I had not a bad day today won x5 BI or something and before i go to sleep i thought to play like 30mins and guess what happened?
Very first hand i just got little careless because opponent had short stack, my bad, i should have played according to my gameplan
Second hand right after, not even 10min passed since i started
After like two hands i got dealt AK and someone 5bet shoves on me, here i think to myself vs that guy i just fold here but since i lost 2 hands i make an exception and lets try our luck, guess what!?
idk about you guys but this is my GG standard my AK vs AA
ok after like 2min i got dealt KK and got into 3b pot saw flop and thought to myself ok i lost so many hands now i make another exception, i dont check turn and go for stack off since flop seems safe and look at this
you dont believe me but all these hands happened during first 15min
for you guys maybe these are setups but considering GG pool for me these are clear blunders
AK call to shove was clear blunder, KJ not checking turn was clear blunder, KK not checking turn was clear blunder, only flush vs flush was a setup
now you see how hard is to play in this pool, i need to play like a robot all the time, control the pot, make very disciplined folds etc, otherwise there is no hope