Originally Posted by DonkHunter93
Hey man, I'm also new here, I am enjoying reading your journal so far and I find it particularly interesting that you track exercise and bed time. Have you noticed a correlation between it and the quality of your sessions?
Short answer: Absolutely
Long answer: I think I have a strong mental game (I value it much more than the technical aspect of the game, which is probably -EV, but I think it yields much greater returns in other aspects of life) so I feel very attuned to when my mental state is affecting my thought process. So, me saying "Absolutely" does not necessarily mean that the correlation is MASSIVE, rather that I am very confident that I feel there IS a correlation. As to why it improves the quality of my session; I'm not sure. I'd be talking out of my ass about the biology and neuroscience of it all.
I think the more set your strategy is in a given situation, the less your mental state affects your decisions. For example, I used to play ABC poker with ZERO adjustment to how my opponents were playing, and I remember my mental state mattering much less. I've ventured away from this strategy and try to use critical thinking during hands more. However, when making decisions in the moment, there are many more things that can go wrong. I can pay attention to the wrong information, I can weigh it incorrectly in my decision, or I can misinterpret the information. If I'm tired, I think my working memory is worse so the amount of information I can use to make decision is lower. So, I think at this stage in my journey, my mental state is affecting the quality of my decisions more than it has historically. end of rant