Originally Posted by Shipnickle
Looking at your hand histories there is a clear pattern. You very often check or bet really small with strong hands and giving opponents the chance to lose the minimum with bluffcatchers that could stack off. So every time you have the best hand you give them a fantastic price, and the times you're behind they just raise your small bets and you stack off. To summarize: Either they call your small bets when they're behind and you win a small pot, or they raise your small bets and you lose a big one.
yup that can be, well i don't always bet small but in the end it becomes comical, when i bet big opponent has no real hand and when i bet small they have something lol
i believe every stake has its meta game, like for example NL2 is not same as NL5 and NL5 isn't same as NL10, NL25 is different and NL50 is also can be much different etc
basic fundamentals are key foundation on every stake but it's not enough, i need to adapt to meta game and use betting patterns accordingly
maybe here in my case meta game can be to just brute force with my nutty hands just move my stack in by the river no matter what, no matter what board looks like, no matter thinking about ranges etc just make sure stack to be in by the river