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newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker

12-14-2015 , 06:58 PM
Sorry see what you mean now, I was thinking you meant pre.

Tbh now looking at his 130$ stack I'm assuming he's pretty bad & could go crazy when he sees he's got a fh & overvalue 7x.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-14-2015 , 07:07 PM
He is saying the only hands you are calling with is 77s and 44s since you never call with 88 here. That means you are folding your entire range except top and middle full house here.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-14-2015 , 07:07 PM
It's a pretty trivial call tbh. Players play bad live and click buttons. Zomg I have 33377!!!
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-14-2015 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Echo77
If you look at the questions I've asked in the past they are all questions about his life/living situation. I couldn't care less about him sucking at poker and him being a poor. That doesn't really interest me, and I don't think I've yet to use anything he's answered against him or even attack him in any way.
I pay my own insurance. But it just ran out last month, and I didn't renew it this time.

I ended up folding the 88. It really seemed like he wanted me to call, so I think that it was either top full house or quads. He doesn't show
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-14-2015 , 11:00 PM
I mean,so your saying you are never in this spot because you always raise 99 pre? I don't see th difference between them here really. I can't tell if you ppl r srs, he might of really wanted you to because he thought his 7 was good and wanted to get paid by A high and make it look crazy. Plus being asIan and looking like he wants a wants a call is weird to me lol. Serioig he can think you limped an ace, took a stab twice and now wi frustration ca because he is trying to make it look like he has quads or nothing but really he has a worse full house? Only better overpair full house I think you see is AA v rarely

I mean I wish Iknew my pw or was signed into my computer.
So I could typ more but chick fila time.

Kk fold of call is fine, you aren't even invested into this pot. But IMO it seem like good time to lol calll. Thee is no reason he thinks u have 99 or better because appranglu you would of raised and everyone else would of too. Apparently. So 88 is same thing as any other overpair except maybe AA but you guys are not folding KK here.
So ???? Call and win like I said the first time you live gooks. To make a random guess so a. Post which you ended up having misread that I dont play live is hilarious. Wanna compare and see who has more trny entry $ buy ins? And who is up more? Willing to escrow a bet js for you making clown statement that didn't matter either way just to try to be like yeah this online guy. Joke ppl like the person in this hand.

Offer him a $1 to show if you fold if he says yes fold, pay the dollar and see nuts. If he says nothing I'd lean more to the call since I was leaning that way anyways.

Last edited by Yenomez; 12-14-2015 at 11:07 PM. Reason: Was chick fila time.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 12:20 AM
This post above reminds me of jungmit from the riggie thread. Funny stuff
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by KingKrab
I pay my own insurance. But it just ran out last month, and I didn't renew it this time.

I ended up folding the 88. It really seemed like he wanted me to call, so I think that it was either top full house or quads. He doesn't show
What do you mean it seems he wanted you to call? He bet almost twice the pot, that hardly seems inviting? Did he say anything to you to encourage the call?
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Yenomez
...Offer him a $1 to show if you fold if he says yes fold, pay the dollar and see nuts. If he says nothing I'd lean more to the call since I was leaning that way anyways.
If he had the nuts, he is much more likely to say nothing, and when KK folds, show the nuts anyways.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerdogg
What do you mean it seems he wanted you to call? He bet almost twice the pot, that hardly seems inviting? Did he say anything to you to encourage the call?
Maybe this is fish logic by me, but if he had something nutty like quads lets say, and he only had a 10BB pot out in front of him, maybe he's thinking I deserve more value than this for this nut hand, and chunks out 16 additional BB hoping I call with any decent hand.

I exactly told him I had the board beat (an overpair), and how he responded was somewhat irrelevant, because he believed me. After the hand was over, he seemed to be quite disappointed. Believe it or not, eyes do tell.

But anyways, whoever said that it's a somewhat trivial fold or call, I agree. I'm certain I saved 80 bucks, and I didn't lose any sleep over it.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 02:43 PM
Btw you saying "I can beat the board" doesn't mean you have an over pair. Just FYI.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 02:45 PM
lol yeah as pots-for-sale said, it means you have at least 8 high, or wait, 5 high....
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 02:52 PM
Also, how come you posted about angle shooting in your blog, but didn't ask the tons of viewers in this thread? Because you asked your audience if it was ok. Which it wasn't. Is it because you knew what you did was wrong?

And yes he knows you can beat the board and have or I think is expecting you to have a lot of A highs and aren't betting river again , because you check and win usually if you have A high. And now you will frustration call with that thinking there is no way he could of made quads or a full house really. But really he has worse full house trying to get max value, n instead values himself.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Yenomez
Also, how come you posted about angle shooting in your blog, but didn't ask the tons of viewers in this thread? Because you asked your audience if it was ok. Which it wasn't. Is it because you knew what you did was wrong?

And yes he knows you can beat the board and have or I think is expecting you to have a lot of A highs and aren't betting river again , because you check and win usually if you have A high. And now you will frustration call with that thinking there is no way he could of made quads or a full house really. But really he has worse full house trying to get max value, n instead values himself.
No particular reason, I felt like it had a better feel as a blogpost. TBH, I didn't feel strongly one way or the other about my "angle." It's always a grey area, especially with rulings that are different at every venue. Just yesterday I played a venue where cutting chips across the line was not allowed, and I myself had to drop 10 bucks instead of 30. that cost me a $90 pot. I wasn't mega butthurt about it. So whenever you have more information and can push edges, take advantage of drunk players, to each his own. No judgement.

I don't drive for uber anymore, (you need valid insurance) but when I did, one time there was a bearded guy and a girl passenger that got in. I believe they worked together in the same bar/restaurant. We drove to her house, and she clearly wanted to part ways, but she was completely wasted. He assured her that she wanted him to come inside with her. I just sat there and said nothing. I'm certain he took her inside to Fu** her with "consent." It's immoral and I don't condone that. But yet it's widely accepted. Pigs.

At least with poker, you're at a venue where all players present understand that this is a predatory game, and the goal is for the more aware and vicious to prey on the weak and unprepared. At the bar getting drinks, some guys may understand it to be a predatory game, but many see it just as a way to unwind after work, thus they unexpectedly get "taken."

newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 08:57 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong... did OP just rationalize angle shooting and bum hunting by comparing it to predatory rape - then asked us all up understand perspective?!?

BTW if your story is true about the uber trip you're pretty much human scum, you just sat there quietly with your balls and penis firmly tucked inside your stomach so this douche bag could go rape that chick in her house by your own words "she clearly wanted to go home alone"

I bet you sleep soundly in your sedan at night - just understand that being that personality type that you are is a large part of why you are where you are in life.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 09:35 PM
Dude, what are you talking about. You don't think EVERY single taxi driver and uber driver ever has had similar experiences? Of course they have. You want them all to become vigilantes and go full on Taxi Driver on every scumbag who ever gets into their car?

You really think it would be a better, safer world if that was a thing?

That's just as absurd as that whole 'only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,' nonsense is.

This isn't a politics sub forum so I'll end my rant there, but jeez. What's up with going off on KK for doing that when literally every other taxi/uber driver in the history of forever has had the exact same experience and also just had to sigh and move on.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 09:45 PM
^^ DUDE what are you talking about?

Bearded guy isn't going to start ****. Tell him to respect her wishes, she gets out and goes inside. Bearded guy sulks all the way home and calls you a cockblock or gets out and calls another car.

Clearly your as big of an imp as Krab was, itt666

It's not that hard to not be a piece of **** and stop another weak bitch from being a piece of ****. Don't make it out like its stopping a terrorist
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
^^ DUDE what are you talking about?

Bearded guy isn't going to start ****. Tell him to respect her wishes, she gets out and goes inside. Bearded guy sulks all the way home and calls you a cockblock or gets out and calls another car.

Clearly your as big of an imp as Krab was, itt666

It's not that hard to not be a piece of **** and stop another weak bitch from being a piece of ****. Don't make it out like its stopping a terrorist
Dude, try to expand your mind a little and try to understand the perspective of everyone in the story.
Human beings are pieces of ****. Guys are pieces of ****.
Yea, I wish all guys would fu**ing stop doing this kind of ****, but I can’t stop every single one of them. There are only two types of guys:

1. The guys who are truly attractive in mind and body, at least to some extent, so they get fresh poon with their charm. Or… (6+ out of 10)
2. Guy’s that are just as horn-y or more, ugly af in body and personality, and rely on intoxicating their prey with inhibition lowering alcohol before attacking. (4 or lower out of 10)

The world is #2 dominant.

Why do you think that “Buying a girl a drink,” is a more popular phrase than “Buying her flowers?” Because, flowers yield a low rate of return while 3 or 5 drinks will yield you a higher rate of return. It’s more cost efficient, timewise and moneywise. ****ing Scumbags.
Yea, I buy girls dinners, not drinks.

Originally Posted by Natamus
Correct me if I'm wrong... did OP just rationalize angle shooting and bum hunting by comparing it to predatory rape - then asked us all up understand perspective?!?

BTW if your story is true about the uber trip you're pretty much human scum, you just sat there quietly with your balls and penis firmly tucked inside your stomach so this douche bag could go rape that chick in her house by your own words "she clearly wanted to go home alone"

I bet you sleep soundly in your sedan at night - just understand that being that personality type that you are is a large part of why you are where you are in life.
Life isn’t as black and white as you think it is, Mr. steroid infused Power Ranger. SH** is gray, gray all around.
I wish I could punch every cheater in the face, I wish I could. I knew many of them personally in school. Their girls/boys didn't deserve it. I knew about It, yet I didn’t get into 12 fistfights a month in HS. I don’t go around beating the **** out of every dick at the bar who is trying to get a girl drunk.

If you have not been following my thread, I exemplify signs of high anxiety, and am prone to anxiety attacks and paranoia. I actually just try to live my life without creating too much additional noise and chaos.

Maybe you can try and be the hero every single fu**ing time, kudos to you.

I gone through too much ****. I’ve learned to filter what’s worth fighting for, what battles I can fight, and what battles I can’t.

That girl made her choices to continue drinking that night. And I’ve made my choices to do whatever stupid **** that I have.

TO each his OWN.

Originally Posted by ITT666
Dude, what are you talking about. You don't think EVERY single taxi driver and uber driver ever has had similar experiences? Of course they have. You want them all to become vigilantes and go full on Taxi Driver on every scumbag who ever gets into their car?

You really think it would be a better, safer world if that was a thing?

That's just as absurd as that whole 'only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,' nonsense is.

This isn't a politics sub forum so I'll end my rant there, but jeez. What's up with going off on KK for doing that when literally every other taxi/uber driver in the history of forever has had the exact same experience and also just had to sigh and move on.

Thank you.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 10:31 PM
That was a lot of words to rationalize being a pussy, though
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 10:39 PM
Ok, but what happens when you call out someone who is going to make a big deal out of it? What's the plan when you get a gun shoved in your face?

The point is this stuff happens, it happens all of the time, and especially a job like taxi/uber driver you're going to see it on a nightly basis. If all taxi/uber drivers took it upon themselves to be Mr. Good Samaritan and stick their nose into the business of any passenger who seems like he is up to no good, well let's just say it's not good business for them.

I get where you are coming from, I understand what you're saying, but in reality it's too naive and shortsighted a way of thinking and looking at the world. It's just not a realistic way to operate.

In any event my primary point is literally every taxi/uber driver in the world witnesses such events on a daily basis, so calling KK scum for not doing anything about it is absurd, as it's completely standard. So if you're going to call him out on it, you might as well call every taxi/uber driver in the world scum. Then you might as well call every guy who has ever witnessed another guy slap his gf and not doing anything about it scum. But oh wait, most guys in the world has done that at one point or another. I expect you've let that go at some point in your life as well.

Also it's easy for you to say you'd have spoken up for the girl if you had been in KK shoes but we have no way of knowing if you actually would, I'd say decent chance you wouldn't.

So well it might be nice if KK had done something, the reality is we all know the world we live in and we all seem to let it be as is, so calling him scum is completely lol when more likely than not you'd have kept your mouth shut and let the situation happen as well.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
That was a lot of words to rationalize being a pussy, though
Sure. You can judge someone for being a pussy, but I won't judge someone for being a pussy. Because that someone could be a pussy for a reason, a deeper reason.

Some kid could be scared of gunshots on TV, but I'm not gonna judge him and call him a pussy. He might have lost his parents to an alleyway shooting.

And I'm not gonna judge someone for having a hero complex due to unresolved childhood issues. I'm not gonna judge that same person for having aggressive anger issues, because he was probably touched by his uncle while he was sleeping.

It's 2016, and I'm gonna try and have a more frequently open mind.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 10:55 PM
That was a lot of hypothetical judging

Those in glass cars shouldn't throw stones tho
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 10:56 PM
Itt666 has a lot of lazy views about the world - sounds like he reads a lot of Facebook news trends and the like
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Itt666 has a lot of lazy views about the world - sounds like he reads a lot of Facebook news trends and the like
What's lazy is your 3 word responses. You don't prove or disprove a dam* thing.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 11:04 PM
What's there to prove or disprove? It started with a story about you being a wuss and you and ITT666 working hard to rationalize how you're both imps
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
12-15-2015 , 11:08 PM
No, I just have a realistic and practical view on the world. Anyway if you're so passionate about this and so sure about yourself and your convictions why don't you suit up and become a vigilante. Walk the streets every night looking for guys doing scummy things and beat those guys up. Then at least you'll be putting your money where your mouth is.

You won't really change anything, and eventually you'll get yourself killed because guess what? You're not actually the bad ass you think you are. But at least you'll have proven you're not a 'pussy.'

Thankfully I've matured past that juvenile mindset hopefully you will one day as well, but until then, instead of being an internet warrior, how about putting your money where your mouth is and actually going out there and saving some damsel in distress. Put up or shut up as they say. It's the kind of simple concept that goes well with your black and white juvenile, naive view of the world.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
