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My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL

02-01-2025 , 02:13 AM
As i wrote i was at home from Monday to Thursday, recovered from cold, well i spent almost 400$ by ordering food etc damn i should learn to save more

Fridays live session was not bad up +550$ but at one point i was up 800$ but they decided to change 1/3 into 5/5 and added one hand of PLO per cycle, well i could win more but bleeded out some money like everyone calls 10$ in PLO and someone says “Bank” preflop which is like 80$ and 2 player calls, i call too but didn’t connect with the flop i had nice hand like AJTT, there was also some more hands i could win a lot if i connected with the flop
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-01-2025 , 03:58 AM
Playing some online poker till evening, i love safest flops like this

My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-01-2025 , 04:12 AM
Set pays off vs a fish

Losing like GG style, one hand like this per day is a mandatory

My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-01-2025 , 04:29 AM
Here I'm folding KK, let me share my thinking process with you

Knowing the fact that at micros 4bets are very strong, villain's range imo consists with 4 hands here: AK AA QQ or maybe JJ, after flop action i excluded AK and as J came JJ also beats me now, so only hand I'm beating is QQ here, considering villains aggressive river shove here more likely i was up against AA's, there is also possibility villain played QQ this way

There is also very small chance that villain called flop raise with AK and bluffed river but considering i have no info on the player i played vs him like i would play vs a standard micro nit

My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-02-2025 , 09:26 AM
Worst hands of the day

My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-03-2025 , 01:25 AM
I feel really bad about Sundays live session, after 3 hours of play i was winning +800$ then one hand happened vs a loose aggro fish, i open raise 10 with KQo, he min 3bets 20 and i call, flop came KQ3, two spades, i made top two pair, he had JT of spades and 9 came on turn he made straight, flush draw didn't complete so i moved in on turn and lost 350$ on that hand

There was one PLO per cycle so it was omaha time i got dealt TTQ3 on BTN and there was 10 raise + limps, someone said "POT" which was 50 (my bad i shouldnt play too loose preflop yeah i called) 4 player saw flop, each paid 50 so pot is already 200, flop came 789, i have nut blockers so everyone checks to me and i decided to bluff, said "POT" which was 200, i got 2 callers and one is that fish who likes to bluff a lot, turn came another 9 pairs the board, my plan vanished, everyone checks and i check behind, river came blink and now that fish leads 400, another player folds, well i have only pair of TTs in my hand but thinking maybe this fish is bluffing because it was flush draw on the board but it didn't complete, so pair of TT here might be a winning hand so i hero called and he shows quad 99s

This is how stupid i can get, losing my winning session in one hand of PLO lol i have a lot to learn

Also i want to make a notice, on that session before i was up +800$ i lost 2 flips vs 100BB stacks AK vs QQ and AK vs JJ, well one time we ran it twice, second time we ran it once and i lost total 3 boards with AK flips

Last edited by blazar; 02-03-2025 at 01:35 AM.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-03-2025 , 04:20 AM
Some NL5 therapy

Those hands getting on my nerves tho

My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-03-2025 , 08:35 AM
9tabling is little too intense, i like to enjoy the process so i will drop to 6tables which feels like zero effort but still it's not good to observe players and profile them, till NL25 ill just 6table and then ill see
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-03-2025 , 09:37 AM
Oh nice blog, was a long read but really enjoyed your poker journey so far. But yeah 9max ante tables are cancer when it comes to rake. When i was watching some streamer playing nl10 those ante tables, it was kinda crazy how soft they were. But damn the swings can be disgusting. I wonder how much rake could you get if you would 12 tabling NL10 and NL25... Maybe if you are able to beat the rake you could earn quite nice. But on the other hand you would have to grind them almost everyday nonstop to get the most of the bonuses and rakeback. But yeah gl at the tables(live and online)!
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-03-2025 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by FeetEnjoyer
Oh nice blog, was a long read but really enjoyed your poker journey so far. But yeah 9max ante tables are cancer when it comes to rake. When i was watching some streamer playing nl10 those ante tables, it was kinda crazy how soft they were. But damn the swings can be disgusting. I wonder how much rake could you get if you would 12 tabling NL10 and NL25... Maybe if you are able to beat the rake you could earn quite nice. But on the other hand you would have to grind them almost everyday nonstop to get the most of the bonuses and rakeback. But yeah gl at the tables(live and online)!
Thanks mate, my biggest journey is just starting, will see what future brings hehe hoping for the best

As i just got back to 9max games I'm figuring out it myself again, you can just start and see how it goes maybe it will work out for you
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-03-2025 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by blazar
Thanks mate, my biggest journey is just starting, will see what future brings hehe hoping for the best

As i just got back to 9max games I'm figuring out it myself again, you can just start and see how it goes maybe it will work out for you
yeah going to that later, also need to look up a proper opening range chart or something for 9max ante tables but from i understand is that you basically play it in a similar way as 6 max because of the antes. Also as you said that too much 3betting will eff you up in rake so finding that 5-7% sweet 3bet spot should be fine. But i am not looking forward to swings, especially when people are throwing around 200/300/400BB all the time haha.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-03-2025 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by FeetEnjoyer
Oh nice blog, was a long read but really enjoyed your poker journey so far. But yeah 9max ante tables are cancer when it comes to rake. When i was watching some streamer playing nl10 those ante tables, it was kinda crazy how soft they were. But damn the swings can be disgusting. I wonder how much rake could you get if you would 12 tabling NL10 and NL25... Maybe if you are able to beat the rake you could earn quite nice. But on the other hand you would have to grind them almost everyday nonstop to get the most of the bonuses and rakeback. But yeah gl at the tables(live and online)!
rake can be as high as 30bb/100 at those tables.

Who was the streamer? would like to check that out.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-03-2025 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Keruli
rake can be as high as 30bb/100 at those tables.

Who was the streamer? would like to check that out.
30bb/100 ???? wah, yeah that is beyond crazy, like i understand that if you get a little bit lucky and get some money from GGcare and rakeback and whatnot so you might get maybe 10/bb from it all together but still you need to beat the tables with at least 20bb/100... which of course sounds impossible. But i saw chinese players throwing around huge stacks with air so who knows.

Oh yeah, his name is 3nduranc3 on twitch. Dunno if i can paste the link here but just search for him on twitch. Dunno the games looked very soft but yeah i will check them out later.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-03-2025 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by FeetEnjoyer
yeah going to that later, also need to look up a proper opening range chart or something for 9max ante tables but from i understand is that you basically play it in a similar way as 6 max because of the antes. Also as you said that too much 3betting will eff you up in rake so finding that 5-7% sweet 3bet spot should be fine. But i am not looking forward to swings, especially when people are throwing around 200/300/400BB all the time haha.
You can check top winners of NL10-NL25 on statname they have like 7-8% 3bet stat mostly so that can be sweet spot i believe
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-03-2025 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by blazar
You can check top winners of NL10-NL25 on statname they have like 7-8% 3bet stat mostly so that can be sweet spot i believe
oh nice thanks!
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-04-2025 , 03:35 AM
Punt of the day

Well, my thinking process was like to bluff a regular with nut blockers but i totally misplayed this hand because:

1. When UTG opens and I'm 3betting from MP it's unlikely I'm representing T9 kind of hand, so it's not believable

2. Regular is not a type that is capable of making great folds

3. When that regular raises flop that big he's already committed to stack off in his mind

And cooler of the day

This is why i hate to play two pair kind of hands aggressively

Last edited by blazar; 02-04-2025 at 03:47 AM.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-04-2025 , 04:09 AM
Total NL5 hands this month

My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-04-2025 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by blazar
This is why i hate to play two pair kind of hands aggressively

That's some very results oriented thinking.

Playing two pair aggressively is fine. Falling for the big check-raise at micro stakes is something to be more aware of.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-04-2025 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
That's some very results oriented thinking.

Playing two pair aggressively is fine. Falling for the big check-raise at micro stakes is something to be more aware of.
I give you an example and you judge if my thinking is results oriented:

There is one good regular in poker club where i play live 1/3, i lost one hand vs him, i was holding 88 when flop came KT7 rainbow he cbets, i call, turn came 2, he double barrels like 60% pot, i call and river comes 5, he goes all in here and i call, he shows KT (top two pair) and i muck my 88

So my thinking process was like no good reg 3 barrels and stacks off with K type of hands or two pairs 200BB deep vs other reg because what are the hands that call his 3barrels? Most likely sets, if i had pair of 77s instead of 88s id stack him off easy so question is, does 3 barreling (two pairs) with intention to stack off is correct play vs a reg? In my opinion answer is no but i might be wrong

Last edited by blazar; 02-04-2025 at 04:41 AM.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-04-2025 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by blazar
I give you an example and you judge if my thinking is results oriented:

There is one good regular in poker club where i play live 1/3, i lost one hand vs him, i was holding 88 when flop came KT7 rainbow he cbets, i call, turn came 2, he double barrels like 60% pot, i call and river comes 5, he goes all in here and i call, he shows KT (top two pair) and i muck my 88

So my thinking process was like no good reg 3 barrels and stacks off with K type of hands or two pairs 200BB deep vs other reg because what are the hands that call his 3barrels? Most likely sets, if i had pair of 77s instead of 88s id stack him off easy so question is, does 3 barreling (two pairs) with intention to stack off is correct play vs a reg? In my opinion answer is no but i might be wrong
Seems like a pretty straightforward hand. Guy had top two on a safe runout in the smallest game in the room, bet/bet/bet is the easiest and most logical line to take there. You don't really need to assume people are playing high level leveling games in these games, just make hands and bet them really. And if people are betting into you on turns/rivers, it's pretty safe to assume they like their hand.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-04-2025 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by Rolled High, Bro
Seems like a pretty straightforward hand. Guy had top two on a safe runout in the smallest game in the room, bet/bet/bet is the easiest and most logical line to take there. You don't really need to assume people are playing high level leveling games in these games, just make hands and bet them really. And if people are betting into you on turns/rivers, it's pretty safe to assume they like their hand.
Yes i assume he knows what’s he doing, my guess is he’s targeting other top pairs like AK, KQ, KT or maybe worse two pairs and he’s successful with this because players on live 1/3 games hardly fold top pairs but i still believe this is an error by his side because id love him to do that when i flop a set vs his two pairs when we’re deep but that happens not so often so i guess to play top two that way can be acceptable on live environment but vs online nitty regs i doubt so
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-04-2025 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by blazar

There is one good regular in poker club where i play live 1/3, i lost one hand vs him, i was holding 88 when flop came KT7 rainbow he cbets, i call, turn came 2, he double barrels like 60% pot, i call and river comes 5, he goes all in here and i call, he shows KT (top two pair) and i muck my 88
What was the positions? Preflop action? Preflop sizings?Did 2 came with flush draw?

Seems wp by opponent. Folding Turn seems best with a static hand that should not bluff-catch rivers. Looks like you leveled yourself.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-04-2025 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by DeeKayBee
What was the positions? Preflop action? Preflop sizings?Did 2 came with flush draw?

Seems wp by opponent. Folding Turn seems best with a static hand that should not bluff-catch rivers. Looks like you leveled yourself.
Yea, i opened 10 from early position and he 3betted me 35ish in position, he did the same thing before with J9s so i assumed his range can contain QJs, just particularly vs me his 3barreling line made no sense at all because my 88 shouldn't even pay off his cbet on that K board but as soon as i'll catch him offguard deep i can stack him off easily as i said but since i had no info that he plays two pairs that aggressively now i know how to play vs him

Last edited by blazar; 02-04-2025 at 09:30 AM.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-04-2025 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by blazar
So my thinking process was like no good reg 3 barrels and stacks off with K type of hands or two pairs 200BB deep vs other reg because what are the hands that call his 3barrels? Most likely sets, if i had pair of 77s instead of 88s id stack him off easy so question is, does 3 barreling (two pairs) with intention to stack off is correct play vs a reg? In my opinion answer is no but i might be wrong
Seems like one player didn't play the hand well in this example (and it wasn't the guy with KT).

Totally leveled yourself here by the sounds of it.
My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
02-04-2025 , 09:44 AM
I make same mistakes over and over which is to make big plays without profiling the player (properly) first, i don't need to hurry to bluff-catch or pull off a big bluff vs a player until i finalize his profile type, i just need to observe patiently what he's doing etc that's my mistake imo anyway whatever

Biggest hand of of the day, therapy for the soul

My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL Quote
