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From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included

07-07-2023 , 10:19 PM
This is my session from today, been working on my red line and some changes are really making a difference. Had some cool spots today, will post when the week is over as a week recap!

From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-09-2023 , 09:25 PM
Todays session went smooth, coolers were all on my side and had some cards vs recreationals

From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-10-2023 , 08:24 PM
Todays session went smooth again, without preflop coolers things tend to come my way easily, went to play some football today so session ended up being a bit smaller because I feel tired, went directly to play after work and then shower and jumped to the tables, lets keep it going!

From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-11-2023 , 07:45 PM
Todays session had some preflop coolers and some mistakes, thin value shoves going wrong and hitting alot of top ranges when bluffing, tomorrow is another day

From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-12-2023 , 07:24 PM
Todays session ended badly, played really well during the session but ended the session distracted, talking to my wife as she got home and was telling me how her day went and that costed me 2~3 buy-ins, I think its a leak of my to reduce the attention on the tables when I'm ending the session, have to work on that

From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-14-2023 , 10:28 PM
Forgot to post yesterday session, posting both today, things went kinda bad yesterday, too many preflop coolers and today failed to hero call some spots or to bluff because I had some stats missing on my HM3, have to clean my db and look for xshove turn stat on 3b pots to help me decide when to barrel or not turns for protection, but lets keep on working! Still 6 buyins to get back to NL 100

From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-16-2023 , 10:23 AM
Having some trouble playing deepstacked, I've studied very little 150bb+ solutions but really need to get some study done or else I'm leaving alot of money on the tables

From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-16-2023 , 04:30 PM
Hey there, nice journey. Gonna follow
You seem very determined with your goals, so props for that. I was wondering in regards to your 2k hands session volume goal - are there any factors that might deter you from playing 2k hands, such as stop loss or similar things?
Also, do you usually play 2k in one session or with breaks?
From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-16-2023 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by bixton1m
Hey there, nice journey. Gonna follow
You seem very determined with your goals, so props for that. I was wondering in regards to your 2k hands session volume goal - are there any factors that might deter you from playing 2k hands, such as stop loss or similar things?
Also, do you usually play 2k in one session or with breaks?
Hey Bixton! Thanks for following!
I am, it's not like I feel motivated everyday but I guess its normal, I know I have to work hard to jump stakes and nobody will do the work for me!
I don't usually set a stop loss, when I start feeling tired I stop playing. My 2k hands/day is because I work 8 hours/day so I dont have time to play more while I keep my job, but I plan to go for 4-5k/day hands when I'm able to play full time! No time for breaks :P

Today session was shorter then usual because I feel tired, just 2 or 3 nights sleeping 6 hours is enough to bring my mental state down so gonna rest a little today.

From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-17-2023 , 05:17 AM
Not sure if you mentioned anywhere... Are you playing zoom? 2k a day and a 8h job is quite impressive. Not sure how you do it. I'm a pro and I find it difficult to hit 2k per day . Makes me feel a bit guilty tbh )
From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-17-2023 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by bixton1m
Not sure if you mentioned anywhere... Are you playing zoom? 2k a day and a 8h job is quite impressive. Not sure how you do it. I'm a pro and I find it difficult to hit 2k per day . Makes me feel a bit guilty tbh )
I usually play 2k hands/day on a normal day, 6-tabling it's something like 200-240 minutes of playing, which imo, is good for someone playing part-time, but if I was a full-timer I would try to play 360-400 minutes to aim for 4-4.5k hands/day and studying like 1 hour a day and 1 hour coaching a student. It might seem alot but 8 hours of work is not that much if you look at any regular job, even on looking at the poker world, MTT players play much longer sessions!

Regarding the study, I'm lucky that I'm currently a concierge, so I have a computer with internet conection at my job with nothing to do 50% of the time I'm at work, so I can practice alot of GTO Drills, review my hands with GTO Wizard, apply some PioSolver nodelocks and discuss hands with friends on Discord while 'working'

In general I think that if you plan on being a full time poker player, you have to threat it like a job, and if I worked 3 or 4 hours a day I would not feel satisfied with myself, maybe thats because I was raised working hard with my dad but I've always felt bad about myself if I'm not doing my best!
From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
07-18-2023 , 01:01 PM
Last week recap, if I dont get on a downswing going back to NL 100 this weekend, not with much volume because it's my hometown anual parties this weekend but will take a shot on friday atleast and maybe sunday!

Red line seems to suffer on weekends when there are alot of fish at the tables but I guess thats normal

From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
08-07-2023 , 06:00 AM
Updates ?
From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
08-09-2023 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Grammen1985
Updates ?
Sorry, it was the time of the anual festivities at my small village so been out with family and friend and played alot less, I'll update with a graph of my last 15 days and my most recent Zwift activity, parties are done now, time to get to work!

Reached my $ goal to the NL 100 shot, I'm waiting for the tables to get good to go back to 100, not having Bodog sucks

From NL 200 to NL 1000 | Fitness and Life goals included Quote
