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09-03-2024 , 09:08 AM
Hey guys, im a 23yo student from vienna.
I got introduced to poker by a good friend of mine while degening small amounts on sportsbetting. The first poker vid i watched was girafgangers big bink in the wsop online tourney. So then i decided to deposit some money to GG and try out tournaments (without knowing almost anything). I spewed around but got lucky and placed 2nd in a 2$ tournament, winning 80 bucks.

Fast forward a couple months later of not really playing/studying poker and just spewing around with the 80 bucks on GG and obv losing my winnings. Some time passed by and i started watching a lot of cash game content on youtube, so decided to try it out aswell. I deposited 50 bucks onto an austrian poker site, thinking i know a lot more but also losing these 50 bucks.

Something had to change if i wanted to get better in poker, so i stopped playing for a while and watched a lot more content on youtube, looked at preflop charts and started playing around in some free gto trainers. I tried to grasp the basics of poker, and when i felt confident, i deposited another 50 bucks on the same site and started playing 5nl on my site.

It worked out - i started to win some money and my bankroll grew to 100 euros. This was in april. I found out about the 2p2 forum and started binge reading some poker blogs, such as the one from Linus and KidCudi147. I got really motivated and inspired by these guys.

The games on my site are super soft at 5nl and 10nl compared to stars or gg. So i took the aggressive route and tried to play 10nl with my 100 euro roll. As soon as i had 400 bucks on my account, i started trying out 20nl. I managed to build up my roll to about 700, when i found out a coworker at my part time job was also into poker, a 2/5 live reg. He begged me to try out live poker and since i didnt have the roll, he "staked" me, basically giving me the min buyin of 300 bucks for 2/5 and told me i get to keep the winnings i make. I doubled my money and this boosted my roll to about 1k.

I was pretty broke in real life, so i withdrew some money and was on a 700 euro roll now playing 20nl, trying to get better. I didnt study a lot and just basically played with my knowledge from 10nl.

I came across a reddit post of a high stakes guy, Elias Holloway, promoting his course and cfp, so i decided to join his discord and give it a shot. I met some guys in the discord and grinded on. It didnt work out in the end, since i didnt have the roll that was neccessary. Im still very thankful for the opportunity and im going to try to stay in touch with him. He told me i could contact him when i hit the roll.

I was slightly winning, like 4-5bb/100 on 20nl, then in the end losing quite a bit so now at 2bb/100 over like 60k hands. I withdrew the rest of my roll in the end of august because i also needed it for a vacation and some rl stuff.

I deposited 50 euros again 2 days ago and started grinding again, since i dont want to give up poker.

I learned a lot on Elias' discord, a lot of mindset stuff and general knowledge on how to play against fish. I set goals to study on my vacation so i could come back stronger. Its going pretty good, i managed to grind my 50 bucks to like 140, and im now playing 10nl again.

This blog is supposed to keep myself motivated. I want to share honest results and keep myself accountable. I want to update at least twice a week, setting goals in the beginning and sharing my progress on said goals.

Short term game plan(1 month):
- hit my volume goals (about 5-10k hands a week at least)
- stop loss at 2BI, until i hit 30buyins
- move up when i hit about 15BI for 20nl
- play in short sessions of about 1hr 2-3 times daily, 4 to 6 tabling depending on the tables and focus
- study 1-2h daily in various ways, this includes short HH analysis after my sessions, drilling spots, watching play and explains,.. (will keep track of how i study and setting more precise goals here)

- stop slacking off in uni and pass my exams in october

My goal for 2024 is to move up to 100nl on my site, and then to look for other options since games start to thin out after 50NL. Ultra long term goal is ofc to go pro
This is my graph since i came back. Ill treat this as my first update.

BR : 140€

Micro to Macro Quote
09-03-2024 , 11:50 AM
Good luck mate. Will be following
Micro to Macro Quote
09-03-2024 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by KHANYAY
Good luck mate. Will be following
Thanks dude, happy to hear gl to u aswell
Micro to Macro Quote
09-03-2024 , 05:27 PM
focus on uni. i got addicted to poker and it ruined my degree. thankfully i aced an apprenticeship so it didn’t matter, but for many it will.

poker is always gonna be here, your degree won’t. knuckle down for another two months then see where the cards takes you
Micro to Macro Quote
09-03-2024 , 05:40 PM
Nice intro

About brm, I think it's perfectly fine to be aggressive with it. But just important to be aware that even if you play well and you are crushing the games you play (in terms of ev) there is probably some risk of ruin, this doesn't have to be a bad thing because it seems like worth the risk but nice to respect this a little. And also I think some self-honesty required in terms of being disciplined enough to move down, some people are a bit better with this than others

At some point when you back at let's say 20nl, I would advise you to be a bit less agro with moving up/brm. Build a nice sample, build a slightly safer bankroll for next stake (like 30 or 40bi). When you are doing well in the games you play in, and you keep progressing as a player you will move up quick anyway, No need to rush it.

Just my 2 cents. Gl Nedved!!
Micro to Macro Quote
09-03-2024 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by norwich
focus on uni. i got addicted to poker and it ruined my degree. thankfully i aced an apprenticeship so it didn’t matter, but for many it will.

poker is always gonna be here, your degree won’t. knuckle down for another two months then see where the cards takes you
Hey, yea ofc a big goal of mine is to finish my degree. Thankfully I don’t have to worry about student loans or crap like that since I live in Austria. How did it mess up your degree? And how/when did you know you were addicted? Don’t mean to interrogate you or anything, I really am open to listen to criticism/advice from more experienced people! I just want to move up in poker (and life) and get as good as I can. Im already slower at uni bc of some private issues, but decided to really take it seriously. A lot of ppl already graduated at my age (shouldn’t compare my situation with others but meh)
Micro to Macro Quote
09-03-2024 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by KidCudi147
Nice intro

About brm, I think it's perfectly fine to be aggressive with it. But just important to be aware that even if you play well and you are crushing the games you play (in terms of ev) there is probably some risk of ruin, this doesn't have to be a bad thing because it seems like worth the risk but nice to respect this a little. And also I think some self-honesty required in terms of being disciplined enough to move down, some people are a bit better with this than others

At some point when you back at let's say 20nl, I would advise you to be a bit less agro with moving up/brm. Build a nice sample, build a slightly safer bankroll for next stake (like 30 or 40bi). When you are doing well in the games you play in, and you keep progressing as a player you will move up quick anyway, No need to rush it.

Just my 2 cents. Gl Nedved!!
Yooo the goat answered hahah
Thanks for the tips, will def keep that in mind. My goal for now is to grind up a good roll for nl20 anyways, which shouldn’t take too much time when I don’t lose like 10BI (which ofc can happen).
And yea def have to move down when I hit like 90€ again or so, since it will affect my game I think.
Also, a big leak of mine is that I just nit up when I win some buyins; or I just don’t follow up with my strategy and play it „too safe“ at the end of my sessions. That’s why I decided to play multiple, but shorter sessions. It doesn’t make much sense to play giga volume in a shorter timeframe for me anyways since my site doesn’t offer any rakeback (rake is pretty Low tho)

Thx for reading and for the tips, litmanen!
Micro to Macro Quote
09-04-2024 , 01:30 AM
GLGL, following!
Micro to Macro Quote
09-08-2024 , 07:25 PM

Sup guys, gonna just update every sunday i think, so heres the results of this week.

Was running pretty ass midweek, still pretty happy. Im going to try to put some more volume in next week, was just working almost every day this week and had to start to study a bit for uni already. Still, pretty happy! Yellow line going up is a good sign.

Hand of the week:

Laughed quite hard here hahah

BR : 200 (won some money on free slot spins the site gave me aswell, would be like 190 without it)

Last edited by benzzinho; 09-08-2024 at 07:51 PM.
Micro to Macro Quote
09-15-2024 , 06:17 PM
Hey guys, the week started off pretty meh, turned it around pretty well so i took a 2bi shot at 20NL, which went horrible. Idk what was happening, i lost a big pot in the beginning and then i just wanted to get it back again. I know its micros and all but i had quite some tilt issues. Just shouldve stopped right there. Then i lost a flip and tilted one more buyin.

I really have to calm down a bit and not play like a monkey, especially when im shotting a new limit. Ill just grind it back at 10NL again. Still made some profit this week!

BR: 291
Micro to Macro Quote
09-22-2024 , 09:08 PM
Weekly Update Time!

I shotted NL20 again, this time it was much better. i almost hit a 200$ week, which would have been a milestone, and ended the week with a regrind after losing to 3 coolers in 3 hands.

I didnt tilt this week at all! Somehow i managed to stay super calm and focused. Im really looking forward to grinding more, but i have to study a lot for uni this week as well and also normal work. Im gonna play every free minute i have tho!

BR: 460
Micro to Macro Quote
09-22-2024 , 11:09 PM
going well mate keep it up!!
Micro to Macro Quote
Yesterday , 08:45 PM
Ty cudi!!

Normally I just update every Sunday but I couldn’t play today because I was home late. I was bored and wanted to play poker so I late-Regged a 5$ tourney. Turned out pretty nice

BR: 505
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