Originally Posted by DeeKayBee
Keep up the grind! Why did you limp min-raise AA 200bb deep?
Thanks mate
If i min-raise with AA it's because i believe that it's high chance villain will fold if i raise more and i don't want to lose value, it depends on villain and his raise size/position, also i know myself im capable of folding AA postflop if i feel pot is going out of control so it's no problem for me to play it like this 200BB deep
Originally Posted by ssag97
How many hands do you play per hour when you play 9 tables? Is it about 60 hands per table 540 hands per hour all up ?
On paper it says 550 hands per hour 9 table yes but in practice for me it's around 440-450 hands per hour because i often close tables when fish goes busto and register waiting list to new juicy table so i lose some hands per hour but quality is better
Originally Posted by Loff
This thread was a nice read. GL man
Thanks man
These days i wasn't playing actively, spent some days in lab, tested new strategies, wasn't playing my usual style, lost some but in the end i got back to my style + improved it, now i believe i'm better version of myself and i can win more
Also good news is that GG added 200NL and 500NL to 9max tables, before it was max 100NL so for future plans i can aim higher
Bankroll is 810$ atm will play some more NL25 these days
Last edited by blazar; 02-04-2024 at 11:48 AM.