July 2020 Goals
Poker Goals:
[] Play 40k+ hands.
[] Off-table work for 15h+.
[] Mental game & "soft" skills:
- Check results just once per week
- Focus on things which you can contol and get better in regards to dealing with variance
- Optimize grinding & study days respective time management
[] Update blog once a week.
Life Goals:
[] Go for a run 15 times. 3/15 runs should be 12km distance.
[] Continue with cooking.
[] Get into a better and more optimistic mindset.
I will try to go hard in July since I will probably take vacation in August/September. After a difficult June I think this month will be a crucial one for me. In the past I struggled to come back after downswings.
I bought a white board and will use it to break down my weekly tasks/goals. Hope that with this I can be more productive and stick to positive habits. Seeing the goals in front of me should motivate me hopefully. Not letting negative emotions come over me during run bads is something I struggled always. This month I am hoping that with structured, organized and productive daily routines I can minimize it and not measure my success in poker always based on my latest results.
Another thing when it comes to poker is that I should take more time when making decisions in game. I am already solid in regards to this (explains my low hands/hour), but I think I can still improve. I attended last month a webinar with a HS player and the detail with which he analyzed hands was incredible. He took so many factors into consideration, but his thought process was still very logical and simple at any point. It showed me that there is still a lot room for imporvement.
Outside of poker I really hope to get into a better mindset. I felt quite a lot frustrated in June. A big reason for this is also the situation caused by covid. I live abroad and not beeing able to see family, friends but mostly my parents started to effect me in June.
I wish everyone a nice July!
Let´s crush this month in every aspect.