k, villain barely covers.

Flop(1000-ish) Q J Q
I lead out $400, V raises to $800, I call.

Turn(2600) 5
I check, V bets $800, I c/r shove all-in for $1,200-ish, V tank calls

River(5k+) 4
I show AJ, V mucks

I felt pretty good about this hand. V was fairly aggro and I knew he'd have a wide preflop 3-bet calling range and would rep a big hand post flop if I bet to induce. When I lead out on the flop for less than 1/2 pot V knows its very unlikely I have a Queen, so he can raise hoping I get tiny testicles and fold. When he raises me on this board, its pretty unlikely that he actually has a queen. I flat the raise because V will be compelled to continue his bluff line on turn on pretty much 100% of all turns no matter what.

Turn is the perfect card and I check, V bets again and then I c/r knowing that for just a few hundred more he has to make a crying call which he does.

I made a horrible mistake against Seat #4 who crushes the 10/25nl game. He raised $75 from MP and I was in the BB with-- A7, everyone folds and I call which is a mistake to be heads up against this guy out of position. But I have a momentary lapse of judgement, besides, my A7 is soootttteedddd Eff stacks $5k, V has me covered.

Flop($150) A 2 9
I check, he bets $100, I call.

Turn($350) 3
I bet $200, he calls

River(750) A
I bet $200, he raises to $600, I call
V shows 54

I hate how I played this hand. Heads up, I feel pretty good about the Ace since with his preflop sizing its rare for him to have AJ+ type hands since he tends to make it $125 with those hands. So I think he has typical SCs and S1Gs (suited one gapers). However, somehow my brain shut off post flop and I got infected with a bit of FPS.

If my brain was working I would have known this V is never raising preflop with non-suited connector type hands and that non suited broadways like KQo should be discounted since he tends to not favor those type of hands. So if he continues on the turn I have to put him on a flush, set, or two pair like A3 or A2 or the straight. Given that his flop sizing was "meh" that c-bet indicates he shouldn't have too many sets here.

My river bet was an autopilot bet to induce a whiffed flush draw to raise. however, like I said above if I was thinking properly, I should know he rarely shows up here with KQ type hands that whiffed. Now, on the river I thought briefly about shoving and turning my hand into a bluff which I should have done since I felt strongly that he would fold flushes to my shove. But, I didn't and V owned my cornhole this hand bad play by me

So back to OMC-TAG. After watching him play for a while I was confused, on one hand he seemed like an Old Man Coffee, but on the other hand he was very aggressive post flop. Either he was hitting his hands or he was pure aggro. Regardless, his tendency was that once he starts up with aggression he doesn't stop.

I pick up KK in the SB, couple of limpers and OMC-TAG raises $75 from the HJ and I 3-bet to $325 from the SB and he calls. Eff stacks 2.2k. V has $8k and definitely uses his chips as a weapon against the shorter stacks.

Flop(700-ish) 9 7 2r
I chk, V puts me all-in for $ 1.9K-ish I call

Turn and river (4700-ish) 4 5
V shows 66
I win with KK

When I 3-bet pre and V called I felt pretty strongly V would interpret any post flop weakness by me as a missed hand. given his aggressive tendencies, I was checking 100% of all flops to him and calling him on 100% of all boards to include Ace high boards. As expected, I showed weaknessed and checked and he put me all in.

After this hand, I know thought of him as OMC-LAG. After a couple of more orbits he got called down more and showed up with wide ranges and inferior hands. BUt he was winning a LOT of pots through his aggression and occasionally binking that gin card on the river after the money was in and he was behind.

So, I pick up 88 in the BB and OMC-LAG is in the CO and he raises $125, five way action, I call. eff stacks $4k

flop(625) 6 3 3
I chk, chks to him, he bets 250, I call, everyone else folds, heads up

Turn(1125) K
I chk, he chks

River(1125) A
I chk, he bets $1300, I call
He shows 42o,
my 88 was good.

I had very little doubt my hand was good and that V would bet 100% of all rivers. I was surprised he didn't bet turn to be honest but I guess he was a little scared of me being in the BB and possibly flopping trip 3s. So when I check turn and river that is a lot of weakness which should give him the green light to try to steal from me. This was my first big call down on the table with a lesser hand, so prior to this I knew he had it in the back of his mind he could just bully me.

Couple of orbits later, OMC-LAG straddled, I was in LP, one limper, I 3-bet to $200 with 97, OMC-LAG calls, limper folds, heads up. Eff stacks $5.5k, V covers.

flop(450) T 7 4
V chks, I bet 350, he calls

Turn(1150) 2
V chks, I bet $1300, V folds.

Since I was weaker this hand I decided to take a stronger JJ/QQ line. I figure V is calling with a wide range and looking for signs of weakness to be aggressive and blow me off the hand. Normally we want our villains to be aggressive with air, however, sometimes there will be competing principles in poker. In this case, I don't want to play a big pot with villain. Wait a minute, how the hell can you say that when you blast pot on turn? Well, given my image, if I rep a strong line on turn I can take down the 1k pot. However, if I keep villain in with a 1/2 pot sized bet, then pot come river will be $2k+ and V can/will shove river and I don't want to hero call for stacks with middle pair which would be overplaying my hand. Also, I felt pretty strongly that V can actually fold 7x and Tx to me given the line I'm taking since I've been showing down strong hands. Lastly, I balance by betting like this sometimes and turning made hands into bluffs like in this case. Otherwise, I'm exploitable if the "only" time I bet big is when I'm near nutted.

Eventually I'm moved to the 2nd table (3 tables total) and I'm doing well, at around $9k. OMC-LAG is at the table to my immediate right (yummy ) along with an action whale who has been overvaluing all of his hands. I can't wait to get it in with both of them.

And then it happens, I'm dealt QJ in CO, Action whale limps , OMC-LAG raises to $75, I call, AW 3-bets to $250), OMC-LAG calls, I call, 3 way action, eff stacks $9k, Action whale covers both me and OMC-LAG .

Flop(750) K J T
AW chks, OMC-LAG bets $500, I call, AW c/r to $2k, OMC-LAG tank calls, Hero calls.

Turn(6750) A
AW chks, OMC-LAG tanks then shoves all-in, I tank call, AW tanks for a couple of minutes, almost puts his money in several times then folds JT

River(19k+) K
AW shows K9o
I win with QJ straight

Yeah, my biggest pot since Vegas.

The way the pot/action progressed I felt good about calling simply because both villains were so aggro that I felt strongly that both of them could/would pay me off on turn if I binked my hand. If I don't hit the 9 or Ace i'm hoping for a heart on turn and if both villains get it in on turn then I'd have the odds/equity to call. When that Ace hit and V shoved into me, I jizzed so hard my left testicle exploded. And when AW "almost" called, my right testicle was ready to pop as well....

So, I relax and am feeling pretty good. V took the lost like a champ and wished me well and left, so he had/has a lot of class and I look forward to playing with him again.

My last big hand was vs AW, he has $18k and I have him covered

I'm in the MP and I have KK, AW is in the BB
I raise to $75, two callers, AW makes it $325, I call, everyone else folds, heads-up action.

Flop(800-ish) J 7 2
V checks, I bet $400, V calls.

Turn(1200) T
V checks, I check

River(1200) 2
V bets $1000, I raise to $3500, V tanks then calls
I show KK
V mucks

I felt okay with this hand. The reason I didn't 4-bet preflop was because I felt a 4-bet turns my hand face up as QQ+ and I want to keep V's range fairly wide since he is pretty aggro post flop. I was surprised he didn't go for a c/r on the flop, so when he just c/c I felt he had Jx, 7x, or pockets 88-TT type hands or he could have T9/98 gutter balls. I decide to check the turn for a couple of reasons. One is because I don't want to blow him off his hand and he is the type of villain that if I show weakness he will over commit and over value his hand and/or make a move. The second reason I checked turn is to pot control a bit. I'm too deep to want to play for $8k - $10k with just an overpair even against an aggro spewy villain. Yes, KK is a great hand, but when you are super deep on a J 2 7 T type board vs a villain with a super wide range, you don't want to put yourself in a position to get owned by two pair or gutter ball straights.

river card is the PERFECT card, it counterfeits the majority of 2p combos in his hand. Also, me checking turn and then raising on river looks like a missed draw and V can call that raise with Jx or Tx type hands or even hero call me with 88/99.

I stayed around for a couple of more orbits since I don't want to be perceived as the hit and run type since this player pool is extremely small and close knit. I played a total of about 8 hours and felt pretty good. The money was starting to affect my play as evident a little bit with that KK hand. Part of me rationalized the "pot control" aspect but to be honest, my vagina started bleeding a little bit at that point and I was getting antsy to lock up my epic win... So couple of orbits after the straight, I racked up and left...

Overall, I'm okay with the session. I made a few mistakes but I felt I played okay. On a scale of 1 - 10 I feel I played around a 7.5 to 8. Made some good lay downs, made a couple of mistakes, definitely room for improvement but on the whole I feel I belong. So hopefully, I can continue to take weekly shots and go on a bit of a run.

so bought in for $3k-ish, left with north of $24k

Tomorrow, Bay 101 has their big tournament of the month, $550 buy-in, first place will be around $30k so I will be there hoping to continue my streak (I won their $550 tourney last month)

P.S. Also ran into a 2+2er (Richard) who saw this thread but didn't know who I was. He was railbirding the game a bit and we talked when I took a break. Its always good to meet a 2+2er. goodluck Rich and rungood...

P.P.S.S. Hey Dom, sorry I didn't send you a text, I hadn't planned on playing 10/25nl today, I originally was just going to play the 2/5nl deep stack but there was a seat open on the 10/25nl and it was calling my name... I'll send you a heads up next time

Last edited by dgiharris; 10-12-2013 at 05:47 AM.
10-12-2013 , 05:52 AM
Wow, now that's what I call crushing!
10-12-2013 , 07:50 AM My hat is off to you sir.
10-12-2013 , 08:31 AM
P.S. Also ran into a 2+2er (Richard) who saw this thread but didn't know who I was. He was railbirding the game a bit and we talked when I took a break. Its always good to meet a 2+2er. goodluck Rich and rungood...

It was great to meet you. Will keep following the thread for sure. Great hh reviews
10-12-2013 , 09:30 AM
Thank you for that chip porn.

I now must clean my laptop up.

In all seriousness though, great session! What's going through your mind on the A river in the 88 hand? I know he opens wide from your descriptions and he is capable of moves, but is he ever cbetting that flop 5-way without at least an A? Or was it because of the size of the bet, overbetting the pot whereas a lot of aces that bink the river try to get value from it? (I know he doesn't have a K, he would have continued the bluff OTT).
10-12-2013 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by pure_aggression
Wow, now that's what I call crushing!
Originally Posted by Illiterate My hat is off to you sir.
thks for the meme, that's awesome
Originally Posted by ohsnapzbrah
In all seriousness though, great session! What's going through your mind on the A river in the 88 hand? I know he opens wide from your descriptions and he is capable of moves, but is he ever cbetting that flop 5-way without at least an A? Or was it because of the size of the bet, overbetting the pot whereas a lot of aces that bink the river try to get value from it? (I know he doesn't have a K, he would have continued the bluff OTT).
You nailed it.
#1) his opening range is wide, easily 50% of hands
#2) His river bet doesn't look like its trying to extract value, it looks like its trying to fold me out
#3) His aggression factor is very high when he senses weakness
#4) there is a whiffed draw on the board and that is definitely in his range
#5) if he has airballs, only way he can win is with a river bluff and airballs should comprise the majority of his range

so add all that up, and river is an easy call.

Well, I'm off to Bay 101 for their tourney, time to run good one time, one time, ONE TYME
10-12-2013 , 02:01 PM
Very impressive.
Have you come across someone named CC (Cecil) at M8trix?
He used to play down here and moved up to the Bay Area earlier this year.

Keep crushing.
10-12-2013 , 02:05 PM

Well, tourney will have around 215 people, just made it to The first break. Blinds are 100/200, I have 15k in chips, chip avg is around 12k. I'm at a super soft table, should have gone broke with a full house vs fullhouse on a four-to-a-straight plus flush board on river but V didn't shove me because he thought I might have quads LOL

Thank god for fish.
10-12-2013 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris

Well, tourney will have around 215 people, just made it to The first break. Blinds are 100/200, I have 15k in chips, chip avg is around 12k. I'm at a super soft table, should have gone broke with a full house vs fullhouse on a four-to-a-straight plus flush board on river but V didn't shove me because he thought I might have quads LOL

Thank god for fish.
10-12-2013 , 02:30 PM
Go dgi. Sick hit!
