GG Poker - $0.10 Ante $0.05 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
MP+1: 200 BB
MP+2: 202.5 BB
Hero (CO): 197 BB
BTN: 349.9 BB
SB: 185.2 BB
BB: 448 BB
UTG: 225.6 BB
UTG+1: 209.5 BB
MP: 199 BB
9 players post ante of 0.5 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 6 BB) Hero has A
UTG calls 1 BB,
UTG+1 raises to 6.6 BB,
MP calls 6.6 BB,
MP+1 calls 6.6 BB, MP+2 calls 6.6 BB,
Hero raises to 23.7 BB,
BTN calls 23.7 BB,
UTG calls 22.7 BB,
MP calls 17.1 BB,
MP+1 raises to 199.5 BB and is all-in,
Hero calls 172.8 BB and is all-in,
BTN raises to 349.4 BB and is all-in,
UTG calls 201.4 BB and is all-in,
MP calls 174.8 BB and is all-in
Flop: (1063.9 BB, 5 players) 9
Turn: (1063.9 BB, 5 players) Q
River: (1063.9 BB, 5 players) K
BTN shows 3
(Two Pair, Kings and Threes)
Main Pot [1001.7 BB]: (Pre 13%, Flop 8%, Turn 0%)
Side Pot#1 [8 BB]: (Pre 14%, Flop 8%, Turn 0%)
Side Pot#2 [3 BB]: (Pre 17%, Flop 9%, Turn 0%)
Side Pot#3 [51.2 BB]: (Pre 53%, Flop 72%, Turn 76%)
UTG shows 6
(One Pair, Kings)
Main Pot [1001.7 BB]: (Pre 12%, Flop 3%, Turn 5%)
Side Pot#1 [8 BB]: (Pre 20%, Flop 11%, Turn 11%)
Side Pot#2 [3 BB]: (Pre 23%, Flop 11%, Turn 11%)
Side Pot#3 [51.2 BB]: (Pre 47%, Flop 28%, Turn 24%)
MP shows 5
(Two Pair, Kings and Fives)
Main Pot [1001.7 BB]: (Pre 17%, Flop 9%, Turn 0%)
Side Pot#1 [8 BB]: (Pre 18%, Flop 9%, Turn 0%)
MP+1 shows Q
(Full House, Queens full of Kings)
Main Pot [1001.7 BB]: (Pre 36%, Flop 27%, Turn 89%)
Side Pot#1 [8 BB]: (Pre 49%, Flop 73%, Turn 89%)
Side Pot#2 [3 BB]: (Pre 59%, Flop 80%, Turn 89%)
Hero shows A
(Three of a Kind, Kings)
Main Pot [1001.7 BB]: (Pre 22%, Flop 53%, Turn 5%)
MP+1 wins 997.7 BB
BTN wins 50.5 BB