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My Weird Bankroll Strategy Challenge... My Weird Bankroll Strategy Challenge...

02-22-2011 , 02:31 PM
Hey everyone, I've been lurking around the Poker Goals & Challenges forum for quite a while now and I gotta say some threads really inspired me. Unfortunately, I've used this inspiration in quite a degen way in the last 2 weeks... I was up to a great 2011 start, playing HU SNGs on PokerStars and Party Poker. At some point I was up 7K for the year, but then I got struck by a very standard downswing that led me to tilt away all of my winnings + 3K more playing 500$ HU SNGs. I hit rock bottom yesterday when I tried my luck at the Montreal Casino playing 2-5$ NL... God I was aweful. Needless to say I just ended up bleeding even more money away.

I currently have a negative balance in my bank account (lol) + a 1500$ overloaded credit card. Luckily, I have a nice full time job that will enable me to pay those debts quite quickly since I don't have a lot of life expenses (living with my parents ldo). I'm really glad I hit this downswing after joining and paying for a Humanity Trip in Dominican Republic and after having registered (finally !) to University in Maths. I'm pretty sure I would have been too depressed to register after my big loss... I'm 21 now, and I finished college 3 years ago. It's about time I make something out of my life lol...

The reason why I'm writting this blog in a POKER forum is because... I still have 36.63$ on Pokerstars ! Since I'm planning on not depositing again in 2011 (lol...), I'm gonna have to make the best out of these pennies. So, I'll try another formula that just might work and help me not tilt away all of my money once more...

I will be playing Fixed Limit Hold'em HU and shorthanded cash games with a very agressive Bankroll management. Whenever I have 20 Big Bets for a limit, I will have to play it ! Basically, I will be sitting with 10 BB (half of my roll) on a cash game table and wont leave until I'm busto or I have 30 BB on the table. So, the times I happen to lose my 10 Big Bets, I will simply move down to the lower buy in and then again, put half my roll on the table and the other safely in my cashier. The lowest FLHE limit I will play will be 0.50$ - 1.00$... That is because if I happen to go under 10$, I will switch game. I will then play the 1.20$ NL STTs, until my BR goes back to 20$, in which case I'll move back to the 0.50$ - 1.00$ FLHE tables...

BR Stakes/Games
LEVEL 1 : 0 - 10$ = 1.20$ STTs
LEVEL 2 : 10 - 20$ = 0.50$ - 1.00$ FLHE SH and HU CGs
LEVEL 3 : 20 - 40$ = 1.00$ - 2.00$ FLHE SH and HU CGs
LEVEL 4 : 40 - 80$ = 2.00$ - 4.00$ FLHE SH and HU CGs
LEVEL 5 : 80 - 120$ = 3.00$ - 6.00$ FLHE SH and HU CGs
LEVEL 6 : 120$ - 200$ = 5.00$ - 10.00$ FLHE SH and HU CGs
LEVEL 7 : 200$ - 400$ = 10.00$ - 20.00$ FLHE SH and HU CGs

Of course, I wont always automatically leave a game as soon as I hit my target amount of BB... If the game is juicy, I will probably stay longer and try to grow my BR enough so I can skip a level or 2...

Ultimately, my goal is to reach a 400$ BR that will enable me to cash out 200$ and leave me with enough money to move down only one level. I'll wait until I cash out 4-5 times 200$ before adding an additional level... Or perhaps I could start using wiser BR Management after... We'll see... For now, I think this challenge, given the fact that I will continuously change limits, will give me the motivation I need in order to stay focused, disciplined, and play my A game as often as possible.

That's about it for now... I know it's a little crazy and that the risks of ruins are kinda high but w-e, we'll see how it goes... I will keep you updated lol.
My Weird Bankroll Strategy Challenge... Quote
